The moon was bright in the sky, the smoke was faint, the lake was like a mirror, with silver scales, so quiet, it made people feel relaxed and happy.

A figure stood proudly on the top of the peak, overlooking the night view of the lake. The sea of ​​clouds in the sky was upside down, spinning into a bucket, the atmosphere was empty, magnificent and magnificent.

"It has been the same for twenty years, what's the point of the ups and downs of the world?" The figure sighed with emotion and joy.

Behind him stood more than a dozen people, including monks with untied hair, monks in cassocks, Taoist priests in plain robes, and men and women dressed in various styles.

One of the men who looked like a scholar said with a smile: "What's the point of the ups and downs of the world? Master Yu, you have seen through the difficulties of life and death, understood the wonders of the vacuum, touched the 'gate of the fairyland', and your state of mind has really reached a new level."

"Master Yu no longer needs to rely on others' qi to lead, and can ascend to heaven anytime and anywhere. He is the first person in the world for thousands of years. Of course, what's the point of the ups and downs of the world..." The woman in palace dress next to him smiled, not hiding her respect at all, but with a bit of resentment.

Yu Banshan is the head of the Jinhu School and the leader of the contemporary martial arts world. Since his debut, he has shown a strong attitude. He swept the world without any rivals in ten years. He was called the first person to sweep across the world for a thousand years. After that, he did not step into the world, rarely took action, fought with himself, and fought with the sky. It took ten years, and finally surpassed his predecessors and reached the realm of self-ascension. Today, he invited old friends to say goodbye.

He turned around, dressed simply, with a green jade ruler hanging from his waist. He was nearly forty but looked not old at all, which added a mature charm to the elegant young man. His eyes were like the sea, with a brilliant light hidden inside, and it was hard to measure the depth, which made the martial arts masters feel insignificant and powerless in the face of the world.

"Having come to this point, if I don't open the door in front of me and see what is at the end of the martial arts, I will definitely die with my eyes open. No matter how reluctant I am, I will take this step." Yu Banshan looked up at the sky, and the breath pulled the sea of ​​clouds rolling, majestic and spectacular.

He said goodbye to his old friends.

The palace-dressed woman who had just spoken was filled with inconsolable melancholy and loss, and forced a smile and said, "I wonder what the fairyland will be like? Can I see immortals everywhere?"

It is common for every martial artist to imagine what the fairyland is like and what it will be like after breaking through the sky and ascending. Now Yu Banshan is going to "there" to experience it in person, and everyone present is inevitably curious.

According to legend, the fairyland is full of exotic flowers and plants, magical treasures and fruits. The immortals who come and go have great magical powers, boundless magic power, and a lifespan as long as the sky!

Yu Banshan chuckled: "The fairyland must be different from the secular world. I just hope to sit and discuss with the immortals."

His tone was full of leisurely and fascinated feelings.

After saying goodbye one by one, Yu Banshan stared at the woman in palace dress and said with a smile: "Jinxiu, I have owed you half my life, are you willing to go to the fairyland with me?"

"Go to the fairyland together?" Everyone around was speechless. Yu Banshan can not only break through the air and ascend without the help of others, but also take one person with him?

What kind of cultivation is this, what a realm!

Qi Jinxiu, a lady in palace dress, stood there in a daze, her eyes suddenly covered with mist, and she nodded and choked after a long time: "I know, I know that you are devout to martial arts, this, in the past ten years, I have never really blamed you..."

Looking at Yu Banshan's outstretched right hand, she stepped out, held his hand, stood hand in hand, with their backs against the cliff, the vast sea of ​​smoke, they were really a pair of immortal lovers.

Yu Banshan nodded goodbye again, and put his arm around Qi Jinxiu's waist. The wind and clouds around suddenly changed, and the moonlight was blocked.


A purple thunder struck down from the sky, mighty and unstoppable, illuminating the lake like daytime, but only the edge of the cliff was foggy and difficult to clear, and a slight supreme breath was revealed.

When the lightning passed, everything was quiet, and Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu had disappeared.

Everyone sighed, thinking of the fairyland, or lost or hesitant.

After today, will Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu be considered as immortals?


The void cracked, and the depths became a vortex. Yu Banshan seized the fleeting opportunity and rushed through the space-time barrier.

His soul was dizzy and his vision was blurred. When he recovered his senses, he found himself and Qi Jinxiu in the wilderness, surrounded by green trees and lush greenery. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth was abundant, which made people feel light.

"Is this the immortal world?" Qi Jinxiu looked around curiously.

Is this the immortal world in the legend?

Yu Banshan closed his eyes and sensed for a while, and said with a little joy: "It must be the immortal world, the vitality is immersed in the body, and practicing here for a month is better than the previous year."

"Really?" Qi Jinxiu tried to breathe, and then she was overjoyed, "It's worthy of being the immortal world!"

Here, he has the hope of breaking through the difficulties of life and death and understanding the wonders of the vacuum!

"And look at the sky." Yu Banshan pointed to the sky again.

