The Supreme Being

Chapter 210 Breaking through the Waves

If you look at the barrier, you will see that the Shang River has capsized and zigzagged out of the city, just to watch the mountains.

Meng Qi stood in the Guanlan Hall, looking at the undulating river surface and the lights under the night. He felt that the sky was high and far away and the world was beautiful, and the fireworks of thousands of families were flowing into the river. At this moment, worldly life and worldly life were integrated into one.

"The ancestors of the Tang family are indeed experts in outdoor scenes. They are really particular about the place they choose to practice..." Meng Qi looked outside the fence and looked inside the hall in a good mood.

He just deliberately said in front of Tang Mingyue that he wanted to kill Tang Shu in very cold and profound words, because if he didn't say hello in advance and launched an attack, Tang Mingyue would be doubtful, doubt his own purpose, and then doubt his identity. Coordinating her actions and taking advantage of the situation to cover the clouds and rain, informing Tang Mingyue as soon as possible would only make her feel that she had a far-reaching plan, did not follow the rules, and was difficult to predict. It was worthy of the arduous sword skills. The successful man turns back to be a prodigal son.

Of course, this kind of pretending to be profound, cold, and overwhelming feels very good, hahahaha!

Meng Qi laughed inwardly and felt quite embarrassed. As for the purpose of killing Tang Shu, he had only one purpose, and that was to avenge and complain.

We are such stingy and vengeful people!

Of course, before killing Tang Shu, he had to ask him what he knew.

Therefore, changing into white clothes, pretending to be sophisticated and cold, in addition to satisfying one's own preferences, what is more important is to tell the truth before, build momentum, and suppress Tang Shu psychologically, so that he will confess, and only then will he be killed. Don't use covert tactics to expose your identity.

After all, Tang Shu had nine orifices with many years of experience. He had profound internal energy and could release his true energy. His body protection and attack on enemies were all extraordinary. Even if he didn't fight back, ordinary orifice masters would not be able to break his protective energy before they were too anxious. In the face of their own lives, In the most critical situation, his potential will definitely explode. If he doesn't create a flaw in his mind in advance and sow the seeds of failure, it will be difficult to kill him by relying only on the Knife Knife Technique without using a sword or location moves.

While Meng Qi was thinking about it, Tang Mingyue walked in with light steps, holding a set of white robes in her hands, her eyes filled with admiration for her brother: "Second brother, Grandpa Ren will come over after he arranges for his bodyguard."

"Okay." Meng Qi took the white robe, stepped into the East Nuan Pavilion of Guanlan Hall, took off his fancy clothes and put it on.

A mirror made of special copper material stood in front of Meng Qi. It was almost as tall as a man. At first glance, it was very clear. It was unknown what kind of craftsmanship it had gone through.

When I see the person in the mirror, plainly dressed in white robes, he is cold and majestic, with a long knife at his waist, and sharp angular lines, which creates a strange charm, which is different from the cool and coldness of a swordsman, and different from the tranquility of a monk. , but the masculinity and fierceness of the swordsman.

"Not bad, not bad..." Meng Qi was very satisfied with this shape. If he could initially sense the world, it would also respond to the surrounding environment, giving people a flawless sense.

He coughed lightly, calmed down his anxious mood, returned to his calm state, and stepped out of Dongnuan Pavilion.

"Second brother..." Tang Mingyue's eyes lit up, she calmed down, and said with concern: "Second brother, what kind of suffering have you suffered outside?"

"It's a long story." I haven't made it up yet...

"Wait until my throat is completely healed before speaking again." Then you won't be able to find me...

Meng Qi replied in a hoarse voice, while at the same time looking at the layout of Guanlan Hall, trying to find something to "pass the time" so as not to expose himself by talking too much to Tang Mingyue.

"Okay." Tang Mingyue knew that her second brother's throat was injured by the assassin and it was a little difficult to speak. She had tried her best to yell and ask in the ancestral hall just now, so she naturally needed to take good care of herself now.

