The Supreme Being

Chapter 876 Two swords combined

"Those who have attained the truth will receive much help, but those who have lost the path will receive little help!"

"X is the Tao!"

Meng Qi's voice was like a thunderclap, resounding in the heart of the Netherworld Emperor, vibrating his spirit and shaking his soul. Within his senses, the legendary Earth Immortal Mr. Lu Da and the Human Immortal Su Wuming were attacking his heart. The holy relic was sloughed off; Yangshen Zhenren Yunhe relied on the Hunyuan Qi to set up a myriad of immortal formations to firmly trap the seriously injured Arctic True Dragon; several eminent monks in the Shaolin Temple formed a small Tibetan Realm to circulate the relics and Buddha, reciting scriptures containing compassion that can save all the underworld, each golden swastika appeared in the clear light of the glass, flew towards the innate god corpse, surrounded it, and saved it bit by bit.

There are so many experts, with nearly half of the strength in the world!

Emperor Netherworld deeply felt what it means to be shaken by wind and rain, what it is like to have the wheels of history rolling and rolling, crushing all those who stand in the way, why there is more help for those who have gained the right way, and little help for those who have lost the right way!

At this moment, although the two parties' currently manifested bodies are not much different, the Nether Emperor has a feeling of being extremely insignificant in front of the crazy sword. It seems that he is the "Tao", he is the "wheel of history", and he is a great helper, rolling towards In front of you, you will be crushed and dissatisfied!

In the entanglement of the Qi machine, his momentum weakened. Meng Qi suddenly sensed it and followed the Qi machine to pull out the long knife in his hand.

This sword is like a yellow sun rising, illuminating the ghost realm in all directions like daylight, dissolving the time and energy of death, the high temperature distorts the sight, bending the void heavily, flowing gold and flying fire, making the enemy disappear into ashes!

"Take a certain knife!"

Meng Qi shouted loudly, thundering the words again and speaking instantly.


The ancient tomb world is divided into four battlefields, each of which is far apart, and only the aftermath is surging.

The corpse of the Arctic true dragon was struck by Su Wuming's legendary sword, and its body was almost cut into two pieces. The green dragon's blood spilled into the sky, pouring down like a torrential rain. There were strange, dark and twisted corpse insects inside. , they are extremely difficult to kill. Once possessed, living people will immediately turn into dead corpses to support them. This is the Nine Nether evil that can only be born from Dharmakaya-level corpses!

The Wanxiang Sect has been inherited since ancient times, and many sages of the sect have even fought against the Nine Nether Evil Gods and Demons, and the classics left behind are quite exhaustive. Yunhe was unhurried when faced with the Arctic True Dragon and the Netherworld Corpse Gu. Chaos-like words flew out of the talisman, expanding in a dense haze, as if light smoke enveloped the surrounding area.

With a loud sound, the dragon's blood suddenly burned, first the part that was sprinkled in the air, and then the ones inside the real dragon's corpse were also ignited, burning the dragon's corpse and cooking the corpse insects. The flame was initially dark green, and gradually turned Is golden.

This is a magical technique to control blood. It does not require contact. As long as the opponent is injured, it will take effect. Relying on it and relying on Su Wuming's previous efforts, Yunhe was able to do it with ease. If given enough time, he would be quite confident that the North Pole's real The dragon corpse was restrained.

Around the corpse of the innate god, swastikas are circling one after another. They are golden and clear, and there seems to be a compassionate Bodhisattva sitting in each one. He is patient and motionless, meditating deeply, and reciting solemn and sacred chants over and over again. The verses are out of sync with each other, overlap with each other, and finally converge into a proverb:

"If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha. Only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi!"

ah! The innate divine corpse covered its ears and let out a painful howl. The pseudo-underworld divine power unknowingly dissipated a lot. It tried to fly towards Xuanbei and the others, but the golden swastikas and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva all over the sky continued to form a "talisman". The seals were on his body, forming shackles on each other and wrapped in yellow clothes, so that it took a lot of time for him to advance a certain distance. There were even streams of black energy coming out of his body and dissipating in the air.

In this way, although the innate divine corpse still relied on its physical strength to gain the upper hand, it could not get rid of the influence of "Ksitigarbha Soul Saving Sutra" for a while, and it might take dozens of breaths to break away or attack Xuan Bei and others. people.

The Holy Heart Slaughter stood up slowly from the coffin. There seemed to be a world hidden in his eyes, with flowers blooming and dying, and countless figures doing different actions, either meditating, looking up to the sky, or holding books. , without any human touch.

At this moment, a ray of sword light was like a flying rainbow from the sky, striking with mighty force. It was pure, bright, and wonderful. The sword's intention was concentrated, and it captured the mind even before it struck.

Su Wuming knew that the biggest flaw of similar zombies and ghosts was that their intelligence lay in their hearts, so he raised his hand and tortured "friend or foe" with "the sword comes out without self"!

Xin Sheng stood in the coffin, his eyes looked up to the heights, his mouth was slightly open, and there was a sigh in the air:

"There is no good or disgusting body, there are good and evil actions, knowing good and evil is conscience, and doing good and eliminating evil is qingwu."

To do good and to remove evil is to check things. To kill with a sword is to do evil and should be removed!

The surrounding void was suddenly in a trance, and the Heart Sage did not make a move. Su Wuming's sword light was like a meteorite passing through the Gangfeng layer, constantly rubbing and burning, blooming with the most beautiful and brilliant light, and then disappeared without a trace.

