Shan Xiumei nodded lightly: "Yedu Martial Arts School has given ordinary people a promotion level, which is considered a great merit."

She had an expression of admiration, implying pity and sympathy for the lower class people. She really looked like an elegant fairy who fell into the world.

Wang Ce looked at her profile, admiring the beautiful lines, and was fascinated for a moment.

Not long after, Kong Yu, the leader of Yedu Qingshou, Huang Yuanhua, the foreign affairs elder of the Huang family, Lian Shuiyao, the foreign deacon of the Huanhua Sword sect, Qi Zhengyan, the chief officer, and others came to watch the martial arts competition to select talents for their own sect.

In other martial arts halls, there are also people from sects and families, but the big forces are here, and the most important competitions are naturally arranged here.

"This is Cao Chengye from Chiyang Martial Arts School. He is just nineteen years old and has already opened his eyes. We are very talented and decided to give him the opportunity to practice advanced skills." Wang Ce pointed to a silent and indifferent young man below and said: Shan Xiumei introduced.

Yesterday, he specially asked his old servant to find the information about this martial arts competition. He read it carefully in order to explain it to the beautiful lady. He was most impressed by Cao Chengye, who was appointed as his official. If not, why would Cao Chengye, an ordinary young man with a clear vision, Let the prince recognize and remember it.

Shan Xiumei nodded slightly, looked at Cao Chengye, and then looked at his opponent, a simple young man who was a little embarrassed by today's lively scene: "Who is this?"

Wang Ce's expression stiffened for a moment, and the old servant next to him moved his lips, transmitting the sound into the secret.

He coughed and introduced leisurely: "He Mu from Qingfeng Martial Arts School, has a small skill in accumulating energy. He won five games in a row yesterday and his swordsmanship is outstanding."

"Win five games in a row with a small success in accumulating energy?" Shan Xiumei was a little surprised. The rarest things in martial arts competitions are talents who have just opened their eyes and low-level players who have achieved a little success in accumulating energy. The most common ones are those who have achieved great success in accumulating energy. , if a young man with a small amount of energy accumulation wants to win five games in a row, even if he does not meet an outstanding disciple like Cao Chengye, he will at least encounter two or three opponents with a great deal of energy accumulation, and he actually wins them all?

Wang Ce looked at Cao Chengye and He Mu with his hands behind his back, paused for a moment and then said: "According to the reviews of martial artists and those who watched the battle, He Mu uses his sword like a chess player, with clear organization and complete layout, and is often unexpected and full of traps. Well, it’s not like a young man like him has the understanding of swordsmanship.”

"In other words, there is a master's guidance behind him?" Shan Xiumei asked curiously.

Wang Ce smiled and said: "It should be so. Even his swordsmanship layout was completely made by someone else, but it doesn't rule out that he is talented."

Shan Xiumei showed a bit of a girlish attitude: "Brother Wang, since he has the guidance of an expert, can he defeat Cao Chengye?"

"Impossible." Wang Ce said resolutely, "There is a huge gap between enlightenment and Qi accumulation. Cao Chengye can defeat cleverness with strength and quickness, unless the master personally seals the fate of martial arts and uses his rich experience and ingenuity The swordsmanship makes up for this gap.”

Shan Xiumei looked at Wang Ce with implicit reverence, as if what he said was a wise saying, which made Wang Ce feel satisfied and relaxed physically and mentally.

"In the first battle, he kept dodging and defending, allowing Bai Liang to magnify the flaws in his side step by step, until he was unable to defend himself..."

"Exquisite swordsmanship, cautious, good at seducing people into traps, complete layout..."

Cao Chengye, who was in the ring, was recalling the information compiled by his brothers and sisters, and had an intuitive and accurate impression of the opponent in front of him.

He was in a calm state of mind and had clear thinking. He already had a strategy to deal with He Mu:

"If we just talk about swordsmanship, based on the level he has shown so far, maybe I am not as good as him, but my realm is much higher than him. Whether it is strength, speed, or reaction, I am far stronger than him, and my eyesight has been opened. He is good at catching fast things, even if he falls into a sword trap, he can still avoid it..."

"Use strength to defeat cleverness, use speed to defeat cleverness, but you have to leave some strength. Once you encounter a sword trap, you can change your moves in time to deal with it..."

Opposite him, He Mu was calm and calm, with no obsession with winning or losing. In other words, he never thought about defeating the newly enlightened master. Standing here, he just wanted to verify Mr. Su's "story".

Mr. Su's words yesterday flowed through his mind one by one, making him eager to try:

"The opponent is stronger than you, has stronger Qi, and is faster than you. Once we actually fight, with your current understanding of swordsmanship, no matter what 'story' you tell or what trap you lay, it will be impossible to deal with him... …”

"Your only chance lies at the beginning of the story told earlier. It is cautious, good at layout, and good at seducing people. It is accumulated from five battles. It is true and believable. As long as the other party is not reckless, not careless, and not just A master who attacks without defending will definitely consider whether it is a layout or a trap when facing your swordsmanship, and will always leave some strength to deal with it. This is your opportunity..."

"This is a competition in the ring, not a real battle. As a strong man in the enlightenment stage, he will definitely respect his identity and let you take the first shot..."

"Of course, if the opponent is really reckless or conceited about his strength, just concentrate on enjoying your swordsmanship. There is no way you can win..."

Is this okay? Is this really okay? He Mu asked himself, the "strange trick" Mr. Su gave at the end was really unacceptable, not because it was strange, but because it was very ordinary and there was no mystery at all!

With the words still in his ears, He Mu raised his sword and got ready to strike.

Cao Chengye respected his identity and held his sword across his chest, signaling He Mu to make the first move.

