The Supreme Being

Chapter 892 Trap

The tip of the Phoenix-winged black gold gun condensed a little flame, like a bean and an eye, swaying uncertainly, like a candle in the wind. But before it approached, Meng Qi felt an extreme sense of danger that he had not experienced in a long time. His skin was hot and his internal organs were hot. , Yuanshen Qianzhuo, if it is stabbed, both body and soul will be destroyed, and there will be no hope of coming back.

All the heat around him seemed to be absorbed by this flame. First a cold wind blew, then snow fell, and then the air flow condensed into ice, forming a layer of ice crystal cages, trapping Meng Qi inside, interfering with his movement through the void, allowing him to There is no way to avoid it.

Even if no one is controlling it, the Demon Holy Spear still performs at an almost earthly level.

No wonder I was a little exhausted, but the dead fox was still able to handle it with ease, and the Demon Holy Spear was like a chicken's blood against me! Thoughts flashed through Meng Qi's mind, and he was extremely glad that he had rationally not used the Lingbao Fire Sword to use "Cause and Effect" just now. In that case, the Demonic Holy Spear would most likely be enraged and awaken to the legendary level!

At this juncture, Meng Qi mustered up his remaining energy and used the Heaven and Earth method again, causing his body to expand suddenly.

The Lingbao fire knife in his hand shone brightly, turning into an orange-yellow sun. He himself was the giant chasing the sun, with long history, simplicity and tyranny. He grabbed the "tail" of the big sun and slashed it forward with force. In an instant, Nine swords, the flames pressed one after another, turning into a golden wall that burned the sky and devoured the earth, facing the demon holy spear.

The surrounding light blue or colorless ice melted, white mist filled the sight, and the swords collided silently.

In an instant, there was no wind or color, only dancing flames and scenes flashing by. Meng Qi saw himself killing the Roshan Demon General step by step, and saw Lord Ziwei and others turning around to head to Changning City. I saw Qi Zhengyan talking to the old man.

Senior Brother Qi is also in this world?

He was actually beaten so hard by the Demon Holy Spear that he jumped back in time!

The flickering scene seemed like sparkling waves of light, flowing around Meng Qi. He could have stayed for five breaths, but now he had retreated from when the demonic tide was approaching to when he and others closed the first Nine Nether Gap. , and in front of him, the phoenix-winged black gold gun penetrated the wave of light again!

Meng Qi gritted his teeth and slashed vertically with his long sword, causing everything to return to the void.

A dark vortex emerged, tearing apart various scenes and images, slowing them down and blurring many people's memories!

This allowed the light of the Seven Kills Monument to burst out in time to protect his body and soul.

Otherwise, if the long river of time is allowed to wash away like this, the soul and body will soon decay, as if they have experienced ten thousand years of loneliness!


The demon saint spear pierced the dark whirlpool, and the flowing illusory river and flashing waves suddenly sped up. Meng Qi saw himself tearing and destroying the gap with all things returning to the void, saw the intact dark mountain peaks, and saw Qi Zhengyan in Changning. Wandering around the city.

Boom! The illusory sound erupted, and Meng Qi's feet were heavy. His physical body and soul felt real at the same time. Then he saw the demon peak that was mostly destroyed, saw the little fox looking at Qingguo opposite, and saw the phoenix-winged black gold spear stabbing him. , I saw that Rudou was so hot!

He returned to the present again. Instead of returning after the effect of the Seven Kills Monument was over, he was forced back step by step from the long river of time by the Demon Holy Spear!

At this moment, less than a breath away from the two people's initial attack, it was like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling, with lightning and thunder.

The Fa Tian Xiang Di was still there, but Meng Qi already felt a bit exhausted. He used magic weapons and magic weapons to continuously fight fiercely with the Demon Holy Spear, and his body, no matter how iron-clad, was also extremely exhausted.

There are still the power of two or three swords, the Tianxin Wo Yi Jue, the skeleton of the underworld, the tree of the avenue and the monster blood peach. At present, it is impossible to defeat it. The only way to escape is to attack, or to drag When the dead fox is exhausted, she is just a new master. Even if the demon holy spear is used to stimulate chicken blood, she will be under a lot of pressure. Her current situation should be similar to mine! Meng Qi had some calculations in his heart. He made a move with his long knife, and the interior scene changed, shooting out streaks of light, condensing golden lotuses and golden lanterns in mid-air, and the golden lamps and golden lotuses bloomed with billions of rays of light, making the whole figure look like The Heavenly Lord descended to earth and made the orange-yellow fire knife look full of holiness.

First block the shot with the Wuji Sword, and then launch a counterattack to fight for a chance of survival!

High in the secret realm, Qi Zhengyan and the black-armored demon general have already arrived and are quietly watching the battle:

Yama's flesh and blood are only condensed, and his thoughts come to him. He is restrained by Xi's true sun fire and the power of the five virtues, and will be destroyed soon;

Jiang Zhiwei seized the opportunity and briefly suppressed the Ziwei Star Lord who had no intention of fighting. However, the 365 gods and the bright starlight connected to form the Zhoutian Star Formation, and every breath and every breath coincided with Ziwei Star Lord's Zhoutian Divine Fist. , the vast oscillation made it impossible for her to break out temporarily and unable to support Meng Qi;

Beidou Xingjun was influenced by Lang Huan's Twelve Divine Sounds and the Song of Splitting Heaven and Earth, and was in danger of being killed by Zhao Heng. He ran out of secret treasures, was slow, and his head was missing at the sight of it;

Meng Qi used the magic weapon of time, but was driven into the river of time by the demon holy spear and was forced out alive;

The demon king's claws fell on the broken and collapsed mountain peaks, and the ancient bronze coffin sank into the gap of Jiuyou;

And in the distance of Changning City, there are five colors of red, green, yellow, white and black brilliance rising!

