The Supreme Being

Chapter 864 Void Seal

"It's your turn!"

The sound was like thunder, and it was pronounced in an instant. It was based on the Yuan Xin Seal and used thunder words to form a form. It boomed in the hearts of the divine envoy and the Bodhisattva of Joy. The latter was okay, but was just stunned for a moment. The former's Yuan Shen was already shaking, and his heart was like a beating. Drum, brain congestion, vision slightly blurred.

The owner of Burenlou actually died like this?

The immortal caressed my head, tied my hair and granted me immortality?

It is extremely weird, extremely shocking, and extremely shocking. The contemporary Bodhisattva Huanxi is a great master. He has been famous for many years. He has captured many strong men alive and encountered many dangerous or strange things. But at this moment, it is still difficult to hold on. I was heartbroken, shocked and frightened. In the blink of an eye, the light flashed and disappeared. The owner of Burenlou seemed to have suddenly "converted" to the "Crazy Sword" and dedicated his whole body and soul to him. Under a light palm, there was no resistance. It seemed like liberation, as if we were not heading toward death, but actually being granted eternal life.

The owner of Burenlou is ranked ninth on the land list, and the Bodhisattva of Joy is eleventh. The two are not far apart, and they both have magic soldiers in charge. At first glance, it seems that they are fighting head-on. The winner depends entirely on personal conditions at the time, the right time and the right place, etc. However, Huanxi Bodhisattva doesn't think so, because how can the owner of Burenlou fight head-on with others?

If you are targeted by him unknowingly and take action at the most suitable time and in the most suitable state, you can't say that you will be able to block it, and you will definitely survive. Depending on the spirituality of the divine weapon, it may be possible. Now Bu Renlou The poster caught "Crazy Sword" Su Meng when he was most vulnerable and unable to be distracted, and used the simplest and most effective way to stab the most deadly sword at a distance that he could not dodge. Everything looked like this. It was perfect, but the result was unimaginable. The one who died was the owner of Burenlou, and the one who lived was Kuangdao, and the state of the deceased was extremely horrifying.

All the owners of Burenlou have experienced this. Can you stop it yourself?

The most important thing is that I can't tell what kind of unsolvable moves or magical treasures "Crazy Sword" Su Meng used, and what method he used to kill the owner of Burenlou, so it's not clear whether he can still use the third weapon. The second time, how to respond correctly, and the unknown is the scariest thing!

Based on this, Bodhisattva Huanxi was so excited that he was unable to defend himself for a moment and failed to take advantage of the opportunity to attack after Meng Qi beat the owner of Burenlou to death.

It wasn't just her, Meng Qi thought to himself, if he were in a different place and faced with such a weird, terrifying and unknown mysterious thing, he might have the same reaction, the same shock, the same horror, the same inability to make the most correct decision in time. response.

The only thing that puzzled him was that Gu Xiaosang shouldn't be like this. If she really inherited the memory and experience of Wusheng Old Mother, it would be impossible for her not to be able to see the function of the Seven Kills Monument and the real cause of death of the owner of Buren Building. Why not Seize the opportunity to take action? His original plan was to rely on his two heads, four arms, and the Wuji Seal that had transformed into a sword to resist the blow with all his strength, but who knew that Gu Xiaosang didn't move at all.

At this moment, Meng Qi couldn't think too much. When he was surrounded by the Bodhisattva of Joy, the Token of Dharmakaya, etc., life and death were only a matter of thoughts, how could he hesitate?

His huge body is like a god between heaven and earth. The orange fire knife in his hand is getting bigger and heavier. There are vaguely filled with flames inside, like a world. Now it weighs more than three thousand kilograms, more than thirty thousand or three hundred thousand. !

After linking the power of heaven and earth, and using the laws of heaven and earth, the characteristics of the power of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills are fully revealed. It cannot be compared purely with the physical body, and it is enough to pull up the top of a mountain and cover the outside scene.

The chaotic Dharma behind Meng Qi stood out. The Taoist was hiding inside, and the acupoints all over his body were opened, and they all condensed into the heavens, returned to Yuanshi, and concentrated on the tip of the Lingbao sword. At this moment, only "all things return to the void" is the most suitable for this Mouth "heavy" knife!

While the Bodhisattva of Joy and the Divine Envoy of Fengdian were stunned, Meng Qi took a big step forward, the void shook, and he slashed down the pocket of the long knife, reaching straight for the short transparent blade.

The Bodhisattva's magical weapons have two forms. One is the lotus platform, which is good at defense. The other is the "Bodhisattva's joyful weaving", which uses softness to overcome hardness and uses yin to transform yang. It is the most difficult to deal with, but it also has its own shortcomings. It is not good at attacking difficulties and is easy to be attacked. Although interference from external forces will loop back and forth and become entangled layer by layer, deviations and drifts will indeed occur when disturbed. Therefore, Meng Qi was able to rely on the distortion and bending of the void when he could barely split the dharma body token with just one knife. It affects the Bodhisattva's joyful weaving, thus creating opportunities for him to kill the owner of the Buren Tower.

Different magic weapons, different forms, have different characteristics!

Because of this, Meng Qi chose a transparent short blade for this sword instead of the Bodhisattva of Joy. If she relied on the lotus platform to hold on, she would not be able to take it quickly. Once she lost the opportunity, they would be able to recover, calm her mind, and regain control. With Gu Xiaosang involved, he would fall into a dangerous situation again.

