The Supreme Being

Chapter 803 The Heart of Martial Arts

The cold eroded the light gold and accumulated layer upon layer, making Meng Qi feel like he had returned to his childhood. Every winter, he would wear too much clothes and his movements would become sluggish. He no longer felt agile. When masters competed, victory or defeat could only be determined in an instant. , before he got rid of the cold and sluggishness, he saw that the punch was approaching him, so he had no choice but to retreat.

The figure changed, Meng Qi moved with the fist and retreated quickly, but Wu Jizhen did not know when he had left the building, his feet stepped on the sea water, blue and black ice, dragging out two transparent traces, his fist did not slow down in the slightest, two The distance between them shortened rapidly.

As he flew back, Meng Qi's inner scene changed, and he acted like a bright sun. The light golden light flowing on his skin was filled with firelight, melting away the coldness, alleviating the dullness, and resisting the erosion of the ice and snow lunar sun.

Only then did Meng Qi have the energy to draw his sword.

But just as his right hand touched the handle of the knife, Wu Jizhen's fist sank slightly, and the whole force formed by heaven, earth, man, and the knife suddenly penetrated into the uninvited guest, and was occupied by it, making Meng Qi unable to draw the knife. The feeling of being struck by thunder.

Wu Jizhen's inner world has become like a world. This punch comes with the "world", making it difficult for people to compete head-on.

Meng Qi's acupoints opened, trying to connect heaven and earth, and forcefully pull out the sword, but Wu Jizhen's fist changed accordingly, as if erratic, and the power of heaven and earth changed again, and the layers of coldness turned into invisible ice, isolating Meng Qi from heaven and earth.

Constantly changing and launching clever moves, Wu Jizhen's fists could always test the pressure in advance and control the energy, so that Meng Qi always gave up halfway and had no choice but to retreat.

It’s true that all the changes between reality and reality are in his heart! Meng Qi secretly took a breath, abandoned luck, abandoned the feeling of concealment, Yuanshi sat upright, the interior scene was chaotic, there was no distinction between reality and reality!

At first, because it was a ten-move agreement that did not involve life or death, Meng Qi did not want to expose the specialness of his "Immortal Prime Minister" field, and planned to deal with it purely with the sword. However, under the "bright moon", he had no secrets anymore. It can be said that if the realm of Yuanshi does not appear, it will be chaotic and chaotic, and I am afraid that it will not be able to block even a single move.

As soon as chaos appeared, Wu Jizhen's fist moved slightly and was no longer so resolute. Meng Qi noticed it keenly, unsheathed his long sword, drew out half of Tai Chi, side-swiped Wu Jizhen's fist, avoiding the sharp edge, and moved a thousand pounds in four or two.

Wu Jizhen flicked his wrist and spread his fist, like a snake catcher, with extraordinary flexibility and deflection, he grabbed the back of Meng Qi's knife, and the shadows of his claws condensed, like a mirage in the falling ice and snow.

Meng Qi raised his sword, and claws shot out, but Wu Jizhen's palms, fingers, fists and claws changed continuously, no slower than Meng Qi's sword moves. There was no chance of being unable to keep up. Each sword and hand was like a pair of dancing butterflies, performing A wonderful and vivid picture emerged, with thunder snakes and snowflakes taking off, and the ice and ocean becoming the same color as lightning.

The sea within a radius of dozens of miles had condensed into solid ice, spreading down for an unknown number of feet, while thunder in the sky shone brightly, competing with the bright moon.

After several consecutive moves, there was still no collision between the sword and the hands of the two sides. At this time, Wu Jizhen's left hand that had been behind his back suddenly reached out.

Meng Qi suddenly felt that the white snow was falling, the white snow was white, the sea water in the distance "disappeared", the floating clouds in the sky "disappeared", everything "disappeared", leaving only a lonely and empty world of ice and snow, which made people "think of the leisurely time of heaven and earth, alone in the world" Tears down" feeling.

And Wu Jizhen stands proudly in this world, as if he is the master of heaven and earth, filling every space with his fists and claws, making Meng Qi unable to dodge and nowhere to dodge. Everything is true. No matter how difficult it is to avoid weakness, it seems that the only option is to resist. .

Meng Qi took a deep breath, his body suddenly swelled, and he was as powerful as the sky and the earth. The "Heaven's Wound" electric light floated in his hand, converging on the tip of the knife, and a whirlpool-like pinhole stood out, crackling and rumbling, as if he was punishing on behalf of the sky. The God of Thunder came to the world, with a condescending posture and a fierce and domineering sword, facing the punches and claws.

Just as they were about to collide, the light from Meng Qi's sword suddenly dissipated, and the sky was filled with a sea of ​​blue and purple thunder and lightning, jumping and flashing, covering up the long sword and confusing his fists and claws.

The "ocean" parted, and the light of the sword was like a fish leaping through a dragon's gate. It passed through the fist and claws with lightning and thunder, and went straight to Wu Ji's true face.

Wu Jizhen turned his elbows inward, and the layers of cold air condensed into blue ice cubes, cutting endlessly, dragging the long sword, forcing Meng Qi to change his moves.

Then, he reached back with his right hand, spread his fingers like a blooming winter plum, and brushed Meng Qi with his back. His posture was elegant and gave people an infinitely beautiful feeling.

