The Supreme Being

Chapter 1166 The Phantom of the Ancient Tree

After waving the man in black robe to leave, Meng Qi turned his eyes to the window, looking at the newborn sun and the gorgeous morning glow, as if he was enlightened. After a few breaths, he turned back, looked at the empty door, and listened to the bustling people. In the early morning, when I realized that everything was peaceful, I breathed out quietly, as if I had experienced a fierce battle.

"It's really not easy..." He sighed secretly.

Medicine King Buddha's lineage is rooted in the "Principal Vow Merit Sutra" and specializes in Sambhogakaya. Moonlight Bodhisattva is no exception. Their words and deeds must be consistent with their own great vows in order to be close to the corresponding principles of the Great Way. They will become more and more consistent until they are perfect. , instead, in this process, once a violation occurs, the "retribution" will be immediately lost.

Therefore, protecting oneself and repaying karma can be done by Moonlight Bodhisattva without any problem. It can be used as part of the Dao Dharma. It can directly interfere with ordinary affairs, joys and sorrows, but it is obviously impossible to help oneself deal with the man in black robe.

Therefore, Meng Qi was able to protect himself but was worried that the black-robed man would not be able to control his body and deal with other passengers on the ship. He was also not sure whether Moonlight Bodhisattva would stop him without large-scale killings, so he had to use his deception skills and combine With his past experiences and some insights after losing his martial arts strength, he dragged the man in black robes for a whole night, eliminating all the desires in his heart. At the same time, he restrained the man with the ultimate request of Wuwu Pupil, which was half truthful and half bluff. .

For half the night, he seemed to be an expert from the world, talking about what is external and what is the true self, free and easy and profound, but in fact, he was mentally exhausted and worried every step of the way. He was not only afraid that what he said would not attract the man in black robe, but also worried about being deceived. Too much will lead to backlash.

There were no fists, no swords. This night's chat did not seem like a fierce battle, but it was indeed the case, although the other party might not feel it.

"Fortunately, I still have a mouth..." Meng Qi touched his temples, laughing at himself and feeling a little proud.

Back in the college dormitory, I was addicted to martial arts and fantasy novels, and was still the best among my roommates at enlivening the atmosphere, gossiping, and making pranks. He told himself that in ancient times, Confucius was a saint and was revered as Confucius, but now there is a loudmouth who is the king, and he should be called "the son of a mouth."

Sure enough, without martial arts strength, you have to change your attitude, your thinking, and your method to deal with things.

After experiencing this night, Meng Qi had a deeper understanding of the external pattern.

It's not that martial arts strength blocks one's eyes, but the experience, habits, inherent cognition, instinctive judgments, etc. formed after relying on martial arts strength are interfering with one's mind. They are very correct in some cases, but if you completely believe in them, follow them. They are bound to follow the old ways and be "stubborn". Sooner or later they will encounter a threshold without realizing it, and they will stagnate from then on.

Because of this, "Kill me and see me" does not mean giving up "I", let alone giving up martial arts strength, but to explore this limitation and find out that the law cannot be followed.

Once you break through and see your true self, you can completely master the strength of martial arts and control it instead of being controlled by it. It is like building a ship (martial arts) to cross the sea (sea of ​​suffering), but when you reach the other side, you hold the boat (martial arts) If you don't let go, you are putting the cart before the horse and confusing means and ends.

This kind of thing cannot be solved by just exploring. The experience, cognition and habits that are almost internalized into the instinct always play a role unconsciously, moistening things silently, and it is difficult for oneself to notice the difference, even if there is a corresponding feeling in the heart. It is impossible to identify the idea. After all, "the authorities are obsessed with it". It takes a long time to examine it bit by bit before it can be solved. It is enough to be called a major problem on the road of martial arts.

Under this situation, Meng Qicai accepted Qi Zhengyan's suggestion and by "giving up martial arts strength", the contradiction between these experiences, cognitions, habits and reality directly surfaced. It was intense, but it was indeed quite obvious. Let a mind that is "stubborn" after years of practice experience it all the time.

After pondering for a while, Meng Qi's stomach rumbled, he shook his head and laughed. He left the cabin and headed to the lobby of the ship. On the way, he saw many passengers holding talismans of all realms, either chatting with their family members, comforting the pain of longing, or pointing their fingers. Swipe, the light and shadow in your eyes change, and you browse the news and posts of interest.

With the same moisturizing effect, the universal knowledge talisman has changed the way of life in the real world.

"Xiao Meng, where is your Universal Authentication Talisman? I haven't seen you use it these days?" After many days of getting along, Huang Chang and Meng Qi, who planned to defect to Mo Palace, became very familiar with each other and asked while saying hello. I asked a question that I wanted to ask before but forgot to ask.

How can we exchange numbers and become communication friends without the Universal Identifier?

Meng Qi sighed: "It was stolen on Sanxiao Island, and I didn't find it until I got out to sea."

Huang Chang had no doubts. He took out another Ten Thousand Worlds Amulet from his arms and handed it over: "This is the one I used before. It has few functions. You can make do with it for now. Contact your family as soon as possible to avoid them worrying. ”

"Okay!" Meng Qi's eyes flashed, and he accepted Huang Chang's kindness without hesitation.

With the universal recognition talisman, I can contact Mr. Lu Da, Zhiwei, Da Qinggen and the others, and I can directly return to Yuxu Palace without having to travel long distances and travel.

However, does returning directly to Yuxu Palace mean that there is less experience and understanding?

Forget it, just keep in touch, chat and gossip, and understand the development of the current situation.

With his thoughts spinning, Meng Qi opened the universal talisman, and then planned to enter the corresponding number to contact Jiang Zhiwei and the others.

At this moment, his movements suddenly stopped because he found that he could not remember Jiang Zhiwei's number!