As for the transparent short blade, didn’t the envoy Fengdian say something about it? The Dharma King was at the critical moment of breakthrough and could only barely be distracted.

He is definitely not lying, because if the Dharma Body of the Transcendent World could be distracted, he would have come by himself long ago, and he would be sure of it, so why bother?

At that time, the Fengdian Divine Envoy might have exposed his shortcomings in order to attract his own attention, in order to induce himself to regard his side as a weakness, thus creating the best conditions for the assassination of the owner of Burenlou, but now it is a shortcoming that can be exploited!

If he tried his best and almost made a desperate move to let the divine weapon exert its terrifying power, what would the Dharma King choose? Manipulate the token seriously and with all your strength, completely block this attack and delay the breakthrough, or should you put yourself first and give up this opportunity?

Then try it!

As the long knife slashed down, the orange color flowed, and Meng Qi's face looked a bit ferocious. This was a reflection of his entire body being put into the long knife, and his expression was almost uncontrollable.

With this sword, all the strength of his body, the blessing of heaven and earth, and the power of the divine weapon were integrated into one point, and a swirling thumb-sized hole appeared. It was dark, deep, and extremely dangerous!


The sound of nothingness sounded, and the solidified "glazed glass" at the boundary was torn apart, causing gaps to appear. The rolling flames were all restrained, and the space collapsed towards the tip of the knife. With the power of the divine envoy, he could not help but throw it over, and the scorched Yagyu Ming was more It was broken inch by inch, returned to the dark whirlpool, and completely disappeared from the world.

The transparent short blade vibrated slightly, trying to escape into the void to avoid the sharp edge, but the void began to bend towards the tip of the blade, and the time fluctuations just now indirectly affected it, and it was unable to avoid it, so it could only resist.

In the distant and inexplicable realm, the five fingers of the Dharma King squirmed even more, and the transparent short blade changed continuously, drawing a white lotus, with layers of petals blooming, facing the orange fire knife!


The mixed hole vortex hit the transparent short blade, and dark gaps spread across the void, like a spider's web, and petals fell and shattered, returning to nothingness.

The lotus shattered, and cracks spread from the place where the swords collided to the transparent short blade, seeming to swallow it completely.

The face of the Dharma King changed slightly, and he tried to join in with the other hand, but finally closed his eyes, retracted his hands, and placed lotus flowers on his knees.

The Bodhisattva Huanxi on the other side did not take the opportunity to attack. He made a decisive decision and turned away. Taking advantage of a gap in the glass sealing the space, he escaped thousands of miles away in an instant.

The unknown is the scariest!

She didn't dare risk her life to test whether Crazy Sword could still use that unknown blow, so she had no choice but to leave, and she had no choice but to retreat. As for the people in Luo Jiao, what did it matter to her?

It was quite rare for her to be able to eliminate hesitation, eliminate troubles and make a decision in an instant. The Buren Tower Divine Soldier followed and fled.


The darkness swallowed up the transparent short blade, the surrounding glass was pulled to pieces, and the world returned to nothingness!

Just the aftermath, Fengdian Divine Envoy had a hard time resisting. At this time, Meng Qi used the Yin-Yang Seal, life and death, and regained some of his strength. He slashed at him with his long sword again, with red fire like the sun.

Suddenly, the void was like water, and ripples spread out. A white and beautiful hand stretched out from it, grabbed the vest of the divine envoy of Fengdian, and pulled him into the ripples.

Want to escape!

Meng Qi's long sword turned, condensing the flames, and slashed into the air, turning it into a range attack, killing the divine envoy of Fengdian before he could escape.

Another equally beautiful hand stretched out, and with a flick of the finger, it touched the old and broken seal. The seal shattered, and the true meaning melted into light, and it was thrown at Meng Qi!

If we attack, the true meaning will disappear!

Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, then forcibly withdrew his strength, stretched out his left hand, grasped the true meaning, and pressed it between his eyebrows.

All kinds of emptiness appear before your eyes.


Several rays of light entered the vacuum hometown. The Fengdian Divine Envoy was frightened, frightened, angry and confused. Looking at the exquisite Gu Xiaosang, he asked in a deep voice: "Holy Girl, why don't you take action?"

There was a smile on the corner of Gu Xiaosang's mouth, but now it turned cold and he said calmly:

“The king cannot see the king, and the king cannot see the king.”

She turned around, not paying any attention to the Divine Envoy of the Order and the Divine Envoy of the Lamp. She moved lightly with lotus steps and slowly walked towards the core of Vacuum Hometown. With each step she took, her expression became a little colder, and the ancient spirits disappeared a little bit.

Her whole body is surrounded by countless light spots, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, accompanied by bursts of prayer sounds, sacred fluctuations, like a dream, oscillating with her breathing, transformed from the power of wishes into inexplicable rules, allowing her to Strengthening every moment, endlessly strengthening.

At the core of Vacuum Hometown, there was a lotus platform. Gu Xiaosang stepped on it, turned around, and his eyes glowed with metallic silvery light. The aura was deep and chaotic, covering the entire Vacuum Hometown.

She sat cross-legged, devoid of any emotion or humanity.

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