The Supreme Being

Chapter 1163 Unforgettable

"How could you give up?"

"The strength I have cultivated through hard work is my true support and the greatest guarantee for becoming a legend. How can I give up as an illusion?"

After hearing Qi Zhengyan's series of questions, Meng Qi suddenly had such thoughts in his mind.

If you don't have martial arts strength, what can you do to cope with the return of legendary powers?

If he didn't have martial arts strength, wouldn't he even have the power to resist when faced with someone with malicious intentions like gold and silver eyes?

If you don't have martial arts strength, do you want to rely on the big shot on the other side behind you for everything?

If you don't have martial arts strength, how can you find clues and resurrect Xiao Sang?

If he didn't have martial arts strength and his teacher's friends were in danger, wouldn't he just watch helplessly, even if he was anxious and worried, there was nothing he could do?

Step by step, I have reached my current state and status. Many things are based on the strength of martial arts. Without it, I am a rootless duckweed. I can’t do it if I want to. Even if I just assume it, I can really feel it. What does it mean to be powerless!

Seeing Meng Qi's rare expression change, Qi Zhengyan's expression became more serious and his tone became even calmer:

"If we didn't trust each other and someone else made this suggestion, wouldn't you think it was a conspiracy to trick the most powerful immortal in the world into giving up his martial arts with just a few words and kill him easily?"

"Don't the fierce resistance and struggles in your heart prove your dependence on martial arts?"

"Didn't you live for so many years without martial arts?"

"Without martial arts, you wouldn't be you anymore?"

As the words and sentences entered his ears, Meng Qi's thoughts fluctuated, fighting and refuting each other. He was wavering, but he could not make up his mind:

Yes, to this day, I really rely too much on martial arts. It is hard to imagine what life would be like without martial arts. If I can't get rid of this layer of fog that shrouds the true spirit, how can I see the "real self"?

Are you kidding me? The strength you cultivate bit by bit is the most real and true. How can you give it up for the sake of illusory hope? Without martial arts, how can I face all kinds of troubles in the future?

If you don't "kill me and see me" as soon as possible and understand "I am who I am", in the situation where the legendary power begins to return early, it seems that there is not much difference between immortals and mortals, so why not take the risk and give it a try?

However, even if you don’t give up martial arts and rely on years of hard work, you may not be able to find an opportunity to make a breakthrough in the next few years? With the protection of Moonlight Bodhisattva and the kindness of Qing Emperor, there should be no problem in holding on for a few years. Why try this dangerous and uncertain method?

Having explained so much, isn’t it because you can’t let go of martial arts and have become a slave to martial arts?

Without martial arts, you are already someone else’s slave!

In a short period of time, Meng Qi had to answer this question involving his future and life. Even though he had always been good at making decisions and dared to risk his life, Meng Qi fell into a state of hesitation and struggle. His lips murmured and he tried to speak several times, but failed. Word.

Only by cutting off the external "I" can we see the real "I"?

Qi Zhengyan's expression returned to normal and he said slowly:

"Think about it yourself. Only you can make a decision on this kind of thing."

After saying that, he left without looking back and walked deeper into the Southern Wilderness step by step. The sparks gathered together and seemed to form a red torrent.

Meng Qi stared at his back and suddenly sighed, full of thoughts. If this method could be as clear as cutting off the past and cutting off the future, as long as he acted according to the plan, there would be a high chance of success. He had already tried it, but Senior Brother Qi had already I made it clear that even if I give up martial arts, I may not be able to completely kill me. It is equivalent to wasting my efforts, and I have lost my biggest support, and I have become a useless person from now on. The road is elusive, unpredictable and full of variables. How can I make up my mind? ?

Starting from the legend, we can take a shortcut through the method. The road is indescribable, and the journey is naturally elusive and elusive.

Full of thoughts, he walked confidently and unknowingly he reached the outside of Guangling City. The river was surging and the dusk was heavy. It seemed that nothing had changed in thousands of years.

This is the place where I last saw Xiao Sang.

She struggled, and she lost... Meng Qi closed his eyes. The past was as clear and vivid as ever, and Gu Xiaosang's expression and tone were so real, as if it had happened just now.

Opening his eyes with deep eyes, Meng Qi saw through the twilight mist that there were many moored ships at the riverside port, with lights dotted like stars.

One year spent similar, each year is different.

The river flowed, and it was no different from the past to the present. Meng Qi walked closer, and the scenes from the past echoed in his mind.

Judging from all the clues obtained so far, Xiao Sang never gave up. Even if he was forced to choose to die at my hands, he still left a way out, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.

She is such a person, far-reaching and unpredictable, and will never give up easily.

A witch is a witch, the kind of witch you think is dead and has no chance of resurrection, but you see her return in a white fur dress under the dim lights.

"Xiao Sang left a backup plan and seemed to place her hope of resurrection on me. Then why did she believe that I could do it?"

"Is it a solution without a solution, or is it mixed with subtle emotions and expectations?"

"Should I be certain about my future, or should I trust my ability and adaptability?"

Meng Qi's thoughts were flying, and finally he returned to the matter of "martial arts strength", and he was lost in thought for a long time.

The bright moon gradually rose, the clear light fell, and in the silence, his green robe floated, his back was bleak, and he stepped across the river and took a stroll to the north.

After another lost night, Meng Qi found himself on the bank of a vast misty lake as the sun rose in the east. It was also a familiar place, and it was also a memory engraved in his memory.

The former Bayan Valley is now Bayan Lake.

After sitting there for several months and hunting patiently, he finally slew the Wolf King.

Sitting opposite each other on the lake, you are a white lotus, and I am a green lantern. Unexpectedly, one word has become a prophecy.

