The Supreme Being

Chapter 903 The sixth day of April (second update)

Frustration lingers in his heart. This is Meng Qi's instinctive reaction, an uncontrollable emotion. When he has hope for something but fails to succeed in the end, there will always be frustration. However, he is protected by the dual protection of Yuan Xin Seal and Soliloquy. The deepest part of your heart is calm thinking.

Just as I thought when I first heard about the third death mission, the secret preparations were both true and false.

Judging from the vast magical power of the Six Paths, his courage to do anything to the reincarnation of the Golden Emperor, the successor of the Demon Saint, etc., and judging from the Sun God Junxi's deep vigilance against him, it is not easy to hide something from him, no. It is impossible to find a unique location, or have the right time, right people, and the right people.

Therefore, whether it is to quietly enter the "Tao Yi Seal", find Gao Lan to borrow the mirror of this life, understand this life and the next life, create a self-made technique similar to "all the past will disappear," or secretly find the whereabouts of Emperor Zhenwu, there are many copies. With the harvest and multiple preparations, Meng Qidu believed that it might not be possible to hide the Six Paths. The real purpose of these things was to cover up the existence of the earth body, attract his attention, and prevent him from doubting in other directions. When the time comes, he would pretend to cut it off All the things in the past actually transfer the soul, severing the connection between the earthly body and the current deity, thus gaining new life.

Of course, it would be better if these secret preparations can be hidden from the Six Paths, and your hope of getting rid of His control will be greatly increased!

This is why Meng Qi is depressed and frustrated, but not desperate and can think calmly.

He is the soul who escaped and came here following a secret connection. He did not bring the Lingbao Fire Knife and various items exchanged from the Six Paths, so he had to inherit the true meaning of "Only I Am Sovereign", the true meaning of "Daoyi Seal", and the true meaning of "Open Heaven Seal". , the tree of the avenue and the demonic blood peach. The rest of the true inheritance is hidden deep in the deep sea of ​​the soul. It is similar to the memory fragments and will not form a substantial corresponding image in the soul. The power laws exchanged from the six paths are extremely large. Part of it is memory.

In other words, Liu Dao found out that he had found the reincarnation of Huang Quan, not by secretly manipulating the exchange items to monitor and detect, but the tree of the avenue is not stained by foreign objects and can dissolve the attached forbidden curses on its own. The monster blood peach ghost They are full of energy, have their own intelligence, and don't seem to be manipulative. The most important thing is that when they see their earthly bodies in Yuxu Palace, they are also there. If the problem is with them, they don't have to play with it.

There is another reason that makes Meng Qi believe in the Tree of Avenue and the Monster Blood Peach. The one who placed his earthly body in Yuxu Palace, and the one who transferred himself there through the forbidden method hidden in the "Daoyi Seal", They are not excluded!

"Instead of monitoring the soul through hands and feet, there are only two reasons. Either before and after Senior Chonghe got Biyou Palace, it was passively used hands and feet. There are loopholes in the shielding ability and it cannot interfere with the secret of heaven. Or the Six Paths have long known about Emperor Zhenwu. Wherever he goes, he has already discovered the whereabouts of Huang Quan's reincarnation, waiting for him here." Meng Qi's thoughts raced, analyzing the reality of the Six Paths.

Both possibilities cannot be ruled out. After all, Xianjifang is equivalent to a smaller version of Samsara Square, and Biyou Palace is equivalent to living with Liudao day and night. Without the suppression of Taoist Chonghe, it would be too easy for Liudao to do anything without anyone noticing. .

"In the future, you can't rely too much on Biyou Palace, and you have to understand that the tasks given by Liu Dao are probably not things that he doesn't know the answer to..." Meng Qi summed up his experience from this matter, and his frustration and depression gradually subsided.

The little boy "Huang Quan" raised his right hand and covered his mouth. The blood-yellow color in his eyes was like a lake, with ripples. It seemed that Meng Qi had discovered something when he heard the voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, showing some vigilance and fear. !

Wow, his body suddenly disintegrated and turned into a pool of blood and mud. A seemingly invisible blood-yellow spiritual light flew out and split into hundreds of thousands of strands, like red clouds filling the sky, either thrown into the distance or drilled into the void. , or disappear directly in place,

Starting with Meng Qi's "One Seal of the Way", a state that has the characteristics of the cause of all effects, he was unable to find in which blood light the reincarnated true spirit of Huang Quan was located, or in every blood light, and watched him disappear. .

"I'm afraid this is the legendary power's life-saving method..." Meng Qi narrowed his eyes, "What on earth is Huang Quan afraid of, and he didn't even ask about his own bones?"

