The Supreme Being

Chapter 192 Gone (Part 3)

After crashing through the roof, Meng Qi stepped on the tiles and ran towards the side yard. Ruyi Seng and other experts also jumped out from behind, chasing after him.

"Catch the assassin!" The other masters shouted loudly, trying to get the guards scattered throughout the Prince's Mansion to chase and intercept him, making sure to chop the short-haired demon monk into pieces.

Meng Qi's "catching the wind and shadows" unfolded, as fast as a puff of smoke. From time to time, he stepped on the ever-changing steps of the divine movement to dodge the hidden weapons and cold arrows coming from behind.

While running, he kicked out tiles and shot them at the surrounding guards. At the same time, he ran the thunder words and shouted:

"The prince committed regicide and killed his father, a crime that cannot be punished. Now he has been punished by the sword of a certain person!"

"The prince has been given the sword!"

The sound was like rumbling thunder, rolling away, making the guards dizzy and frightening their hearts. The prince was actually killed? Then what risks would you and others take and what would you risk your lives for?

Even most of the experts couldn't help but be stunned, yes, the prince is dead, why should we risk our lives? Find some money as soon as possible and join other princes!

For the martial arts people they recruited, they would naturally be loyal if the prince was there. But now that the prince is dead and the throne has become a dream, and the promised future cannot be realized, how can there be any reason for loyalty?

Especially now that it is a critical moment in the competition for the throne, they can no longer take chances.

As a result, most of the experts other than the bodyguards dispersed and took away valuables. The Prince's Mansion was in chaos, creating a perfect environment for Meng Qi to make a circuitous escape.

If Lu Ling, the left prime minister, was still there, he would definitely stop them and introduce the crown prince's legitimate son and the emperor's eldest grandson, thereby stabilizing people's hearts and maintaining the situation. Anyway, the general trend is now in hand. There is no obvious difference whether the crown prince ascends the throne or the emperor's eldest grandson ascends the throne. , but it is a pity that Meng Qi's last vomiting of blood was deliberate, specifically targeting him, a traitor with low martial arts skills.

——Great Confucians all have extraordinary martial arts skills, but the prime minister is not necessarily a great Confucian, especially if he is known as a treacherous prime minister. Lu Ling is good at figuring out people's hearts, can make good decisions, has a clear picture of the overall situation, and can also be relaxed and flattering. The key is He was always ruthless and ruthless, so he was naturally used by the emperor. As the saying goes, there are specializations in the art, but because of this, he was completely unable to use his own strengths when facing the unreasonable Thunder Sword Monk, and he didn't even have time to say a word. My face is full of peach blossoms.

Chaos arose in the Prince's Mansion. Meng Qi dodged around the battlefield where the Sword Emperor intercepted the Imperial Master, and rushed out of the mansion. The only masters still chasing behind him were Ruyi Monk, the Imperial Master's lineage, and a few loyal people.

The stars are bright and the rainbow is fierce. The two great masters are fighting with all their strength. On the edge of the battle, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the palm wind is sharp. Meng Qi is using his swords and swords, both using the core essence of the Qi-breaking style, trying hard to separate them, without slowing down at all. .

Under such a situation, the chasing masters gradually separated into different levels because they had to concentrate on resisting. Ruyi Monk took the lead, followed by several national master disciples and a loyal master. Others fell behind and wanted to take a detour to intercept them. .

The outer courtyard wall of the Prince's Mansion appeared in Meng Qi's sight, and a wave of guards suddenly appeared in front of them, and they came towards them with swords raised and swords raised.

This is a very tightly defended place to prevent foreign enemies from invading.

Meng Qi took a deep breath, stepped forward without stopping, and bullied himself into the guards. He swung out his long sword, the tip of the sword shook, and the sword light suddenly shone.


Amidst the screams, the weapons clinked to the ground. Some covered their hands and some covered their eyes. Meng Qi's body was cut with wounds by the sword wind, but they could not penetrate deeply because of his rough skin and thick flesh. Just a flesh wound.

Without stopping, Meng Qi jumped onto the wall, and just as he was about to fly out, Ruyi Monk had already arrived, and the big handprint struck Meng Qi's temple slowly and condensingly.


