The Supreme Being

Chapter 924 Alchemy Furnace

The moon does not cover the stars, and the shadows of the trees are whirling and swaying like monsters.

The back of the man in the green shirt is straight, with the long knife hanging diagonally. The shadow is accompanied by the bright moon, leaning neither to the left nor to the right, gradually moving away and disappearing.

Twenty years on the road of rivers and lakes, life and death in one day.


The familiar statues of mythical beasts and birds, the familiar white marble floor tiles, the familiar mist filling the sky, the familiar central light pillar, and the familiar Samsara Square were all displayed before Meng Qi's eyes again.

However, today, my mood is no longer the same. I am not afraid or excited, I just watch quietly.

The Tree of Avenue has been recovered, and there is no need to exchange the rest.

A pillar of dense light rose up, and Zhao Heng, who was wearing a bright yellow emperor's robe, stepped out. He had two black beards on his lips. His eyes and temperament were much more mature and restrained. His majesty was revealed, and he had the concealed appearance of an emperor. A lot has changed from ten years ago.

When Zhao Heng saw Meng Qi, he was not surprised or confused, but smiled. He walked up to Meng Qi like a dragon, raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and punched him slowly.

Meng Qi's eyes were still a bit dead, but his expression softened, he smiled slightly, then made a fist with his right hand, and exchanged blows with Zhao Heng's fist in mid-air.


"We can fight side by side again!" Zhao Heng took back his hand and said with a smile. His words were concise, without greetings or questions.

Although the ten-year gap has not brought about any unfamiliarity, everyone has made changes under the erosion of time. Zhao Heng has obviously become much more silent and dignified.

Just as Meng Qi was about to speak, two more dense beams of light fell down. Jiang Zhiwei was dressed in apricot yellow and held a long sword. She was as bright, as generous, and as firm and proud. She was the one who had changed the least, or in other words, she had already gone through the grinding process of death. wash away.

Ruan Yushu still looks like she is in her twenties, with her white dress out of the dust, cool and refined, her hair rolled up in a bun, and holding a guqin across her arms. She is really like a fairy from Guanghan descending to the earth, but the childish innocence in the eyes between her eyebrows has all disappeared, and she is becoming more and more drifting, as if In a blink of an eye, you will ascend to the nine heavens and leave the world behind.

She glanced at Meng Qi and his gray temples. Her eyes were still black and white, but they became darker.

She didn't speak, and put away Qi Fengqin. She elegantly raised a food box, then walked to Meng Qi, squatted down slowly, put the food box on the ground, opened the lid, and never raised her head. Whispering like a piano:

"Cloud mud and date cake... dragon claw exploring the clouds... demon crab soup... stewed bamboo shoot heart... five dragon fish to eat..."

Platefuls of dishes and snacks were brought out and placed in front of Meng Qi. Ruan Yushu's movements were neither fast nor slow, and they perfectly matched the introduction.

Meng Qi watched quietly and listened attentively, feeling peaceful both physically and mentally.

"These are the delicacies I treated you to last time." Ruan Yushu raised his head and looked at Meng Qi, biting his lips unconsciously, his eyes bright, implying hope, "But this time I made them myself."

Meng Qi made a fist with his right hand and put it to his lips. He closed and opened his eyes, then sat down cross-legged and raised his chopsticks to taste.

"The cloud mud and date cake this time is newly made today. Compared with the ones preserved by the formation, it has a bit more natural flavor, and it becomes more and more delicious..."

"Dragon Claw Tan Yun Bone has a crispy skin and smooth skin. When you taste it after eating the cloud mud and date cake, you will have a strange aroma, which is indescribably beautiful..."

"The demon crab soup does not use crab roe or crab paste, but is specially made from two large turtles..."

Ruan Yushu said similar words one by one, with joy in her tone. Jiang Zhiwei and Zhao Heng were watching with smiles. How could she not be appreciated by anyone after practicing her cooking skills for ten years?

Meng Qi ate slowly, focusing on tasting, and eventually the plate was empty.

"It tastes better than last time." Meng Qi put down his chopsticks and praised solemnly, with a faint smile on his face.

The corners of Ruan Yushu's mouth were slightly raised, the pear vortex was looming, and his smile was very reserved and cold.

With the current realm, strength and accumulation of past reincarnations of these people, there is no need to exchange them specifically before the mission. Those who can be used must complete exclusive missions. It is difficult to rescue emergencies. Good deeds are mostly used for accumulation, which is the deduction for missions and the magic weapons. Preparation of items.

The four of them sat cross-legged. Jiang Zhiwei talked about interesting experiences from previous missions. Zhao Heng and Ruan Yushu added from time to time. The atmosphere was peaceful and peaceful, with a touch of meaning.

Just when Meng Qi thought that life would continue to be beautiful like this, the light and shadow in front of his eyes changed, and the indifferent and ruthless voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded in his ears.