Qi Jinxiu looked intently, and saw that the night sky was full of bright stars, but each star was as big as the Qisifeng lantern hanging in front of her eyes, and it seemed that the distance was not far away, and it could compete with the bright moon, unlike the original world.

"It is indeed the fairyland..." Qi Jinxiu had no doubts.

At this time, she glanced and found that there was an ordinary Taoist temple not far away, hidden in the shade of the trees and hidden in the night.

"Brother Yu, there is a Taoist temple over there. It is now dark, and you and I are unfamiliar with the fairyland. Why don't we go there to stay overnight and wait for dawn?" Qi Jinxiu suggested.

Yu Banshan pondered for a moment and said: "The fairyland has such abundant spiritual energy, there must be no shortage of beasts. It is indeed dangerous to travel through the wilderness in the middle of the night. Let's go."

Hearing Yu Banshan's agreement, Qi Jinxiu hesitated: "Brother Yu, it is difficult to know the good and evil of the Taoist temple owner. It is also dangerous to rashly stay overnight."

Yu Banshan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If the master of the Taoist temple is stronger than me and has already noticed it, we can't escape even if we turn around and leave. Since we are here, we should make the best of it."

Qi Jinxiu's long-cherished wish was fulfilled in one day. It was the stage when she felt that she had no regrets in death. Seeing Yu Banshan's determination, she stopped talking and walked towards the Taoist temple hand in hand like a young couple.

When they got closer, they finally saw the plaque clearly. There were three big characters on it:

"Yuxu Palace!"

"A name of a temple with a Taoist atmosphere..." Yu Banshan became more and more convinced that the master of the Taoist temple was not a bad person. Under the starry sky, he gently knocked on the door.

Dong, Dong, Dong.

The knocking sound echoed, and after a while, a lazy voice came:

"Who is it?"

"My wife and I passed by here and lost the way. We dared not go any further after midnight, so we had to come here to stay. Please help us, Taoist priest." Yu Banshan was unfamiliar with the place, so he did not dare to reveal the fact that he had ascended to heaven.

After waiting for a while, the door creaked and slowly opened backwards.

"Ah?" As soon as the door opened, Qi Jinxiu screamed and took a step back, almost falling down the stairs. Fortunately, she was pulled by Yu Banshan.

There was a monster behind the door! A green monster with green branches!

Yu Banshan suppressed the ripples in his heart and stared at the other party cautiously without making any rash moves.

"Why are you yelling? Haven't you seen the big green root become a spirit?" The monster who opened the door muttered, "The master asked you to go to the guest house to rest."

Originally, the people here could drive the mountain spirits and tree monsters to guard the door. It was worthy of being the fairyland! Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu looked at each other and saw that the monster's breath was not scary. There was less fear and more emotion.

Led by Da Qinggen, they walked around the screen wall, crossed the courtyard, and prepared to go to the guest room. At this time, Yu Banshan, who had keen senses, saw a pool of lotus flowers through the hollows on the wall. The flowers were in full bloom. Just by looking at them, he seemed to be able to smell the fragrance. A Taoist in a green robe was sitting by the pool. He had a wooden hairpin on his head and raised his left hand, as if he was talking to him. His right hand was playing with a fruit that seemed to reflect the starlight.

"Is he the master of this Taoist temple?" Yu Banshan nodded thoughtfully. At the same time, he listened attentively and seemed to hear the master asking: "What is the origin of this fruit? What is its use?"

Following his gaze, Qi Jinxiu also saw this scene. After entering the guest house and sending Da Qinggen away, she smiled and said: "The master of the temple seems to be a little weird. He is actually talking to his left hand."

Did he think that his left hand had turned into a human?

"You can't speculate on the affairs of the fairy world." Yu Banshan didn't say much, after all, he was in someone else's Taoist temple.

Qi Jinxiu said, "Brother Yu, should we visit the temple master and find out about the fairy world?"

"Not for now, it will expose our own situation. Let's slowly find out after we leave this Taoist temple and enter a crowded place." Yu Banshan has rich experience in the martial arts world and is cautious.

Qi Jinxiu nodded and said, "Besides, this Taoist temple is ordinary, and most of the important things can't be found out."

No words were spoken all night. Both of them meditated and adjusted their breathing. At dawn, they left the guest house. They did not see the temple master. Under the guidance of Da Qinggen, they finally found the way out of the mountain. It took only half an hour to reach the city at the foot of the mountain.

Before entering the city, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu saw a series of figures flying in the air, some sitting on copper and iron flying birds, some with wings on their backs, some stepping on auspicious clouds, and some hiding swords.

This made Qi Jinxiu, who was still unable to fly, widen her eyes, and she sighed for a long time:

"It's really the atmosphere of the fairyland!"

Faced with this scene, Yu Banshan was also full of hesitation and excitement.

As soon as the two of them stepped into the city hand in hand, someone around them handed them a document. Looking closely, it was the "Weishan Sect Enrollment Brochure".

Enrollment Brochure? What the hell? The two looked at each other, confused.

Is this the custom of the fairyland?

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