He Mu took a deep breath, surged his true energy, exerted strength on his waist and legs, and used the move "Gufanyuanying".

With this move, he used all his strength and energy, leaving no room for any chance. Only the last eight words Mr. Su said in his mind:

"There is no retreat when there is progress, and there is no turning back when there is progress!"

The sun shines into the martial arts performance hall, reflecting the sword's light brightly and brightly. It is like a building ship in the blue sky and the vast sea. Bathed in the sun, it gradually moves away and goes straight to the middle road with fierce momentum.

This sword was the fastest and strongest sword that He Mu had ever wielded in his life. If he was in a different position, he felt that even if he had a lot of energy, he would not be able to block such a sword. Of course, he could still dodge it.

In Cao Chengye's eyes, although this sword was extremely fast, it could still be caught by his sight, and its trajectory was clear enough for him to respond.

"He is cautious..."

"He is good at swordsmanship layout..."

"Every change he makes hides a trap..."

Thoughts were swirling in his mind. Cao Chengye subconsciously reserved some strength and swung his sword out to block He Mu's sword.


The two swords collided, and when they were thrown away, it turned out to be Cao Chengye's sword!

"This kind of power?"

"Didn't he save any strength?"

"He just ran out of energy?"

"How could he be so reckless! Such a disregard for subsequent changes!"

Cao Chengye's hand went numb and his long sword was slightly swung away. Although He Mu's sword was also bounced a little, it was able to go straight to the middle without changing its direction and was still aimed at Cao Chengye's body!

The sword edge struck him, and it was so sharp that it reached his body. At this time, it was too late for Cao Chengye to change his defense, and the remaining strength he had left could only be used to dodge.

He gritted his teeth and lay down, rolled around, and dodged He Mu's sword. Then Carp stood up straight, and was about to attack with his sword in shame and anger. But at this time, He Mu raised his sword and said with a smile:

"I surrender."

He was in an unusually happy mood, and being able to force an eye-witness master to be so embarrassed was simply something he could never dream of. If he had successfully accumulated energy, his inner strength would be stronger, his strength would be greater, and his speed would be faster. , Cao Chengye may not be able to avoid it!

However, he also knew that to be able to make Cao Chengye so embarrassed today with one sword, the right time, the right place, and the right people are indispensable. The right time is in the arena competition. He can make the first move. Cao Chengye has no desire to risk his life. The right place is in the previous five competitions. The established self-image and the well-prepared beginning of the story made Cao Chengye worry about the subsequent traps and falling into the trap when he took the sword. Cao Chengye was the more cautious person.

The "geographical advantage" is the most important here, and it cannot be created by myself at the moment. It all depends on Mr. Su's guidance and planning. If we fight again in the future, even if the weather, time and people are still there, I will be successful, but the geographical advantage has disappeared. He would only be easily defeated by Cao Chengye.

Wang Ce on the second floor saw Cao Chengye stupidly facing He Mu's sword, rolling away in embarrassment, and said with some anger: "What is he thinking? How can he be distracted during the competition!"

It almost felt like Cao Chengye was under an illusion!

Shan Xiumei looked at He Mu calmly, her beautiful eyes seemed thoughtful. Qi Zhengyan, who was not far away, nodded gently and secretly admired this development.

The old servant's lips moved, Wang Ce's face quickly calmed down, and he said to Shan Xiumei with confidence: "The reason why Cao Chengye is so embarrassed is because he thinks too much. He Mu's previous five competitions gave people the impression of being cautious, wise, and good at There was a trap hidden in the swordsmanship. Cao Chengye was distracted and guarded against this, but he didn't expect He Mu to advance forward with his sword with all his strength, leaving no way to retreat. He was unable to concentrate for a moment and was almost taken advantage of by He Mu. "

"Taking the performance of yesterday's five games as a trap, the master behind He Mu really has a far-reaching plan, which is shocking. If I hadn't known that Brother Wang Siyuan was still in Jiangdong, I would have suspected that it was his handiwork. Of course, if it was him, Cao Chengye would definitely defeat."

Shan Xiumei looked at Wang Ce with admiration: "Brother Wang, when you say this, I understand the reason. The master behind He Mu should not be underestimated."

"Well, I plan to send someone to investigate and see if we can win over each other. Every family will not think there are too many masters." Wang Ce's words came from the heart and came from the teachings his legitimate son received.

Kong Yu, the Qingshou head catcher not far away, pondered for a moment, then ordered the governor catcher next to him: "Send someone to secretly check He Mu to see who is directing him. Even if we don't provoke him, we have to keep him in our sights." In order to avoid any trouble."

In the martial arts hall, among the onlookers, Meng Qi patted his robe and left with his hands behind his back, quite satisfied with the effect.

He had quietly observed Shan Xiumei just now and found that she was not too surprised by He Mu's swordsmanship. She was obviously knowledgeable and better than Wang Ce, which was doubtful.

After leaving the martial arts hall, a carriage covered with white felt stopped in front of Meng Qi. The driver was restrained and looked ahead expressionlessly.

The car door opened, revealing a delicate and beautiful girl dressed in white, with an ethereal temperament. The copper stove beside her was burning warm incense, and the white cloak was placed at the side of her hand.

"Ms. sir, I knew you would come to see Shan Xiu Mei, so get in the car." Gu Xiaosang said with a smile.

Meng Qi was wary inside but calm on the outside: "How can we be sure that she is a woman? How can we be sure that she has the strange stone in her hands? How can we be sure that she is looking for me?"

He didn't want to be used as a weapon by Gu Xiaosang.

"My husband is so paranoid. Well, just follow me and we'll find out." Gu Xiaosang pointed to the seat opposite him.

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