The Supreme Being

Chapter 909: A broken lamp, a collapsed mountain gate (please vote for me)

In midsummer, the sun is shining straight down, but there is still a bit of coolness on the edge of the grassland. The wind blows and the green grass falls down, just like the wind.

A figure ran from a distance, her dress fluttering, like a fairy coming to earth. When she got close, her footsteps slowed down, and she revealed a charming face. She was around twenty, full of vitality, youthful, delicate and majestic appearance, lotus root The colorful dress has no more modifications, it is fresh and natural, and every gesture and every gesture fits the world. It seems ordinary, but in fact it has an extraordinary reaction.

She circled a certain hill, and after making sure no one was following her, she jumped between two boulders, uncovered the weeds, and entered a hidden cave.

In the cave, there are two people sitting cross-legged. One of them looks mature, in his thirties or forties, with disheveled hair, pale face, and blood stains on the corners of his mouth. White mist is lingering on the top of his head, and traces of black energy are leaking out from his body. He is obviously injecting poison to heal his injuries. The other person is dressed in brocade. The jade belt is only slightly older than the girl, and the facial features are upright, but not stable.

Seeing the girl coming back, the young man in splendid clothes hurriedly stood up and greeted her, a smile subconsciously appeared on his face: "Miss Yunle, have you discovered anything?"

The girl who was called Miss Yunle glanced at the healing man and lowered her voice: "They are just thieves, not stalkers."

She speaks calmly, but she has a high-spirited and awe-inspiring aura, which is the self-confidence accumulated from winning and succeeding. At this age, it only appears in the kind of proud people.

The young man in splendid clothes and jade belt breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay if it's not, it's okay if it's not."

"How is Senior Liang's injury?" Yun Le held a simple long sword in his hand. At a young age, he was a bit of a Ren Xia who "killed one person in ten steps and left no trace in a thousand miles".

The young man in splendid clothes and jade belt said: "Senior Liang has taken the elixir, and he should be able to stabilize his injury in another quarter of an hour."

Yun Le nodded his delicate chin and sat down cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, half to alert the outside and half to rest and adjust.

After a few breaths, she took out a few pieces of paper from her arms, smiled brightly at the young man in splendid clothes and jade belt, and said: "I didn't expect that a few little pony thieves would care about the list of people in the world."

"Haha, the changes in the list of people in the world are the changes in the general trend of the world. Who doesn't care?" The young man in splendid clothes and jade belt came over and asked with a flattering smile, "Is it the latest issue?"

Yun Le shook his head, and a piece of freed black hair hung down on his cheek, rippling gently: "You will know after seeing it."

The young man in splendid clothes and jade belt was dazzled for a moment, and blurted out: "Miss Yunle, with the help of your trip to the grassland, you have entered the realm of unity between man and nature, which is enough to compete with Fei Kuchan of Thrushcross Villa for the first place in the ranking! "

This Yunle girl's full name is Mu Yunle. She relied on her swordsmanship to reach the top five on the human list when heaven and humans were in harmony. Now if she takes a step further, she can undoubtedly compete for the top spot on the human list.

Mu Yunle smiled slightly, his face as white as snow said: "Senior Brother Fei has been united with nature and man for three years. If he had not wanted to imitate his predecessors and reach the sky in one step, he would have broken through to half a step long ago, and his swordsmanship has surpassed the land. Mr. Da’s advice is that he is no worse than me. Compared with him, I am still ranked first in the rankings but I lack the firepower and accumulation.”

The statement that her swordsmanship is no worse than mine reveals the hidden pride in her heart.

The man in splendid clothes and jade belt looked at her side face infatuatedly. He was attracted by this smile that was better than countless beautiful girls. He took a breath and said: "Fei Kuchan is five years older than you, Miss Yunle. When you are as young as him, , I can’t believe you’ve reached the sky in one fell swoop.”

Mu Yunle pursed her lips and smiled, accepting the praise calmly, without any hesitation, and with a bit of coolness. She was about to speak, but suddenly she was stunned and sighed: "When I mention Senior Brother Fei, I think of Mr. Lu Da. When I think of Mr. Lu Da, I regret the ten-year agreement between him and Senior Su Wumingsu. The duel between the two strongest swordsmen in the world will have to wait for three years..."