The Guanlan Hall is elegantly decorated. In addition to the cabinets where incense burners and antiques are placed, there are several rows of bookshelves, desks, and chairs. Meng Qi was about to appreciate the antiques when his eyes suddenly lit up and he saw a word under the horizontal plaque of the Guanlan Hall.

The calligraphy of this painting is flowing like a dragon and a snake, and it is hanging there, reflecting the light of the water, giving it a slightly floating feeling.

"Guanlan post..." Meng Qi read out the name, walked over slowly, stood under the post, put his hands behind his back, and raised his head slightly to read carefully.

The handwriting on the post cannot be said to be outstanding, and the words do not have a sense of literary talent, but it is written in one go, flowing freely, and has its own style.

"Leaning on the railing to hit the water..." When he looked carefully, Meng Qi's eyes suddenly froze, and he felt that the ink characters on the post seemed to have turned into waves, which were suffocating and "surging", overwhelming the sky and the earth, forming a continuous trend.

The waves were surging, the waves were turbulent, and at the last few words, Meng Qi suddenly saw a sword light in front of his eyes. It was sharp and soared into the sky. It was so fast that it was unimaginable. With one strike, the waves split and the river split. He actually broke through the natural world with his own power. The momentum!

After the thrilling sword-light hallucination, Meng Qi found himself seeing the end of "Guanlan Tie". The bright red seal was as new as new, and the letter "Broken Dust" was written on it.

This is the name of the ancestor of the Tang family, "River Split" Tang Pochen.

Meng Qi closed his eyes, recalling the meaning of the sword contained in "Guanlan Tie", and four words suddenly appeared in his mind:

"Splitting the River Sword Technique."

"Guanlan Tie" is not a true inheritance, nor is it a martial arts secret book. It is the work of the ancestors of the Tang family who, when their sword skills were perfected, filled their chests with anger, splashed ink, and poured out the sword intention in their hearts. It combined the "power" and "speed" of the Lijiang sword technique The essence of the Dao of the Broad Sword is vividly demonstrated.

The waves are continuous and their momentum is endless, and the river cannot be cut off until it is too fast!

"The ancestors once said that if anyone can copy the "Guanlan Tie" to a 70-80% image, then his River-Splitting Sword Technique is enough to be proud of one side, and he can use it to break through the exterior scenes. Second brother, do you want to try it?" My brother returned, Tang Mingyue was in a good mood after changing the situation in a flash, and couldn't help but make a joke.

If I have time to practice the Splitting River Sword Technique, I might as well think more about the Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder and the Nine Destructions of Shenxiao... Meng Qi slandered, and said to Tang Mingyue with a soft expression: "My great sword skills came from other encounters, Splitting the River The skill with the knife still lacks the firepower.”

Tang Mingyue had seen Meng Qi's sword attack on Ye San, and knew that his sword technique was fierce and domineering, which was different from his own Lijiang sword technique. Hearing this, he was not surprised, so he covered his mouth and said with a smile: " One thing is clear and one thing is clear. Second brother, you are already accomplished in swordsmanship. If you read "Guanlan Tie" more, you will naturally learn the art of Lijiang sword."

"That makes sense." Meng Qi was happy to do this so as not to exchange pleasantries.

Moreover, the essence of the swordsmanship contained in "Guanlan Tie" is similar to some of the explanations in "The Compendium of Heavenly Swords". Meng Qi had been studying and practicing before, but he had not gained much. Now that he has pearls and jade in front of him, how can he not appreciate it? What does "copy" mean?

Soon, he was immersed in the artistic conception of the continuous waves and the splitting of the river by the light of the sword. He kept pondering and absorbing it. He tried to use the relevant explanations in "The Outline of the Heavenly Sword" as a basis to learn the changes in Ananda's breaking sword technique and the cold wind sword. Fa, Five Tigers Cutting the Door Sword Technique, etc. are used as stems, and the power and speed contained in "Guanlan Tie" are transformed into one's own sword techniques.

In this state, Meng Qi forgot about the outside world and had no self.