Moreover, after Emperor Zhenwu stepped into the "origin of life and death", after all eternity, did he come out again?

In the midst of questions, Meng Qi's Yuanshen escaped, followed the connection, turned into a black and white stream of light, and penetrated into the dark gap high in the sky.

The gaps shrank and closed, the illusory Milky Way shattered, the black energy like dancing demons dissipated, the bright moon hung high in the sky again, the clear light cast a veil over the villa, and even the broken limbs and flesh and blood internal organs were tinged with a sense of tranquility. .


The soul penetrated into the physical body, Meng Qi moved his head and hands, and walked out of the secret room with his expression as usual, and walked directly to the Immortal Temple.

Because of the different speed of time after using the Samsara Talisman, although he has spent one year and two months in the Fengshen World, not much time has passed within Biyoutian. The members have not yet acquired the "Reincarnation Talisman". No response.

Meng Qi stood in front of the central jade pillar, stretched out his right hand, and reached in to receive the final reward of the Zhenwu serial mission.

The brilliance rose up like silver snakes, exploding countless flashes, and finally condensed into a ball.

After Meng Qi stretched out his hand, there was a fresh light green seed in his palm. The outside was covered with a layer of mist, and inside there were countless lights that were born, destroyed, and reborn. When people saw it, they subconsciously thought, "Tao Sheng Yi." "The thought.

The general outline of the "Seven Heaven-cutting Swords" of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation may not be without problems, and may be misleading at key points, but the grade will not be reduced. It will be of great help to one's own understanding of sword practice and analogy, and its value is still the same as that of the true "Tathagata" Above the general outline of "God's Palm"!

"Only companions who have shared the mission can realize together. Apart from me, there are only three other people, namely Zhiwei, Snack Guy and Senior Brother Qi." Meng Qi pressed the seed on his forehead and penetrated his spirit. His heart was suddenly shocked, and there was a vicissitudes of life before his eyes. Various scenes such as mulberry fields and sea, rebirth and destruction, destruction and rebirth, etc. flashed, making people feel as if they had experienced countless epochs in an instant, and their mood and spirit temporarily became old and indifferent.

In addition to this, Meng Qi did not see too many martial arts objects, nor did he "see" the Taoist Master, as if he had understood the general outline of the "Tathagata Divine Palm".

The Tao can be Tao, but it is not the eternal Tao.

Tao follows nature!

There seemed to be something more in his mind, and when he thought back to "Tao Chuan Yuan Yu", he seemed to have a different feeling than before.


After leaving the Immortal Trail, Meng Qi did not immediately go to Jiang Zhiwei, Ruan Yushu and others to let them understand the general outline of the "Seven Swords of Jietian". Instead, he chose the Northern Zhou exit and went straight to Changle.

With his current realm and strength, even if he is a beginner in the "Daoyi Seal", it is extremely difficult to create a magical skill similar to "all the past things disappear in smoke". It may not be possible in one year, so he must Race against time without any delay:

First find Gao Lan to borrow the mirror of this life, and realize it together with the fragments of the mirror of your own afterlife, and then practice day and night on the way to find Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu. This is the least time-wasting way!

It didn't take long for Meng Qi to arrive in Changle, but he didn't ask to see Gao Lan directly. He had ruined his good deeds in the city of God a year ago. He came to visit rashly without saying that he would be chopped off by the Human Emperor's Sword. The ruthless Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was not a fool. The crazy emperor!

However, he also knew Gao Lan quite well and turned to Feiyan Lake near Changle. The lake here is forest-colored, the water is sparkling and rippling, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

Moreover, it is also the place where Gao Lan buried his lover Yan Ran in water!

As time has passed, as the counterpart of the contemporary Xuannv, her body has long since disappeared, leaving only her clothes and clothes sinking to the bottom of the lake. But for Gao Lan, perhaps they are the true symbol of Yan Ran.

On the sixth day of April, Yan Ran’s memorial day, Gao Lan will definitely come here!

When the time comes, he will be so full of emotions that he will most likely become his own funny big brother.

It's still some time before the sixth day of April, and I happen to be meditating here to master the "One Seal of the Way" more.

Meng Qi was very patient and found a tree hole in the forest. He sat cross-legged and practiced with his eyes closed, unaware of the changes of the sun and the moon.


The sixth day of April.

He woke up naturally, opened his eyes, and looked through the woods at the lake as clear as jade.

Da da da da, a carriage came from a distance. The driver was very majestic, with a handsome face and extremely thin lips. He was the current Emperor of Zhou Dynasty, the master of the Human Emperor Sword, the Mad Emperor Gao Lan!

He was dressed in ordinary clothes, drove the carriage himself, had no entourage, and did not fly away.

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