The Supreme Being

Chapter 853 One person is one faction

"you dare!"

The sound of shock and anger echoed in the Zhuyi Building, causing Zhao Heng and the detectives to react and look at Meng Qi in shock and suspicion.

The "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, who has always been a carefree and carefree man who doesn't fight for power, actually wants to be the chief catcher!

Meng Qi looked at Cui Yan and Song Shouren and chuckled: "Why don't you dare?"

Why not? A burst of heat rushed straight to Cui Yan's forehead, making his face turn slightly red and his eyes full of anger.

How many years? How many years has it been since no one dared to speak like this in front of me? Even the top masters would not dare to speak like this. Do they really think that the Cui family of Pingjin is a paper tiger?

How dare a junior make a mistake! Cui Yan was about to scold him when he suddenly saw Meng Qi's calm eyes. His thoughts flashed and his words got stuck in his throat, unable to come out.

The person in front of me is none other than "Crazy Sword" Su Meng!

He can kill the peak of the magic weapon in one-on-one head-on. He is better than a grand master if he is not a grand master!

Although the Cui family has a peak outdoor scene, a divine weapon, a protective formation, and a quasi-dharma body that has combat power and is not afraid of the dharma body, this refers to the situation of defense. The quasi-dharma body has no intelligence and needs to be commanded, has poor mobility, and has a limited range of influence. Xiao, the peak of the exterior scene and the combined magic weapon can defeat the "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, but they may not be able to kill him. In other words, unless the "Crazy Sword" loses his mind and attacks Pingjin, the Cui family alone really can't do anything It made him very afraid. At most, he would avoid the edge temporarily when encountering Cui Qingyu's magic weapon.

At the level of a grand master, with tyrannical strength and extraordinary skills, one person is a family and one person is a faction. Apart from his background, "Crazy Sword" Su Meng is already a powerful "power" that can barely compete with the Cui family!

Moreover, he has a wide network of friends and has offended many evil masters. At the same time, he has a close relationship with Mr. Lu Da of Thrushcross Grange and the "Ice Fairy" Ye Yuqi. He also has a close friendship with Jiang Zhiwei, the sole disciple of the "Sword of Heaven" Su Wuming, and helps " "Wanxiang Sect" is based in the Western Regions and is highly appreciated by the Wang family of Zhoujun and Chunyang Sect. They are very grateful to Shaolin Temple, Donghai Jianzhuang and Langya Ruan family. The latter two even explicitly stated that his business is the Ruan family's business and they are "sword mad". "It's about He Qi!

The four great dharma bodies, the two great masters, and the eight top forces. Just thinking about the relationship network of "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, Cui Yan and Song Shouren can't help but feel their heads pounding. The great families have families, businesses, and property. , who dares to go to death to offend him? Who dares to completely wipe out his face and deal with him? Who can bear the anger and revenge that comes from this?

Therefore, we can only deal with him within a limited range, and stop there, unless he himself makes a huge mistake first!

For a long time, the kind of powerful people who are good at dancing or have wide connections, even if they are not outstanding in martial arts, can still have a transcendent status in the world and be highly respected. No one dares to provoke them, and they can resolve conflicts that others cannot solve. What do they rely on? It depends on your own network!

Simply put, they rely on face to survive.

Not only does Crazy Sword have a network of connections that far exceeds theirs, but he is also a genuine Grand Master in terms of combat power. He is by no means a guy who simply relies on face and connections, so it is even more difficult to deal with and even more of a headache!

Thinking of this, Cui Yan became even more angry. A few years ago, a junior who didn't even have to look at him was actually able to compete with Cui in the ring?

He swallowed what he just wanted to say, changed the subject, and said in a deep voice: "You are late. The Political Affairs Hall has decided on the candidate for the chief arrester and drafted an imperial edict. You want to be an enemy of Da Jin and all the aristocratic families of Da Jin." Is the government an enemy?”

After saying this, he suddenly felt inexplicably sad. In order to frighten "Crazy Sword" Su Meng, he actually carried out other top aristocratic families. It seemed that he subconsciously thought that the Cui family alone could not do it.

