The Supreme Being

Chapter 164 Yao Family Kid

This was indeed his fault. Meng Qi nodded apologetically to everyone in the restaurant and stopped knocking on the table with his left hand.

But the swordsman refused to give in, and cursed drunkenly: "You brat, does this count as an apology? Does that mean that if I slash you with my sword and you nod, you'll get over it?"

He rushed towards Meng Qi, scabbard and sword, and slashed down diagonally, preparing to teach the brat a lesson.

Meng Qi shook his head slightly and casually moved the long sword lying on the table.

Before the swordsman slashed his sword, he suddenly saw that he was hitting the opponent's sword hilt, and it was obvious that he would hit the big hole in his waist before hitting the opponent!

He hurriedly changed his moves and swung the long sword horizontally, driving himself to the side and avoiding the immobile hilt.

While drunk, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. He was so embarrassed that everyone in the restaurant burst into laughter.

The swordsman became angry with embarrassment and spread out his body skills, intending to get behind Meng Qi and stab his vest with the sword in its scabbard.

But as soon as he took a step forward, he saw that the long sword had changed direction at some point, and the hilt was still pointed at the big point on his waist. It was exactly the same, and the timing was right. Although the two swords were the same length, he had not yet stabbed him. If it goes out, it will definitely hit first.

At the same time, Meng Qi looked at Zhang Yuanshan, with a gentle tone and a sincere attitude: "Senior Brother Zhang, if you can't think clearly at the moment, then go back and have a good sleep, and then make a decision after you wake up. Whether you choose family ties or real girls, , as a friend, I will help you.”

The swordsman forcibly changed his posture and moved to the left side of Meng Qi, preparing to swing his sword horizontally.

Suddenly, his waist went numb, and he stayed in place, unable to move. At some point, the opponent's long sword had already been there, but this time it was replaced by the tip of the scabbard, quietly waiting for him to hit it. !

He was so frightened that his drunkenness disappeared, and his eyes were full of panic and fear. The other party defeated him without even drawing a sword, moving a foot, or raising a hand?

Everyone watching the excitement in the restaurant could no longer laugh. This swordsman’s martial arts was not very good, but he was also recognized as a good player among the people who often came to this restaurant. Although he was drunk, his steps were sloppy, and he was holding the sword. His hand was unstable, but his strength was still there. No one present at the table dared to say that he could easily defeat him. However, the young man who seemed to be a frail young man did not make a single move and concentrated on chatting. He only changed the shape of his long sword. The placement allowed the swordsman to seal his acupuncture points.

What kind of unpredictable swordsmanship is this?

Since Meng Qi did not use his internal power, the swordsman returned to normal after being paralyzed for a while. When he saw that the other party ignored him, he quickly slipped out of the restaurant.

"Come with me for a walk and let the wind blow." Zhang Yuanshan gritted his teeth, stood up, picked up the long sword, dropped a piece of silver, and walked out of the restaurant, intending to calm down before making the final decision.

His inner strength was deeper than Meng Qi's. Even after drinking most of the jar of wine, his steps were still steady and his words did not stutter.

Meng Qi didn't drink much and had no ill effects. He held the long sword and followed him out.

The sky was already dark, and the setting sun disappeared in the west.

"Have you decided to get married?" Meng Qi asked.

Zhang Yuanshan hummed, his eyes dull, and he seemed to be having a fierce struggle in his heart.

The two of them walked slowly around Tonglong Town, one behind the other. The night wind blew on their faces, bringing a bit of coolness, which relieved Meng Qi's heat after drinking.

When they arrived in the field outside, a figure with two swords on his back turned out from behind the tree and stood in front of the two of them.

With the light brought by the rising moon, Meng Qi could see the other person clearly. He was short, handsome, full of childishness, with slightly raised eyes. He was an arrogant young man.

"Junior Brother Yao, why did you stop us?" Zhang Yuanshan asked in a deep voice. He was in a very bad mood and was not as gentle as usual.

Junior Brother Yao, is this Yao Xingliu among the Yao brothers? Meng Qi had just heard Zhang Yuanshan's introduction and judged from his age that the person was not Yao Xinghen - although there were many children in the Yao family, there were only a few who deserved Zhang Yuanshan's attention.

