The Supreme Being

Chapter 952 Fantasy becomes reality

Boom, boom, boom!

The black heart expanded and contracted slowly and powerfully. There were seven orifices on it, just like a person in the womb. It was extremely strange and full of evil spirits, guiding the Dharmakaya Immortal Hearts of Meng Qi and Mr. Lu Da to beat with it. Every time it beat, there was A flood of negative emotions, sadness, nostalgia, pain, guilt and depression can make people crazy.

Mr. Lu Da sighed, and the surroundings suddenly became clear, as if they had transformed into the tombs and thatched cottages on the back hill of Thrushcross Grange. There were only companionship, only longing, only devotion, and only efforts to revive. All his negative emotions had long since disappeared. Disappeared with the passage of time.

She wouldn't want to see me sad...

The sword light burst out, soft and calm, turning into a heaven and earth net, covering the ancient bronze coffin overwhelmingly.

And after Meng Qi's Dharmakaya Immortal Heart beat for a few times, the rhythm suddenly accelerated, faster than the Seven Apertures Demonic Heart, dong dong dong, dong dong dong, the ancient and original feeling permeated the surroundings, which in turn affected the contraction and expansion of the Demonic Heart. .

What the Yuanxin Seal refines is the original and oldest soul, the soul that can shake the true spirit or the soul the most!

In just a short moment, his purple Yuan Xin overwhelmed the Seven Apertures Demonic Heart, his mind regained consciousness, and he raised the Overlord's Blade with his right hand.

This mottled ancient bronze coffin is indeed similar to what was seen in the Demon Ruins, and the feeling is also similar. It is 80% to 90% likely to be related to the second generation successor of the Demon King's Claw, the Gaidai Demon Lord!

However, since he has buried himself in the Demonic Ruins, why does he still appear here?

And, more importantly, there is only one seven-aperture demon heart in the ancient bronze coffin!

Could it be that there is more than one ancient bronze coffin like this, but there are many, and each one contains a part of the Demon Lord's body? Even every part of his body has a corresponding incarnation and a corresponding identity, such as the Ice and Snow Immortal Lord corresponding to the Seven Apertures Demonic Heart?

This is too weird and scary!

Just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb. He is worthy of being the beginning of the human race's demonic path and the ancestor of the original demonic path!

If the Demon King had not fallen into a deep sleep, he would not truly wake up until the critical moment of life and death. Even if there was only one Seven-Aperture Demon Heart, Meng Qi had no doubt that it was equal to the legend.


There was a thunder on the ground, and the Overlord's Jue Dao made a clanging sound that was pure and positive, sweeping away all the evil around it. The blade of the sword had become transparent, as if it was made of purple thunder, gorgeous and noble.

Seeing that the light of the sword was about to follow the sword net and slash towards the ancient bronze coffin, and towards the seven-orificed demonic heart inside, the strange black heart suddenly rotated rapidly, fading away from its black color, becoming crystal clear, as if it were made from ice.

It reflects the light of the sword and shines out with colorful light, which is incredibly beautiful and dazzling.

Weird fluctuations appeared in the surroundings, and the colorful light quickly outlined the image of a huge peacock, which was no different from the real thing.

This peacock has a red crown with fine eyes and is wearing a necklace, Buddhist beads and other items. Its tail has five very eye-catching feathers, which are red, green, yellow, white and black. They condense five rays of light behind it, giving people an indescribable feeling of heaviness. , revealing a bit of chaos, seems to represent all matter in the universe and is the basis of reality.

The white light in the five-color brilliance of red, green, yellow, white and black suddenly brushed away the overwhelming sword net, brushing Mr. Lu directly into it!

Five colors of divine light!

Too far away? No, this is Kong Xuan, the Peacock King of Ming Dynasty! Meng Qi's eyes narrowed as he recognized the peacock's identity.

The Seven Apertures Demonic Heart actually summoned Kong Xuan?

This is too incredible, right?

The white light retracted and stood behind the Peacock King again, but the sword light inside was flying, one after another, one after another, like fireworks that kept blooming, bright and brilliant, the impact made the five-color divine light stagger, Mr. Lu seemed to be ready at any time He was able to get out of the trap, forcing King Peacock Ming to stay where he was and try his best to suppress it.

This, this is not Kong Xuan's normal strength... Meng Qi suddenly woke up and understood what was going on.

Just now, the Seven Aperture Demonic Heart showed illusory spiritual power, so it did not exist in the induction and observation of myself and Mr. Lu Da. But at this moment, it exerted its spiritual power in reverse, "condensing" the illusory strong man in the imagination. became real.

Fantasy comes true!

How big your heart is, how strong you are!

It is indeed the Seven-Apertured Ice Heart of the Gedai Demon Lord...

Seeing the stalemate between Mr. Lu Da and "Kong Xuan", Meng Qi slashed with his right hand, and the sword was about to hit him to help him escape. But at this moment, the strange fluctuations reappeared, and the much dimmed seven-colored light exhausted the last A bit of light outlines a golden ferocious giant monkey.

It has a hairy face and a thunderous mouth, and its eyes are red. It is about the same size as a human being. It wears a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on its head, wears gold chainmail, walks on lotus root silk, and holds a thick and heavy golden hoop in both hands. It’s Monkey King, the Monkey King!

