The Supreme Being

Chapter 768 Sudden Malice

"Master Lu Yadao?" Qu Jiuniang next to her was half suspicious and half confused.

The name Lu Ya was mentioned to her when she completed the reincarnation mission in the Conferred God World, but it was basically a character in the "story". She didn't know her specific realm or abilities. She only heard that during the Battle of the Conferred Gods that year, He has attracted a lot of attention and is the best among several well-known big shots.

Jiuniang really couldn't accept the sudden emergence of such a figure as the master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. In her mind, the Six Paths were considered to be powerful and omnipotent. She felt that he should be a big figure at the level of Sanqing, Amitabha, and Emperor of Heaven, rather than an inexplicable guy. .

The big green root shook the branches and leaves, as if nodding heavily: "Who can survive from the last era, who is the most fuel-efficient lamp? Moreover, Mr. Lu Yadao is the son of the ancient Haotian God, the essence of Lihuo, and knows many hidden secrets. Mastering many secret techniques, he is a first-rate figure below several masters. Besides, after so many years, no one knows what state he has reached. Perhaps he is close to the "unknowable and undiscussable" state of Tao and Fruit. ? The young man was afraid and did not dare to go against such a big man, so he kept hiding it. "

"Now that the master has entered Yuxu Palace and obtained the Yuanxin Seal, there is obviously the shadow of the master master behind him, so I dare to take the risk to reveal it."

He looked like he was taking credit and seeking reward, and he didn't feel guilty at all as he had concealed his deception many times in the past. Meng Qi was amazed by his thick skin.

"The agnostic Dao Fruit Realm?" Meng Qi asked with raised eyebrows. In such a long paragraph, what he paid most attention to were these few words.

Daqinggen entered a state that seemed to be called "zhengse": "I don't know much about it even if I am young. I occasionally heard immortals mention it. It is said to be the realm where the Taoist Buddha resides. The true realm of transcendence cannot be speculated, described or discussed. A state where everything is wrong when you say it, and absurd when you think about it. You can speculate about the creation of the world, you can imagine the destruction of the universe, you can turn back time, reverse cause and effect, you can have delusions, but you can't do it to them, so no matter how hard you try, you can't understand it and you can't hurt them. , and can’t see the real them..."

"Anyway, the basic understanding is that they are omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and any contradictory things can be true for them at the same time..."

Daqinggen seemed to have been given a shot of blood as he started talking incessantly. The more he spoke, the more mysterious he became. The corner of Meng Qi's mouth twitched slightly, as if he was facing a Beijing taxi driver...

Qu Jiuniang was even more confused after hearing this.

"Is the master head master close to this state?" Meng Qi made a fist with his right hand and put it on his mouth.

"Of course!" Da Qinggen looked like he was protecting his master, "But the huge cause and effect of the master's responsibility for all existences in the world can still be discovered and discussed."

Meng Qi suddenly smiled and said: "Since the head master is close to omniscience, omniscience and omnipotence, why should you be afraid of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation? How dare he provoke Yuxu's disciples?"

Da Qinggen was immediately speechless and hesitated for a long time before saying: "The small one is just a piece of grass outside Yuxu Palace. How can the master, the master, care..."

"Are you sure it's Dao Lord Lu Ya? If you are exposed in the future, it won't be someone who will teach you a lesson, but him." Meng Qi patted the thunder mark on the back of his hand, which was purple and gorgeous, shaped like a ball. , and then a strange blood peach poked out "half of its body" and looked at the big green root with "bright eyes", seeming to measure its "medicinal value".

Daqinggen swooped back, clung to the wall, curled up in the corner, and wailed: "I have seen the mountains for Kunlun! I have guarded the door for Yuxu! I have always been loyal! Master, don't take this It’s definitely a monster that makes people feel numb! It’s true, Mr. Lu Ya!”

When it was frightened, Meng Qi's eyes suddenly turned dark, with dim light floating around, and his heart was filled with ghosts.

It was indeed a feeling of fear, without any sense of cunning, and no other thoughts came to mind... Meng Qi nodded slightly, but he was not sure whether Da Qinggen had a secret method that could hide the "Yuanxin Seal" that he had just acquired.

"Let's trust you for once and go down." Meng Qi patted Little Taozi back to Leihen.

Da Qinggen moved quickly against the wall and flashed out of the secret room door in a blink of an eye.

After the secret door was closed, Qu Jiuniang said: "Is this the so-called Taoist Master Lu Ya?"

"It's just possible." Meng Qi paused and said, "The Seven Arrows Book is one of his signature magic weapons."

"The Book of Seven Arrows with Nail Head? The Book with Seven Arrows with Nail Head that harmed True Monarch Xuan Tan?" Qu Jiuniang took a breath, "This thing is weird and difficult to prevent. It is the most terrifying curse method I have ever seen. If the Six Paths rely on it, Obliteration is indeed unstoppable..."

