The Supreme Being

Chapter 1191 Sit back and send everyone away

On the border between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Southern Wilderness, due to the trade in wild beast materials and the frequent warriors going south to pursue their dreams, the towns here are chaotic but prosperous. At this moment, no matter whether they are on the streets or at home, everyone feels a bone-chilling feeling. The chill is not freezing the blood, but a chill like fear and trembling, as if there is a sharp sword hanging above the head, which may fall at any time, making people's hair stand on end.

what happened? Could it be that there are strong men fighting nearby, or a tyrannical wild beast passing by? Liu Gu, a young man who was watching the "Zhuiyizi Talk Show" with great interest, shuddered, subconsciously stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside.

"What is that?" Liu Gu blurted out with horror on his face after just one glance.

Not far away, outside the town, I don't know when there was a towering peak with dazzling light, towering into the sky with no end in sight.

No! That was not a mountain peak, but a cold and cold ancient sword, a huge sword that penetrated the sky and the earth!

Seeing the radiant aura, seeing the sword holding up the Divine Mountain, looking at the inscription that he didn't recognize but knew was the word "kill the immortal", Liu Gu was deeply shocked. What he saw in front of him was even more exaggerated than in his dream.

This was the first time he faced the legendary realm beyond the immortals, which planted the seeds of yearning in his heart.

The three divine envoys of the Luo Jiao who were in Nanzhou felt their senses contract suddenly, as if they were pulled down from an infinite height by the sword formation, and they no longer had the experience of heights that can be found everywhere in the real world.

Moreover, the communication with "others and myself" in the world has also been blocked, it is no longer so smooth and smooth, and the power that can be absorbed has been reduced a lot.

Many of the powerful men in the surrounding areas who were fleeing directly lost their resonance with the outer world, and slowly fell to the ground surrounded by the strong wind transformed from the sword energy.

"Not only has he lost his ability to be everywhere, but his realm and power have been restricted..." The lantern god found that his connection with his hometown of Vacuum had also become somewhat blurry.

The envoy of Fengdian looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice:

"The Immortal Killing Sword Formation!"

"The real sword formation formed by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!"

The envoy of the Aquarius was in a state of emotion and had no time to examine it, so he said in astonishment: "The Four Immortal-killing Swords of Lingbao Tianzun?"

Since demons have plagued the earth, have these four oldest immortal swords finally been born at the same time?

Gao Lan and Su Meng were really well prepared, and each was more terrifying than the other!


In the Gobi Desert of the Vast Sea, facing the connected sword array and the looming blue Immortal Killing Sword, several great sages of the monster clan and the little fox Qingqiu holding the black gold gun with phoenix wings appeared briefly condensed, with various expressions. There are different.

"These are the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, and this is the first killing formation in the ancient times?" The giant Ox Demon King, who was born with two horns and was tall and tall, restrained his surprise and asked calmly.

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, he had not yet been born, so he had never seen the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. However, in the Battle of Heavenly Court Fall, due to his strength, he did not wade into the muddy waters. Later, he was trapped in Lingshan, and it was not until not long before that he could reach the front. Take off.

The little fox Qingqiu's pretty face was as serious as Xuanshui's and said: "Yes, these are the Four Swords of Killing Immortals. They were the Four Swords of Killing Immortals that helped the Human Emperor to avoid disaster when the demons were in chaos on the earth."

At that time, the Demon Saint swept across the heavens and the world, invincible. Although the Human Emperor had forged a sword and worked hard to improve himself and strengthen the human race, there was still an irreparable gap between the two sides. When the Demon Saint truly valued this enemy, When he was about to take action to obliterate him, he was blocked by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian who was fully awake at that time.