Didn't he say he was seventeen years old? Why is he half a head shorter than me, like a kid of thirteen or fourteen? Haha, maybe it's due to developmental delay... Meng Qi thought divergently.

Yao Xingliu glanced at the two of them: "Senior Brother Zhang, I just passed by the restaurant and saw that this friend has outstanding swordsmanship and wanted to compete with him."

Tsk, I am indeed a martial arts fanatic, but it was such a coincidence that I happened to see me defeat that swordsman when I passed by the restaurant? Meng Qi was half sighing and half puzzled.

Zhang Yuanshan turned his head and asked Meng Qi for his opinion. He did not make the decision on his behalf.

This kid has the same four senses as me and knows the same exterior moves. I don’t know who is stronger and who is weaker... Meng Qi felt a strong fighting spirit and wanted to compete with the direct disciples of the martial arts masters who were at the same level to measure his standing among his peers. Real level.

Before he could answer, Yao Xingliu snorted: "Don't worry, I won't use 'yang deficiency and yin excess', I will only learn swordsmanship during the enlightenment period."

"Okay." Meng Qi didn't want to pull out the Red Sun Evil Suppressing Sword and reveal his identity.

Zhang Yuanshan took a few steps back, reluctantly gathered his thoughts, and watched the exchange, taking action when necessary to prevent accidental injury.

Yao Xingliu drew out two swords from his back, one long and one short. The right hand was long and the left hand was short. Without saying a word, the swords in both hands drew a different half-arc, and he attacked Meng Qi with strange moves.

The long sword in his right hand is yang and strong, while the dagger in his left hand is cold and weak. When paired together, they are surprisingly harmonious. Circles of arced energy surge out, seemingly capable of driving away all weapons.

There is no flaw, no, the flaw keeps changing with the change of yin and yang... Meng Qi's face was solemn, he took a step back, the Bingque Sword was still inserted in the scabbard.

As soon as Meng Qi retreated, Yao Xingliu stepped forward. The long sword and the short sword suddenly crossed each other, like two back-to-back half-arcs. The strong wind was fierce and the dark energy was secretly attacking.

Meng Qi still didn't draw his sword and took a step back again, avoiding the range of the long sword.

Yao Xingliu was unyielding and stepped forward, attacking seven times in a row, but Meng Qi still didn't draw his sword and took seven steps back.

However, these seven steps he took were just right, and he had just escaped from the range of Yao Xingliu's moves.

The yang sword was on top, the yin sword was on the bottom, yin and yang rotated, forming Tai Chi, and Yao Xingliu used his tenth move.

Suddenly, Meng Qi drew his sword, and with an ordinary sword, he stabbed an eye of the Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish with great accuracy.

With two ding sounds, Yao Xingliu's swords were carried to both sides by the power of their respective arcs, and his chest and abdomen were wide open.

Meng Qi did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but returned the sword to its sheath, cupped his hand and said, "I accept the concession."

Yao Xingliu stared blankly at the two swords in his hands, unable to believe that he was defeated. In an instant, the offensive and defensive positions changed, and the victory or defeat was decided.

Although he still has life-saving tricks and several desperate moves, this is a competition, and he has definitely lost!

Zhang Yuanshan was even more surprised than Yao Xingliu. When he was in his fourth year, he might have been slightly better than Yao Xingliu now because of his rich practical experience. However, Yao Xingliu was defeated so easily. Even if he was always on the defensive in Tai Chi, he might still fail.

Moreover, although both of them have peak-level sword moves in outdoor scenes as their unique skills, Junior Brother Meng Qi also has them!

The most important thing is that he is better at swordsmanship!

Could it be that the sword technique called "Dugu Nine Swords" is really so powerful, similar to the performance of "Kanxu Sword Technique" during its awakening stage?

Meng Qi looked indifferent and unrestrained, as if his victory was not worth mentioning, but his spirit was extremely tired.

The fight with Yao Xingliu just now was the most strenuous swordsmanship battle since he started to practice "Dugu Nine Swords". The nine steps back just now were to get closer, and step by step he led Yao Xingliu to step into his own rhythm, revealing There are no flaws, and the last sword is even more indispensable in terms of timing, angle, hand speed, change, etc. It can be regarded as a masterpiece of his swordsmanship.

