The Supreme Being

Chapter 919 The movement of those who oppose the Tao

Watching Yuan Yang fly away, Mu Yunle stood at the edge of the forest, her shirt fluttering in the wind, looking quite slender.

Suddenly, she sighed with sorrow, turned back, brushing the branches and leaves, lost in thought.

Master often said that the so-called sadness and suffering are the destruction of beautiful things, whether it is feelings or characters, which must make people feel distressed, and then there will be all kinds of emotions afterwards. This is what she feels now.

The great man who once shone in the world and swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, now has a green lamp and an ancient Buddha, and is bleak and miserable in the passing years. Just thinking about it makes people sigh and feel pity.

She stood in the forest, not far away was the Zhending master sitting cross-legged, Su Meng, the "mad knife" who was famous all over the world ten years ago.

It turned out to be him... After the battle in the capital of gods, no wonder the Bodhisattva of Joy wanted to escape when he saw him. With the power of Ananda's sword skills, no wonder the Venerable Wanchong was frightened to death by his serious injury...

Looking at that withered and vicissitudes of life face, recalling the heroic masculinity and high spirits described in many anecdotes, her emotions fluctuated, and she sighed that fate played tricks on people, the world was impermanent, and she was sad.

Mu Yunle took a breath, walked over, and smiled: "Master, where are we going next?"

She no longer wanted to find out the story hidden under the loneliness and sadness. It must be the past that she couldn't bear to look back. If she asked, it would be like stabbing Master Zhending in the heart.

Ten years is a long time, and there have been a lot of changes. At that time, she was still a yellow-haired girl who was still wet behind the ears, fighting cocks and picking up dogs all day long. Now she is also famous in the world, and her sword skills are a little successful. Master Zhending must be very sad, so he would hide for ten years and never change!

Then she saw Master Zhending open his eyes, as always, like an ancient well, with tired eyes and eyebrows. He slowly stood up, his hands hanging naturally, and said in a low voice: "Since you are here, come out." Since you are here, come out? Mu Yunle is not the first day to walk the rivers and lakes. He tasted something wrong and drew out his long sword in a flash, integrating the spirit of heaven and earth and spreading outward, presenting all the nearby bits and pieces in the sea of ​​​​mind.

Crack, the sound of a branch breaking came, she looked back, and saw a middle-aged man in a wide robe and big sleeves walking out of the forest on the other side. He had deep and handsome features, a wooden hairpin, a chic and unrestrained temperament, and a demon-like charm. His steps were leisurely and slow, and his expression was relaxed and calm, which made Mu Yunle think of a poem:

A raincoat will let you live your life!

He walked step by step, but there was nothing in his sense! Mu Yunle's eyes shrank, and the hidden memories were naturally aroused, and various descriptions and images gradually overlapped with the person in front of him.

This is...

This is the "magician" Han Guang!

In the past few thousand years, the most outstanding and amazing person in the evil and left-handed ways!

He stepped out of the gate two years ago and has become a terrestrial immortal. He fought with Su Wuming and was not at a disadvantage. He ranked third on the Heavenly Ranking and is one of the top figures in the Eight Wastelands and Six Directions. He is a veritable great demon!

This kind of evil demon is enough to force the Huanhua Sword Sect to close the mountain gate and defend itself. If it is not careful, it will be a disaster for the sect to be destroyed...Mu Yunle has a sense of illusion that she is trapped in a dream. To her, the magician is like a legend, which only exists in stories passed on by word of mouth. She never thought that she would meet him before the outdoor scene!

Boom, boom, boom, Mu Yunle's heart beats very fast, and the hand holding the sword is full of cold sweat. It is not like when she couldn't draw the sword when facing the Happy Bodhisattva. Now everything is normal, but it is more clear than ever that this sword will definitely not pierce the opponent, but will only hurt herself.

This is not a clear comparison from the realm, but a premonition from the unity of heaven and man.

"Heaven" is the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven is Han Guang!

The hidden energy seemed to be surging, and Mu Yunle felt suffocated even when standing behind Meng Qi. At this moment, she saw the "magic master" stop casually, stand in front of a certain opportunity, and smile slightly: "After ten years, Kuang Dao has become a lonely monk, which is really sad." Meng Qi still said like a dead tree: "The donor's magical power has been greatly improved, and his style is even better than before. I can't compare with him." The breath is hidden deep, like a candle in the wind, empty and quiet. Han Guang nodded slightly, without showing arrogance, but sighed: "Ten years of sitting and suffering, ten years of suffering, not ordinary people can do it, there are extraordinary people." At this point, he changed the subject and said: "I have dealt with her several times. She often said that she wanted to kill you to prove the truth. She was really aggressive and sharpened her knife to kill cattle and sheep. I actually believed it a little at that time. Who knew that in the end, she was willing to die in your hands. Hey, everyone says that she speaks true and false, and is good at deceiving people. She is not deceiving me. She deceived all living beings and herself." Mu Yunle's heart moved when he heard it, and he subconsciously looked at Master Zhending. He saw that the tired and dead eyes seemed to have fire dancing and whirlpools spinning, but gradually, it returned to calm and hidden. Who is the magician talking about? Meng Qi bowed his head, as if worshipping Buddha, but he did not chant the Buddha's name. Instead, he said calmly: "Struggling in the cycle of reincarnation, it is difficult to find bliss. Everyone falls into the sea of ​​suffering, no one is exempt. She is like this, this is the poor monk, and this is the donor."

Han Guang smiled, suddenly turned around and left without saying a word, very casual.