The sound of killing reached my ears, and the sharp wind pierced the throat of Ruyi Monk, as fast as thunder.

Ruyi Monk was about to use his body-protecting Qi to resist, when there was a continuous clanging sound, and two more strong winds shot out, hitting the same position.

He dodged sideways and slowed down his palm movement, but Meng Qi returned the sword with a strike, lightning flashed out, and he was slightly paralyzed.

Meng Qi spat out another mouthful of blood, flew up with the strength of his palms, landed at the entrance of the alley, slipped inside and disappeared.

Ruyi Monk slowed down his pace and stopped chasing. Firstly, the distance was widened, and the opponent's Qinggong was good at speed. Secondly, the night was dark and it was inconvenient to trace the traces. Thirdly, the enemy secretly didn't know how many helpers he had, and a rash pursuit would only lead to a trap. .

"Unexpectedly, what Xiao Meng of the 'Shocking Sword' is best at is body protection and lion roar... He is a monk who has broken the precepts..." Ruyi Monk sighed.

After running around in several small alleys and going around in a circle, Meng Qi arrived at the meeting place agreed with Ruan Yushu.

The faint starlight shone on her body, and the white dress seemed to be covered with a layer of light. She was quietly lowering her head and tying the strings of the piano, poetic and picturesque.

Meng Qi spat out a mouthful of bruised blood and felt a lot better. He took out the remaining Wounded Soul Replenishing Pill and drank it to activate the medicine. It would take a certain amount of time before the main task was completed. He couldn't be careless and lose Jingzhou. He was killed because he didn't treat his injuries. People take advantage of it.

"Let's go and meet Lao Luo." Meng Qi changed his name to Luo Shengyi.

Ruan Yushu nodded lightly, holding the guqin in his arms, and walked beside Meng Qi. His expression was cold, but his eyes were wandering, always looking at the top of his head when Meng Qi was not prepared.

I know my wig fell off! Meng Qi said helplessly: "If you want to see it, just go ahead and see it."

Ruan Yushu nodded heavily, stared at Meng Qi openly, and finally said: "I think we shouldn't grow up so fast, so we look like King Kong Mang..."

"I have returned to secular life." Meng Qi was unable to refute.

"Well, you can eat meat." Ruan Yushu's expression was very serious.

The focus of the conversation is wrong... Meng Qi refined the medicine, nourished his body, and recovered from his injuries.

Ruan Yushu looked forward and suddenly said: "I can hear your voice from outside."

Meng Qi decided to concentrate on healing.

The two of them did not go directly back to the Fourth Prince's Mansion, but went to a nearby alley and waited for Luo Shengyi at the agreed place.

At this time, it is most likely that the cunning rabbit will die and the lackey will be cooked, especially if he is still seriously injured and weak. Therefore, Meng Qi planned to return after his injuries were stabilized and most of the recovery was achieved with the help of elixirs.

After a while, Meng Qi's injury was stable, and there was nothing unusual except for his tattered clothes. At this time, heavy footsteps came, and Luo Shengyi stumbled in.

There was a sword wound on his right chest. Even though the acupuncture points were applied to stop the bleeding, a little blood still overflowed uncontrollably, dyeing the clothes on his chest dark red.

"Lao Luo, are you okay?" Meng Qi asked.

Lao Luo...Luo Shengyi's mouth twitched, and then he said with a smile: "With a sword from Master Baptism Yue, I finally killed the third prince."

Having said this, his expression became slightly serious: "However, Cao Zhan was hacked to death by the other men of the Third Prince and could not be saved."

In other people's minds, the two of them were on the same team. If he killed the third prince, Cao Zhan would naturally be besieged.

A new person died, why didn’t I get a prompt? That's right, the only newcomer I brought was Ruan Yushu, and the other two were from Lao Luo... Meng Qi was not familiar with Cao Zhan, and was only slightly sad about his death. Seeing how prosperous he was, he thought he would A fruitful return and the result...

"Where's Ge Huai'en?" Meng Qi asked another newcomer and helped Luo Shengyi bandage his wounds.

Luo Sheng took the healing elixir under his clothes and said with a wry smile: "You're lucky. He was sent out by me to do other things. He escaped and should be able to return smoothly."

