The Supreme Being

Chapter 912: Once upon a time there was a mountain, and in the mountain there was a temple (asking f

Hearing Yuan Yang's words, Mu Yunle was stunned, as if he had heard some touching story again. He blinked his eyes and asked casually: "Who is he? Is he your lover, Yuan Nuxia?" "

Yuan Yang comes from the Southern Wilderness tribe, and her language has always been bold and direct. Mu Yunle has met her several times when he was young, so he naturally knows what words to use at this time.

"Lover?" Yuan Yang's eyes were bright, then dimmed, and he laughed at himself, "In his eyes, I may be a little girl like you. I can give you a few words of advice without even thinking about it." "

Mu Yunle was quite surprised and blurted out: "Yuan Nuxia, then you are still looking for him?"

Yuan Yang looked at the little girl's eyes that were like paint, and suddenly realized that the little girl who loved to cry and laugh at the time had grown more beautiful than herself. This was an undeniable beauty. She sighed, stretched out her hand, and touched Mu Yun's eyes. Le reaction ruffled her hair before reacting, just like he did when he was a child, half smiling and half sighing:

"You are still only a half-grown child at heart. When you really grow up and meet such a person, you won't ask why you are looking for his words."

It's great to be young, with a youthful mind and full of vigor, just like the rising sun.

Mu Yunle pouted and smoothed his messed up hair. Yun Nuxia is so annoying. She is already over 20 years old and is a knight-errant known to all those who are strong on location. Yet she still treats me like a child!

She was about to speak when she saw Yuan Yang shook his head and walked slowly into the crowd, leaving only a silhouette behind.

"How does it feel to meet such a person... There are many poems in the drama script, which are often painful to read, but I always feel that they are not clear enough to truly depict the Yuan heroine's state of mind..." Mu Yunle mouthed Half a sip, as if thinking about something.

Wang Tong next to him was stunned when he heard this. If one day Miss Yunle disappears and many people think she is dead, will I travel across thousands of mountains and rivers to find her?

The thoughts come together, and it is difficult to calm down. The Wang family of Zhou County is famous for benevolence, justice, etiquette and music, and has very strict rules. I am afraid that their children will not be allowed to behave like this.

There are many disturbances, and the young man does not know the feeling of sorrow.

After listening to Yuan Yang's words, Mu Yunle suddenly lost his interest in playing and enjoying the entertainment. He calmed down and regained his style of "shugging the jade sword" walking alone for thousands of miles. He turned his head to Comrade Wang and said: "Let's go find Senior Liang." Let’s see if there’s anything else we need help with.”

His own strength is definitely not as good as Liang Jiuzhou, who has recovered 50%, but he may not have enough manpower.

Wang Tongzheng imagined himself grieving. He was startled when he heard this, sobered up and hurriedly said: "Okay!"

The two of them walked hand in hand through the streets and headed towards Thrushcross Grange's residence in this city. As they were about to arrive, Wang Tong suddenly discovered an acquaintance, an acquaintance whom he had not seen for many years.

"Didn't he follow the hero He Muhe to travel around the world?" The figure disappeared in an instant, and Wang Tong looked around again and again.

"Prince?" Mu Yunle noticed something unusual about him and asked.

Wang Tong took a breath and explained the reason: "Miss Yunle, you go to see Liang Daxia first. I will come after we have reconnected with our old friends."

"Okay." Mu Yunle replied crisply.

After the two separated, Mu Yunle held a sword in one hand and showed a beautiful posture, and Pinpin Tingting walked towards the yard where Thrushcross Villa is located.

Under the guidance of the concierge, she arrived outside a living room. The door was closed and the atmosphere inside was normal.

Dong-dong-dong, Mu Yunle bent his fingers and knocked on the hall door.

With a creak, the hall door opened without wind, revealing the scene inside. Liang Jiuzhou and the principal of Huamei Villa both fell to the ground. Their breaths were long and unremarkable, as if they were sleeping. On the main seat, there was a man wearing a robe. The woman wearing a light gauze sat upright with a smile. She had a beautiful face and every part of her body was beautiful and seductive. Even though she was a woman, Mu Yunle's mouth felt dry for a while, her heartbeat quickened, and she did not dare to look directly at her.

The concierge couldn't move his eyes away, his whole body was trembling, and he died of semen in the middle of his breath and fell to the ground.

Plop! The sound of him falling to the ground woke Mu Yunle up. A picture flashed through his mind. He recalled the sect master's teachings. Half-recognizing and half-guessing, he knew the identity of the woman in front of him!

The joyful Bodhisattva of our time!

The eighth grandmaster on the Earth Ranking and the second on the Black Ranking!

Is she here to silence her?

Mu Yunle wanted to draw his sword, but for some reason his whole body was soft and soft. He watched the Bodhisattva of Joy stand up slowly, and walked over with a swaying figure. He said with a tsk-tsk: "The appearance is perfect, the heart is as pure as a child, the yin energy is abundant, and the body is charming. She also has outstanding swordsmanship and is good at fighting, much better than that little girl Ying Ning. If I had met you earlier, she would not be the successor of the Bodhisattva of Joy, but it is not too late now."

