The Supreme Being

Chapter 1193 This is also OK (asking for guaranteed monthly ticket)

Moonlight Bodhisattva seemed to have anticipated Meng Qi's question. The withered Bodhisattva behind him swayed gently, and the glazed pure land spanning hundreds of millions of kalpas shook slightly. His voice was solemn and magnificent:

"in the future."

in the future? Meng Qi had guessed many answers, but none of them were remotely similar to this one, which was completely unexpected.

At the same time, after knowing that the Time Sword had not yet awakened to the legendary level, he was a little confused, but he could not think too much, and planned to use the cause of all effects, borrow treasures from his senior brothers, and give them to Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming .


"The Time Sword only reaches the level of the Immortal. It seems that we have to find another legendary object..." Mr. Lu Da thought deeply, thinking about where else he could borrow a magic weapon that was as powerful as a magic weapon.

Su Xiaoyou's ultimate sword has been drawn out, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian are in formation, and Ding Haizhu is suppressing Yuan Hai. I'm afraid he will be short of money.

He knew that Meng Qi would definitely have the support of someone with great power and supernatural powers this time. It was still possible to borrow legendary items, but it was not his habit to rely on this. If Meng Qi could borrow it, everyone would be happy. If not, everyone would be happy. , think of ways in advance to complete preparations faster.

Su Wuming's body still looked empty, and his eyes were as deep and indifferent as ever. After a moment of silence, he said: "If your current legendary characteristics and mine are blended, it will be equal to all, and the realm will be infinitely close to the legendary. Even if the strength is not as good as it is, the formation is limited. Delay and delay are still possible.”

"But how to combine them? Two swords combined? That's just the surface." Mr. Lu Da knew that Su Wuming never talked nonsense, and there must be a reason for his suggestions.

Su Wuming said calmly: "When I traveled across the world to enlighten others and me, I once obtained a secret method of fusion in a certain universe. If used, it will explode with strength far beyond the simple superposition of the two of them."

"The secret method of merging? Which universe does it come from?" Mr. Lu Da asked in surprise.

Su Wuming thought for a moment and said, "There are dragon beads there. If you collect seven of them, you can summon a divine dragon and fulfill certain wishes."


Jiang Zhiwei arrived at Nanzhou City, holding a sword with a white rainbow piercing the sun in her hand. The sword was surrounded by brilliant purple lightning, which made her even taller and more majestic.

At this time, many forbidden magic nodes in the city were damaged, and white lotuses were spread all over the streets and alleys, seeming to form a barrier, summoning a little power of the "vacuum hometown", making it difficult to open the city defense formation, and holding a hand not far away The divine envoy of the classics, the divine envoy holding the glass lamp in his palm, and the divine envoy sealing the bottle are about to cross the city wall.

Jiang Zhiwei pointed the sword in her hand, and purple electric sword light suddenly burst out from every corner of the city, hitting every Luo Jiao believer who was disrupting and making trouble indiscriminately.

With just one sword strike, the city was calmed down.

It is a power that can be found everywhere, and it is also the power of Tao that spreads throughout the world!

It had only been ten years since she had attained the Dharmakaya. After witnessing Meng Qi witnessing various legendary visions, she had touched the threshold of the immortals. It would take another one or two years for her to achieve a natural breakthrough, and she would be tolerant but not enlightened by many "others". "I" can mobilize the power blessings of different universes, and have more legendary characteristics than Su Wuming did at the beginning. My strength is even better than that of a new immortal. When fighting, I can completely treat him as an immortal. I have the weakening and restrictions of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and I have the ultimate sword. With the borrowing of realm and power, it is quite possible to block a legend who wakes up early.

As for the other two, everything is false, and Mr. Lu and other help will arrive soon.