"Taili..." Qi Zhengyan looked at him expressionlessly and whispered, as if he was sighing.

Then, he stretched out his hand, and a red statue appeared behind him, with the head of a human and the body of a dragon, with six arms. He could hold destruction, kill with palms, hold blood beads, condense filth, hold ice-cold flowers, or pinch The red evil fire revealed something evil.

This Dharma image took a step forward and overlapped with Qi Zhengyan himself, condensing a bloody stain like lotus petals at the center of his eyebrows, full of monstrous evil intentions.


The Demon King's claw trembled slightly, flew up on its own, penetrated the void, and threw it towards Qi Zhengyan's outstretched palm.

Woo! When the creepy voice reached their ears, Meng Qi and the little fox simultaneously sensed Qi Zhengyan, who was wearing a blue shirt, and sensed the Demon Emperor's claws flying towards him.

Senior Brother Qi!

Demon King Claw!

Meng Qi suddenly felt anxious. The Demon King's Claw is the most evil and filthy. The user can easily be contaminated by it, twist his character, exaggerate his views, and degenerate into a world-destroying evil demon. How can Senior Brother Qi even think about seizing it? Aren't you afraid of losing yourself?

Qi Zhengyan showed no emotion, looked directly at the Demon Holy Spear, and grabbed the Demon King's Claw with his right hand.

The Demon Holy Spear let out a slight long groan, and the surrounding atmosphere became solidified. It felt like an old enemy meeting, and they were evenly matched!

Looking at Qi Zhengyan's expressionless face and sensing his implicit concern, Meng Qi suddenly had an idea and grasped the key point.

The Demon King's Claw is marked "Yes" by the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and it currently appears here...

The world where I and others completed the mission intersects with that of Senior Brother Qi. The mission is quite simple and can be completed quickly without any setbacks...

And he happened to encounter a little demon fox who had "deep hatred" and a peerless magic weapon...

These were connected together, and the purpose was obvious. Meng Qi already understood what was going on.

After accepting the Demon Lord's inheritance, Senior Brother Qi gradually drifted away from the Six Paths and slowly lost control. It was very likely that he would find a way to no longer be at his mercy. So the Six Paths designed today's situation and used life and death friendship to force Senior Brother Qi to accept the past. The Demon Emperor's Claw that belongs to him becomes the seventh generation successor and puts the reins on him again!

"The Demon Emperor's Claw has a trap, we can't accept it!"

Meng Qi blurted out anxiously, his soul shook the void, and he spoke in an instant.

Even if Senior Brother Qi doesn't accept the Demon Emperor's Claw, he still has the ability and trump card to fight for a chance of survival.

Upon hearing Meng Qi's reminder, Qi Zhengyan raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a rare smile, but firmly grabbed the Demon Emperor's Claw with his right hand.

With a bang, his right hand became huge, dark and dirty, covered with monster patterns, and his nails were like swords. A feeling of extreme chaos rushed over his face, causing the Demon Holy Spear to let out a long roar.

There were numerous demonic shadows appearing all around, which were eerie and strange. Qi Zhengyan's hair was scattered and flew back. His body seemed to be a little stronger and his face was much paler, revealing an unspeakable evil intention. But between his eyebrows, There was light condensing, and the bloody trace expanded, turning into a bloody star. Under the light, everything was equal.

He stood proudly in the air, his green shirt turned black, and his hair danced back, complementing the dark floating phantom, and said with a slight smile:

"Junior Brother Meng, don't worry, I have my own way of resisting."

"Life is red, and the thoughts of continuous improvement, self-improvement, and reform are also red. All living beings are red, which is the 'blood sky'."

"When the red flag flutters across the world and the red current surges through the heaven and earth, I will use this to condense the 'Blood Sky' dharma body. The evil will will no longer be able to corrode it. Even now, I can keep my spiritual wisdom!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, and five cracks appeared in the void. Countless darkness spread towards the Demon Holy Spear.

The little fox's face was solemn, and five phantoms around him, including the black and yellow exquisite pagoda and the black and white Tai Chi diagram, condensed and turned into a flying phoenix, attached to the Demon Holy Spear.

In the long cry, the phoenix's true fire spurted out, burning the void and swallowing the demon emperor's claws.

The spear claws collided, and silently, cracks appeared one after another in the secret realm, shattered inch by inch, and the gaps in the Nine Nethers began to shrink.

Meng Qi and others suddenly heard the indifferent voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation:

"All the gaps are closed, the main mission is completed, and we are back."

At this time, five rays of light, red, green, yellow, white and black, came and only had time to brush out the little fox.

Meng Qi's vision became blurry, and he could only see Qi Zhengyan holding the Demon King's Claw, standing in the darkness, slowly sinking into the Nine Netherworld.

Suddenly, a voice burst into his mind, which was Qi Zhengyan's solemn words:

"The Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can indeed truly resurrect the dead."

"Either he has the Seal of Reincarnation or the List of Gods in his hand!"

True resurrection? The Seal of Reincarnation, the List of Gods? Meng Qi was stunned.

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