Fuck... After more than ten years, Meng Qi finally couldn't help but cursed in his heart. The enemy imagined by Qiqiao Bingpoxin was too exaggerated.

This is a battle against my childhood idol!

"Take a stick from my old grandson!" The ferocious monkey shouted loudly, jumped up, held the golden cudgel tightly with both hands, and swung it down hard.

The sound of clicking continued, the void was fragmented, and a knuckle-sized hole was directly formed on the end of the stick, swallowing the surroundings and quickly growing in size.

The heavy pressure added to his body, and before the stick could hit him, Meng Qi's feet broke through the ice of thousands of years and sank into the ground. He could only feel that his Dharma Body was showing signs of collapse inch by inch.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Qi showed no signs of weakness, and also returned all things to weakness, before slashing out with one strike.


The purple thunder collapsed, forming a thumb-sized hole. The Overlord's Blade and the Golden Cudgel collided, making a terrifying explosion.


The white light of thunder spread like ripples like a storm, spreading in all directions from the intersection of the sword and stick, breaking the ice beams that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, and flying off the roof of the palace. Meng Qi flew backwards a hundred feet away, but the majestic As soon as the impact hit him, streaks of chaotic light hung around his body, and they naturally disappeared without a trace.

Wow ya ya! The fierce monkey Sun Wukong, who only took half a step back, was unyielding. He swung the golden cudgel at an unimaginable speed, forming one chaotic hole after another, and hit Meng Qi overwhelmingly.

Meng Qi did not retreat but advanced, and also wielded the Overlord's Absolute Sword, using all things to return to the void to respond to the enemy, and his speed also increased to the point where he could travel through the starry sky.

Bang bang bang! Boom boom boom! The swords and sticks kept striking each other, and the thunder suddenly appeared and died. It was as if there was a world hidden inside. The storm swept across a dozen miles, turning the ice and snow palace into powder, and destroying the unnatural starry sky in the cave until only a few rays of light remained. All the ground beneath his feet was turned into chaotic earth, fire and feng shui.

Bang bang bang! Boom boom boom! The two of them were not timid at all. At such high speeds, there were times when each other could not react. Occasionally, they were slashed by the Overlord's sword and hit by the golden cudgel. However, the chaotic light shook endlessly, swallowing and dissolving all the power. The golden The giant monkey's body surface glowed pale gold, with only faint white marks remaining.

Bang bang bang! Boom boom boom! The golden giant monkey flew out upside down, and Meng Qi slammed into the earth, fire, and wind and water below. The chaotic light hanging down from Qingyun shook violently, losing a lot of its deep and devouring meaning.

The force of the counter-shock was also neutralized by the Wuji Seal. Meng Qi's hands were not numb at this time, but the monkey that emerged from the Seven Apertures Ice Soul Heart was indeed stronger than him in the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, and his strength was even greater. If he fought head-on, he would suffer. It must be myself.

As soon as the idea came to his mind, he saw the body of the fierce monkey Wukong tremble, and countless hairs fell down, turning into Monkey King, each holding a golden hoop, attacking from all directions. He himself was mixed in, making it difficult to distinguish.

Seeing this, Meng Qi transformed into a monster with a human face and a snake body. His whole body was red, and his eyes alternated between cold and heat. As time passed, it was the transformation of Zhu Jiuyin!

He wants to manipulate time to slow down the enemy and gain a chance to win.

Just when time was about to slow down, among the tens of thousands of monkeys, the golden violent ape also transformed into a red monster with a human face and a snake body. It was also Zhu Jiuyin who controlled time!

grass! Meng Qi finally understood why the Seven Apertures Demon Heart wanted to manifest Sun Wukong to deal with him.

The surrounding earth, fire, wind, and water were chaotic, the void suddenly became dark, and everything became sluggish. The same was true for Meng Qi, but a glazed lamp shone in his eyes, and the black and white brilliance spilled out, and the long river of illusory time stood out. He broke free of the sluggishness and jumped. Up high in the sky.

As soon as he jumped up, he saw a monkey holding a giant stick standing proudly above the clouds, almost covering the sky. His eyes were red, like two big suns, blazing brightly.

Sun Wukong also didn't know when and how he broke out of the shackles of time and appeared, almost bursting the sky. The terrifying feeling made even Meng Qi shudder.

But Meng Qi didn't move at all at this moment. The fire and wind and water under his feet suddenly changed and turned into an endless sea of ​​fire. There were Samadhi True Fire, Jade Void Golden Fire, and so on.

The flames spread, and smoke quickly rose into the sky, heading straight towards Sun Wukong's door.

Black mist rolled in, and Sun Wukong subconsciously reached out to cover his eyes.

Meng Qi seized the opportunity and also appeared as the body of the heaven and the earth, with the sky above his head and the earth's fire and feng shui under his feet. He raised his left sleeve and robe, and the heaven and the earth were isolated, becoming chaotic and forming a world of its own.

The Inca in the Void has everything in his sleeves!

I have also read Journey to the West, so of course I know the weakness of monkeys!

Sun Wukong couldn't help but throw himself at Meng Qi's sleeves, with deep anger in his eyes and only a crazy will to fight.

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