On the top of the mountain, Han Guang had an illusory river flowing through his eyes. Through the broken formation, he took in the situation in the ancient tomb world. Seeing this situation, he sighed: "The Heart Sage is indeed close to the legend, almost a word. Follow.”

Taking the cave sky or world transformed into the inner world as the source, it reflects the outside world.

What if there is a conflict between heaven and earth and oneself? Then let heaven and earth change. Follow your words and actions, and those are the rules!

Normally, in the legendary realm, the scope of this reflection's influence is limited, but if it relies on the real realm, it can directly establish rules for the derived universes, or even restart it, just like Mr. Lu did in the world of gods and demons.

It's the world that's wrong, not me!

This is also a legendary characteristic. Although Xin Sheng is not like Mr. Lu Da who forged his own path, nor is he like Su Wuming who has the help of the Haotian Mirror and can take the most difficult and dangerous road, he will not possess the legendary characteristics in advance, but his Cave Heaven It has been evolved and perfected, and it is close to the limit of legend, reaching a close level. It can simulate similar effects with his "Twenty-Eight Secrets of Heart Learning".

Han Guang looked at it very seriously. Among all the saints in the Middle Ages, he respected the Heart Saint the most, and his clothes, clothes, and postures all showed traces of imitation.

At this time, Mr. Lu Da withdrew his sword light, revealing the long sword itself, stabbing the Heart Sage unpretentiously. This sword was very slow, as if it was promoting the integration of the outside world, changing the rules of heaven and earth, and letting the illusion around the Heart Sage Ups and downs, flowers blossom and fall silent, they either disappear or become real.

When a sword comes out, the law follows. This is a small thousand realm derived from the real world. It is not the real world itself. With all your strength, you can slightly change this world with the help of the breath of the outside world.

Xin Sheng finally looked at the enemy, raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and whispered in a deep voice:

“If you know it, do it!”

“Knowing is knowing!”

Hit when you see it!

Hitting means breaking through!

With a bang, the fist and the sword collided inexplicably in mid-air, knocking back Mr. Lu Da.

Upon seeing this, Su Wuming's expression remained indifferent, but his movements when drawing out the sword became slower, as if he was dragging something heavy.


His sword let out a dragon roar, and the sword light was swaying. It spurted out from every place within a hundred miles around the Heart Saint, in no particular order, as if they were overlapped, and each sword light was dividing. In just a short moment, , the birth of the sword light ocean and the sword light forest is hundreds and thousands of times better than ten thousand swords returning to the clan.

However, the closer he got to the Heart Sage, the sword light became blurred and disappeared.

At this moment, Mr. Lu Da drew his sword again, and instead of slashing at the Heart Saint, it split into sword threads. The threads penetrated into the sword light forest, connecting each of Su Wuming's sword lights together, making up for the loss. His inability to control subtleties.

Mountains and rivers manifested, and the outside atmosphere infected them. The two sword lights shrank suddenly, and actually became one, turning into a bright lotus with a radius of a hundred miles.

The petals of this light lotus shrank, no longer blurry, and instantly covered the Heart Saint, covering it layer by layer. The sword energy then flourished, and the sword intention reached the sky. Only the sound of banging boxing came from it, Slowly weaken.

The power of the two swords combined is so great!

On the other side, the Emperor Netherworld calmed down and looked at Meng Qi's sword. He clicked on the life and death pen with a black tube with white hair and a white tube with black hair. He drew a black and white Tai Chi diagram and pressed towards Meng Qi.

This Tai Chi diagram continuously absorbs the energy of travel, absorbs the earth, fire, wind and water, absorbs the flames and heaviness cut by Meng Qi, and decomposes them into yin and yang with one rotation, turning them into its own possession, getting stronger and stronger, covering and suppressing Meng Qi!

Meng Qi was not in a hurry, and with one turn of the long sword, the force and softness were combined, the yin and yang flowed, life and death coexisted, and he completely integrated the yin and yang seal with his own "yin and yang three combinations, what is the origin and what is the transformation".

When the long sword hits the Tai Chi figure, the light of the sword changes due to the reaction. Yang opposes death, and yin opposes life. The two sides cancel each other out and are annihilated at the same time.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Qi approached the Netherworld Emperor.

Suddenly, he saw a smile on the red eyes of the Netherworld Emperor, as if he was sarcastic. The surroundings suddenly changed, and the blood-yellow river water emerged spontaneously.

"I know you have such a knife, just to lure you into the game!"

"Try the power of Huangquan's bones!" The anger in Emperor Netherworld's heart turned into pleasure.

Han Guang on the mountain looked around and secretly guessed whether "Sword Madness" He Qi was coming. Donghai Jianzhuang owed Su Meng a huge favor and was probably lying in ambush around to trap the robbers. However, if the opportunity was right, he could take away a few people. Root Huangquan skeleton is relatively simple.

At this moment, Emperor Netherworld's eyes froze, because the blood-yellow river water also froze.

His huge body also made a creaking sound, as if it no longer obeyed his orders.

And all this is because of the dark hand bone in Meng Qi's hand!

"He, he can actually control me?"

"He took the initiative to enter the game!"

While the Netherworld Emperor was horrified, Meng Qi smiled and waved out the Underworld Hand Bone!

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