The Supreme Being

Chapter 897: Hengdao immediately

The emperor was gentle, with a white face and no beard. Even though he was inside the ancient mirror, Meng Qi could feel the majesty of a mountain and a prison. The mighty aura was like a strong wind and huge waves, roaring in, making his soul and body like the wind. The remaining candle is about to be extinguished in the distance.

Another dharma body!

A finger emitting a dim green light flicked towards the center of Meng Qi's eyebrows. It was as crystal clear as jade and as strong as diamond. All the power was contained in the fingertips without any leakage. It seemed to have formed a seed and did not penetrate the void. And the sound of turbulent wind, but if it is hit, the power will burst out instantly, destroying everything.

Meng Qi didn't have time to think, his body suddenly expanded, like the sky and the earth, his right hand shook, and the orange-yellow fire knife jumped up. The flames in it condensed, curled up, and turned into a whirlpool without any light at the tip of the knife. The reason why there was no Any light or color is because all contact is absorbed and swallowed up, and no feedback can be given!

Faced with the sudden attack of this finger, faced with the finger whose power formed the seed of destruction, Meng Qi instinctively chose to use all his strength to return all things to void, to use strong force to fight strong force, to use condensation to condense one pair!

Suddenly, the eternal wind in the Four Symbols Hall froze. The white walls, black tiles, blue bricks and red columns all lost their colors, and gray covered the black and white.

Both the knife and the fingers became sluggish, moving forward inch by inch, but compared with everything around them that was almost at a standstill, it was as fast as lightning and thunder.

They moved little by little, and happened to meet in the vast void, with their fingertips touching the dark vortex.

The sky and the earth suddenly lighted up, and the undulating sea of ​​vitality suddenly appeared, boiling and filling the sky, with huge waves surging.

Cracks appeared one after another, tearing the sea of ​​vitality into pieces. A pitch-black "big mouth" opened, swallowing up everything, and boundless light burst out, filling the vortex, trying to explode the opponent. !

All this is silent, like a shadow puppet show or a puppet show without dubbing.


A loud noise broke out, like thousands of thunders exploding at the same time. Everything immediately returned to normal, air waves swarmed, black and white were stained with red and green, and the vortex disappeared with the light.

The vortex shattered, and the golden flames inside spurted out, burning the sea of ​​vitality, burning the dissipated airflow, and instantly spread to the blue-light ancient mirror, burning it away.

The Four Elephant Hall was not damaged at all. Meng Qi supported the beam with his head and stepped on the green bricks. He turned around and stretched out his right hand to capture the jade box-like Four Elephant Seal.

He knew clearly that his attack could not really repel the tall man, he only took advantage of the opponent's attack from a distance.

The Dharmakaya is the difference between an immortal and an immortal, and the gap is even greater than the external scene and the enlightenment. Without the magic weapons in hand or the cooperation of a large formation, facing the intact Dharmakaya, no matter how many external scenes are useless, and even if there are magical soldiers, Meng Qi will not I dare to say that I can block the ten blows of Dharmakaya. If I want to seize the Four Elephant Seals and the Open Heaven Seal from their surroundings, I must and can only use my own advantages, that is, the opportunity!

The opportunity to enter the Yuxu Palace before the people of Dharma height, the opportunity to enter the Four Symbols Palace and the Kaitian Palace first!

If he loses the opportunity and is overtaken by the Dharmakayas, no matter how powerful Qi Huangong is, he can only stop the two of them. At that time, he can only hope that the snipe and the clam will compete with each other and the fisherman will gain.

Therefore, you must not delay, you must seize the opportunity and move forward courageously. If you are delayed by entanglement and slow down your progress, it means that failure may be more than 80%!

At this moment, green light reappeared, and the ancient mirror appeared again, blocking Meng Qi.

The gentle emperor in the mirror had a calm expression. He raised his right hand majestically, transformed the palm sword, and slashed it out suddenly. All the power of his body was condensed into one point, and collapsed into the void in front of the palm sword, creating a dark vortex that could destroy all things. It was extremely terrifying. .

All things return to emptiness?

All things return to emptiness!

Meng Qi's eyes narrowed, and he was shocked inside. This blow turned everything into reality!

Is he capable of returning all things to the void by himself, or has he learned his own way of returning all things to the void after a single fight?

There were many thoughts, but Meng Qi had no time to distinguish them. No one knew the horror of all things returning to reality better than himself. If you practice to the depths, you can create a real black hole. If you reach the other side, the black hole will turn into a source of destruction that swallows up many universes. , Therefore, it is one of the means that one relies most on for a frontal attack.

