The Supreme Being

Chapter 1142 Unreliable wish fulfillment (second update)

Since he gained the ability to shoot accurately by consuming dedication, no matter how Gu Liang fiddled with the "Eye of Wishes", it did not respond, and all the wishes he proposed fell into the sea.

This made him suspect that it was because of insufficient dedication, but he had no idea how to obtain dedication. He tried to do some good deeds and burn incense to offer sacrifices, but he did not hear the affirmation of the God of Storms and Natural Disasters. He became more and more anxious. It was the most uncomfortable to have treasures but not be able to use them!

Now, the God of Storms and Natural Disasters took the initiative to make a request. The opportunity was fleeting, how could he let it go?

As his thoughts turned, Gu Liang swallowed the words of resignation and took a breath and said, "Officer, what can I do?"

The man in the black coat said, "I am Zhang Shouque, the chief police officer of the Special Operations Department, who is directly responsible for seven action groups. You will temporarily follow the first action group's remaining team to analyze the intelligence collected and find clues for subsequent investigations. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Officer Zhang." Gu Liang raised his hand to salute, and his heart was shocked.

The person in front of him turned out to be the chief police officer!

The Far East Police Department completely inherited the structure of Scotland Yard. The Chief of Police is responsible for the affairs of the whole department. Under him are four deputy chiefs and assistant chiefs, referred to as the four giants, who are in charge of the four major departments, namely the Patrol Department, the Criminal Department, the Local Affairs Department, and the Administrative Support Department, respectively. They are assisted by a series of chief police officers, and the Chief Police Officer Committee composed of the chief police officers, the four giants and the Chief Police Officer Committee is the highest decision-making body.

After Gu Liang knew about the Special Operations Department and knew that it was directly under the Chief Police Officer Committee, he imagined its specialness, but he did not expect that it was almost at the same level as the four major departments, and the person in charge was actually a chief police officer.

The power of the Special Operations Department must be very great... he thought.

Zhang Shouque took out a shoulder badge and handed it to Gu Liang: "This is your official police officer badge, don't drop it."

The biggest difference between a formal police officer and a trainee police officer is that the armband is changed to a shoulder badge, and it is still a sword-shaped badge, and there is still a police officer number, but no name.

"Number 9527..." Gu Liang took the shoulder badge, glanced at the number first, and then found strangely that he had three sword-shaped badges!

"Police, Sergeant!" He was shocked.

This is the shoulder strap of the Sergeant!

He hasn't even got the two sword-shaped emblems of a senior police officer, but he has become a Sergeant directly?

Could it be a mistake?

Zhang Shouque said calmly: "If you enter the Special Operations Department, you will be a Sergeant at the very least."

As he spoke, he took out an armband and put it on himself. It had a number and a scepter symbol wrapped in a laurel wreath, representing the chief police officer.

He looked less than 40 years old, only a dozen years older than me. He has become a chief police officer, and I still have six levels to climb, including Inspector, Senior Inspector, Chief Inspector, Superintendent, Senior Superintendent, and Chief Superintendent... Thinking of this, Gu Liang felt that the rank of Sergeant was not incredible, and accepted it with peace of mind.

"Alas, Chief Inspector Huang is in his early 40s this year. He has worked hard in New Scotland Yard for nearly 20 years before he got the title of Chief Inspector. I just got promoted and I am on the same level as him. It's really annoying to compare myself with him." Gu Liang sighed again. All this is because he has extraordinary shooting ability, which comes from the Eye of Wishes, which is the sacred object of the God of Storms and Disasters.

God's power is really incomparable, and God's grace is like the sea! Gu Liang decided to convert to the God of Storms and Disasters from today.

For mortals, a little bit of grace from the gods can make his life greatly changed and gradually reach the peak, just like himself.

At the very least, the salary of the chief inspector is 80 silver dollars, which is enough for him to change to a better place to live, and even hire servants to clean!

Zhang Shouque turned around, passed through the room with the anti-Buddhist flag, and entered the meeting room next to it. There were dozens of men and women wearing inspector, senior inspector, and chief inspector armbands, and even two superintendents and a senior superintendent. They were looking at the information in front of them in an orderly manner, constantly recording and passing it to each other. Sometimes someone asked a question, and it was another round of new searches. The atmosphere was quiet and orderly but tense and busy.

Zhang Shouque clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention, and pointed at Gu Liang and said, "This is this year's newcomer, Gu Liang, who is good at shooting. Everyone take care of him and don't let him get scared."

Why does this sound weird... Gu Liang was stunned and thought, and instinctively clenched the "Eye of Wishes" disguised as a ring, praying for the favor of the God of Storm and Disaster in his heart.