"Interesting, not bad!" the Bull Demon King said with a booming voice, then he looked around at the Peng Demon King, the Jiao Demon King and several other great saints, as well as the most powerful demon gods such as Huiguang Luojia, revealing two rows of white teeth and said, "From what I see, this old Niu , The Four Swords of Zhu Xian have just awakened to the legendary level, and the sword energy in the four directions is divided into strong and weak, and lacks a smooth and satisfying feeling. It is obvious that the person setting up the formation lacks the corresponding sword scriptures for two of the swords. Even if there is a formation diagram, it cannot be perfected. It is difficult to It has been refined to the level of legend, so the sword formation can restrain us but cannot pose any real danger to us. Should we continue to advance despite the weakening and attack the city, or should we try to break the sword formation first?"

"Of course we must break the sword formation first!" Demon King Peng said without hesitation, "You can't flash anywhere at will. Even flying away becomes difficult. Fighting all the way to Changle takes too much time and is full of variables!"

Jiao Demon King, Qingqiu and others all expressed their agreement. Who would be stupid enough to directly enter the first ancient killing formation, even if it is imperfect, of course they have to try to break the formation outside first.

The Bull Demon King nodded and looked at Qingqiu: "Then how to break the formation?"

He really didn't know much about the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Even though he had extraordinary knowledge and excellent eyesight, it would be difficult to figure out the problem for a while.

Qingqiu pointed to the looming cyan portal in the vast sea and said: "The first is to enter the formation from the four portals, carry the sword energy, bypass the forbidden method, go straight to the center, suppress the people who set up the formation, while the rest of the people wait at the portal, waiting Taking the opportunity to take away the four swords is the orthodox method."

"It's better to capture cities and territories along the way." The Dragon Demon King shook his huge body, bringing water to the sky. Heavy rain fell, making the vast sea extremely moist.

Qingqiu smiled: "Sages, please listen to what I have to say. The Immortal Killing Sword Formation is not perfect now, but there is no need to go to such trouble. You can fly into the starry sky, guess the center of the formation, and break it directly from a high position."

"Okay! Let me try it!" The Bull Demon King bent his legs slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared, appearing in the vast starry sky. Looking down at the entire real world, he saw the red, green, black, and white sword energy closing the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Shrouded in fierce and terrifying.

His eyes were floating in black and white, like a yin and yang fish entwined head to tail, surrounded by shadows of hexagrams that were constantly split and combined.

If others think that Lao Niu is rough, reckless and not good at precision, they will definitely suffer a severe loss.

"Got you!"

Suddenly, the Bull Demon King revealed two rows of white teeth again, and his right palm suddenly pressed down, as if the sun had descended, crushing it to the ground.

Billions of sword energy were discharged with the palm, the clouds collapsed, and the strong wind was hollow, revealing the scene directly below. It was Changle City with nine vertical and nine horizontal directions, and the Fengtian Terrace surrounded by the altars of the five emperors and five directions!

On the Fengtian Stage, the Taoist in Xuanpao was sitting with a simple bamboo crown, his expression was as usual, his eyes were deep, and the shadows of his four swords were surrounding him. It was Meng Qi.

"Su Meng?"

"Oh it's you!"

The rumbling and dull voice of the Bull Demon King echoed high in the sky, making Changle City seem to be caught in a series of thunders. Looking up, a giant palm covered the sky, destroying the sword energy, and quickly pressed it down, making every living creature look like an ant. If it is solidified, the entire Changle area will turn into a giant handprint on the vast land.

Facing the attack of the Bull Demon King, Meng Qi still sat upright. He pointed with his right hand, and the shadows of the four red, green, black and white swords around him suddenly merged into one, bringing about the resonance of the four swords of the East China Sea, the Icefield, the Southern Wasteland and the Vast Sea, blooming with dazzling light.

Infinite sword energy surged and merged into the phantom. Time and space immediately became one, and everything was mixed together, turning into a sword that could destroy the universe and eradicate history. Meng Qi's knee turned into a sword made of purple electricity, and soared with the most hegemonic attitude in the world. rise.

The swords struck together, cutting through the sky, facing the giant palm!