Now, exerted by the Dharmakaya whose realm and strength are superior to his own, the power must be even more powerful than before, unmatched!

The palm knife struck, and Meng Qi felt pain on his face from a long distance away, as if it was being torn forward. Without caring about anything else, he slashed in front of him with the long knife, and the flames were heavy, and the void was layered, so close to the horizon.

Creaking, the void cracked layer by layer, like pieces of glass.

The vortex in front of the knife expanded slowly and irreversibly, swallowing everything in its direction. The speed of destruction gradually exceeded the speed of Meng Qi's flames evolving into the void!

With a frown on his face, Meng Qi suddenly took a breath, and the acupoints all over his body opened one by one, and he flew out of the universe. Above his head was the vast starry sky, which was infinitely bright and dreamy. Behind him was the boundless blackness, and he could only see three wheels in the distance. On a bright day, there are golden, black and jade rabbits filling the sky in front of the body. A big tree grows out of thin air. Each leaf is a square of heaven and earth. Under the feet is the boundless earth. The sky is just round and the terrain is square.

In addition to them, there are many similar universes, some of which can see the Milky Way, and some of which illuminate galaxies. There are layers of shadows and rippling water, making Meng Qi seem to be at the core of the intersection of multiverses.

All of this quickly shrank and penetrated into Meng Qi's body, and the surrounding area suddenly became chaotic, gloomy and dark.

With the barrier just around the corner, Meng Qi finally completed the preparation of this sword!

A flash of sword light suddenly shone, splitting through the darkness, slashing forward with an unstoppable attitude, hitting the expanding vortex of destruction.

Silently, the vortex split into two.

At the end of destruction comes new life, the beginning of another era!

The vortex flew to both sides and hit the white wall. If it were elsewhere, there would be natural disasters that could not be eliminated for many years, but nothing in Yuxu Palace was damaged.

The sword light rushed through the whirlpool, and then faded uncontrollably, revealing Meng Qi's figure. His skin and muscles were torn with many small wounds, not serious, but shocking.

At this time, Meng Qi sensed that two dharma bodies were approaching quickly. One was dressed in black and was old and clumsy. The other had double pupils, was just approaching middle age, and was casual and unrestrained. They were coming from different directions. They all have the feeling of being on a familiar road, and you can step into the Four Elephants Hall in just a breath.

Unable to be caught up by them, Meng Qi felt a chill in his heart and strode towards the Four Elephant Seals without caring about anything else.

However, the blue light dimly lit up again, and an ancient mirror floated in it. The emperor in the mirror was gentle but serious. He raised his right hand again, and the sword reappeared, and the world suddenly dimmed.

Suddenly, Meng Qi felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart. Without thinking, he changed into the wind and escaped into the void, leaving his clone in place.

The palm knife was slashed out, like a white line, splitting the darkness, splitting the void, cutting Meng Qi's clone in two at once, even cutting out Meng Qi who was hiding in the void, and the Lingbao Fire flew away with a clang. The knife split Meng Qi's jaw open, his right hand became paralyzed, and he briefly lost consciousness.

Create the world!

This sword is groundbreaking!

No matter the speed or power, they are all unmatched by Meng Qi's own movement!

This emperor seemed to have learned his opponent's creation after another fight!

If he had not avoided the sharp edge in advance, Meng Qi thought to himself that he would not be able to dodge it at all and would have to resist forcefully. When the time came, he would probably lose his arm and be seriously injured.

He caught the Lingbao Fire Sword with his left hand and felt that the two dharma bodies outside the palace were getting closer. They were about to catch up with him and compete with him for the four elephant seals. The emperor in the ancient mirror raised his sword again.

If you can't break through the obstacles, the opportunity will be lost soon!

An ordinary person would have been anxious and restless, but Meng Qi's eyes were deep and his heart was calm. He was calm and unhurried. He recalled the fight just now and recognized the identity and power of the emperor in the mirror in the flash of lightning. Dharma, King Wen of the Tang Dynasty, "Three Photos of the True Principle"!

"Photography" can capture the opponent's image, copy the enemy's skills, and improve to the highest level that one's own realm can perform!

——The trip to Yuxu Palace is very likely to encounter the other six hegemons. Therefore, Duke Huan of Qi told Meng Qi one by one about their situation last time. Now that they have exchanged two moves, how can Meng Qi recognize them? Not coming out?

"King Tang Wen didn't see through the secrets of the skills at a glance and master the great achievements in an instant, but directly copied them. The copied things often turned out to be dull and rigid. There are gaps to take advantage of!" Looking at the emperor's sword in the mirror, Meng Qi already had it. After all, if it were a face-to-face fight, this would be the only way to escape from being "taken by others", but now that he was attacking from a distance, he had other ways!