The faint fragrance hit his nostrils, and Mu Yunle's head felt dizzy. The things in front of him seemed like a dream. He felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. He wanted to draw his sword, but he was unable to do anything.

"This trip was worth it. I met such a good seedling. Well, I have a little help." She heard the Bodhisattva of Joy say.

Wang Tong failed to catch up with his friend and returned in frustration. When he arrived at the yard where Thrushcross Villa was located, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

The concierge is missing!

His heart skipped a beat, and he thought of Mu Yunle, and immediately comforted himself that as long as Hero Liang was here, nothing would go wrong, so he pulled out his sword and entered cautiously. Then he saw the door to the living room open, the concierge lying dead outside, and the room empty. No one!


There is no Liang Jiuzhou, no one from Thrushcross Villa, and no Mu Yunle!

Wang Tong was stunned.


Yingning and Shao Changge returned to the border of the grassland, waiting for something on the back of a certain hill.

They are both dressed in white, but one is charming and innocent, and the other is an orchid in the empty valley, they have completely different looks and styles.

"I didn't even catch up with Liang Jiuzhou, who was seriously injured. I'm afraid I'll be punished if I go back." Shao Changge paced back and forth, his white dress elegant, but he definitely didn't have the calmness to have everything under control.

Yingning smiled like a fox and said nothing, just looking at Shao Changge anxiously.

Shao Changge was not a stupid person. After a brief moment of worry, he realized something was wrong and turned back to look at Ying Ning: "Weren't you also aggrieved about Liang Jiuzhou's incident before?"

"It's all over anyway, why disturb your mood?" Ying Ning said with a sweet smile.

Shao Changge narrowed his eyes: "Do you have any other preparations?"

Ying Ning stopped trying to keep it secret and said with a smile, "It's just that my master happened to be free and went out personally to intercept him in the city ahead."

"Happy Bodhisattva..." Shao Changge whispered, half shocked by the reputation of this giant of the left, and half indignant. If his lady had not died, the number one and two on the black list today would definitely not be the "Devil Emperor" "Qi Zhengyan and the contemporary Bodhisattva of Joy!

"Counting the time, it's time for my master to return." Yingning looked towards the horizon, preparing to greet his master.

At this moment, a cloud of black mist rose up, and a figure appeared. He was wearing a black robe and had a stern face, but he could vaguely see the head of a young man.

Shao Changge's heart moved, and he knew that the person he was really waiting for had arrived. The person in charge of this hunting operation was Duan Rui, the "Hundred Deficiency Demon" who had become famous in the past ten years of the Mie Tian Clan.

He was unknown ten years ago, but now he is one of the eight heavenly demons, a demon that neither he nor Ying Ning dares to look directly at!

Duan Rui looked at them coldly, without fear of the power behind them: "You failed?"

The chill penetrated her body, and Yingning couldn't help but shiver. She forced a smile and said, "The master personally took action."

Apart from showing no interest in female sex, this "Hundred-Quotation Demon" looked like a real demon coming into the world, which made many right-wingers shudder when they mentioned him.

"Did Bodhisattva Huanxi take action?" Duan Rui stood with his hands behind his back, saying nothing and waiting patiently.

Time passed little by little, and Duan Rui gradually became impatient: "Why hasn't Bodhisattva Huanxi come back yet?"

Yingning was also surprised. Normally, the master should have arrived here a quarter of an hour ago. Was there an accident?

With her strength, even several earthly immortals can escape from the Dharmakaya!

"The master may have discovered something else valuable." Yingning thought of a reason.


Benedict, beep, beep, the sound of wooden fish is loud, the ruined temple in the lonely mountain is pure.

A gray-robed monk turned sideways to the Buddha statue, facing the lotus, his eyes closed, and gently tapping the wooden fish.

In the dilapidated hall, the joyful Bodhisattva with beautiful face and moon face stood in the center, supported by a nine-grade lotus platform at his feet.

Without the influence of Huanxi Bodhisattva, Mu Yunle regained consciousness, looked around, and wondered, why did he return to the temple of Master Zhending?

Beep, beep, beep, the Bodhisattva of Joy looked very solemn. Suddenly, she moved, the lotus platform bloomed, and she flew out of the hall.

As soon as the light came out, her eyes lit up. The Buddha statue was looking at her sadly, and the gray-robed monk was tapping the wooden fish sideways. It was exactly the same as before, without any difference.

The Bodhisattva of Joy's face became more solemn, and he stopped escaping the light. The yin and yang flowed, and he tried to flash directly hundreds of miles away.

As the figure flickered, she saw the Buddha statue again, dilapidated and miserable, while the gray-robed monk didn't even look at her and was still knocking on the wooden fish.

Du, du, du, the main hall is clean and lonely, the lotus flowers in the pond are fragrant.

If it weren't for the network delay today, it would have been updated on time. It's great to have the manuscript saved.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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