After the Dharmakaya, the soul merges with the body, and the true spirit emerges. It is no lie to have a photographic memory and remember every detail. As the realm improves, it will be able to withstand all the complex information in the universe in the future, which is different from ordinary people. Therefore, in the past, Meng Qi didn't even bother to memorize the universal knowledge code of his teacher's friend, because it was firmly engraved in his heart at a glance. Now that his martial arts strength has been lost and returned to ordinary, where can he still have this ability to withstand information and this kind of memory? ?

There were some vague impressions in the depths of his mind, but it was difficult to see them clearly. Meng Qi thought hard and frowned, like a patient with amnesia. Many experiences and accumulated knowledge in the past seemed to have sunk to the bottom of the sea. , vague and indistinct, and what can be remembered is only a small part floating on the water.

It turns out that even memory and knowledge partially depend on martial arts strength...

If I hadn't taken the life-extending elixir, I would have been too old and dead by now.

The influence of martial arts that had been internalized into instinct emerged, and Meng Qi felt like he was sweating. Even if he gave up his strength, he would not be able to detect the problem so easily.

If you don't give up, you will have to rely on time.

Surprised and frightened, he gained something and gained something. Meng Qi put away the talisman of all realms given by Huang Chang and said with a smile: "No one is picking up at the moment. Let's have breakfast first."

Huang Chang had no doubt that he was there, so they both walked into the lobby of the building and found a place to sit down.

While chatting about various anecdotes, Meng Qi continued to think about the questions just now.

Even memory and knowledge partially depend on martial arts strength. Are my current attitudes, thinking and methods completely free of its influence?

The cognition and experience brought by martial arts strength are constraints. Are the cognitions and experiences cultivated by earth knowledge and past memories also constraints? What is the difference in nature between my currently reconstructed thinking model and the thinking model brought about by my martial arts strength?

After a brief silence, Meng Qi answered himself in his heart:

It's restraint! No difference!

The reason for giving up martial arts strength is because it is the biggest reliance, so that you can see more things clearly, not other things or external things!

The experience, insights and thinking methods that come from martial arts strength will have limitations, and it is difficult to completely "see" the true self. The experience, insights and thinking methods that come from earth knowledge and past memories will also have limitations, and it is also difficult to completely "see" the true self. To be precise, because I am still in the acquired state, cutting off everything is equivalent to death. I am unable to think and understand. Therefore, no matter which method or experience has limitations, it is impossible to completely "see" the true self. , only one side can be seen, each has similarities and differences, just like a blind man touching an elephant, each has gained something, each has its own coverage, but it is not the true face.

If you clearly understand these similarities and differences, you will know that all appearances are not appearances, and you will see the Tathagata.

What is the Tathagata? "I" am the Tathagata!

At this point, you can finally see your true self and prove your own legend!

It is precisely because of this that there are at least few legends about Buddhas with the suffix "Tathagata"!

This moment of recognition made Meng Qi happy physically and mentally. It was not an epiphany, but a true glimpse of the legendary road. What should he realize and how to do after giving up his martial arts strength? He had been a little confused before and could only keep trying, but now he really knows How to work hard and how to examine yourself.

With this thought in mind, Meng Qi couldn't help but smile. The little girl at the table next to him suddenly muttered: "Uncle seems to be shining brightly."

"That's right, it's like a candle was lit at night." The little boy agreed.

Less acquired contamination, although less insightful and less wise, can still see some things that are difficult for adults to see.

Meng Qi glanced at them and said with a smile: "Uncle, his body is like glass, clear inside and outside."

"Uncle is so awesome!" The twins had no doubt at all.

At this moment, someone by the window made a sound and blurted out:

"Fuso ancient tree?"

This sea route is completely opposite to the sea area where the ancient Fusang tree is located. It is thousands of miles away. How could we see the ancient Fusang tree? Meng Qi gathered his thoughts and looked out the window. He saw towering trees on the line between the sea and the sky, with leaves like mulberry trees, as if bathed in fire. It had a burning, bloody, ancient and illusive feeling.

Is it really an ancient hibiscus tree?

A warrior took out the astrolabe, speculated for a moment, and said doubtfully: "The sea route is correct, why did the ancient Fuso tree come here?"

Meng Qi was about to go to the Universal Knowledge World to post a message for help when he suddenly remembered the voice of Moonlight Bodhisattva: "The shadow of the ancient Fusang tree can be seen in the seven seas, and people from the Luo Sect appear near it."

"Luo Jiao?" Meng Qi frowned. The ancient Fusang tree was related to Donghuang Taiyi. What did Luo Jiao want to do?

Then he begged, "Bodhisattva, please pay attention to me."

There was a lot of discussion in the lobby of Louzhou. Some people took pictures, posted messages, and broadcast live broadcasts. Huang Chang watched for a while, then turned around with satisfaction and found that his new friend Xiao Meng was thinking hard, with a solemn face.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked casually.

Meng Qi said seriously:

"I'm thinking about the Luo Jiao's plans, worrying about the extent to which they collude with the demon clan, considering the general trend of the world, and deducing how our human race should deal with themselves..."

Huang Chang looked at him blankly, not knowing how to proceed. Everyone around him looked confused.

This, is this something you need to consider... is it useful for you to consider...

Could it be that he is a member of the famous "Virtual Government Hall" in the World of Universal Knowledge? Living in an ordinary life, worrying about the country and the people, his words are full of military and national affairs.

Suddenly, Moonlight Bodhisattva's voice reached Meng Qi's ears again:

"The ancient Fusang tree has the aura of Luo Jiao legend. It seems that it was found there based on the instructions of the Golden Emperor and the clues left by the previous saint."

Xiao Sang? Meng Qi stood up suddenly.

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