When Tang Ren, Tang Erye, and Tang Qiye each entered, their eyes were fixed. Meng Qi, who was looking up at the post with his hands behind his hands and concentrating on reading the post, had an indescribable feeling, as if he had separated from the world and merged with the surrounding environment. And it seems that he will draw his sword at any time, cut through nature, and return to the world of mortals.

His white robe is cold and his back is straight, like a gun barrel. He is not strong, but he gives people a sense of majesty.

This was also Tang Shu's first feeling when he stepped into Guanlan Hall. The other elders stood outside the door, waiting for the result.

"Second Young Master..." Overwhelmed by this momentum, Tang Shu could only see Meng Qi, forgetting that Tang Qiye was the current acting head of the family.

Meng Qi came back to his senses, closed his eyes again, and examined what he had just gained. Without turning around, he said in a hoarse voice:

"Why did you want to assassinate the leader of the Huanhua Sword Sect and his relatives? Did your second uncle know beforehand?"

Tang Shu looked at Second Master Tang and saw him shaking his head slightly, so he said with certainty: "Second Master doesn't know anything about it."

Tang Erye breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't understand what happened to Tang Xiaoer outside and how many hardships he endured. Why did he become so terrifying? After giving people a chance to breathe and react, after a series of puzzling actions, he has quietly taken control of most of the situation in the family. His people and his knives make An secretly fearful!

Tang Shu continued: "In the past, the fifth master was very kind to me and brought me into the Tang family. He asked me to assassinate him, so I assassinated him."

Tang Shu didn't believe in Tang at first. He was a famous master in Huanzhou. Later, he got into trouble and was rescued by Tang Wuye. The orifices are all opened, and the inner heaven and earth are completed.

"Why did Fifth Uncle want to assassinate the leader of the Huanhua Sword Sect? Have you never thought about the consequences?" Meng Qi was still facing the "Guanlan Tie" with his back to everyone, the evening breeze blew by, and his white robe was fluttering.

Tang Shu answered honestly: "The Fifth Master didn't want to do this at first, but after meeting Third Young Master Ye secretly, he said that in order to gain status in the Wang family, he had to be the first to do so. Anyway, he was only dealing with the relatives of the leader of the Huanhua Sword Sect, and some of them could be bribed. Since Mr. Lin is here, it won't cause too much trouble. When the time comes, I will be thrown out to take the blame after I have escaped and disappeared. Who knows, even Mr. Lin will die later. "

Tang Mingyue pursed her lips and listened quietly, not quite believing that Young Master Ye would appear in such a big event.

"When Uncle Wu met Ye San, was there anyone else?" Meng Qi said without any emotion, but he was quite surprised in his heart. He had always thought that Ye San was a standard playboy, and it was okay to do small and vicious things, but he was definitely not okay with such big things. The abilities are mixed, but now it sounds like he played an important role in it. Is this the same Ye San who was frightened to his knees by his own knife?

Tang Shu shook his head and looked at Meng Qi's back. He felt that he was the head of the family and that he was confident:

"Fifth Master met him secretly, and I don't know if there was anyone else."

Meng Qi asked a few more circumstantial questions, and seeing that Tang Shu had already explained everything he could, he put his hands behind his back, opened his eyes, looked at the ups and downs of "Guanlan Tie", and said sternly:

"It is a crime to act without the permission of the owner of the family."

"Ignoring the situation, only talking about personal affairs, dragging the family into a dangerous situation, this is the second crime."

"After doing something, he failed to take responsibility for his crime, directed his anger towards the family, and ignored the kindness he had cultivated over the years. This is the third crime."

"Tang Shu, do you know your guilt?"

He is like the head of the family and a judge, but after a series of events, Tang Qiye and others have long lost their momentum, and they actually feel that it is natural.

Tang Shu said expressionlessly: "I know the crime."

"Uncle Shu is already aware of his crime and is a master of the Nine Apertures. Why not just give him a heavy punishment and leave him useful to serve the family?" Second Master Tang suggested.