The ice and snow are dead and monotonous, and the "bright" plum blossoms illustrate the intensity of life.

The splendor of this terrible life that wiped out death, and the love for life and the thought of death, changed inexplicably, making Meng Qi feel that he was undefended. The long knife, fists and feet were all blown under this brush. There are so many omissions, just like using a bowl-sized net to catch fish as thick as ten fingers, leaving a big hole for the opponent.

Meng Qi retreated again, quickly retreated, and slashed forward with his long sword, dividing one into two, two into four, and four into eight. There was no difference in strength or thickness, forming a dragnet, trying to resolve this blow layer by layer.

when! The intensity of life could not withstand the dead silence of ice and snow. Wu Jizhen's flick caused the light of the heavy sword to converge strangely, hitting the back of the sword just in time.

A fierce cold hit him, and the purple lightning and green thunder floating on the surface of Tian Zhizhi condensed into ice. Meng Qi's five fingers shone with light gold and were frozen on the hilt of the knife, making it difficult to isolate him from the cold.

Meng Qi's expression changed, his right hand shook, and the palm of his hand was broken off at the wrist, leaving the coldness with nothing to cling to. He held the jade-cutting knife in his left palm, and moved quickly. Before Wu Jizhen could react, he slashed four times in front, left, right, and back. Swords, whether fast or heavy, feminine or masculine, all the learning and understanding in a lifetime are integrated into these four swords. They can open up the world, lightning and thunder, misty questions, heavy pressure on the body, and because it is a left-handed sword, it is extremely unpredictable. feeling.

Wu Jizhen clasped his hands together, as if forming a seal, and the cold light of the ice soul surged out of his body, engulfing all four sword lights, leaving a blanket of white.

Suddenly, Meng Qi withdrew his long sword, contrary to common sense, then took a look at the cardinal and slashed it out.

With a click, Bai Mang separated, and the long knife hit Wu Jizhen's body.

The ice and snow shattered, the cold air rose, and Wu Jizhen's body shattered like an ice sculpture.

Behind Meng Qi, white mist gathered, and Wu Jizhen reappeared. He put his right thumb against his index and middle fingers, let out a long sigh, and gently tapped Meng Qi with a feeling of ecstasy.

This was awkward and heavy, embodying endless sorrow and persistence. Meng Qi's heart surged with it. He thought of the evil intentions of the Six Paths, of fate being in the hands of others, and of the words of relatives and friends that Gu Xiaosang said. He felt depressed and struggled painfully. I just feel layers of shackles on my body, and I just want to draw my sword, cut them all off, and gain great freedom, great liberation, and great freedom.

not good! At this time, the golden giant Buddha appeared, pointing to the sky and touching the ground. Meng Qi regained consciousness. Just now, Wu Jizhen actually aroused the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time, and a huge loophole appeared.

Meng Qi was about to draw his sword to block the suppression, but suddenly he saw Wu Jizhen's eyes full of nostalgia, enthusiasm and intoxication with exploration.

Those who are in ecstasy, just say goodbye!

At this moment, Meng Qi had an inexplicable feeling. What Wu Jizhen saw was completely different from what he knew, and he couldn't stop this!

Normally, when the two sides fight, they will see nothing illegal, physical bodies, blood, moves, the application of the power of heaven and earth, and the grasp of laws. But at this moment, Meng Qi believed that what Wu Jizhen saw was not these, but something else. It is like a pot of flowers. What he sees are petals, stamens, roots, soil, flower pots, sunlight and veins. From it, he finds the cardinal. What Wu Jizhen sees is completely different things such as life, death, intensity and dependence. "Position".

If you can't be in the same "line of sight" as him, you won't be able to understand where he will hit, and you won't be able to resist.

Meng Qi could no longer care about anything else. He was running the Yin and Yang Seal, changing Yin and Yang, and changing life and death, trying to interfere with it. At the same time, he quickly retreated, widening the distance, intending to isolate the two sides with a range attack.

"Hey." Wu Jizhen withdrew his hand and made no further moves. He stepped on the frozen ocean with his feet, his expression full of desolation.

"There's no need to compete. It's quite possible for you to block ten of my moves, but..." He shook his head, looking bored, "But you don't have the heart for martial arts, it's boring."

He put his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards the ship.

"Martial arts heart?" Meng Qi didn't expect such an ending and asked in shock.

How could I not have the heart for martial arts?

Wu Jizhen did not turn around and said calmly: "You have a strong desire to become stronger, the motivation to put it into practice, and the suppression and dangerous spurs. In the eyes of ordinary people, this may be the heart of martial arts, but you have no understanding of martial arts. Enthusiasm has no 'pursuit' of Tao. To you, it is a tool and a weapon, nothing more."

He looked up at the sky and murmured to himself: "What is the avenue? What is life?"

"How to see through life and death, break the eternal silence of death with the brilliance of a moment, and understand the magnificence of heaven and earth..."

"All moves, all techniques, excluding appearances, are all explaining and pursuing these..."

Meng Qi frowned slightly, shouldn't these be considered rationally?

"If you don't experience the world and don't invest in strong emotions, you won't understand the beauty of the great road, the beauty of life and death, the beauty of love and hatred, just like summer insects cannot talk about ice..." Wu Jizhen shook his head, "You go to Sanxian Island and wait, every other From time to time, Su Nu Dao will always ask me for help."

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