The Supreme Being

Chapter 874 Battle of Ancient Tombs

Since the death of the Human Emperor, the demons and monsters have dispersed, and true dragons have not appeared in the world for an unknown period of time. Only their fallen scales and rolled stones can be found occasionally, all of which are good materials for refining weapons. At this moment, A real dragon emerged from a bronze coffin without a tablet in the Life and Death Sect!

Its head almost filled the hall, and its body covered with blue-gray scales was still hidden in the coffin. It was hidden in the depths for an unknown number of miles. The frighteningly dense and sinister atmosphere around it seemed to be both substance and illusion, which made The grandmaster surrounded by the blood-yellow mist felt the cold coming from the soles of his feet, and his soul was involuntarily paralyzed, as if he was facing a superior person and facing endless death.

The True Dragon clan is born with strong physique and strength. As long as they reach adulthood, they are equivalent to the Great Demon Dharmakaya. They will continue to grow in the later period. They are generally at the level of earthly immortals, many are heavenly immortals, and even have legends and above. However, the Immortality of Life and Death Sect This real dragon is not outstanding, just normal. It is equivalent to the remnants of earth immortals, but it is more tyrannical than ordinary earth immortals.

More importantly, in the Middle Ages, the sect leader of the Immortal Life and Death Sect spent a lot of resources and manpower to unearth the remains of this true dragon. The weak spiritual intelligence it regenerated can reverse life and death. Unfortunately, there are only a few successful cases of similar things. This sect leader failed unsurprisingly, but the true dragon's remains have also undergone subtle changes, which are better than those of the living dead and those that have not yet been reborn. The intelligent zombies are much smarter than the undead ones that are restarted but have low intelligence. They will not kill the enemy indiscriminately after losing control, and can display the strength of an earthly immortal.

But it also has flaws. Every time it "awakens", it needs sacrifices, otherwise it won't last long, and the will to die is too strong. Once it leaves this small world, it will immediately attract terrible punishment from heaven, and it can't bear it at all. It cannot be taken out, so it can only be used as a keeper of the clan.


The real dragon opened its mouth and let out a dragon roar. All the skeletons and zombies in the entire ancient tomb world fell down one after another. Even Meng Qi felt temporarily absent-minded. If he hadn't practiced the Yuanxin Seal and Soliloquy, he would still be in such a frightened situation. It will last for one or two breaths.

This is the real "Dragon Roaring in the Vast"!

The real dragon tilted its head, sucked in sharply, and the bronze coffin containing the corpse of "Yincaofu Lord" flew into its mouth.

This is a sacrifice, a Dharmakaya-level body as a sacrifice!

The Immanence of Life and Death Sect has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and the number of Dharmakaya masters it has produced is far superior to that of Shaolin Zhenwu and other sects. It is also characterized by manipulating corpses to refine corpses. Normally, there would be countless "Dharmakaya Corpse Kings" preserved, but They encountered the disaster of annihilating the sect several times, and each time they had to release this "Arctic True Dragon" and the "underlying information" in the bronze coffin on the right, consuming all the accumulated Dharmakaya corpses, just like now.

Woo, a cold wind was blowing, and a layer of ice covered the ancient tombs, which were translucent and blood-yellow, as if they had been frozen for thousands of years.

The real dragon flew out of the ancient tomb, coiled its body for several miles, and reached out with its claws, crossing a distance of dozens of miles and grabbing Su Wuming. The air around it was frozen, either dark blue, light blue, colorless, snowflakes, or Ice cubes, nothing but them, seem to solidify everything.

But Su Wuming was not affected at all. He was like a strange ghost, but also like a superior god. He looked at the frozen ice crystal ball with a radius of hundreds of miles and appeared directly behind the arctic dragon. His body collapsed into reality and he slashed with the long sword. , subtle changes, wandering among many illusory "gaps", as if deconstructing something.

The earth, fire, and feng shui broke in response to the sword, and the imbalance of the four phenomena erupted, like boiling water. The gurgling destruction rippled around, as if returning to the beginning of the creation of the world, when the earth, fire, feng shui had not yet been suppressed, "Tai Shang Sword Sutra" "The Beginning of Heaven and Earth" among the nine ultimate killing moves.

Zizzz! The long sword hit the back of the real dragon's head, dragging a sword mark downwards, causing dazzling red fire and dazzling lightning to burn, melting the ice, penetrating the blue, and decomposing the earth's fire and feng shui.

But the real dragon has a powerful body, and its scales are only slightly worse than those of divine weapons of the same level. Despite Su Wuming's sword, only a few of its scales were broken. It turned its head and sprayed out a stream of dark green ice. Wherever it passed, it was eerie. , green and full of death, as if the Nine Netherworld has descended, and Su Wuming has "raised up" again, misty, hard to touch, everywhere, and hits are ineffective.

As a human immortal with legendary characteristics, he completely suppressed this real dragon, which was almost as strong as an earth immortal. From time to time, he would appear next to the Emperor Netherworld and slash at his coffin. From time to time, he would still stand in the formation that was not completely broken. The sword light was swaying as expected, preventing it from recovering, and really "surrounding" the entire Life and Death Impermanence Sect with one person's power.