The swords entangled, and the giant hand that was pressed down instantly fell apart and collapsed into ashes. Everything was silent and breathless. The strong wind rose again and the layers of clouds reunited, as if nothing had ever happened.

The combined attack of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Overlord's Absolute Sword!

The Bull Demon King stood in the starry sky, his eyes became serious, the flesh and blood on his shoulder squirmed, and an arm grew again.

Among the few remaining great saints who have been freed from the seal, he is the only one who has returned to the realm of creation. Although he is still not at his peak strength, he still thinks that there are few people in the current world who can resist him, but just now he only briefly If he was careless, he was hit by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Overlord Sword, and weakened by the sword array of Zhu Xian, so he suffered a small loss.

"As expected of the only peerless magic weapon in the past and future..." He sighed, no longer hiding his strength, and prepared to go all out.

Just when he was about to turn into a giant bull carrying the sky and the universe on his back, the voice of Namu Amitabha sounded beside him, the glass shone all over, the white lotus transformed, and the smiling Maitreya also appeared in the void.

"Buddha from the East also plans to break the formation directly?" The Bull Demon King paused and asked with a smile, looking like a simple and honest old cow.

Maitreya nodded and smiled: "If we can directly break the formation, it will benefit all sentient beings and avoid the flames of war."

Shameless... The Bull Demon King couldn't help but secretly said something.

Maitreya looked at him and said: "The donor is in a state of mind. When we reach a state like ours, shamelessness is empty, great kindness is empty, cunning is empty, compassion is empty, and all the descriptions given by the day after tomorrow are empty. Clearly understand your own way, and you can't do it." Disobeying one's own way and practicing one's own way is the most important thing, the rest is just a dream and a false form."

"I established a Buddhist kingdom on earth to save all sentient beings. My compassion is both true and empty. Only Tao is not empty."

The Bull Demon King clicked his tongue twice: "Then I will cooperate with Donglai Buddha to take action."

One of them has stepped into creation, and the other has Dharmakaya and Sambhogakaya, and their experience and knowledge exceed that of the Bull Demon King. Together, the incomplete Zhuxian Sword Formation seems to be about to be broken.

At this moment, they saw the Sealing Tiantai burst out with light, the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty shook slightly, and the real world swayed. Then the splendid mountain and river map formed and slowly fell down, covering the Sealing Tiantai and Meng Qi!

"He is the younger brother of the Great Zhou Emperor, and he can also activate the Sealing Heaven Tower..." Maitreya whispered, and then announced the Buddha's name, "Niu Donor, it seems that the only way to break the formation is to enter the gate.

The Bull Demon King let out a heavy breath and felt that his magical power was nowhere to be used.

Meng Qi was sitting on the Heaven-Sealing Platform. Gao Lan had used the Human Emperor Sword to cover himself and quietly escaped from the Great Zhou Dynasty to visit his allies and seek help.

As the beautiful landscape of mountains and rivers rose and fell, Meng Qi looked at Shaoxuan and Xi'e, patted the Emperor's Seal in front of him and said:

"Please also ask the two seniors to go west and use the sword formation to block the demon clan."

At the same time, he lifted the Jue Dao and threw it into the void. Purple lightning flashed and appeared in the Xijian Pavilion.

"Zhiwei, use your sword to go south and stop the Luo Jiao divine envoy."

"Okay!" Jiang Zhiwei didn't say much. She held the handle of the knife and stood up suddenly, as if the sword was unsheathed.

Then, Meng Qi’s voice sounded in the thatched cottage behind Thrushcross Villa:

"Senior Lu, please go to Yuhuang Mountain with Senior Su, borrow the Time Sword, and also go south to stop the Luo Jiao."

Listening to Meng Qi's instructions, Shaoxuan said in shock:

"Where's Maitreya? Who will deal with it?"

Meng Qi smiled and said:

"Let's go short for the time being. Someone will take action from a distance and hinder it a little."

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