The Supreme Being

Chapter 129 Measurement of Strength (3000 votes plus update)

Shen Zui's heart sank. He was also well-known and had a great record of fighting. The other party dared to come to him directly, which showed that he had absolute confidence in his own strength and martial arts. Of course, it was not ruled out that he was a complete rookie, but could a rookie kill An Guoxie, who had opened all nine orifices?

Even if he had helpers with similar strength, it would not work!

At this time, the other two resting horse bandits also came out of the tent, one holding a knife and the other holding a sword. The knife was an ordinary saber and the sword was a narrow long sword with two deep blood grooves on it.

Meng Qi "greeted" and rushed over like a chariot without waiting for Shen Zui to speak. The Red Sun Demon Sword was raised and Shen Zui and one of the horse bandits were trapped in it. The knife light rolled, and each knife was faster than the other. Sometimes it was fierce, sometimes weird, sometimes exquisite, and sometimes simple. He displayed his own knife skills to the fullest.

Gu Changqing stabbed with his long sword and took over another horse bandit. He had superb sword skills and strictly guarded the gate. He waited for himself to be undefeated before seeking to defeat the opponent.

Among the two people who fought with Meng Qi, the knife-wielding horse bandit was completely stunned by the storm-like attack. He felt that the opponent's swords might appear in all directions and anywhere. He was unable to defend himself and was difficult to resist. He had no way to use the killing sword skills he had honed in actual combat. He could only defend himself in a hurry.

Fortunately, Shen Zui was by his side. He held a long sword that looked ordinary, but it seemed to contain a layer of blood stains. The sword was round and guarded tightly. It was a sword technique derived from Tai Chi swordsmanship.

Ding Ding Dang Dang, after a series of collisions, Shen Zui roughly figured out Meng Qi's sword skills and suddenly raised his long sword.

This sword seemed slow, like a heavy object, but it was mysterious. It was launched later but arrived first. With a ding, it stabbed on Meng Qi's blade, causing his sword to stagnate.

Shen Zui's eyesight and hearing were fully demonstrated in this sword.

Meng Qi initially wanted to make a quick decision and rely on the Golden Bell Cover to break through Shen Zui's defense line, but Shen Zui's swordsmanship was always aimed at the common key points of horizontal training kung fu, such as the center of the eyebrows, eyes, throat, temples, and lower genitals. It was obvious that he was experienced in the martial arts world and took precautions before it happened. Therefore, Meng Qi's wish to catch him off guard failed. He simply calmed down, eliminated his impetuousness, and let him "sharpen" the knife.

The knife was interrupted, and Meng Qi saw Shen Zui's swordsmanship change, like a rolling tide, continuously attacking, forcing him to do his best to defend.

He is worthy of being a long-established master of six orifices!

Meng Qi secretly praised and decided to eliminate the hidden dangers first. Facing Shen Zui's long sword, he suddenly crossed to the left.

Shen Zui's long sword turned and stabbed to the left smoothly and seamlessly, as if waiting for Meng Qi to hit it with the center of his eyebrows.

But Meng Qi tapped his left foot, slid his right foot, and suddenly stepped back, out of the range of Shen Zui's long sword, and directly hit the horse bandit who was coming from behind with a knife.

The horse bandit had never expected Meng Qi to attack from the "back", and the saber could not be stopped, and directly slashed on his back, cutting through his clothes, cutting a layer of dark gold, and cutting a shallow wound.

Then he felt that the saber seemed to be clamped by the opponent's muscles, unable to move an inch, and the dark gold bloomed, and a strong force came, and the opponent brought his own saber and crashed into his arms, and the ring knife turned upside down and penetrated into his chest and abdomen.

The dark red knife light flashed, and Meng Qi slipped and dodged Shen Zui's long sword that was chasing him like a shadow.

The horse bandit with four orifices opened covered his chest and abdomen, fell softly to the ground, blood gushed out, and intestines fell out.

Shen Zui's eyes were red with anger. His sword skills changed again, no longer like a continuous tide, but like a raging sea, one wave higher than the other. Meng Qi's sword skills after mastering them were fully displayed, but he could only maintain them with difficulty. After all, his sword skills, except for those exquisite changes derived from "Duan Qingjing", were only at the level of the Qi Accumulation Period. Although they had their own characteristics, they were not the superior sword skills of the Awakening Period.

Therefore, even if he mastered them, Meng Qi could not be said to have outstanding sword skills in the Awakening Period. Facing Shen Zui, an enemy with exquisite sword skills, he was immediately dwarfed - Shen Zui's sword skills seemed to be all superior sword skills in the Awakening Period.

Meng Qi derived from Duan Qingjing's changes, and added a few new changes from Luo Hongchen. Under such tempering, he became more and more mature. He could always have a long-lasting charm when swinging horizontally and diagonally, and break the "waves". Given time, Meng Qi might be able to touch the "principle" in the sword skills like Jiang Zhiwei, and thus turn decay into magic.

Of course, it is unknown how long it will take. Facing Shen Zui's increasingly terrifying swordsmanship, Meng Qi put away his intention to "sharpen his sword" and planned to fight quickly. If he continued to fight like this, he would be exposed if he was not careful. Whether he was seriously injured by Shen Zui or let him escape, he would be extremely upset. Why didn't he try his best earlier?

However, after this battle, Meng Qi probably understood his current strength level. Without using special moves and auxiliary means, he was probably equivalent to a six-orifice master with not good moves, inferior to Shen Zui. If he used auxiliary means and special moves, he could also kill a seven-orifice master. For the eight-orifice, it depends on the right time, place and people. In nine out of ten cases, he can only hurt the opponent and escape. After all, after opening the six orifices, the illusion created by the illusion method is basically ineffective-when the opponent is prepared.

