The Supreme Being

Chapter 1181 Emperor Yuan’s instructions

Regarding Meng Qi's sigh, Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were completely confused. Was it because they were not qualified enough or had bad temperaments that made Emperor Yuan feel regretful?

Although they were doubtful and uneasy, facing a powerful person who could be respected by all realms, they really did not dare to take the initiative to ask, so they had to wait nervously.

After a while, they saw Emperor Yuan put his hands on his hands, took two steps, and said calmly: "You have ascended from the lower world, and you happen to be in my Kunlun Mountain, so it is destined."

Coming from the lower realm? These words were like thunder, exploding in the hearts of Banshan and Qi Jinxiu, making their minds buzz. The secrets they had guarded at all times were meaningless.

But then I thought about it, Yuan Huang is respected among the immortals, has vast supernatural powers, and boundless magic power. How could he not know that there is something strange in Kunlun Mountain?

It's strange that he doesn't know that the two of them are from the lower world!

The two of them had just calmed down when they saw hundreds of millions of lights shining in the hands of "Emperor Yuan" Su Meng. It was golden in color and condensed into a golden lotus. The golden lotus collapsed and turned into a golden book. The material was light but not illusory. , real.

Creation of the void? Creation of the void! Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu's eyes widened uncontrollably. Through the universal knowledge talisman, they naturally understood some heaven-defying abilities.

Void Creation is one of them!

According to records in some classical books, to violate the laws and logic of void creation, legendary level control is only the foundation. More importantly, the "understanding of creation" must transcend legal principles and be close to the great road. This is also the title of the realm of a person with great supernatural powers. One of the reasons for "creation".

Has "Emperor Yuan" Su Meng crossed the last stage of suffering?

Meng Qi smiled lightly and said: "There is still a certain distance between changing matter and the true creation of the void."

As he spoke, he flew the golden book over: "This is the opening chapter and the exterior scene chapter of the "Yuanshi Golden Chapter" and "Eight-nine Mysterious Skills". You can choose which one to practice. If you have any questions, you can use the Ten Thousand Realms Knowledge Talisman." Search this number, join the martial arts exchange group called 'Yuxu Menxia', and just state your name."

Seeing that Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu's faces were "lighting up" little by little, they were about to kneel down and worship. Meng Qi waved his hand and said: "For the time being, it's just a matter of registering Yuxu's name. Just call Pindao the headmaster. You have entered the real world for the first time. Let’s do some traveling first, and then take the exam three years later to see if it’s officially listed on the school wall.”

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were not disappointed at all, but instead became more and more excited and ecstatic. How could it be so easy to enter the Taoist Holy Land and the Immortal Family Cave? Register your name first, then travel, and then take the exam, it’s natural!

"Thank you so much, Immortal Master!" The two of them thanked each other tacitly.

Meng Qi took a deep look at them, and suddenly with a flick of his finger, a hazy water-like light flew out, split into two pieces, and penetrated into the eyebrows of Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu respectively, exploding into lines of text and pictures. Pattern is actually a secret skill.

"This is a mysterious method obtained by a poor Taoist who has gained enlightenment from the magical power of the Buddha's 'The Three Worlds of Ming Wang'. It can refine spiritual awareness, reflect oneself, influence others, and practice to the depths. You will be with each other, your energy will be stimulated, and you will be able to see past lives." The memory of reincarnation lays the foundation for realizing who I am and who I am." Meng Qi's voice was a little ethereal.

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were shocked by the wonderful power of the improved "Great Technique of Transforming the Sky and Striking the Earth" and fell into it, unable to extricate themselves. When they slowly came back to their senses, the window was empty and the trace of the fairy was hard to find. It was no different from the coldness before.

If it weren't for the golden book in their hands and the secret method hidden in their minds, the two of them would have almost suspected that they had just experienced a dream.

But the whole thing is even more unbelievable than a dream!

When dreaming, I would at most imagine that I had finally found the Yuxu Palace deep in the clouds of the Kunlun Mountains, and had obtained the fate of immortality. How could I dare to expect the Yuan Emperor Su Xianzun to come to my door in person?

The only legendary power in all worlds, the most revered among immortals, comes to visit in person!

Taking a deep breath, he walked toward Kunlun in the middle of the mountain and solemnly kowtowed three times and nine times:

"Thank you so much, Master Immortal, my disciple will live up to Yuxu's name."

After Qi Jinxiu kowtowed, he rubbed the golden book and recalled the mysterious magic. He couldn't help saying with a smile: "I used to hear that if you have accumulated good deeds in nine generations, you can join Qingyu's family and enjoy glory and wealth. We have this in Banshan." It takes so many lifetimes of practice to achieve this great destiny..."

Yu Banshan couldn't express his smile, nodded and said: "I just hope that I can live up to this fairy fate."

The two of them were so excited that they couldn't fall into silence, chattering, recalling the past, and thinking about the future. After a long time, they calmed down a little, and they looked through the golden book, browsing "Yuanshi Golden Chapter" and "Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills".