After figuring out that he was taking a lesson from others and that he had made a move from a distance, a Dharma image suddenly appeared behind Meng Qi. It was chaos, with no top and no bottom. The Taoist was sitting cross-legged in the depths, holding a colorless ancient lamp in his palm, and the light was like bean.

The warm, moist, intertwining and evolving light shines out everywhere, illuminating the Four Symbols Hall in black and white, ethereal and mysterious, and shining through all the shadows behind the ancient mirror, revealing several seemingly invisible connections. The ancient mirror stretches into the void and extends into the distance.

Meng Qi waved the Lingbao fire knife with his left hand, misty and empty, and got ahead of the emperor's palm knife. He used the karma-gluing method to blend the Tao seal fur and slashed at the connections.

The sword's light was illusory, as if it was not in this world, and the connection was suddenly severed.

Outside Yuxu Palace, King Tang Wen suddenly took a step back. The ancient mirror in front of him suddenly blurred and shattered inch by inch!

"Daoyiyin..." He narrowed his eyes, not daring to try to make a move from the air again, took a big step, shrunk into an inch, and went straight into Yuxu Palace.

After cutting off the contact, Meng Qi measured the distance between himself and the Four Elephant Seals, the distance between the two Dharmakayas outside and the Four Elephants Hall, and their respective speeds. So he retreated instead of advancing, rushed to the entrance of the hall, and chose to face the two Dharmakayas directly!

Duke Mugong of Qin in black robes, and King Wu of Han Dynasty, who was handsome and elegant, rushed from two directions, planning to step into the Four Elephants Hall together to get rid of the ants first, and then compete for the upper hand!

At this time, they saw a figure in a green shirt standing guard at the entrance of the palace, with an orange-yellow sword lying in front of him.

Suddenly, many universes flew out of Meng Qi's acupoint, including an infinite sea of ​​stars and a golden, black and jade rabbit. The Taoist sitting cross-legged behind him slowly stood up, holding a heavy and simple seal in his right hand, an ancient mirror with black and white flowing in his left hand, and a black and white ancient mirror in his right hand. The foot steps on the earth, stimulating light, which condenses into an apricot-yellow flag in front of the body. The left foot connects to the void, and a deep void develops behind the back. The purple ancient heart on the chest beats, and the eyes hide a colorless ancient light. lamp.

It is the first time for Meng Qi to use both techniques at the same time.

In an instant, the universe collapsed, the galaxies condensed into one, and the ancient small seal mirror, the yellow flag of nothingness, and the purple heart light were all shrunk into the immortal primeval phase.

Duke Mu of Qin and King Wu of Han suddenly felt that the man in green shirt in front of them had disappeared. There seemed to be only one point there, where energy, matter, time, space and cause and effect were all almost condensed together.

not good!

The two Dharmakayas spontaneously came up with this idea. Qin Mugong showed up with the six-foot-long Dharmakaya. Jin Ge's fighting energy condensed into a military chariot and hit Meng Qi overwhelmingly. King Wu of the Han Dynasty stretched out his arms, absorbing the light spots of merit, and derived Got two black and yellow true dragons!

They didn't have time to use the magic weapon to confer gods, so they instinctively used their own martial arts to deal with it.


Boundless light.

Energy turns into light and bursts out. The void is expanded by the light, and tiny things gradually come into being.

The light and flames moved forward majesticly, like a vast ocean, instantly swallowing up Duke Mugong of Qin and King Wu of Han.

With one strike of the knife, Meng Qi almost lost all strength. He turned around and ran towards the table without looking at the result.

The sea, intertwined with light and flames, parted. A six-foot-long golden man stood at the head of the tide, and a black-yellow true dragon several hundred feet long coiled and flew, both looking slightly embarrassed.

At this time, Meng Qi grabbed the Four Elephant Seals, his body suddenly blurred, and he escaped into the void. He went straight to the Kaitian Palace and got ahead of the two Dharmakayas.

While escaping, he mentally explored the four elephant seals and absorbed a true inheritance.

With my current strength, I am still far from being able to compete with the Dharmakaya, so I must not be greedy. In order to open the Heaven Seal later, I can throw out the Four Elephant Seals to trigger a fight and create chaos!

Duke Mu of Qin and King Wu of Han broke away from the great explosion that created the world. They happened to see Meng Qi disappear and were about to give chase. They saw eight figures flash past, arriving first and heading straight behind Meng Qi!


"Eight Gates of Heaven..."

They each murmured and looked solemn, and then they saw the white-haired old Taoist Qi Huangong.

Nearly four thousand words, just to make up for the one at noon.

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