The Supreme Being

Chapter 173 Roadblock

After entering the city and the posthouse, Lu Guan waited for the emperor to summon him, while Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu found an excuse to visit an old friend and went to the street together.

Meng Qi recalled the previous fight with the evil king. He was full of confidence and planned to practice his own heavenly sword. Suddenly, he heard Ruan Yushu said casually: "Is that sword just now one of Ananda's sword techniques for breaking the precepts?"

"Yes." Meng Qi did not hide it. He wanted to hear the evaluation of his sword technique by the direct descendants of Langya Ruan family.

Ruan Yushu walked through the crowded streets, looking straight ahead, cold and self-assured: "Very strong, the Thunder Blade Crazy Monk is indeed not in vain."

"Haha." Meng Qi could only answer like this. It is not easy to correct other people's prejudices! Fortunately, I didn't use the Golden Bell Cover before, otherwise the Ragged King Kong would be worthy of the name!

The streets of the capital intersect in a chessboard shape. Xiaoxiang Tower is far from the posthouse. Meng Qi and his companions spent half an hour asking for directions along the way. Finally, they arrived at the market and saw a restaurant with big red lanterns hanging high.

Just as he was thinking about how to ask Luo Shengyi and his group, Luo Shengyi's hearty and heroic voice came to his ears: "Xiao Meng's name has spread all over the capital. There is really no false reputation under a great reputation."

He and Ge Huai'en stood by the steps of the restaurant, as if waiting for them.

"You?" Meng Qi was a little confused.

Luo Shengyi smiled and said, "There are many people here, let's go in and talk."

Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu nodded, and silently followed Luo Shengyi and Ge Huai'en through the lobby of the restaurant, across the small bridge and flowing water, and arrived at a quiet courtyard in the back.

"As soon as you entered the city, I got a hint from the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation." After closing the door and carefully checking the surroundings, Luo Shengyi began to explain.

Collaborative tasks should be like this... Meng Qi thought suddenly.

At this moment, the cold and lofty voice of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded again: "The second main task is started. Help Lu Guan regain the emperor's trust and appoint a general to recruit soldiers. Success will reward 400 merits, and failure will deduct the corresponding merits."

"Regain the emperor's trust..." Meng Qi frowned slightly and looked at Luo Shengyi, "Brother Luo, your main task one should be related to this, right?"

Luo Shengyi nodded slightly and pointed to the table full of wine and food: "Eat and talk."

Meng Qi did not avoid Luo Shengyi and Ge Huai'en. He carefully checked the safety of the wine and food, and watched Ruan Yushu eat, and then he started to eat with peace of mind.

"The Western Tartars have won victory after victory, stationed troops in the upper reaches of the Pei River, and sent envoys to negotiate. The conditions are harsh, and the emperor has suffered a stroke and is now unconscious." Luo Shengyi said calmly, "Our main task one is to gain the trust of a certain prince and temporarily prevent peace talks. Now it seems that if we can help the prince we support to ascend the throne, the main task two can be successfully completed."

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully: "I wonder which prince you support?"

This is indeed a solution.

"The third prince, only he is willing to accept us." Luo Shengyi said indifferently, as if he was talking about something unimportant.

Ge Huai'en sat quietly on the side, without interrupting, and was very well-mannered. Ruan Yushu was concentrating on the food, with an elegant posture, sweeping away everything in a whirlwind, and Luo Shengyi couldn't help but be stunned.

"What is the power of the third prince?" Meng Qi heard the music and understood the elegant meaning. He probably understood that the third prince was the weakest party, otherwise he would not accept Luo Shengyi and others of unknown origin.

Luo Shengyi played with the wine glass: "Not too strong but not weak either. At least Xiyue Zhenren, who is in the realm of micro-realm, supports him, and there are others in the same realm, but I don't know who they are."

"What about his competitors?" Meng Qi can still restrain his foodie nature when he is serious, unlike the one next to him.

Luo Shengyi put down the wine glass: "The prince is orthodox, with the national teacher, Ruyi monk, and many court officials behind him. The fourth prince is the disciple of the Sword Emperor. He is quite popular in the world, and there are many important officials in the court who have secret connections with him. The seventh prince is the most trusted by the emperor. He is full of poetry and books, and is skilled in archery and horse riding, but he has no foundation in the world. Originally, the left prime minister of the Political Affairs Hall belonged to him because of the emperor's relationship. Now that the emperor is in a coma, I don't know if there is a chance of waking up, so he alienated him again."

"However, now he seems to know his shortcomings. He is in touch with the court officials, I suspect that the Demon Queen has secretly entered the capital and is living in the Seventh Prince's Mansion."

Meng Qi pondered for a moment and said, "How much power do the masters of this world have to influence the changes in the court?"

"I once fought with someone suspected of being the Demon Queen and barely escaped. Except that she could not cause changes in the celestial phenomena, her strength and realm were close to that of a half-step external scene. If there were no masters in the imperial city or the court, such a person could completely influence the political situation and assassinate anyone who did not obey. "Luo Shengyi exhaled, and it was obvious that the brief fight with the suspected Demon Queen made him a little scared.