Meng Qi read "Guanlan Tie" again, his heart was filled with waves, and his sword was cutting across the river. He ignored Mr. Tang and said coldly: "Very good. Now that I have been convicted, I am not as good as my family."

Just when Tang Shu and others were rejoicing, Meng Qi changed the subject: "Uncle Wu was right about what he said. Someone must take the blame to ease the anger of the Huanhua Sword Sect."

"Our family can only survive in such a difficult way among the big sects of the big families, and we must not act arbitrarily."

Tang Shu and others were in shock and doubt, wondering what punishment he would give, whether to cut off his hand directly or let the Huanhua Sword Sect deal with it?

Meng Qi loosened his hands on his back, put his right hand under the handle of the knife, and said coldly:

"So, you must die."

The sound was not loud, but it was like thunder, exploding in everyone's heart.

Meng Qi finally turned around and pulled out Xie Jie:

"If you die, your family can live, and the whole family can live!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the long knife that had been prepared for a long time suddenly slashed out. The light of the knife flashed and the changes were strange. It seemed that every change was contrary to common sense and tugging at the heart. Seeing it was like hearing an unbearable noise. I remembered The past that cannot be let go.

After all, it’s hard to calm down!

This kind of sword technique is indescribable and makes people's scalp numb. It is the essence of the pure sword technique derived from Meng Qi's "Compendium of Heavenly Sword".

Only then did Tang Shu clearly see the appearance of "Tang Jing". His facial features were similar to those of Mr. Tang, his nose was straight, his lips were thin, his edges were sharp, his white robe was like snow, he was cold and domineering, and his imposing manner made him feel shorter unconsciously. One end.

The cold and calm expression of standing with his hands behind his back, the confidence that everything is under control, and the strong accountability every sentence, like a picture carefully drawn by Meng Qi, suddenly appeared in Tang Shu's heart, making him unable to think of victory.

"If you die, your family can live, and the whole family can live!"

The last stern words, combined with the strange changes, made Tang Shu hesitate even more. His family members and his own life were spinning on the scale.

When masters fight each other, their moves change very quickly, and a slight mistake can lead to defeat. How can Tang Shu be allowed to hesitate?

With this hesitation, he had lost the opportunity, and the evil calamity was already in front of him!

Only then did Tang Erye and Tang Qiye react and come to the rescue.

"No!" Tang Shu roared angrily, his desire for survival taking over. He raised his palms up, and expelled the cold and hot palm energy, forming a ball of air and pinching towards the evil calamity.

But at this moment, Xie Jie struck, the sword light changed, and it was like a rolling river wave, rushing towards Tang Shu continuously.

Tang Shu's eyes narrowed, and he knew that he had made a hasty move, and judged that there was a slight error in the path of the knife, and fell into the opponent's trap, so he had no choice but to shoot out with his left palm, but his hand was severed and he ran away.

Huh! Seeing Meng Qi's strike, Tang Ren's face showed surprise.

Suddenly, a bright sword light lit up, splitting the waves and cutting off all life.

Zheng, the long sword was sheathed. Meng Qi, who was in front of "Guanlan Tie" just now, was now standing behind Tang Shu, with his back to him.

Tang Erye and Tang Qiye had just rushed forward when they saw a blood mark running down Tang Shu's eyebrows and spreading to his throat. His eyes were full of unwillingness and he fell to the ground with a pop.

"Send his body to Huanhua Rice Shop."

Meng Qi didn't look back, opened the door, walked out of Guanlan Hall, and said calmly.

Several elders outside could not hide their shock and astonishment. As soon as they realized that they were taking action, the outcome was already clear. This was a master of the Nine Apertures, a master of the Nine Apertures!

Meng Qi was certain of the outcome. In the previous battle, Tang Shu failed to exert even 30% of his strength. He was hesitant and committed a taboo in fighting. After the Duan Qing Jing Yi evolved, he could kill him no matter what sword technique he used, so he tried I have just learned the essence of the two sword arts!

He was dressed in white as snow, holding his hand on the handle of the knife, walking slowly in the night corridor.

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