The Supreme Being

Chapter 751 The storm is surging, and the great age is coming

Outside the Zhuyi Building, "Golden Eyes Catcher" Su Yue, wearing a dark gold headcatcher suit, walked slowly, intending to report a few unusual activities of the Nine Paths of Evil.

As soon as he stepped into the small building, he saw a familiar Jin Zhang catcher coming down. He was stunned when he found him, and then he smiled and said with cupped hands: "Congratulations to Su Shen catcher, congratulations to Su Shen catcher."

"Where does happiness come from?" Su Yue smiled and raised her eyebrows.

Jin Zhang caught the head and said with a smile: "Su Meng, uh, Zi Yuan's nephew defeated the blue-level assassins three times in Beizhou and severely wounded them. It is a sure thing that he will be on the underground list. Seeing that there are successors to the Su family, there is hope for ZTE, but it is a humble position." Catching joy for God.”

Su Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and was speechless for a while. After a while, he laughed and said, "As expected of me, the Qilin'er of the Su family."

When Jin Zhang left, the smile on his face immediately disappeared and he let out a long sigh.


Huanhou Mansion.

Political Counselor Wang Wenxian looked at a few pieces of tissue paper in his hand and fell into a brief silence. After taking a few breaths, he sighed: "More than three years ago, my father praised him very much and thought he was a younger generation who could be supported. It just happened in the blink of an eye." , how can he stand side by side with his father, and his future life will be formidable. "

Wang Zai, who had a Chinese character face, was sitting on the chair on the left. He was stunned when he heard this, and blurted out: "Brother Su Xian entered the ranking list?"

In less than four years, Wang Zai could only think of Meng Qi from his father's descendants to "Bingjian". Combined with his past deeds, it is not difficult to guess that the paper in his father's hand is the latest place list.

"The changes in the world are like a dream, and the banquet of Qionghua is like yesterday..." Wang Wenxian sighed again. He is the youngest grandmaster of the Wang family, but "young" is only a relative term. If compared with Crazy Sword, it is really If you have long hair early, time will make you grow old.

At his current age, he is still worried about being ranked at the top of the list.

"In the past, Su Wuming worked on location for five years and climbed to the top of the list. Su Xiandi is not as good as now. He deserves to be a disaster." Wang Zai and Meng Qi have known each other for many years, and they were already "numb" after hearing this. He didn't turn pale with shock and joked with a smile.

Wang Wenxian's face was serious: "Do you think he has made such rapid progress just because of the four calamities?"

The serious feeling made Wang Zai straighten his already straight back, restrained his smile and said: "The four calamities are only the foundation. Without enough effort, enough tempering, and enough thinking, no matter how good the foundation is, it will be wasted. "

"It's good that you understand this." Wang Wenxian softened his expression, "So you don't have to be discouraged. My Wang family's exercises were passed down from Rensheng. I don't have enough experience, I don't think deeply about the relationship between heaven, earth and man, I don't have a foothold in humanity, and I don't govern the common people. It is really difficult to move forward due to your experience. My father called you to Beijing because I hope you can calm down and serve as the chief official of a government and a county, starting from the contradiction between the martial arts world and the people of the court, and gradually improve yourself. "

Wang Zai had honed his skills through traveling before, and from the experiences of his family elders, he knew that he would also experience this. He said sternly: "My child will live up to his father's high expectations if he obeys his orders."

He thought optimistically, maybe when Su Xiandi was half a step behind and paused like Su Wuming was doing now, he would be able to close the gap.

After saying that, he came back to his senses and frowned: "Su Xiandi has many enemies. Once he is listed on the Earth Ranking, the news of his upcoming master will definitely spread. By then, I am afraid that many people will take risks. Mr. Sima will arrest him." This is not appropriate.”

"This matter has probably spread a lot in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. If Sima's participation in politics is concealed, the list of people in the world will lose credibility." Wang Wenxian picked up the teacup and blew on it, "Don't worry, my father will take care of the Su family personally."

In the capital of the gods, there are political advisors who take care of the affairs. Unless someone with high authority takes action, no one else can turn the tide.


In the Pingjin Marquis Mansion, an old man and a young man were also communicating.

Cui Yan, the prime minister of the dynasty, rubbed the paper in his hand and said with emotion or thought: "I always knew that Su Meng would make rapid progress and would probably be able to repeat the myth of one day a year, but I never expected it. He is faster and sharper than Su Wuming."

Although he is a big shot, he has not cultivated from a weak position step by step. Thinking of the time he spent in the previous six heavens, and then looking at "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, he really feels depressed, jealous and powerless.

It feels inexplicably sad to live in the same era as such people, especially when I have experienced similar eras. In the past, there were Mr. Lu Da, my own Double Dragon, and the Yaoshi Twin Stars, etc. Among them, Su Wuming was the first generation to shine. Now, now Meeting the "Crazy Sword" Su Meng again, the most depressing thing is that even if he is not as good as the "Crazy Sword", other outstanding players of this generation can also be a step ahead of him.