"If I have a chance to try that secret sect in the future, I might be able to find out more things." Meng Qi couldn't help but think of the two masters he met in Yuxu Palace. They used the techniques of Yuxu's lineage, but the woman had Staring at the white light, it seems that he can freeze the changes in his spirit and body, which is very similar to Lu Ya's immortal-killing flying knife...

He didn't think much about this matter. Relying solely on the testimony of Da Qinggen, who had a lot of criminal records, he was still far from the truth. He turned to ask: "Jiuniang, is there any way to temporarily bring a high-level person back to us from the world of gods?" "Heaven and Earth where you are located can help?"

Qu Jiuniang pondered for a long time before slowly speaking: "No, if it is another world of reincarnation, a world where the Dharma Body can come forcibly, then it can help sense the location, but like Fengshen and Journey to the West, I don't know where they are, and they are related to our world. The inexplicable barrier cannot be found. You can only enter and leave with the reincarnation talisman. Non-reincarnators cannot use the reincarnation talisman. Unless the master signs a six-path contract and is willing to be your pet, he can take it with him and leave. Or make him a reincarnation."

Meng Qi bared his teeth. The former would definitely not work. He would be beaten to death by Duke Huan of Qi just for proposing it. The latter had to get permission from the Six Paths, and Duke Huan of Qi did not trust him enough to let the Six Paths rule his life and death.

"I once met a tall man from the world of gods, and he punched me and sent him to another universe. How could he not sense our world?" Meng Qi briefly mentioned the matter of King Chuzhuang.

"Then I don't know. You can let him try." Qu Jiuniang spread her hands, looking helpless.

But it was King Chuzhuang who mastered the Ten Thousand Realms Shifting Fist, not Duke Huan of Qi. The latter returned to the Fengshen World from other universes with the help of a special soul lamp as a "lighthouse" to guide the way. It was probably impossible for him to go out. How could he go there? Want to have another fight with King Chuzhuang? Meng Qi's mind was spinning.

Qu Jiuniang rolled her eyes at Meng Qi: "For this kind of thing, you can just ask the Six Paths about your good deeds. Why sit here and dream about it?"

"Also..." Meng Qi rarely used the interrogation function of Six Paths and did not consider this aspect for the moment.

He used his previous items as collateral to borrow 55,000 good deeds, and then used his own credit to borrow another 5,000, making up 60,000 good deeds. The original 315 good deeds he had were used to exchange for information.

"This news is worth three hundred good deeds."

"The Conferred God is special. It has its own multi-universe world. It cannot be left without the help of the reincarnation talisman or the long river of time."

The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation said calmly.

It turned out that what was moved was the alien universe belonging to the Fengshen... Meng Qi sighed. It seemed that he couldn't ask Qi Huangong for help. He would wait to go to the Senluo Wanxiang Gate to see if Master Yunhe had made a breakthrough.

Then, Meng Qi paid 60,000 good deeds to the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation and waited for Him to issue the task of refining the magic weapon:

"Exclusive mission for refining the divine weapon: Guldo breaks through, the Heavenly Punishment Ax further awakens, the nine evil paths are ready to move, the trend of good and evil is about to reverse, help the right path stabilize the war situation, and be able to maintain a stalemate instead of being defeated for at least a year. Success, refine a divine weapon The form and name of the soldier will be designated by the person who completed it. If it fails, 20% of the good work will be deducted."

Hearing such a mission, Meng Qi stood dumbly in the jade pillar, feeling the deep malice and ridicule of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Isn't it just to sneak into the evil spirits and help the righteous way to stabilize the war situation when he took the risk to refine the magic weapon? But now, if you want to refine a successful magic weapon, you have to sneak into the evil spirits and help the righteous way stabilize the war situation, thus creating an endless cycle!

Then why should I refine magic weapons?

"Can we give up refining now?" Meng Qi asked with a stern face.

"Okay, give up as soon as you exchange it, all good deeds will be deducted, and you are prohibited from exchanging items with others for one year." The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation said indifferently.

"Is there such a thing?" Qu Jiuniang next to her was shocked. There had never been a penalty prohibiting exchange in the past.

The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation said without emotion: "The latest regulations."

"This, this is okay..." Qu Jiuniang also felt the obvious "malice" of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

There have never been any new regulations in the Six Paths before. I met him just after he came out of Yuxu Palace. What is the connection between the two? Meng Qi's mind suddenly calmed down and he was not disturbed by his anger. He asked calmly: "If I accept the mission, can I continue to use the two main materials of the divine weapon, the Flame Heart of the Sun and the Ding Haizhu?"

"Yes, but the final grade of the divine weapon will be reduced accordingly." The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation said.

"Okay." Meng Qi accepted the task, turned around and left without saying a word.

Arguing is useless, it depends on yourself.

We must get rid of reincarnation as soon as possible!

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