He continued, "However, this family is strong in Confucianism, and has abandoned all the rituals, music, archery, charioteering, and calligraphy. Those who can be called great Confucian scholars are all very strong, such as the right prime minister, 'the reincarnation of the Star Lord' Wang Derang, and the half-Confucian and half-Taoist national teacher Changle Zhenren. They all insist on the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children, the elder and the younger, reject outsiders, and despise those who abuse force. If you want to assassinate the emperor and the prince, even the Demon Queen and the Sword Emperor will have to plan for a long time and find an opportunity."

"In this case, the prince is most likely to succeed to the throne, and almost no one can stop it." Meng Qi frowned.

Luo Shengyi smiled confidently and said: "The emperor has been in power for many years, and as he gets older, he is wary of the prince. He is very unhappy and suppresses him repeatedly. If it were not for the protection of the imperial counselors, I am afraid that the prince would have been deposed. So, if With the emperor's will, other princes have the same possibility of ascending the throne. However, after the emperor fell into coma, the right minister, who was always loyal to the emperor, stayed in Taiji Hall overnight to not give anyone a chance to tamper with the will. "

"This matter can't be explained for a while. I will take you to see the third prince tomorrow. You are now famous and he will definitely take it very seriously."

Meng Qi had some objections to this matter. The third prince did not necessarily have to succeed to the throne for Lu Guan to regain his important position. The situation in the northwest was corrupt. As long as he could get rid of those who had enemies with him in the court, the new emperor would probably use him. But if the matter was that simple , the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation will not grant four hundred good deeds.

"Okay." He thought for a while and decided to meet the third prince to see his personality, magnanimity, talent, etc. before he said, "Where is Cao Zhan?"

Just now he was wondering why only Luo Shengyi and Ge Huai'en were there, Cao Zhan was missing, and he didn't receive any notification that a newcomer had died.

"He has the trust of the third prince and is always at his disposal." Luo Shengyi said with an unchanging expression. For him, no matter what Cao Zhan wants to do, as long as it does not hinder him, there is nothing to worry about. "I heard that you and How is the immortal seal? "

He obviously also has the third side mission, so he is very concerned about the strength of Evil Lord and the specialness of the Immortal Seal. Moreover, he judged from Meng Qi's repeated attacks that he and he are close friends. Whoever is careless will lose. He and Evil Lord The strength comparison also applies to yourself.

Meng Qi thought about it for a moment, and didn't hide anything or boast: "If we fight head-on, even if I use all my strength, I can only save my life."

In the battle above the river, although Evil Lord took advantage of the power of the river, the power of the building, the boat, and the shadow to put himself at a disadvantage in the battle of qi and machines, he also struck down in the air, was not grounded, and was unable to change. Only then did he Injured by his own "evil calamity", and because he was surprised by "falling into the mortal world", he cautiously chose to withdraw. If they fought again, facing the Immortal Seal, his chances of winning were very low, unless thunderclouds gathered that day.

Meng Qi had a fairly good understanding of the Immortal Seal. He knew that it was a first-class method of absorbing energy, transforming energy, and releasing energy. If one did not master the technique of highly condensing the true energy, it would be difficult to harm the Evil Lord. He could only rely on the "Evil Lord" "Jie" is sharp and specific.

In this respect, Yama Luo Tie is stronger than Ananda Po Jie Sword Technique, because the first two moves of Ananda Po Jie Sword Technique are divergent in strength, confusing people's ears and eyes, and mainly use the sword of the soul, while Yama Luo Tie can see from the sword light that it is pure. Condensation, if arranged properly, is not without a chance of winning. Of course, it is very difficult to kill the evil king who has mastered the Immortal Seal Technique and the Phantom Demon Body Technique.

If I fight against the evil king again, I will have to use the Golden Bell Cover, Ananda Pojie Sword Technique, Yama Luo Tie, and Dugu Nine Swords. The painting style that I finally corrected will be wrong again. The person next to me will definitely say, well , King Kong Mang lives up to his reputation... Meng Qi looked out the window and felt a little "sad".

"In other words, you are at a disadvantage. If we join forces, we may be able to kill Evil Lord..." Before Luo Shengyi finished speaking, he denied this judgment himself, "It is said that the Immortal Seal is very special, and it does not fear Group battle."

"Yes, I have also heard this rumor." Of course, Meng Qi could not say that he had a very deep understanding of the Immortal Seal.

After a few more pleasantries and dinner, Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu said goodbye and left, making an appointment to meet here early tomorrow morning to meet the third prince.

It was getting late at this time, and many streets were very quiet. Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu were walking side by side, and finally couldn't suppress their curiosity: "Apart from the sound of the piano to assist and killing people, don't you have any means to face the enemy head-on?"

Ruan Yushu glanced at him and played the guqin lightly.

Zheng! The sound was harsh, and a string played like a sharp sword.

"That's it." Meng Qi was very happy that his curiosity was satisfied.

Ruan Yushu pressed down the strings, tied them up again, and continued to move forward calmly.

The two stepped onto the stone bridge and walked slowly. Suddenly, an old man with white hair appeared in front of them.

He was sitting on the stone steps, with his back to Meng Qi, and a long sword in front of him. His whole person seemed to be nothing, as if he was in between something and nothing, which gave people a very strange feeling.

Meng Qi's expression suddenly became solemn, he drew his sword and blocked Ruan Yushu behind him.

"I heard that Xiao Meng's swordsmanship of the 'Shocking Divine Sword' is very powerful and only attacks but not defends. I want to give it a try." The old man stood up slowly, his momentum changed, and like a long sword unsheathed, the sharp edge went straight into Meng Qi's heart.

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