The imperial court has its own laws and rules, and the conclusion reached through communication and exchanges among the noble families is an unquestionable order. Anyone who dares to resist is challenging the authority of all the top noble families in the Jin Dynasty, and is slapping them hard in the face, and will surely be ganged up on. After the thunder blow, even "Crazy Sword" Su Meng would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Under the premise that he actively provokes fights and breaks the rules, most of his connections can only choose mediation rather than favoritism.

Faced with such a threat, Meng Qi didn't seem to care and remained relaxed: "The Zhengshitang's orders are not Daolunyin and there are no mistakes. Isn't it what the Zhengshitang often does to deny his previous orders?"

"Now that Chief Sima is missing, people in the six sects are panicking. How can we choose the new Chief without listening to the opinions of the top detectives? Not listening to the opinions of the majority of the chiefs? Not choosing a more suitable person?"

"If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, there is no greater good. I believe that there are many seniors with outstanding knowledge in the political hall. It is a place with the ability to self-correct."

This "condescending" attitude in evaluating Zhengshitang made Cui Yan and Song Shouren furious. This was something they had never encountered before, and they wanted to shout "Take him down!" on the spot!

But when the words came to his mouth, they still turned into a slightly cold and depressing sentence:

"Su Jinzhang is not a miraculous arrester, but he made false claims about arresting the head, disrupted Zhu Yilou, and didn't ask him to get out!"

There was a sudden silence in the building. Jin Zhang, the head catcher on duty outside the door, opened and closed his fingers, but never dared to take a step.

Zhao Heng's expression returned to calm. He placed his hands gently on the armrests and leaned slightly against the back of the chair. He looked at the scene in front of him. Zhao Jingyue and Zhao Mingche looked on with indifferent smiles. Yuan Lihuo, Liu Shengming, and Su Yue looked on coldly. With flickering eyes and no movement, Ke Yuzhang and Li Dong looked at the "Silver Hand Divine Catcher" Ming Bikong, as if to say that you are the chief catcher, this is your business, and we can't change the position of the chief catcher!

Ming Bikong's beard trembled slightly as he weighed the strength comparison between himself and "Crazy Sword" Su Meng. He was weaker than Hasulla and did not have a magic weapon. Although logically speaking, "Crazy Sword" Su Meng would not resist, otherwise he would be the same. In provoking the political hall, provoking all the aristocratic families, provoking the Jin Dynasty court, but there is no certainty in the affairs of the world. No one dares to forget the nickname Su Meng once had: Mang King Kong. He did many reckless things and went straight to the point. , if a fight really breaks out, things will get out of hand.

He was concerned about Meng Qi's strength and the network of relationships behind them.

Just when Ming Bikong made a decision and was about to take action, Cui Yan suddenly saw Meng Qi put his hands on his hands, with a smile on his lips: "This is not someone's own idea, but most of the head arresters and most of the gods in the six gates." If you don’t believe me, you can ask.”

He turned to look at the Eight Great Gods, scanning them one by one. Cui Yan also looked at them with threats in his eyes. Who dares to jump out!

Suddenly, someone took a step forward, bowed and said: "To report to the Emperor's Crown Prince, to the two princes, there is currently no candidate in the six gates who is more suitable to be the divine catcher than Su Jinzhang."

"You!" Cui Yan was shocked and angry, pointing his right hand at the opponent.

Everyone present was shocked. They did not expect that this person would step forward first. They had always thought that it would be Su Yue or the two great catchers from the Zhao family who would come forward first!

"Zipeng Divine Catcher" Liu Shengming secreted a layer of cold sweat on his forehead under Meng Qi's gaze, but his voice did not tremble and his tone was normal: "In terms of strength, no one among the eight great Divine Catchers can compare to Su Jinzhang. In terms of qualifications, he has a wide network of friends. , he is suitable to be the chief catcher. In terms of skills and wisdom, various things have shown that Su Jinzhang is outstanding. Except for his slightly lower qualifications, he has no weaknesses. When choosing the chief catcher, you must not just look at his qualifications. "

He boasted about Dharma conch, which made Meng Qi feel slightly ashamed.