A woman wearing the chief inspector's armband stood up. She had shoulder-length straight hair and a waist-cinching purple skirt. She looked mature and charming. She smiled and said, "Brother Gu, don't be nervous. We are very experienced in how to make the transition for newcomers. There won't be as many cases of entering the mental hospital as before. Of course, in our line of work, sometimes you really have to wait for tomorrow. You have to be mentally prepared."

Insane hospital case? There is no tomorrow? Gu Liang took a breath and felt even more nervous. Fortunately, he was protected by the God of Storms and Disasters!

"Lin Tong, don't scare him. Take him to get the equipment and assign him information." Zhang Shouque smiled rarely and turned away.

"You're quite brave." Lin Tong left her seat, walked in front of Gu Liang, and praised him with a smile, "If you can't even stand what I said just now, it's better to transfer to the Criminal Division as soon as possible. The cases here are always bloody, horrible, weird and scary." If I can't get dedication and realize my wish, I still think the Criminal Division is better... Gu Liang forced a smile and followed Lin Tong's swaying figure to the Special Operations Department Equipment Department next door.

"This is your weapon." Lin Tong chatted with the person in charge for a while, and then took out a briefcase. Inside was a brand-new revolver, but it was engraved with many spiritual runes and the silver-gray bullets were also engraved on it. Yes!

Seeing Gu Liang's doubts and curiosity, Lin Tong smiled and said, "The Holy Spirit Pistol can deal with wronged souls, demons, evil spirits, etc. It is suitable for your expertise."

"Rely on them to investigate supernatural and cult cases?" Gu Liang took it and equipped it skillfully.

Lin Tong smiled: "Members of the Special Operations Section are either gifted and have become members of spiritual societies, or they come from major temples and are true priests blessed by the gods. Only a few are like you and must rely on special weapons."

Major temples? Since the fall of God, the sun god, the god of knowledge, the god of guardianship, the god of war, the god of spiritual arts, etc. have divided the opposing forces? Gu Liang suddenly realized.

He is the unique priest, the god of storms and natural disasters!

After returning to the conference room, Gu Liang got a thick stack of information and began to read it, recording the key points and anomalies.

After a day of hard work, he finally figured out the ins and outs of this cult case:

First, a series of suicides and murders occurred in other provinces in the Far East. The deceased were all smiling, their bodies were mutilated, and more or less signs of anti-Buddhism remained. So the special operations team of the local police department reported the matter to New Zealand. Scotland Yard has received a certain amount of attention. After the initial investigation, several anti-Buddhist members were identified, but only one was successfully captured. The rest were missed and the other party either escaped or self-destructed.

From the mouth of the captured member, the Special Operations Section learned about Tathagata Divine Palm, the mustache who practiced the reverse practice of Divine Palm, and learned that he might have destroyed the Far Eastern civilization and the two organizations of Buddhism and Taoism, so The case has been raised to an unprecedented level of importance, and this demon must be prevented from resurrecting!

Nowadays, Gu Liang's job is to analyze the information collected by other action teams and investigate the interpersonal relationships of those who are against Buddhism or those who have died, so as to find clues. It is high-intensity and extremely boring.

However, Gu Liang became more energetic, because as he read more materials, he found that the core of the "Eye of Wishes" became deeper and deeper. It was obvious that the dedication began to accumulate, and more and more accumulated.

Late at night, after the members of the left-behind team each found a place to take a short rest, Gu Liang sneaked out of New Scotland Yard on the pretext of going home to take care of some things.

When he returned home, he took out the Eye of Wish and his expression became solemn:

"O omnipotent God of storms and disasters, your devout followers ask for your wishes to be granted."

A voice as low as thunder sounded: "Dedication accumulates, tell me your wishes."

"I want to gain extraordinary power like other priests." Gu Liang said excitedly, full of expectations.

"Your dedication is not enough to achieve..." The thunderous voice had no emotion.

Gu Liang was dumbfounded. How could he know whether his contribution was enough? He didn't have any weight or measure...

This is simply an unfair deal!

He did not dare to question the God of Storms and Natural Disasters. He pondered for a moment and said, "The extraordinary power you can obtain with your current dedication."

"Devotion consumes, and wishes come true." A silver-purple electric current burst out from the eye-like badge, which penetrated into Gu Liang's body, paralyzing him again. Then he felt something entering, opening the corresponding mysteries of his eyes, nose, etc. parts, there seems to be a heaven and earth in the body that corresponds to the outside world, vaguely showing the appearance of nebulae and constellations.

His ears, vision, and sense of smell were no longer the same. He had a deep sense of Zen. Gu Liang was deeply intoxicated by such senses. It took him a long time to remember to ask: "The great god of storms and natural disasters, what kind of extraordinary power is this."

"This is the quick Virgo universe." The thunderous voice did not contain a trace of smile.

Virgo universe? What's this? Gu Liang was at a loss.

Another question, I am a Capricorn!

The third update was one o'clock ago

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