"Leaving now?" Mu Yunle was stunned.


Han Guang flew back to the border between the grassland and the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and landed in front of the Blood Sea Rakshasa.

"How is it?" The Blood Sea Rakshasa did not notice the big fluctuations between heaven and earth, and the two did not seem to fight?

Han Guang said with a smile that was inexplicable: "We met and said a few words."

"Has he attained the Dharma body?" The Blood Sea Rakshasa asked the point directly.

Han Guang put his hands behind his back and said with emotion: "It should be that he has not broken through yet and is in self-repression."

"Suppressive breakthrough..." Blood Sea Rakshasa frowned and thought, "Crazy Sword" Su Meng wants to reach the extreme perfection level before advancing?

He pondered and said: "Is it a characteristic of the other side, or is it the cause of all effects?"

"I think it is the latter, but it is similar to a certain feature of the other side. As for the other features, he has hidden them very deeply and suppressed them very deeply. I am not sure yet." A trace of doubt flashed in Han Guang's eyes.

The Blood Sea Rakshasa said in confusion: "Then why don't you take action? If we don't get rid of him, we will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future. Even if we can't kill him today, we will still force him to perform his feats!"

Han Guang turned his head, turned his back to the Blood Sea Rakshasa, and walked forward slowly. His voice was mellow and melodious: "Even if he is not seriously injured, I am 100% sure to kill him."

"But I have a subtle hunch that if I take action, the price I will bear will make me regret it very much."

This... Blood Sea Rakshasa was speechless.


Gong Ziyu drove Meng Qi and Kong Zhao away from Zhou and entered the chaotic world.

The first stop was Cai Guo.

"The Marquis of Cai is benevolent and righteous. He loves the people like a son. He is lenient in punishments and light on corvee. He often uses his treasury to help the people. No one dies of hunger in the streets. Most of the offenders focus on teaching. He is extremely kind. If the fiefdom is not too small, he should be enlightened. Those with more help will end this troubled world and become a figure like the Duke of Zhou." Kong Zhao looked through the car window at the capital of Cai State not far away.

He is not a closed-minded person, and he is quite familiar with the affairs of the princes.

Meng Qi, whose pseudonym was Lao Dan, had his eyes half-opened and half-closed, and did not speak. Gong Ziyu drove the carriage towards the capital.

After some inspection, the carriage entered the city.

Kong Zhao looked out the window with great interest, intending to see the paradise in his mind.

At this sight, his expression changed. The streets were noisy, with people drawing swords from time to time. Thieves were rampant, gangsters were rampant, and the weak were in danger, and the atmosphere was full of chaos.

Moreover, there are people with intact hands and feet but nothing to do on the roadside. Their stomachs are rumbling and they are still basking in the sun and do not want to work.

"The monarch is opening the treasury for relief again!" A voice came from afar.

With a flick of the brush, all the lazy thugs disappeared, and they all rushed to the palace city, leaving a mess everywhere.

In the open shop, the hard-working people looked at their backs with hatred, and conflicts were about to break out.

"What do you think?" Meng Qi asked in a low voice.

Kong Zhao did not answer immediately, but got off the carriage and went deep into the field to ask different people.

After a long time, he returned to the carriage, sat on his knees with his back straight, and faced Meng Qi and said:

"The disciple understands a truth and asks the teacher for guidance."

He started calling each other teacher.

"What's the point?" Meng Qi did not open his eyes.

Kong Zhao said sternly: "Too much is not enough."

"Does the teacher think so?"

However, he did not wait for the teacher's instructions. Meng Qi looked like he was sleeping, but there was a voice in his mouth:

"Go to the next country."

Kong Zhao looked confused and didn't understand why this happened. Was he right or wrong?

Does the teacher hope that he can always reflect on himself, not rely on others, and wait until he has seen more and has a complete concept before he really starts to give guidance?


Seeing the magician come and leave inexplicably, Mu Yunle felt like he was in a dream, feeling extremely confused.

She gathered her thoughts and planned to ask Master Zhending where to go next.

At this moment, she heard Master Zhending sigh softly: "You are here."

Mu Yunle's eyes flashed, and there was a woman wearing an Ehuang dress. She had dark eyebrows and big eyes, very bright, and her heroic spirit was restrained. She looked like a sword that cuts through the clouds with one blow, but is hidden in the sheath. It looks like a fairy descending to earth.

It's her... Mu Yunle was stunned. He saw this fairy walking up to Master Zhending step by step and smiling:

"I am coming."

"Master Wang said he could meet you here, and it really worked."

Ten years of blank time were wiped away with one word, without asking or exploring.

Meng Qi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a faint smile: "Let's go and meet Mr. Wang."

Seeing Master Zhending flying up with the support of the fairy, and seeing them looking back to greet him, Mu Yunle opened his mouth, wanting to say something but couldn't. There was a faint sadness overflowing in his heart.

Sure enough, as long as the identity of "Crazy Sword" Su Meng is restored, Master Zhending will no longer be a lonely monk supported by him. He is a big figure in the world of the Supreme Sword, Demon Emperor and Mage, and he is still far away from being able to touch it. Just like a mortal looking at a god.

As the two figures walked away, Mu Yunle felt uncomfortable in his heart. All the sad poems he had recited in the past disappeared, leaving only a sigh.

The young man does not know the feeling of sorrow and falls in love with the upper floors. Falling in love with the upper floors, I force myself to express my sorrow in order to compose new words. Now that I know all the sorrow, I want to stop talking. I wanted to give up, but I said it was a cool autumn.

This chapter was a head-scratcher to write. .

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