I just threatened him, saying that you were an evil demon of the female path, but I didn't know that. It was a pity that I found out after you eliminated the demon and defended the path that you had secretly surrendered to the imperial court.

As soon as Liu Shengming finished speaking, Zhao Jingyue, the "Desperate Catcher" wearing a dark red headhunter's uniform, also stepped forward. Her voice was unexpectedly delicate, unlike her age: "Currently, the hearts of the six gates are in a state of flux. We need to find Chief Inspector Sima as soon as possible." The whereabouts of his head mean extraordinary things happen in extraordinary times, and I am more optimistic about Su Jinzhang.”

With Liu Shengming taking the lead, she no longer has anything to worry about, and she just relies on the reputation of being a good catcher.

Beside her, Zhao Mingche also agreed with her, feeling like he was out of anger and extremely happy.

Just when Cui Yan and Song Shouren were about to stop them from expressing their opinions, "Blood Tooth God" Yuan Lihuo also stood up and said in a low voice: "I support Su Jinzhang."

"I also support Su Jinzhang." "Golden Eyes Catching" Su Yue thought about the Ruan family behind him, looked at Meng Qi with a smile, and nodded gently, looking very pleased.

Without waiting for Ke Yuzhang and others to express their opinions, Meng Qi turned back to Cui Yan and Song Shouren: "My two ministers, this is the opinion of the Six Sects, and I ask the Political Affairs Hall to seriously consider it."

When he said this, his expression became serious: "The great catastrophe has come, the world is in chaos, and the Jin Dynasty is leaderless. It is time to unite as one. At this time, those who make small calculations and only care about their own interests are really short-sighted and lack of planning. If it causes aristocratic families The division of the six gates is no less than self-destruction. Please take care of the overall situation!"

"Ms. Cui, your time has passed. You must learn to compromise and give in!"

Taking the overall situation into consideration? Isn’t it your turn to take into account the overall situation?

The era of the Cui family has passed?

Cui Yan was so angry that he was shaking all over, but looking at Meng Qi's calm eyes, he knew in his heart that the other party would never wrong him just to take care of the overall interests of the court. He was on good terms with the sect anyway!

what to do? Cui Yan quickly considered expelling Meng Qi. None of the strong men in Shendu were his opponents. He could only do it by asking Zhao Jingshi to take action and mobilizing the power of Shendu's formation.

But the Zhao family will definitely be happy to see the results of the crazy sword that disrupts the situation. Unless several major families gather together to threaten, without him or me, otherwise Zhao Jingshi will definitely find excuses to delay.

But once the threat reaches this level, it is tantamount to exposing one's own fierce appearance and inner weakness and external strongness, and the loss outweighs the gain!

At this time, Meng Qi laughed and said: "I don't covet the position of the chief executive. It's just that in the current chaos, I will take charge temporarily to stabilize people's hearts. When I find the chief arrester Sima or the situation stabilizes, I will step down and give way to others."

This period of time is enough for me to change my title and read all the secret information of the six doors!

"Temporarily?" Doesn't this give us a chance to fight for it? Ke Yuzhang and Li Dong immediately agreed.

Cui Yan and Song Shouren were pushed to the limit at first, but now they found out that it was just a temporary substitution. They suddenly relaxed. When they saw that the seven great gods all agreed, they pondered for a long time and said: "We will discuss it again at the political affairs hall."

If it is just a temporary substitution, it is not unacceptable.

Giving in and compromising is something that all the ministers in the political hall often do.

Zhao Heng pretended to be unfamiliar with Meng Qi and was about to leave. When he passed by, he heard Meng Qi's message: "Zhao Laowu, I can only help here, and I won't take advantage of this time to reach interests with other aristocratic families." Exchange and re-determine the candidate for the chief capture.”

Zhao Heng stepped forward and walked out of the room, followed closely by Cui Yan and Song Shouren.

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