He didn't know that the old emperor was dead before, and he had to prevent him from waking up from a coma. There was no prince to ascend the throne, so he sent Gawain to find a way to "apply" for the Imperial City Guard. If the Demon Queen couldn't sneak into the palace, he would have to use this line .

——He originally expected that if the emperor wakes up, the dust will fall to the ground, and the princes who violate taboos will be severely suppressed. It will be clear who will inherit the throne, and he will no longer need the protection of the Right Prime Minister in night imprisonment, and he will not always live in the Tai Chi Palace. If they don't go out, the chance of assassination will be greatly increased. Anyway, unlike others, they don't need to consider their options. If the emperor dies, he will naturally be pulled back by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

"Fortunately, you didn't meet the Queen." Meng Qi saw that the heavy rain in the direction of the Imperial City began to dissipate, and understood that the Queen and the Right Chancellor gave up because of the changes outside.

After Luo Shengyi's injury stabilized, the three of them Shi Shiran returned to the Fourth Prince's Mansion.

The fourth prince has returned, pacing with his hands behind his back, looking very confident. Apparently things are going well.

Looking at Meng Qi and the others, he smiled and nodded: "The solitary king has received the news. The eldest brother and the third brother have been executed. You have done a good job and have such great achievements, so you must be rewarded. What titles, official positions, and fiefs do you want? "

He had the consciousness of an emperor.

"We are wandering clouds and wild cranes. We don't like frivolous wealth and cannot tolerate worldly things. If the prince rewards you, just follow your previous promise and give us all the swords in the study." Meng Qi's eyes were "clear" and he was not fooled by glory and wealth. Looking at the fourth prince.

Why didn't you mention the secret book reward? This guy doesn't seem to have a hobby of collecting secrets. By the time he finds someone to collect them, it will be dawn!

The fourth prince was stunned. He didn't expect that they could resist glory and wealth. There are really people in the world who value righteousness over wealth!

He sighed: "You can choose for yourself. Except for the Tengxiang Sword and the Iron Wood Sword given by my master, everything else belongs to you."

"Your Majesty, where is Commander Lu?" Meng Qi asked after spending a lot of time with Lu Guan.

The fourth prince smiled: "Commander Lu is in charge of the capital camp and enforcing the curfew."

The three of them entered the study under the guidance of the chamberlain. After the chamberlain took away the Sword Emperor's old sword and closed the door, Meng Qi chuckled and said, "This is the result of everyone's joint efforts. Before, it was all thanks to the help of the two of us." , you choose first.”

There are nearly thirty swords hanging on the wall, and the remaining nine are sharp weapons, including the Red Moon Sword, Shaohua Sword, Chengren's Righteousness Sword, Bai Prime Minister Zhijian, etc.

"What a great meritorious deed. Xiao Meng, your tongue is like a lotus flower." Luo Shengyi praised and changed his title at the same time because he found that Meng Qi was very resistant to the monk's name.

He did not refuse and took away the Shaohua Sword and another sharp sword.

Ruan Yushu nodded coldly and took off the Red Moon Sword and another sharp weapon.

They all knew how to advance and retreat, and left five sharp weapons for Meng Qi, including Chengren's Righteous Sword and Bai Prime Minister's Zhijian.

The three of them each picked six of the remaining eighteen hundred-refined swords.

Afterwards, they healed their wounds and ate snacks. It was not until the end of the night and the sky became bright that the voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation rang in their ears:

"The second main task is completed, and each person will be rewarded with 400 good deeds."

"Side mission one. Each newcomer survives. Zhending and Luo Shengyi will be rewarded with two hundred good deeds each."


The fourth prince who ascended the throne waited until the chamberlain reported that the three knights had disappeared after dawn, and then he truly believed that they had not set eyes on Ronghua. Later, he looked at the empty study wall and found that other things were not missing at all, and he couldn't help but Sighed:

"True chivalrous style!"


Pillars of light hung down one after another, treating everyone, and Meng Qi's golden bell quickly recovered.

He counted the number of light beams and found that everyone was fine, and felt at ease.

At this moment, the cold and majestic voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded again:

"Escape from youth and deepen reincarnation. The next mission is a death mission, which will start in one year. Please be prepared."

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