Meng Qi held the Huangquan hand bone in his left palm and the Lingbao Fire Knife in his right hand. After Su Wuming broke through the formation, he no longer stopped him and pulled away. His steps were empty and his body fell back, with his back to the red-haired corpse king. It's just a knife, the trajectory is floating, but its momentum is very strong.


Meng Qi's right hand trembled slightly, and he used the momentum to turn around, and a scar appeared on the fist of the Red-haired Corpse King. The true fire of the sun burned the red hair, and spurted out like flowing flames, engulfing and incinerating the disciples of the Wuchang Sect of Life and Death.

The red-haired corpse king's body was filled with black corpse energy, which was cold and heavy. It suppressed the true fire of the sun. He roared, and his body became larger, more than ten feet tall. His aura became more and more terrifying. The nails on his hands popped out, sharp and sharp, green and black. , the will to die is deep, it will die if you touch it, it is close to the magic weapon.

Each nail is like a long sword, each with its own changes, connected into one, grabbing at Meng Qi, overwhelming the sky and the earth, leaving no room for dodge.

Meng Qi's long knife hung diagonally, and his body expanded accordingly. Not only that, his will and belief suddenly burst out, penetrating his body, every detail of his soul, every inch of skin, every drop of blood, every bone, and even Go deeper into smaller structures.

These blood and skin structures seem to have been endowed with spirituality, each breathing in and out, each forming the whole in the most appropriate and suitable way.

With a bang, Meng Qi's aura surged, as if a scorching sun had descended here, driving away the evil spirits and sweeping away the filth. Although they were both more than ten feet tall, the red-haired corpse king actually appeared tiny in front of him. The feeling and momentum were suppressed.

Its intelligence is not high, its mind is confused, and its aura relies entirely on instinct. How can it compete with Meng Qi, who is good at this?

As early as three months ago, while rafting in the East China Sea, Meng Qi felt peaceful physically and mentally, and his will was self-generated, and he had the strength to step into the ninth heaven. However, he has never tried to break through, and has been suppressed until now. Once it erupts, it will be like a volcano. Spurting out, the momentum is unleashed to an unrivaled feeling!

Zombies are not the living dead and cannot be restrained by the magic of changing the sky and striking the earth. Therefore, they cannot use tricks and rely entirely on themselves.

Creaking, Meng Qi's flesh and bones merged with the spirit of the soul again, and he truly entered the ninth heaven. Facing the attack of the red-haired corpse king's ten nails, the long knife pushed outwards, and waves of red golden light poured out, as if it were too late. The sun's rays shined on this world over and over again, gently dividing the two claws. Then, the long knife turned from pushing horizontally to slashing downward, and a red sun slowly descended!

Boom boom boom boom!

"Red Sun" crashed into the arms of the Corpse King, and the sound of explosions continued, knocking it away and igniting its whole body like a torch.

It was in tatters and tatters all over, and it managed to get away from the knife, but Meng Qi caught up with it and killed it again.

The aura is suppressed, the divine weapon is no worse than its body, the power of the Nine Heavens plus the Heaven and Earth is a little stronger than half a step. Meng Qi is not bad in terms of hard power, but even better in terms of soft power. The Corpse King is naturally in an extremely embarrassed state, but He was able to defend himself, but he could only be struck by the long sword again and again, leaving extremely deep wounds on his body as solid as a diamond.

The Netherworld Emperor blocked Su Wuming's attack by relying on the ancient tomb forbidden method and the bronze coffin, revealing his huge body and replacing his own bone body with the bones of the underworld.

At this time, he felt Mr. Lu Da approaching, and couldn't help but raise his head and roar:

"Then let's die together!"

He moved his hand, and the ancient bronze coffin on the right without a tablet was quickly opened. Inside lay a body with black bones and yellow flesh, with two horns on the head, filled with the aura of the gods.

With a crash, the shadow of a blood-yellow river appeared above the coffin.

This is an innate god corpse found by the Life and Death Wuchang Sect. It was refined by the secret method of Huangquan and fed with evil ghosts. It tried to create another "Underworld Evil God", but in the end it failed shamefully, leaving only a "ghost and god" who could not see the light of day. , whose strength is comparable to that of an Earth Immortal, but cannot see the "sky".

The divine corpse sat up, its majestic aura rippled around, and opened its mouth. The red-haired corpse king who was fighting fiercely with Meng Qi suddenly flew out involuntarily and fell into his mouth. With Meng Qi's current strength, he couldn't stop it!

The divine corpse flew out and faced Mr. Lu Da, and at this time, Su Wuming once again besieged the real dragon, the Netherworld Emperor, and the formation.

The Emperor Netherworld blocked a blow with the pen of life and death. He was no match for Su Wuming. He was already injured and stepped back, leaning against the last ancient bronze coffin.

"Then let's die together!" He said again, his voice turning cold.

With a press of wind from his palm, the three green lanterns were completely extinguished.

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