"Banshan, you are entering the outdoor scene for the first time. It seems that you need to refine the natural materials and earthly treasures the most..." Qi Jinxiu frowned slightly while looking at the outdoor scenes of the two techniques.

The heavenly materials and earthly treasures required for the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques are simply astonishing. Without the support of a sect, and not a wealthy person, I can only accumulate them little by little. I don’t know how long it will take to complete the cultivation of the two heavens in front of the exterior scene, but the "Yuanshi Golden Medal" is not bad. , although different cultivation directions have different requirements for heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but in terms of a single direction, it is far inferior to the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills.

Yu Banshan muttered: "I don't know whether it is easy or difficult to obtain these heavenly materials and earthly treasures..."

Qi Jinxiu's eyes lit up and he laughed and said: "Mid-level mountain can be seen in Wanjie Tongshi Heaven and Earth. I remember there is some kind of shopping mall."

As she spoke, she took out the Talisman of All Realms.

As soon as he entered the mall, which was as deep as the sea, Qi Jinxiu was shocked by the dazzling array of products and incredible things. He spent a lot of time browsing and comparing, and felt as satisfied as if he had achieved a breakthrough in the past.

"The treasures of heaven and earth are limited, and I'm afraid we won't be able to buy even one piece of property..." Finally, Qi Jinxiu sighed.

Yu Banshan had already finished browsing, smiled and shook his head and said: "Everything is a matter of practice, and the process of obtaining heavenly materials and earthly treasures is also a kind of tempering. This is the real intention of the headmaster Xianzun to let us travel for three years. Of course, I still I prefer ‘Yuanshi Golden Chapter’.”

"The 'Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques' are too few to open the mind, so I will also choose the 'Yuanshi Golden Seal'." Qi Jinxiu nodded.

Seeing his wife's decision, Yu Banshan immediately smiled and said: "After converting our belongings into Yuanhuang coins, it will be enough to buy elixirs and sharp tools to assist you in your practice. Let's take care of your side first."

Seeing that Yu Banshan had made up his mind, Qi Jinxiu did not refuse. The two quickly completed the purchase, and then proudly chose "Yuxu Express" to support their own sect industry.

It’s just so expensive... Qi Jinxiu muttered to himself.

At this moment, a light flashed, and a green vial appeared on the table in front of them, with the name of the elixir they just bought on it.

"So fast..." Both of them were a little stupid.

Communication can be as far away as just a short distance away, and so can goods?

No wonder "Yuxu Express" is so expensive!

What a great magical power from the immortal family!

The two of them were surprised and happy. After all, Yuxu Palace, with such vast magical powers, was their own sect!

After a while, Qi Jinxiu put away the elixir bottle and said thoughtfully: "Banshan, where should we travel next?"

Yu Banshan thought for a while and said: "Dazhou Changle is not far from this place. It is the capital of the world. How can we miss it?"


Nothing happened along the way, and after walking again and again, the two of them arrived at the Great Zhou Empire, the city of Changle.

Before they entered the city gate, they were shocked by the majestic city and the crowds of people. What was even more shocking and surprising was that near the city stood an altar with a height of 100 feet, divided into nine floors and carved with sculptures. There are all kinds of stars and gods, which are extremely eye-catching and eye-catching.

The altar is surrounded by five smaller altars of red, green, yellow, white and black, which look like a cluster and are full of a grand atmosphere. Many escaping lights go in and out there, as if they are still refining and building something.

"This is..." Qi Jinxiu saw this kind of miraculous building for the first time and was a little distracted for a moment.

The people nearby heard it and said with a Changle accent, full of pride: "This is the Fengtiantai!"

"Sealing Tiantai?" Yu Banshan had heard of this thing in the Universal Knowledge World.

The idle man smiled and said: "Yes! Use humanity to seal the heavenly platform!"

"Today's emperor refers to the ancient method of the Human Emperor and sends legendary powerful and many immortals to refine and build it. The five smaller altars surrounded by it represent the five directions and the five emperors to show that humanity is respected. Once the construction is successful, all the immortal officials and star gods will be Conferred by the Human Emperor, the level of rank and strength all depend on the level of ceremony performed by the Great Zhou!"

"In the future, those who want to become gods after death, those who want to become stars in the daytime, and those who want to control the power of heaven and earth must be loyal to the Great Zhou and follow the Human Emperor!"

He spoke proudly, while Yu Banshan was stunned when he heard it. The introduction to Ten Thousand Realms Knowledge World was vague and he didn't understand it. Now that he heard it in detail, he was really shocked.

It sounds like there are a lot of benefits to rule the heavens with humanity and appoint immortal officials, but will others watch helplessly as the current human emperor completes this?

Even if the heaven falls now, will the Buddhist Luo Sect and the Demon Clan allow the Great Zhou to rule the heaven with humanity?

I don't know why, but in the middle of the mountain, I suddenly had a premonition that this matter would have twists and turns.

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