This is a grand event that every swordsman is looking forward to, even if he can't watch it.

"Yes, Senior Su has been in the realm of Earth Immortal for eight years and is already in the same realm as Mr. Lu Da. Unfortunately, there were many things going on in the world two years ago. The magician came back and the Dharma King reappeared. He has already entered the realm of Earth Immortal and Xuantian. Taoist Zong Shoujing and Grandma Xiahou both failed to prove the Dharmakaya, and the demon clan often caused damage. As the two mainstays of the righteous path, they can only postpone the duel for five years," the man in brocade clothes and jade belt agreed.

Mu Yunle flipped through the sky list and found that it had not changed much from two years ago, so he took it away and looked at the earth list.

Seeing this, her beautiful eyes lit up: "Senior Jiang has reached the top of the earth rankings!"

"Jiang Zhiwei Jiang Nvxia?" The man in splendid clothes and jade belt was also quite surprised.

Mu Yunle couldn't hide his smile, his eyes were full of admiration, and he quickly browsed and said: "Senior Jiang recently defeated the senior half-step of the wheel-turning Buddha at the junction of the grassland and the Western Regions, severely injuring him, and thus climbed to the top of the Earth Ranking. One, hey, Xijian Pavilion has had divine swords come to the world for two consecutive generations, which really puts other sects and families in the world to shame."

"Behead the divine envoy of Fengdian, defeat the madmen from six oceans, and severely injure the Wheel-turning Buddha. Jiang Nuxia deserves to be number one on the Earth Ranking." The man in brocade clothes and jade belt sighed, half sincerely and half in agreement, because the beauty in front of him was He has always admired Jiang Zhiwei, the "Sword of the Supreme Being", and regards her as his target.

After being on the local rankings, Jiang Zhiwei's nickname gradually changed. After achieving great results in the past ten years, she has changed from the Fairy of the Absolute Sword to the "Exquisite Sword".

"No. 1 on the Earth Ranking, No. 1 below the Dharma Body..." Mu Yunle's eyes were shining brightly, thinking about the heroic appearance of his predecessor.

"What about the second place?" The man in splendid clothes and jade belt was also very interested in the list and asked.

Mu Yunle looked down, his face suddenly darkened, and he bit his lower lip lightly.

Oops, is it him? The man in splendid clothes and jade belt already knows who is ranked second on the list.

"Demon Emperor" Qi Zhengyan!

Mu Yunle is a disciple of the Huanhua Sword Sect, and is taught by "Young Master Qinglian" Liusu. Qi Zhengyan is her uncle. She comes from the Huanhua Sword Sect. She was ordinary at first, but gradually became outstanding and became the target of the sect's efforts to cultivate. However, within ten years, He disappeared mysteriously before and was said to have fallen into the Nine Netherworld. When he reappeared four years ago, he had fallen into evil ways and became the master of the Demon King's Claw. What he did made most of the sects and aristocratic families horrified, and they denounced him as the biggest evil. He was surrounded and killed many times but failed miserably, and he was given the nickname "Demon Emperor" in fear.

The Huanhua Sword Sect felt deeply humiliated and announced that they would expel Qi Zhengyan from the sect. They were not at odds with each other. They even asked Liusu, who was already at the peak of his outdoor scene, to invite the divine soldiers from the town to kill the opponent. However, Qi Zhengyan always stayed away and did not want to be an enemy.

Therefore, everyone in the Huanhua Sword Sect was not in a good mood when they mentioned the "Devil Emperor" Qi Zhengyan.

Mu Yunle was stunned for a long time before sighing: "My master, Demon Emperor Yan, was not outstanding when he was in the sect, but who would have thought that today he is the strongest person related to the Huanhua Sword Sect..."

"Yes, he used to be the chief in Yedu. My fourth uncle has dealt with him and I don't think he is a talent that needs attention." The man with the same surname and surname as Wang, and he is a descendant of the Wang family in Zhou County. His fourth uncle is "Shou Zheng Sword" Wang Zai, a strong man who just broke the record of the youngest grandmaster of the Wang family in the past year.

