The Supreme Being

Chapter 1188 The origin of the enemy

Guangchengzi looked around and sighed:

"Taking into account Junior Brother Yun Zhongzi and Lingbao who have already passed away, as well as most of the third-generation disciples who either died in the Battle of Heaven, or who died at the end of their lives without ever joining the legend, there are only a few of the Yuxu lineage who are on the stage now. There are only a few of us left, time is always ruthless, and years are inevitably indifferent..."

Because of Meng Qi's relationship, he spoke in a slightly complicated manner.

As for Qi Xiaobai of Jiang Ziya's lineage, the remaining Yuxu Taoism in the Conferred God World, and their respective new disciples, they can only be regarded as the foundation, not the upper echelon.

Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Yuding Zhenren, Daoxingxianzun, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Nezha, Yang Jian and me... Meng Qi nodded secretly, having a deeper understanding of Yuxu's lineage.

Guangchengzi put away his sigh, looked at Meng Qi, smiled slightly and said:

"Junior Brother Su has been a teacher for a long time, but today we have just joined the same sect. One thing we must remember is, hey, our Yuxu Palace has always helped relatives but not others."

He sounded joking and joked, having already suppressed all kinds of negative emotions.

Unexpectedly, Guangcheng Tianzun is a self-deprecating person who likes to tell cold jokes... Meng Qi raised his head and looked at the beams of Yuqing Hall.

After a little livening up the atmosphere, Guangchengzi raised his right hand, his thumb and little finger touched, and stretched out the other three fingers:

"I have summoned all my fellow disciples to come here for three things."

As soon as he finished speaking, he and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun looked outside the hall, as if there would be some changes there.

Chi Jingjing, Master Yuding, Dao Xingxian Zun and Nezha slowed down for a moment. Meng Qi and Roaring Sky Dog finally sensed something abnormal. When they looked, a light like light gold and glass was approaching.

Looking at the shiny fur of Roaring Sky Dog, the corner of Meng Qi's mouth twitched slightly. From the perspective of his spiritual sense just now, Damn, after practicing for so many years, I seem to be worse than a dog!

You must know that the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique is famous for its powerful spiritual sense, and the cicada can sense it before the autumn wind moves. In other words, at least in terms of realm, the Roaring Sky Dog should have reached the peak of legend, and he is not as good as a dog, a dog...

In the midst of his mad self-darkness, Meng Qi saw the escaping light flying into the Yuqing Palace, landing on his head, and turning into a tall, thin but powerful figure. The figure was wearing a mysterious robe, with long black eyebrows hanging down from his cheeks. A pair of impressive gold and silver eyes!

Gold and silver treacherous eyes? As if time was going back, and as if the future was moving forward, the scene Meng Qi had seen flashed in his mind: He had yet to prove the legend, but in the 20th year of the new calendar, the node came, stars fell like rain, and powerful powers returned one after another. , a man with gold and silver eyes appeared in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, and he killed himself because he coveted the fruits.

At that time, there was no help from the powerful and powerful people of Yuxu's lineage!

And now, the one with gold and silver eyes has arrived at Yuxu Palace!

Whose disciple is he, and what is his relationship with Yuxu's lineage?

The man with gold and silver eyes glanced at Meng Qi first, then smiled and said with a cupped hand:

"Senior Brother Guangcheng rings the bell, how can he forget my Ran Deng lineage?"

"Dingguang was sent by Master Ran Deng Ancient Buddha and came to pay homage to all the brothers."

Burning lamp ancient Buddha? The one with the gold and silver treacherous eyes turned out to be a disciple of the Ran Deng sect. No wonder he coveted the "cause of all effects"! Meng Qi suddenly understood, but his expression did not waver at all.

In that future, he has not been able to prove the legend, so he has not been recognized by Yuxu's disciples. Under the mediation of Ran Deng, and the exchange of interests with the big shots on the other side, he was given up and replaced as a matter of course. He could not single out Guangchengzi and others. What's wrong? After all, I have no friendship with them.

But now that I have attained the legend, I dare not say that I am overpowering this realm. At least I can easily deal with the powerful ones who wake up in advance. With the great magical power of "one Qi transforms three pure things", even if I have just entered the legend, I can still do it against the peak. Having been recognized by Yuxu's lineage, he has officially become the direct descendant of Yuanshi. The situation is no longer the same. Guangchengzi's joking "helping relatives but not helping relatives" just now has a profound meaning if you understand it carefully. There is no need to worry that they will abandon him at will.

Of course, those who should be vigilant must not slack off, at least they know that the Ran Deng lineage has a deep desire for "the cause of all effects"!