The waves are sparkling, bathed in the morning light, and there are fishing boats and gorgeously decorated building boats on the shore.

Meng Qi breathed in the breeze on the lake and recalled various past events. There were a few tourists passing by nearby.

"This is Bayan Valley?"

"Yes, the Crazy Sword killed the Wolf King in Bayan's Bayan Valley. This place witnessed his first rise to the top of the rankings, and witnessed his rise from the Crazy Sword to the Yuan Emperor."

"Later, Emperor Yuan fought a great battle here and turned Bayan Valley into Bayan Lake?"

"Yes, at that time, he transformed into an extremely evil demon, went deep into the enemy's cave, and fought fiercely with several great masters. He also encountered an ambush, but he was not spared due to the karma, and finally won a great victory."

"It's a place filled with the feats of our predecessors. Please take a photo for me and I'll keep it as a souvenir."

"Weren't you always anxious before? Why do you suddenly feel relaxed again?"

"Hey, the Human Emperor has a surviving family to help him. It is said that there are many powerful people in the legend. He is not afraid of the demon clan and Luo Jiao at all. Why should we worry in vain? Come on, take a photo of me and Bayan Valley. There is an invincible Crazy Sword in front of me. Now we are famous. The sword is closed!"

Listening to their words, Meng Qi couldn't help but smile. Is this "himself" in the eyes of others?

The key points of the Bayan Valley in my memories are completely different from what they said.

They only care about their own strength and their own achievements, and apart from these, what appears in front of their eyes is that sick girl in white with red cheeks and weird spirit...

Because this is my experience.

Because I can never forget it.

His mood suddenly relaxed, Meng Qi's lips twitched with a smile, and he slowly left the Bayan Valley, like a tourist with nothing to do, traveling all over the country, returning to places in his memories, pursuing himself.

Traveling alone for thousands of miles, reporting to Shaolin relies on strength, what is sensational is the record, and what is unforgettable is the feeling of seeing death as if it is home, and the generous and passionate emotion.

Rushing on a moonlit night, carrying the wounded on my back, one sword at a time, relying on strength, gaining benefits, and feeling the joy of grudges and grudges in my heart.

In the Shaolin Temple, the strength is low, and the most unforgettable thing is the master and the junior brother...

Bit by bit, peeling off the outside and revealing the inside, Meng Qi gradually became peaceful, just like the bright moon hanging quietly in the night sky.

Without martial arts, who would I be?

Stopping at the edge of the cliff, looking at the blue water, lapping at the mountain wall and stirring up foam, Meng Qi suddenly let out a breath and made a decision in his heart.

It was only then that he seemed to understand what Master Xuanbei often said about "letting go" and the so-called "breaking the law".

Then try it!

Without martial arts, wouldn’t I be who I am?

Taking one step forward, he stepped onto the ocean, stepped on the waves, and moved forward step by step. At dawn, he arrived at a fairy island shrouded in clouds and mist, and said loudly: "Yuxu Su Meng, please see Fairy Hunyuan."

After a brief pause, the voice of Hunyuan Fairy Bi Jingxuan came from deep in the clouds and mist:

"What's the matter with Headmaster Su?"

Meng Qi cupped his hands and said, "Su has something to ask the fairy for help. If you are lucky enough to survive in the future, you will be rewarded generously."

"What's the matter?" Bi Jingxuan neither agreed nor refused.

"Please also ask the fairy to use the Hunyuan Golden Dou to cut off Su's body cultivation." Meng Qi said seriously.

"Are you crazy?" Bi Jingxuan blurted out, then fell silent, as if she had guessed something, and then said after a long time, "Are you really going to do this?"

Meng Qi smiled and said, "If you don't go to me, how can you see me?"

"There are always dangers of one kind or another on the road to martial arts. If you don't face this, you will eventually face others."

Bi Jingxuan said no more, and flew out of the Hunyuan Golden Dou from the depths of the clouds and mist. The golden light fell, and the Yellow River formed, twisting and turning, and surging with waves, and stopped Meng Qi Ni Wan.

Meng Qi did not use Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun to resist. He felt that his Tao power was being quickly chipped away. He felt that the Dharma body that he had cultivated through hard work gradually lost the rules of fusion and became a mortal body again, familiar and relied on. , all the martial arts strength that seemed to have become his hands and feet disappeared, leaving only the cause of all the effects with him, but without strength, how could he operate it?

What would it be like without martial arts?

Empty, inexplicably frightened, without any sense of security.

Hunyuan Jindou flew back, and the corner of Meng Qi's mouth suddenly twitched. Without martial arts, it was really a bad experience.

It’s simply embarrassing!

My clothes were transformed by Tao power, and the rest of the things were stored in the Jue Dao. Now that I have no strength, I can't take out the clothes, and I can't keep them on my body.

So, an exhibitionist appeared in front of Sanxiao Island...

Bi Jingxuan didn't seem to expect this situation. She stayed for a while before throwing out a set of clothes belonging to an ordinary male disciple.

My computer crashed and I lost over a thousand words I just wrote. The auto-save failed and I almost crashed. Especially at 12 o'clock, I was so desperate. But I still finished it. There will be a second chapter tonight~

By the way, let me tell you in advance that an elder in the family has passed away and he has to rush back from his wife's house for the funeral in the past few days. The update time may be uncertain. Please forgive me. I will try my best to maintain two updates. Well, the person who passed away was my mother's grandmother. When I was born, she was over 80 years old, and now she is over 100 years old. It is a long life and a happy time for mourning. We have been mentally prepared for it, so the sadness is not too severe and we can still code.

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