The atmosphere in the cave gradually became calm. Mu Yunle unconsciously looked down at the list and saw Wang Siyuan, the "countless person", He Jiu, the "invisible sword", Gao Lan's adopted daughter, "Wuwang Di". "Immortal" Cao E saw Yan Chong, saw Ruan Yushu, saw Qingyu, saw Shangguan Heng, and also saw her master Liusu. They were all in the top 100, even the top 30, or the top 20 on the ranking list!

The list of people from more than ten years ago was really full of stars, unprecedented and probably unprecedented!

And at that time, there was a real genius above them who lit up the sky like a comet and surpassed all others... Wang Tong suddenly sighed. His fourth uncle often drank alone, missing his friend who had been missing for almost ten years.

If he were still alive, who on earth could be his enemy today? In other words, will the position on the top list change?

In the silence, the middle-aged man surnamed Liang screamed in pain, spit out a mouthful of ink-colored blood, and opened his eyes.

"Senior Liang, are you okay?" Mu Yunle came back to his senses and asked hurriedly.

Liang Jiuzhou took a breath and said: "The injury has stabilized, but I can't show my strength in outdoor scenes for the time being. I have to get back on the road as soon as possible, otherwise things may change."

Mu Yunle said seriously: "Senior Liang, we will escort you!"

"This matter is dangerous, and you don't know the details. How can you trust me, Mr. Liang?" Liang Jiuzhou was quite dissuasive.

Mu Yunle smiled like water and said: "The 'Zhongzhou Heroes' Gu Changqing and Tang Ziyue are famous all over the world. I have always admired them deeply. Senior Liang is Gu Daxia's sworn brother. He trusts seniors, so we naturally trust them!"

These are all the best among the first-class masters, especially Gu Changqing and Gu Daxia, who are said to have passed the first level of the ladder a few years ago.

"Okay!" Liang Jiuzhou said with a straight face: "I found signs of the reappearance of the Immortality Sect in the grassland, and there are many powerful people who suddenly appeared. I suspect that the Immortality Heaven is about to return. This matter must be reported to the Central Plains immediately!"

"Senior Liang, let's set off without further delay." Mu Yunle and Wang Tong looked at each other and said in unison.

A group of three people left the hidden cave and quietly returned south. At night, they had left the border and entered an isolated ridge.

At this time, the sky was dark, moonless and starless. The sky in June suddenly changed and it started pouring rain.

"Senior Liang, it's late at night and it's raining heavily. It might be difficult to move forward. Why don't we find a place to take shelter temporarily." Mu Yunle suggested through a message.

In the past ten years, monsters and beasts have often appeared in the mountains and wilderness. It is very easy to encounter danger when it is dark and rainy at night.

Liang Jiuzhou nodded, looked forward, and suddenly pointed not far away and said: "There are lights there."

Mu Yunle and Wang Tong looked intently and saw only dark shadows in the night. The faint yellow lights illuminated circles of halo, and they could vaguely see a temple.

"Qingdeng Ancient Temple..." Mu Yunle said thoughtfully, "It must be a shelter built by ascetics for passers-by. We can go there and take a look."

Liang Jiuzhou and Wang Tong had no objection and approached cautiously.

When we got closer, we saw that the temple was in dilapidated condition, with the mountain gate collapsed and a broken lamp. Only the main hall was intact and there seemed to be a pond next to it.

Benedict, beep, beep... In the dark night, in the temple, the monotonous and repetitive sound of wooden fish came from time to time, penetrating the sound of the rain.

For some reason, Mu Yunle, Wang Tong and Liang Jiuzhou all felt peaceful.

Beep, beep, beep, the sound of wooden fish echoed far away in the rain curtain. There was a kind of purity and a kind of loneliness.

Mu Yunle took a deep breath, walked to the door, and planned to knock on the door.

After getting really close, her eyes lit up, because through the collapsed mountain gate, she could see lotuses blooming in the pond next to it, bathed in the light of the remaining lights.

The lotus leaves touching the sky are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers reflecting the sun are uniquely red.

The rain is falling and the wooden fish is far away.


The world of gods.

A man in his thirties looked at the student in front of him and said calmly

"I heard that there is a great sage in the Tibetan Chamber in Zhou Dynasty, who is knowledgeable about the past and the present, knows etiquette, and understands morality. Now I want to go and ask for advice. You can practice at home."

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