The Supreme Being

Chapter 850 Returning home in glory (third update)

The sky is clear, the blue is transparent, and the floating clouds are dotted. Liantai Mountain has a beautiful scenery.

Meng Qi did not hide his aura, and the light flew across the sky and landed at the foot of the mountain. To show respect, he stepped on the steps and walked towards the mid-mountain pavilion step by step.

In the half-mountain pavilion, there is a stone tablet of the "Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra" handwritten by the sixth generation founder of Shaolin, Yuankong Divine Monk. Facing the deep valley, each character holds a phase. All phases are non-phase, but pure.

At this time, the people standing in the pavilion were not the disciples in gray robes, but two Zhike monks in yellow robes. They put their hands together and whispered the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, the abbot invites Almsgiver Su to enter the temple."

"Please ask two mages to lead the way." Meng Qi returned the favor with a smile. Compared with the last time he returned to Shaolin, this time it was obviously much more grand.

The two Zhike monks raised their heads and turned around. They glanced at Meng Qi from the corner of their eyes and saw that he was young in appearance, with a cool green shirt and a calm posture. His hands were free. He still maintained the high-spiritedness of a young hero, but his tyrannical aura did not reveal any trace, and he became more and more restrained. It feels unfathomable.

These two contradictory senses are wonderfully harmonized into one, not at all obtrusive. On the contrary, it gives people a kind of enlightenment. He is worthy of being the youngest master in the world today!

Alas, the two Zhike monks are both Zhenzi generation, and the feeling is quite complicated. They are at the same age and starting point, and they are already famous people in the world, but they are still wandering around, doing things to welcome and send them off.

The whole journey was silent. The two Zhike monks lost sight of the eloquent people they used to talk to. Meng Qi could sense their mood and deliberately remained silent.

The scenery on both sides looked familiar, and Meng Qi walked forward casually. Not long after, he saw the yellow wall, black tiles, and dark red door, just like when he first saw it.

But now, the two doors are fully open, allowing people to directly see the square and the palace behind them. Outside the door stands a group of eminent monks in red cassocks. The leader has all his hair and beard missing, and looks like a dead tree. He is holding a nine-ringed tin staff. The first of the Bodhi Courtyard, the current Shaolin abbot Wusi, is the twenty-seventh on the Earth Ranking.

On the left side of Wu Si is Kong Jian, the head of Bodhi Temple, and on the right is the handsome Bodhi Temple. Master Meng Qi, Xuan Bei, and the rest of the eminent monks, except for a few in retreat, have to guard Kong Hui, the Sutra Pavilion, the Relic Pagoda, and other places. Never came.

This is the most solemn etiquette in Shaolin: the gates are fully opened, the abbot welcomes him personally, and all the first seats are followed. It is often only used to welcome the most distinguished guests. Before Kongwen passed away, except for a few Dharmakayas who came in person, there had never been a similar situation, even though Nowadays, Shaolin's popularity is a little weaker, and at worst, you have to be the leader of a top force to be eligible to enjoy it.

Meng Qidu was a little surprised by such a grand meeting. It was only then that he had a deep understanding of his status: the first person below the Grand Master, not the Grand Master, but the Grand Master. He possesses peerless skills, except that he has no The magic weapon is enough to establish a big force, and has made good friends with many Dharmakayas. He has sold friendships to many top forces. His reputation as a hero has spread far and wide, and his momentum is strong enough to be equal to the current abbot of Shaolin.

"Amitabha, I'm missing you." Wusi raised one hand.

Meng Qi cupped his hands and said, "This junior is flattered by the abbot's courtesy."

After saying that, he looked at Xuan Bei and saw that the melancholy in Master's expression had faded a lot. He felt relieved and paid homage: "Disciple has met Master."

Seeing that Meng Qi, an abandoned Shaolin disciple, was already one of the top thirty strong men in the world, including Dharmakaya, but he still treated Xuan Bei as a respectful disciple. The rest of the Shaolin monks had never seen him and had only heard rumors. My impression of him suddenly changed, and I felt that it was better to meet him than to be famous.

There are very few people who can just remember the past and appreciate the kindness!

Xuanbei's mouth moved a few times, and finally opened, revealing Lao Huai's comforting smile:

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Three words of "good words" captured the emotions in his heart, and he had so many mixed feelings that it was hard to put into words. That was it.