"After the fall of Heaven, while the Buddha was dying, the demon saints who made a breakthrough led the great saints and many demon gods to enter the spiritual mountain at the core of the Whirlpool Pure Land. In this battle, ten thousand Buddhas passed away and the demons were lost. Only the demon saints and a few spiritual mountains were left. The person escaped and has been hiding since then. The spiritual mountain is ruined and nowhere to be found."

"Main mission: Return to Lingshan and find the final whereabouts of the Great Saints and Demon Gods. If successful, 15,000 good deeds will be rewarded. If failed, the corresponding good deeds will be deducted."

"Side mission: Investigate the truth behind the Battle of Lingshan in the past. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with the elixir of good fortune. If you fail, there will be no punishment."

When the words disappeared, Meng Qi and others had already clearly seen the environment they were in. It was a dilapidated majestic palace, full of traces of years of erosion and destruction by external forces. An incense table was placed in front, with an empty sky above it and dim surroundings.

"This is the main hall where you can get the green lantern in front of the Buddha..." Jiang Zhiwei identified the place.

This place is considered to be deep into Lingshan Mountain!

Although Zhao Heng has never been here before, after learning about the mission, Jiang Zhiwei and Ruan Yushu both told him about their experiences in Lingshan, and he was no stranger to it.

Looking around, Zhao Heng suddenly sighed: "It turns out that Lingshan is really related to the Whirlpool Pure Land."

This is what Meng Qi is thinking too.

Moreover, the reward of the side mission is the elixir of good fortune, which can help the body and soul merge into a body. Although it does not play a decisive role, it can effectively reduce the risk of failure.

At this moment, Liu Dao really has ulterior motives in rewarding this kind of elixir...

As soon as he thought about it, he could see everything in the hall. Without the green lantern in front of the Buddha and behind it, there would be nothing special about this place.

The four of them no longer hesitated and carefully stepped out of the palace door.

As soon as I walked out of the palace gate, I saw lightning and thunder in the depths, green lotuses blooming, flashing and blooming, the birth and death of the world, nebula and the Milky Way, and a golden hoop as thick as a mountain peak holding up the sky and supporting the ground. Standing among them, a loud shout rang out like thunder, shaking the world forever:

"My old grandson will not cultivate the next life in this life!"

Meng Qi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly closed his eyes and listened attentively.

And in the background of the violent shouting, there was a wave of resentment that was soaring into the sky, never-ending, the voices came and went, and the teeth were gnashed:



Thirty-three days away, spiritual grass and strange flowers are everywhere, and immortal birds and auspicious animals are at ease.

In an ordinary palace with a plaque that reads "Dousita Palace", an old man in Taoist attire sat in front of the Bagua furnace with his eyes closed, seemingly unchanged for thousands of years.

Suddenly, the Golden Horn boy next to him stood up and looked down:

"It's Xiniu Hezhou again!"

"Could it be..."

He turned around and saluted, and asked in surprise: "Master, don't you care?"

"Let him be." The old man in Taoist attire said with fair hair and childish face, without opening his eyes.

"Why, why..." Silver Horn Boy said blankly.

The old man in Taoist attire opened his eyes and sighed:

"The end has come."

He pointed his hand, and the Bagua furnace opened. A terrifying brilliance shot straight into the sky, penetrated the void, penetrated the crystal wall, and rushed into a dead universe.

Creaking, there is no breath of life anymore, the universe on the edge of destruction is shaking, the long river of illusion stands out, and little waves of light fly out, evolving into the past.

First, an ark shuttled between wormholes, looking for planets that could survive again, but the stars all "went out" and destroyed the attached planets.

The entire universe was silent, and no one responded to Ark's cry.

Less and less energy can be found, and the "stars" in the Ark gradually die. In the end, it is like a silver-gray metal coffin, carrying the "corpse" of a prosperous civilization, floating forever in the boundless darkness. , can't find a destination.

Looking back in time, there are different civilizations in countless rivers and galaxies in the universe. Some can cross the galaxy, some can only live on planets, some are blessed by gods and colonize many planets, some are constantly migrating, and countless Insects destroy the vitality of one planet after another... wars break out again and again, leaving behind the most powerful civilization...

Going forward, there are fewer and fewer civilized planets, and they are becoming more and more primitive. People carry wooden sticks, polish stones, and wear animal skins. The stars are full of vitality, and some planets are still taking shape. Intangible matter condenses, and gods are there. gestate.

The waves flickered, returning to the beginning, the never-ending energy storm and expansion, and the extremely chaotic situation.

In the brilliance, the universe became smaller and smaller, and together with its past and destined future, it was thrown into the Bagua furnace in the form of "past, present and future" gathered together, silently and breathlessly.

The lid was closed, the brilliance disappeared, and the alchemy furnace suddenly shook, making a clanging sound.

A picture scroll flew out of the lap of the old man in Taoist attire, performing the Tai Chi picture, building a golden bridge on the other side, and tightly wrapping the alchemy furnace!

The Golden Horn Boy and the Silver Horn Boy both lowered their heads, not daring to face it directly. It was completely unimaginable what this furnace pill would produce. The mere breath made people tremble with fear, but they both knew one thing for sure:

The reputation of the one in the alchemy furnace was once extremely prominent!

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