Cui Hao, who was traveling again, could only respond with a wry smile: "My grandnephew met Su Meng for the first time. He has not yet awakened, and his energy accumulation may not be complete. He is practicing hard under the stupa at the back of Shaolin. In less than ten years, he has become like a comet. Rising above his peers and many previous generations, people gradually became unconvinced and slowly turned into jealousy, and then slowly turned into envy and admiration. In the end, they could only look up to him, and no longer had any emotions. "

When the gap reaches a certain level, envy, jealousy and hatred are so powerless and gradually fade away.

"But his ease ends here. After he gets on the Earth Ranking, he will find that every person named on the Earth Ranking, whether good or evil, is an outstanding person in their respective eras. They have no shortage of skills, experience, and character, and each has their own strengths. Each has its own glory, and it is by no means easy. After Su Wuming climbed to the top of the list last year, he also climbed to the top step by step." Cui Yan put down the paper.

Cui Hao nodded slightly. There are only a few grandmasters in each of the top forces, and they must be extraordinary!


In Dou's store, dragons and snakes are mixed together, noisy and lively.

Someone brought the latest issue of the List of Heaven, Earth and People and hung it in the corner of the second floor.

Wow, the list straightened down, revealing its contents. All eyes first focused on the list of people. This was the list closest to them and the list they could most reach. Naturally, they paid the most attention to it.

There were whispers and discussions, and one after another the heroes found many things to talk about from the list of people.

When they were all happy, they looked at the Heavenly List and the Earthly Ranking. The Heavenly Ranking had fewer people and fewer changes, so they were quickly read. The Earthly Ranking had a total of two hundred, so it took the most time.

There is little change at the top of the local ranking list, but it becomes different after fifty. The heroes and heroes become interested again and talk frothing at the mouth, just like the rickshaw drivers on the street, who love to discuss the gossip and gossip in the political hall.

As they were talking, someone chuckled and said, "We have a new face, 'Crazy Sword' Su Meng..."

His voice suddenly solidified.

"'Crazy Sword' Su Meng?"

"'Crazy Sword' Su Meng!"

Voices of either surprise or doubt rang out in the Dou family store. They were said to be new faces, but this guy really didn't count. A few years ago, he was at the top of the list and everyone was familiar with it. However, it has only been three and a half years, and it is not yet ready for anyone to go out and prepare for travel. Okay, he’s on the Earth Ranking!

It seems that the gap between the human list and the earth list is not six or seven heavens, but a small ditch!

Eyes were cast on the list from all directions. Because there were many people and there were master-level experts involved, each person’s introduction was small. The heroes in the world quickly took in the content:

"Name: Su Meng."

"Age: Under twenty-four."

"Nickname: Crazy Sword, King of Swords."

"Kung Fu: Unknown, similar to the indestructible power of the Vajra. The sword enters the realm, asks questions, and performs punishment on behalf of heaven."

"Achievements: Defeated Burenlou's blue-level assassin three times and severely injured him."

"Ranking: one hundred and seventy-eighth."

"Evaluation: From famous to famous in the world."

"Before twenty-four, he is famous in the world..." someone said as if he was babbling.


In a private room of a certain restaurant, there was a bang, and someone crushed the wine glass in his hand. He had dark skin, old appearance, thin body, and eyes with double pupils, as if he had been crying.

Opposite him, sat a woman with a high nose, phoenix eyes, and a cold temperament.

Dong Dong Dong, someone knocked on the door.

"Who?" the old man who seemed to be crying whispered.

He couldn't sense the specific appearance of the people outside!

"Help you kill Su Meng's people." The person outside the door said calmly.


Ten days later, Meng Qi met the "Ice Fairy" Ye Yuqi who rushed back to the villa.

Ye Yuqi's thick black hair fell down smoothly, and he said something to his face: "The martial arts tycoons involved in grassland spies everywhere have reported that there is no such thing as casting a wide net."

Did you make a mistake in your judgment? How did the other party find Butler Zhou accurately? Meng Qi was stunned.

Ye Yuqi did not explain, but turned his starry eyes and continued: "The lone wolf's back-up plan worked. Without the interference of blue-level assassins, a mother and son secretly found the person who spoke at Thrushcross Villa in a nearby city and mentioned two things: One is that nearly a year ago, the Heavenly Punishment Ax changed, and Guldo took advantage of it to retreat, and recently broke through to the Earth Immortal."

"Second, the Nine Demons are sending people to the Golden Horde Alliance one after another, intending to act as internal agents."

The Nine Paths of Evil? Meng Qi frowned slightly, this was different from what he thought, but when Guldo broke through, it was really stormy, and a big change was about to happen!

Then he realized the first sentence, nearly a year ago, the Heavenly Punishment Ax moved unexpectedly?

Wasn't that when the Heavenly Punishment Sect was destroyed by himself?

And where did Tianchu Ax come from...

After Ye Yuqi finished speaking, he looked at Meng Qi: "What is your judgment?"

Meng Qi's mouth twitched and he smiled bitterly: "My pot..."

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