Jiang Zhiwei advanced so quickly that she seemed to be better than Su Wuming and Meng Qi, but it was natural that the situation was tight in the past, Su Wuming broke through in advance before he had done all his work, which was not as good as her perfect foundation, and Meng Qi reached the level of an earthly immortal. Because of the special nature of the "original true body", to form the prototype of the multiverse, it took several times and dozens of times more effort than others, such as opening up every acupuncture point in the body into a universe, such as sublimating the internal organs into the heavens, Relying on various opportunities, it was not possible to delay for a long time before entering the realm of immortals.

A sword calmed the wind and waves, and the city defense formation was finally opened reluctantly. The light of all living beings burst out, just in time to be blocked by the envoys of Fengdian and others.

Seeing Jiang Zhiwei's goose-yellow dress floating in the air, her long sword glowing with purple light, her sword intent attacking everywhere, more like a legendary power than herself, the lantern god didn't take it lightly, the light of the glazed lamp in his hand suddenly burst out and bloomed. Infinite light shines through the wind and clouds, covering the sky.

If there is no obstacle, even if the strength is weakened, the so-called city defense formation can still be broken with one blow!

The lights seemed to shine through the three realms and ten directions, without darkness or ghosts, but Jiang Zhiwei disappeared in the light.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant purple sword light seemed to descend from an infinite height. It actually attacked the three divine envoys at the same time, covering their entire bodies. There seemed to be no distance between them. To the sword light, they were just overlapping points. .

A bitter smile suddenly appeared in the heart of Fengdian Divine Envoy. He often crushed those below the level of legend everywhere, but today he had to experience a similar pain.

The sword's light was like lightning, and it contained a domineering and fierce aura. It seemed to connect the divine thunder of all realms with the basic power everywhere, making the envoys dare not ignore it.


The Aquarius Divine Envoy snorted coldly, pushed his hand seal forward, and the cold and vast power surged out, flooding all directions and dissolving the purple electric sword light.

Use strength to overcome cleverness!


Sitting on the rooftop, feeling the changes in the battle situation everywhere, Meng Qi's expression was originally as calm as the Buddha looking down on the long river of time. However, after hearing the conversation between Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming, his mouth opened little by little, and he couldn't help but close.

Then Meng Qi "watched" them practice the secret technique, "watched" them master it quickly, "watched" their fingers touching in twisted and funny postures, their usual temperament and demeanor were completely destroyed, "watched" the light In a flash, a handsome young man with gray hair appeared. His eyes were deep and indifferent, his aura was high and terrifying, and he said to himself:

"I'm Lu Wuming."

At this moment, Meng Qi had only one thought in his mind:

This TM works too!

Taking a deep breath, he stood up slowly, circulated the causes of all effects, and said loudly:

"In the name of Headmaster Yuxu, I would like to ask Senior Sister Manjusri Guangfa to lend me the magical weapon of magic weapon!"

The void cracked open, and with slender hands, a hazy long sword flew out, as if it contained the Five Wisdoms and Nine Consciousnesses. Compared with it, Meng Qi's Alaya Sword was as ordinary as dust on the ground.

Great sword of wisdom!

Meng Qi held the hilt of the sword, thanked his senior sister, then closed his eyes, and sent the Great Wisdom Sword to "Lu Wuming" through the air as if he couldn't bear to look at it.

The palm of his hand stretched out to catch the long sword. The figure of "Lu Wuming" with indifferent eyes suddenly disappeared and appeared directly in the sky above Nanzhou City. Darkness emerged around him, as if he had penetrated the universe and connected the bright galaxies.


Maitreya moves forward very slowly, but wherever he goes, he can rely on the response of the Sambhogakaya to disintegrate the local forbidden laws and the convergence of the power of all living beings, and the results are brilliant.

It's not that he didn't want to go fast, but on the one hand, he had the sword array to suppress him, and on the other hand, Su Meng was blocking him from a distance. On the other hand, he always had some subtle feelings in his heart. He didn't know whether it was good or bad, so he chose to fight slowly and steadily.

This chapter has a relatively small number of words. When I am in good condition these days, I will make up a 4,000-word chapter. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~

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