Therefore, this sword is more tiring than fighting "Yam Luo Tie" once.

He said in a calm voice: "If you only use the Yang Sword or the Yin Sword, I may not be able to succeed with one sword. But after you combine Yin and Yang, the changes will be more blunt and not round enough. The Yin and Yang will conflict with each other, and there will be no way to create each other. This is You gave me an opportunity to take advantage of, but I have to thank you. I have benefited a lot from this encounter."

This is the truth. Yao Xingliu's demonstration of combining swords with left and right swords provided a new way for him to use both swords and swords.

Yao Xingliu thoughtfully put his swords back into the scabbards behind his back, curled his lips and said, "If you lose, you lose. There's nothing to admit, although it's a bit embarrassing to lose to an idiot."

"Who are you calling stupid?" Meng Qi's mouth twitched. This kid has such a bad mouth.

Yao Xingliu chuckled and looked up at the sky: "If I were Senior Brother Zhang, I would appease the girl and keep the engagement unchanged. After breaking through the Zhenwu Beidou Formation, I would accidentally 'die' while traveling down the mountain."

"Uh?" Meng Qi and Zhang Yuanshan looked at Yao Xingliu in shock at the same time. He was not passing by by chance! How much did he hear?

However, Yao Xingliu's words filled Meng Qi with inspiration. The authorities were so confused just now that they didn't expect this!

Yao Xingliu still looked at the sky: "An accidental death, the engagement is dissolved, and Senior Sister Song will not have the stain of being broken off or her fiancé running away from the engagement. Moreover, by then, the Zhang family and the Song family must have cooperated many times, and the foundation of the alliance will be solid. , with or without your engagement, it has no impact. At most, your parents will be sad for a while, but you still have younger brothers and sisters. By the way, you will have to remain anonymous in the future, you can no longer use your current name, and you have to regain your status in the world. "

"When the limelight passes, you can see your parents quietly again. The Zhang family will definitely not reveal this secret on their own. If you want to come back in glory, then work hard to become a grandmaster."

"Even if I leak this matter, as long as there is no evidence that you are still alive, the Zhang-Song Alliance will not change."

The more Zhang Yuanshan listened, the brighter his eyes became, and his whole figure seemed to be freed from many constraints.

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment after hearing this. The pros and cons analysis was so good, it was just like what he had just thought of!

He blurted out: "Aren't you a martial artist?"

When can a martial artist say such words?

Yao Xingliu glanced at Meng Qi contemptuously: "I am a martial arts idiot, but I am not stupid."

"Kid, what do you mean?" Meng Qi's face jumped.

Yao Xingliu snorted: "Anyone who can just drink and not think of a solution is a fool."

"Come on, kid, let's fight for another three hundred rounds!" Meng Qi became angry and decided to use force.

Yao Xingliu's face twitched and he said angrily: "You are a brat yourself!"

Meng Qi is actually younger than Yao Xingliu, but he is taller and has a mature temperament. He looks like he is seventeen or eighteen years old.

Meng Qi was itching with hatred, but he had no choice. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and figured out something, so he looked at Yao Xingliu with a half-smile and said: "The people of the Yao family have no intention of destroying the Zhang-Song alliance. What kind of spirit does it have to take matters of the Song family as your own?"

Yao Xingliu's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

"As a martial arts fanatic, I happened to go to a restaurant without masters in the evening and overheard our conversation. What kind of coincidence is this?" Meng Qi's half-smiling expression became more and more obvious, "Unless he had it from the beginning. Follow."

Yao Xingliu immediately turned around and said, "I have something to do, so I'll take my leave now."

"Why did he follow? Why did he care about this matter? Why didn't he stand on the family's side and instead help us sincerely with advice?" Meng Qi's voice increased, his expression "solemn" and "solemn", "There is only one truth! "

"Yao Xingliu likes Song Mingxi!" he shouted slightly loudly.

Yao Xingliu stumbled, almost fell down, and ran faster.

There was hope that Zhang Yuanshan's matter could be resolved. Meng Qi felt comfortable and said with a proud laugh:

"Sichun kid, come on, let's fight for another 300 rounds!"

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