Good apprentice! What a great nephew! What a young hero!

In the past, the death of the crying old man allowed him to put an end to his past grudges. Now his disciple and nephew have become a first-class figure in the world. He no longer has to worry about the mortal world, and it seems that another layer of ashes has been wiped away from his soul.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Wusi and other Shaolin monks led Meng Qi into the temple. They passed by several Zen monasteries and squares, and then heard the sound of monks humming. They were practicing Arhat Boxing in the distance, with postures ranging from formal to ugly. foot.

Meng Qi glanced sideways and said with a smile: "Arhat Fist is also my entry-level martial arts."

Back then, in order to get a set of Arhat Boxing, I had to work hard to clean the Sutra Pavilion and ask for the guidance of the evil-minded Zhenyong. Now I have parts of Tathagata Palm, Seven Swords of Jietian, Yuanshi Golden Seal, and Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, and I almost have it. Even the Dharmakaya exercises may not be appreciated, the past is like a dream, and I feel very sad.

"Arhat Quan accommodates the most basic changes, returns to nature, and can be used up to the nine orifices." Wu Si said with a smile.

The monk's Zen mind is unstable and easily shaken. When he sees the gathering of eminent monks and the arrival of distinguished guests, he is inevitably distracted. His movements are a little chaotic for a while, which makes the teaching monks scold him. But why don't the teaching monks pay attention to this place?

Is that man in green shirt with empty hands and no sword the world-famous "Crazy Sword"?

He claimed that "Below the Dharmakaya, one cannot escape with a single blow", which led many disciples to also practice Ananda's breaking of the precepts sword technique.

Like himself and others, he once sweated profusely here and practiced the worst and most basic skills. But in just a few years, he has become a big shot who can be almost equal to the abbot!

What role model? This is an example!

They all looked at Meng Qi with a smile, and continued to follow Wu Si and other eminent monks. Outside the main hall, there were several outdoor scenes and several outstanding figures in the awakening stage. Among them were the real copy of the "Martial Chi" that Meng Qi was familiar with and his own The teaching monk is so wonderful.

The former is already the unity of heaven and man, breathing in harmony with nature, while the latter is still communicating with nature.

None of them chose to break through, but accumulated and waited.

When their eyes met, Zhenmiao looked away unnaturally, while Zhenben nodded slightly.

Meng Qi stepped into the Main Hall without saying hello to them.

The palace door closed, the two monks looked at each other, and both sighed. They had indeed made great progress, but the other party was already one of the greatest masters in the world. The two monks were no longer on the same level!

In the Main Hall, after a while of greetings, Meng Qi said in front of all the eminent monks in red cassocks:

"The younger generation traveled to the south and came across a lineage of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. They have the complete "Ksitigarbha Soul Saving Sutra" and the incomplete "Moko Subduing Demon Fist".

Most monks changed their minds. The complete "Ksitigarbha Soul Sutra"?

This is something that Shaolin has been searching for for many years but has not found!

Xuanbei immediately understood his disciple's intention. After being stunned, he was even more relieved and said with a smile: "You are too worried."

In fact, it would be nice to have this kind of heart.

Wusi described himself as haggard, then pondered for a moment and said, "They want to exchange "Ksitigarbha's Soul-Saving Sutra" for "Moko Demon Subduing Fist"?"

He needs to figure out the intention first, and whether it is true or false is something he will consider later.

"Yes, they have entrusted this junior to copy a copy of the Ksitigarbha Soul Saving Sutra." Meng Qi said something shocking.

All the monks were shocked that the other party trusted Su Meng so much that he directly entrusted him with such an item as the "Ksitigarbha Soul Saving Sutra"!

They thought it would take several back and forth before they could see this scripture.

Understanding their reaction, Meng Qi paraphrased the words of the foolish monk: "The master who presided over the other party said, 'I will never become a Buddha until the hell is empty. Only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi. This is the great wish made by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to follow this path. , how can you be selfish when you are still alive? Our temple is inherited from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and we also have similar thoughts of compassion. If the dissemination of the Ksitigarbha Soul-Transmitting Sutra can help more evil spirits to transcend, what's wrong?'"

"Amitabha, I am so merciful and compassionate, I am ashamed of myself." Wu Si was filled with admiration, and then communicated with the eminent monks in red cassocks, and the result was achieved in just a few breaths, "Please also ask the donor to send "Ksitigarbha's Soul Savings" "Sutra" gives Master Xuanbei an insight. If it is true, this temple will not be stingy with "Maha Demon-Suppressing Fist"."