A glazed fairy lamp in Lingjiu Mountain shocked the heavens, and when he transformed the "Cause of All Fruits", he deliberately avoided the appearance of Yuanshi and chose the "glazed lamp". Now that I think about it, it is really a bit mysterious. His destiny is determined.

If Ran Deng wants to reach the other shore, I'm afraid he will really have to elevate his "own fairy lantern" to the cause of all effects...

While his thoughts were floating, Meng Qi heard Guangchengzi say:

"Senior Ran Deng is an ancient Buddha from the past, so why should he care about Yuxu's affairs anymore?"

Hey, call me senior instead of uncle? Meng Qi probably grasped the mentality of Guangchengzi and other Yuxu disciples. It seemed that the two sides had been unhappy in the past, at least unlike Wenshu, Puxian and Cihang who still maintained a harmonious relationship.

Except for Dingguang's long eyebrows, strange eyes, and indifferent eyes, the rest of his facial features are relatively ordinary, but they give people a sense of self-generated brightness and full of vitality.

He chuckled and said: "After all, we are all from the same school. Cause and effect are hard to resolve, so junior brother just listen and don't say anything."

After saying that, he casually found a futon and sat down. A pair of gold and silver eyes sank into the lake, and he looked quietly in the direction of Guang Chengzi, but Meng Qi always had the feeling that he was sizing him up.

Nezha still looks like a young man, with red lips and white teeth, just like a girl, but with a heroic look and sharp eyes. At this time, he slowly stood up, looked at Dingguang and snorted: "I don't like having irrelevant people waiting to watch. Are you going out by yourself?" Are you going to be skinned and thrown out by me?"

His breath was thick, and he already held the spear in his hand.

It would be really disrespectful for this guy to mess around... Meng Qi secretly applauded the naughty boy.

Seeing Nezha's murderous intent, Guang Chengzi and others looked at their noses and hearts, as if they didn't see anything, and acted as if they were helping relatives but not helping. Dingguang's face changed slightly, and after weighing the strength of both sides, he forced a smile and said:

"Since the estrangement between the two parties has deepened, then Junior Brother has no choice but to return to the Pure Land and tell Master."

The light flashed and flew out of Yuqing Palace.

Nezha sat down again and smiled. His mood was like the weather in June. It changed at any time. It was much better. Meng Qi was also secretly relieved.

Guangchengzi continued as if nothing had happened before:

"The first thing is that Erlang is following the traces of his teacher. Do you have any clues?"

His eyes looked at Roaring Sky Dog.

Roaring Sky Dog sat very upright and barked twice: "Erlang said that the clues are in the Qingwei Realm and the top of the Nine Heavens. You brothers and uncles, please go and see for yourself."

Qingweijie? The cave where Yang Jian set up a monument to suppress it? The world attached to Biyu Palace? Meng Qi's thoughts moved and he already understood what Yang Jian meant.

He erected a monument to suppress heaven and earth, and what was sealed was the clue to the whereabouts of Yuanshi Tianzun?

But Qingwei Realm Qingwei Realm sounds like a part of Qingwei Tian in Yuqing Realm. How can the world attached to Biyou Palace be like this? Meng Qi secretly frowned, filled with doubts. Compared to Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun seemed to have disappeared more completely?

Now that the legend has been confirmed, we have to go there and have a look. We have to find a way to enter the third level of the Nine Heavens and enter the top level through the gray stone hall...

Master Yuding and others nodded slightly, indicating that they understood, and did not say anything more about the matter.

Guangchengzi pondered for a moment, then said:

"The second thing is that the teacher doesn't know when he will return. The end of the calamity has come to the point. The Yuxu lineage cannot always be without an owner, so a temporary leader must be elected."

"Woof woof woof, I recommended Master Su, no, it was Erlang who recommended Master Su!" Roaring Sky Dog hurriedly expressed his loyalty, and his flattering attitude made Meng Qidu a little suspicious.

Showing courtesy for nothing, what on earth does this damn dog want to do?

After the dog barking stopped, Chi Jingjing took a deep look at Meng Qi and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Su has proved the legend by himself, and has successfully accomplished the 'Cause of All Effects'. It is natural for him to be the leader for the time being."

"Pindao means the same thing." Master Yuding said calmly.

Daoxing Immortal Lord nodded: "The 'Cause of All Effects' would be a joke if it were not taught by Yuxu."

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's eyes moved around, he looked around, and said with a smile: "Exactly, exactly."

"I have no objection." Nezha raised his hand with little interest.

"Then it's settled!" Guang Chengzi decided.

I go! Before Meng Qi made any reaction, the matter was decided. You and I agreed with everything you said. It was so quick that he thought it was an official decision and suspected something fishy.

