The Supreme Being

Chapter 806 Meeting the Blue Blooded Man Again

Dusk fell on the Guna River, illuminating a red area, as if blood was flowing without stopping.

The tents that once dominated the area for hundreds of miles were demolished, destroyed, and taken away, leaving only desolation and ruin.

Cow, sheep, and horse manure were hidden among the weeds, and ominous bird calls echoed everywhere. Dead bodies could often be seen, and the debris left behind was particularly desolate in the twilight.

Meng Qi held the scabbard in his left hand and stood quietly in the ruins of the "Golden Tent". Under his feet was fertile soil and wild grass. His mind reflected the surroundings, looking for clues. Perhaps the disappearance and death of several outdoor scenes were caused by Hasu La and others.

Suddenly, Meng Qi moved, took a step, and shrunk the ground into an inch. In a flash, he arrived at a dilapidated tent near the Guna River and opened the door curtain with his right hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, flying needles, iron nails, plum blossom darts and other hidden weapons flew in his face.

Meng Qi stretched out his right hand and grabbed forward. The shadows of weapons in the air disappeared and fell into his palm.

There were three warriors in the tent, two men and one woman, dressed like people from the Central Plains. They were in their twenties, all with sad and frightened faces. They each held a long sword, but they were frightened by Meng Qi's move just now and did not dare to attack.

There was a corpse behind them. The white hair was like silver frost. The flesh and blood contained powerful power, but the internal organs and acupoints were all damaged. It was a golden exterior, but a rotten cotton inside.

"Did you get attacked?" Meng Qi asked after examining the corpse.

Seeing that the young man in black clothes, with extraordinary appearance, demeanor and momentum, did not take action, the three warriors looked at each other and saw each other's relief and relief.

It was not an enemy!

"This young man... Senior..." The relatively calm man in blue bowed and said, "We were indeed attacked. Just half a cup of tea ago, my master, my master tried his best to scare the enemy away, but unfortunately he died." He was sad and wanted to call him "young man" based on his appearance, but then he thought that he might be an old monster who only cared about appearance, so he changed it to senior. Before he finished speaking, he heard the surprised and happy voice of his junior sister: "Crazy, crazy, but is it the young man Su, the "Crazy Blade" in person?" "Crazy Blade" Su Meng? The man in blue immediately looked at him: the long sword that looked like a huge wound, the heroic appearance without any makeup, the characteristics repeatedly described in dramas, stories and anecdotes... It really could be the "Crazy Blade"! Meng Qi nodded slightly: "I happened to be in the grassland. I heard that there were many casualties in the outdoor scenes near the Golden Tent, so I came to check it out." It's really the "Crazy Blade"! The two men and one woman were so sad that they couldn't hide their joy. Their fear and fear were completely diluted. With the "Crazy Blade" Su Meng here, they were safe! Everyone knows that "Mad Blade" Su Shaoxia often draws his sword to help when he sees injustice. He is the most chivalrous and righteous person, and will never sit idly by and watch his fellow martial artists being slaughtered by the enemy.

Moreover, he is now ranked 24th on the Earth List. Even if his Dharma body is not visible, he is still the top figure. When he meets a left-handed giant or other big figures, he can calm the situation. The Jianghu is so big that there are few things he cannot solve, and even if it is a disaster, he can still save his life and leave.

It is true that there is always a way out. In the most dangerous moment, he actually encountered the white jade pillar that supports the sky and the purple gold beam that spans the sea... The three heroes of the Jianghu are full of gratitude.

Concentrating their minds, the pretty woman in a green skirt bowed and said, "Su Shaoxia, there are many strange things in the golden tent. The enemy that my master encountered just now was invisible, like a ghost. He could only parry and had no power to fight back. He had to defend himself."

Invisible? Meng Qi had encountered and heard of many invisible enemies, so he remained alert and calm: "Tell me the details of what happened."

The man in blue, who looked quite calm, said quickly: "To reply to Young Master Su, we are from the Jianghu near Changle. Our master, Mo Shaotian, the 'Iron-backed Azure Dragon', is also quite famous. We heard that the sects and families sent strong men to hunt down the grassland masters. Inspired by past grudges, he took us deep into the grassland. One is to avenge the hatred of the invasion to the south, and the other is to let our brothers and sisters have more experience and temper."

From the corpse, it looks like a first-class master... Meng Qi nodded slightly, motioning the other party to continue.