However, if you ignore the losses and consequences and burst out for a short time, that is another matter.

Moreover, after the fifth level is successfully closed, there will be one or two fewer weaknesses, and the battle will be more powerful!

Just as Meng Qi was about to activate his illusion technique to end the battle quickly, Shen Zui seemed to have made up his mind. A bright red flashed across his face, and he thrust his sword forward sharply. His sword skills were extremely sharp, with one sword faster than the other. He struck three times in a row, killing people and shocking their souls, like a ghost seeking souls.

Meng Qi has only seen such deadly sword techniques in his life, except for "Yam Luo Tie" and "Sword Out of Self". Fortunately, he has also seen these two moves. At this time, his mind is calm and not affected mentally. He quits slashing. It follows a strange trajectory and is full of the charm of the world of mortals.

With two clanging sounds, Meng Qi blocked Shen Zui's two swords, but Jie's sword was swung away, and the third sword drove straight in!

The Sword of Intoxication pointed directly at Meng Qi's throat. It came with a fierce force, covering all dodges. It seemed that there was no other way but to use the golden bell with all its strength to resist. And the throat is a gate, so how much damage reduction effect it can have has to be said separately.

But at this moment, Meng Qi twitched his left hand, the sword light lit up, and struck the side of Shen Zui's sword with a clang, tilting it and piercing into his shoulder.

The dark gold was deep, and the long sword made a popping sound like rotten wood, but it didn't penetrate much.

Meng Qi felt all the blood from the wound rushing toward the long sword, his blood boiling, and he barely managed to avoid Shenzui's follow-up palm. Fortunately, Shenxing Baibian was best at this kind of small maneuvers.

Taking a step back, Meng Qi swung his long sword and struck back at Zhen Zui. It was indecent to go back and forth!

His brows were swollen, and his energy was outward, but it was as condensed as a thorn, stabbing Shen Zui's head fiercely.

Shenzui knew that he had killed An Guoxie, so he couldn't help but be on guard against him. He was also a master at opening the six orifices. Under such circumstances, the morphing method could not create illusions - An Guoxie was fooled for the first time and was completely It was because he looked down upon Meng Qi, a young monk who had not yet enlightened himself.

However, the magic of disembodiment is not only about creating illusions, but also plays a role in concealment. Direct mental attack is one of its important methods!

Of course, this is not as effective as Su Yuanying's evil eye between eyebrows. It can at most cause a little fainting, but in a situation where the match is almost evenly matched, a little fainting is enough!

Although Shenzui's desperate moves failed to achieve the expected effect, he was still confident in facing the Jie Dao slashed by Meng Qi, so he could just find an opportunity to escape.

He swung his long sword and tried to block the sword, but at this moment, he felt a pain in the middle of his eyebrows, his head was dizzy, and his hand movements slowed down.

Jiedao snapped as expected and knocked his long sword away.

Shen Zui's vision went dark, and he soon woke up, but everything was completely different. He was good at swordsmanship, but his strength was greatly reduced with his bare hands. Opposite him was Meng Qi, who became more courageous with each battle and had a sharp sword.

Soon, Meng Qi realized that his palm skills were not as powerful as his sword skills, so he used a flaw to take a palm from Shen Zui with the not-so-important Tanzhong Cover, and put the Jie Dao on his neck - if Meng Qi didn't dare to resist the sharp sword, which was almost not a cover.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Shen Zui hesitated whether to surrender or "commit suicide", Meng Qi dropped the long sword in his left hand. With a flick of his five fingers, he used the Melting Snow Acupoint Pointing Hand to seal all the large acupuncture points on his chest.

The Kaiqiao horse bandit on the other side was already at a disadvantage. When he saw Shenzui being captured, he was even more panicked. Gu Changqing caught the flaw and was heartbroken.

Meng Qijie drew his sword and knocked out Chen Zui's upper teeth, fearing that he would bite his tongue and commit suicide. Then he smiled and said, "Grand stall, where did my junior brother go after crossing the Chechi Gorge?"

To be able to describe Zhenhui's appearance, personality, and ability so well, these bandits must have seen Zhenhui. However, there was no evil sword pursuit order at that time, so it was meaningless for them to rob a young monk who himself needed alms.

"Can I not die if I tell you?" Shen Zui said with teeth leaking.

Meng Qi said expressionlessly: "No, Dazhan, when you robbed and killed the caravan, in order to eliminate clues, did you give them a chance to survive?"

Intoxicated and silent.

Meng Qi suddenly laughed: "Actually, I am not that righteous person, but if you are alive, my whereabouts will be exposed, so you have to die."

He changed the subject: "But there are all kinds of weird ways to die, from painless to humiliating. Which one do you want to choose?"

Shen Zui's sincere explanation had a strange persuasiveness in his heart. You see, he said so honestly that he would kill you, so what he said next must be true and he would not deceive you.

Meng Qi pointed at Gu Changqing, who was on guard next to him, and said with a weird smile: "This friend of mine is the most masculine. He is just over forty years old. He has a well-maintained figure and elegant temperament. He has long been itchy and unbearable. I don't know how big it is." Are you willing to give stalls a try?”

Shen Zui turned pale when he heard this. He had enjoyed it for half his life and could not bear such humiliation before his death, so he muttered: "I, I said."

When Gu Changqing was listening, he first glared at Meng Qi fiercely, and then actually made up bad things about himself to scare people!

But as he listened, he turned his eyes and looked at Shen Zui... "vomit", he covered his mouth and went to the side to retch.

This guy's mental endurance is not good. Fortunately, Shen Zui couldn't see it while lying down... Meng Qi glanced at Gu Changqing with a smile.

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