"I'm not being modest..." he replied subconsciously.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Guang Chengzi: "Junior Brother Su, everyone has already decided that you are also the headmaster of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain in the real world, and your name is justified. Moreover, this time the Human Emperor matter has to be temporarily replaced. The leader makes the decision.”

Hey... the last half of the sentence made Meng Qi give up his excuse and said with a wry smile:

"I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obey."

If it is said that no one of the second generation disciples of Yuxu, such as Guangchengzi and Chi Jingjing, is interested in the position of headmaster, it must be false, but the mere fact that the "Cause of All Effects" has been completed can dispel any of their attempts... Meng Qi thought to himself.

Without the consent of Yuanshi Tianzun, would there be a new "cause of all effects"?

What they fear is Yuanshi Tianzun’s thoughts!

"There is no benefit in being the leader. At least I can't fully control the Yuxu Palace until I reach the other side." Guangchengzi stood up with a smile and nodded:

"I've met Headmaster Su."

Master Yuding and others stood up and saluted together:

"I've met Headmaster Su."

One after another, the great masters of creation and the great masters at the pinnacle of legends were saluting him. The feeling was quite subtle. Meng Qi enjoyed it for a while and then said: "Senior Brother Guangcheng, what is the third thing?"

After saying that, he realized, Damn, you have temporarily taken over the position of head teacher, and you didn’t even give him a treasure?

Guangchengzi smiled and said:

"The Doomsday Tribulation is raging, and the demonic and Buddhist kingdoms are attacking the Great Zhou Dynasty. Should I, the Yuxu Palace, help become the human emperor?"

"The virtue of occupying the core area of ​​the real world will help rebuild heaven, improve the underworld, and gain the upper hand in the future."

Without waiting for others to speak, Bu Chengfu made the final statement and took control of the situation. Meng Qi was the first to say: "My Yuxu lineage has always been friendly to the human race, and Senior Brother Guangcheng has been the teacher of the Human Emperor for two generations. It is natural to help the Human Emperor! "

Chi Jingjing and Dao Xingxianzun looked at each other and then smiled and said: "The node is advanced and the layout of all parties is advanced. We cannot fall behind. We can try to help the Emperor. However, Pindao has not fully awakened yet. He only borrowed a little power from things and cannot do it for the time being. Return and take action, of course, master disciple, don’t worry, you can’t come back, but you can borrow your strength and treasures!”

"Good!" Master Yuding and Master Daoxing agreed.

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun also nodded slightly: "Master, my disciples, please feel free to do what you want."

Does this mean that I can borrow the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, Fantian Seal and other divine weapons and magic weapons, and also have a trace of the original owner's power? Meng Qi was quite surprised.

At this time, Nezha stood up and said:

"Uncle Junior, how can you fight against the monsters without me?"

"I will take a walk around the world first. If something happens, I will definitely go into battle!"

He "smiled" so much that he showed two rows of white teeth.

After planning, Guangchengzi and others escaped from Yuqing Palace one after another and returned to their residence. Only Meng Qi, Nezha and Roaring Dog were left in the huge hall.

When Nezha also left, Roaring Sky Dog immediately rushed over, sticking out his tongue and said:

"Uncle Master Teacher, Erlang asked me to follow you temporarily."

No wonder it was so flattering, it turned out to be to please its temporary owner... Meng Qi finally understood the Roaring Sky Dog's enthusiasm, stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go back to Kunlun Mountain with Pindao first."

Stepping out of Yuxu Palace, one person and one dog directly manifested into Kunlun Mountain.

Da Qinggen sensed that the headmaster had returned and came out to greet him excitedly. He wanted to ask Guang Chengzi and other immortals about Yuxu, but when he walked out of the gate and saw the Roaring Sky Dog, he was stunned.

The Roaring Sky Dog was also suspicious, and ran forward, sniffing left and right around the big green root, as if looking for some smell.

They are both Jade Spiritual Beings, and it seems that Roaring Sky Dog and Daqinggen are old acquaintances? Meet fellow villagers? Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully.

But as soon as he thought about it, he saw Roaring Sky Dog lift one of its hind legs and sprinkle hot urine on the bottom of Da Qing Gen.

Hot urine? Hot urine... Meng Qi was stunned, and Daqinggen seemed to be petrified.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Roaring Sky Dog said with emotion as if he had finally found the royal toilet.

It turns out that the roaring dog watered the big green roots that grew so strong... Meng Qi stroked his forehead and couldn't bear to see the expression on the big green roots.

Is this the fate of feces and urine?

It’s almost 4,000 words, so it’s late. .

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