"Along the way, our master taught us to do what we can and not to provoke the strongest or above. We encountered several battles, but we were safe and sound and gradually arrived at the Golden Tent." The man in blue thought for a while, gritted his teeth and told the truth, "The reason why we came to the Golden Tent is because we heard that the Golden Tent warriors and the Changsheng Sect shamans evacuated in a hurry that day, and only took away things that were easy to take away. Many treasures are buried here, waiting for the destined people to dig them up. It is inevitable that we are a little greedy." "There is nothing wrong with greed for treasures, just do what you can." Meng Qi did not despise. As far as he knew, Qu Jiuniang turned grief into motivation and followed "Ice Fairy" Ye Yuqi to the Golden Tent in the first batch, looting countless treasures. As for the world affairs and his own hidden worries, he ran around and came to the Golden Tent until now. He had long given up hope of getting anything, and the remaining things he could find would not be very good. After Daman fell and Guldo disappeared, the remaining Golden Horde warriors and the Immortal Shamans weighed the formation here and found that they could only temporarily block the earthly immortal Mr. Lu, not to mention the Dharma bodies of Gao Lan, He Qi, Su Wuming, etc. Therefore, they made a prompt decision to split the whole into parts, taking the treasures and the magic weapon "Sun Shooting Bow" that used to suppress the Golden Horde into the depths of the grassland, hiding themselves, and not leaving behind the defense.

Due to the urgency of the matter and the rush, many fragmented and relatively less precious treasures were not taken away.

And if you really want to reap a huge harvest, you have to find one of the Golden Horde warriors and Immortal Shamans!

The man in blue nodded gratefully and continued: "When we came to the Golden Tent, there had been a few strong people missing or tragically dying here for several days in a row. The master made some inquiries and decided to leave immediately through the Golden Tent. Who would have known that here... Every tent encountered the terrifying invisible enemy..."

Suddenly, he saw Meng Qi press his right hand and immediately closed his mouth. He felt that the entire ruins of the Golden Tent were extremely silent. Even the ominous bird chirping suddenly stopped, and there was no breath of life anymore. At the same time, there seemed to be a burst of silence. A gust of cold wind blew by, making people shiver, and a chill surged from the soles of their feet.

"A 'friend' who is good at earth escape is approaching." Meng Qi's hand holding the knife was behind his back, his right hand drooped naturally, his expression was calm, as if he was talking about his family's shortcomings.

Everything was quiet, and the senses were empty. Meng Qi actually did not find the enemy's whereabouts. The enemy's escape method seemed to be very hidden and mysterious. However, after he practiced the "Wuji Seal", he had an almost subtle understanding of the power of earth between heaven and earth. Grasp, the insignificant changes and fluctuations are like illusions, but they are real.

Meng Qi walked towards the edge of the tent and said loudly: "Any friends coming to visit, please come out for a while."

The sound echoed, and the surroundings were quiet, without any change.

Do you really think I can't find it? Meng Qi raised his right foot and took a step forward.

The man in blue and the others felt the earth shaking. With Kuang Dao's right foot as the center of the circle, waves of earth spread in all directions, like undulating yellow dragons. Thirty feet ahead, the grassland split open and a figure "spurted" out.

The figure flickered and rushed to the side, as if it wanted to escape again and create a safe distance.

At this moment, he saw "Crazy Sword" Su Meng take another step, like stepping on a cloth bucket, the "soft" ground suddenly became as hard as steel!


He hit the "steel ground", making himself a little dizzy, and rolled to the side in a hurry.

Then, he saw the world-famous long knife in his sight.

"Why should I hide if I'm not a murderous person?" Meng Qi said calmly with his long knife hanging diagonally.

In front of him was an old beggar who was carrying nine sacks and was covered in dirt and dirt. He had a sinister look on his face. He thought he was Lan Jingtian, the master of the beggar sect, the "Earth-shaking Dragon".

The old beggar took a few steps back without moving his expression: "The old beggar is used to hiding in the dark."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked to the side and felt an inexplicable murderous intention in the world.

Then, he saw "Crazy Sword" Su Meng spitting fire all over his body, golden and shining, as if he had turned into a big sun. Invisible things in the distance condensed, revealing an old and ordinary old man with only nine fingers. old man.

"So it's you." Meng Qi turned to look at the old man.

Gao Qianyuan, a blue-blooded man related to Donghai Jianzhuang!

Gao Qianyuan looked at Meng Qi coldly: "I didn't expect you to be on an equal footing with me!"

While speaking, he subconsciously looked deep into the golden tent, and there seemed to be something hidden there.

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