It was exactly as I expected... Meng Qi handed the master the scriptures he had copied with both hands, and saw him sitting cross-legged and rotating the inner scene to reveal the appearance of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Then, Xuan Bei recited "Ksitigarbha's Soul-Saving Sutra". Following the rhyme, rhythm and pronunciation, as the sutra was read word for word, his body's acupoints suddenly felt a sensation, and they vibrated and lit up one after another. The color of the glass emerges, turning the mysteries of life and death.

By the end of the sutra, he was already covered with glass, and his inside and outside were clear, overlapping with the Dharma behind him. It was difficult to tell who was Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and who was Xuanbei!

He actually used this to cross the third level of the ladder and step into the half-step Dharmakaya realm!

No wonder it takes the help of the "Ksitigarbha Soul Saving Sutra" to achieve the Dharmakaya... Meng Qi was very happy to see it.

"Amitabha, the Ksitigarbha Soul Sutra is absolutely true." Xuanbei opened his eyes and answered in the affirmative.

Wusi smiled and asked Meng Qi to wait. After a while, Xuanbei had already printed a copy of "Moko Demon Subduing Fist" on the spot.

Touching the navy blue cover, Meng Qi breathed a sigh of relief, finally he was not a good person in vain.

Shaolin's attitude towards him became increasingly better and warmer, and they discussed martial arts and Buddhist scriptures. It was not until evening that Xuan Bei led Meng Qi to rest.

After passing many palaces and palaces, Meng Qi suddenly saw the Servants' Courtyard in the distance and chuckled: "If it weren't for chance, maybe I would still be there."

"Xuan Xin is a descendant of Bai Ze and has transformed into a monster." Xuan Bei remembered this when he heard about the Servants' Courtyard.

Meng Qi knew that there was a monster change, but he didn't know that it was Xuan Xin. At this time, he was quite shocked, but he felt that it was natural. In the past, Zhen Guan was expelled from the courtyard, but he entered the back mountain halfway and became a half-demon body. , it is indeed a bit of a coincidence!

After another sigh, Meng Qi returned to the place where he once lived and saw his sleeping junior brother. His face was rosy, his blood and spirit were empty but not empty, and his condition was incredibly good.

"Junior brother is still sleeping? Do you want to obtain the golden body of Arhat in Sleeping Dreams?" The corner of Meng Qi's mouth twitched. Judging from the physical condition of the young junior brother in front of him, he was already on location!

Didn't this guy learn to "twist his fingers"?

"Performing in a dream, enlightening in a dream, may not be an Arhat in a dream." Xuan Bei said happily.

Because he wanted to stabilize his state, Xuanbei asked Meng Qi about his experience before going to the quiet room to meditate. Meng Qi glanced at his junior brother again, climbed onto the bed, held the back of his head with both hands, and sat against the wall next to him. Suddenly he felt like returning to It feels like a labor camp back then, but my mentality is calm, happy, and relaxed.

As the events of the day passed through his mind, he laughed suddenly and muttered in his heart:

"Today's experience can be described in one paragraph: Su Meng, a famous hero, one of the top thirty masters in the world, the first person under the Grand Master, the honorary catcher of the six gates, Su Meng, Su Zi, visited Shaolin, and was taught by the abbot of Shaolin, Wu Si, the divine monk and the Bodhisattva Xuanbei, the first monk of the hospital, received a cordial and warm reception. The two parties reviewed the past, looked forward to the future, and reached an agreement on a strategic cooperation agreement. During the visit, Xuanbei, the monk, also led the hero Su Meng to visit the place where he had learned to fight before. Su Meng Daxia hopes that the younger generations will continue their efforts and reach new heights..."

As he thought about it, Meng Qi almost laughed while holding his stomach.

After a while, he calmed down, sat cross-legged and meditated, his soul contracted, and controlled every move of the other body along with the mysterious and mysterious connection.

Zhou Di, Luoyi.

Meng Qi, who was in the earth body, had already changed his clothes, saw this majestic ancient city, and was ready to step into it.

He is also in the eighth level, there is no difference at all.

The reason why Meng Qi did not exchange time for cultivation was because he was afraid that the flow of time would be too inconsistent and affect the subtle connection between the two bodies!

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