The Supreme Being

Chapter 967: Do Good Things Without Leaving a Name

There are various possibilities in the future, and perhaps the difference between Heavenly Court and Jiuyou will develop in a single thought. However, Han Guang, a giant of the Left Way who can turn his hands into clouds and rain, has actually become the next head of Xuantian Sect. The mainstay of the film still makes Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei, who are familiar with his style and methods, feel disillusioned, as if they are in a dream.

"There is no good and no disgusting body, there are good and evil actions, knowing good and evil is conscience, doing good and eliminating evil is observing things... Perhaps as the Holy Spirit of Heart said, there are neither born saints nor bad ones just after they are born from the mother's womb. The evil spirits that cause sores and pus on the soles of the feet. The fate of the day after tomorrow greatly affects a person's good and evil, but in this case, what is the nature..." Meng Qi thought about it, and said the message thoughtfully, maybe after reincarnation The soul itself has attributes, and has the innate nature that remains when it was first born between heaven and earth.

Jiang Zhiwei is also thinking about this profound question, but in the past and present, who can think clearly at once? Without corresponding encounters and deep accumulation, where can the epiphany come from?

Therefore, she kept the question in her mind, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I really want to meet the magician who is the mainstay of the righteous path, a magician who is open-minded and compassionate."

Meng Qi thought for a while and said: "The magician looks like a master in daily life. He is calm and unrestrained, talks and laughs freely, and rarely has emotions on his face. If you don't know in advance, just seeing him, it is difficult to regard him as a demon. A heretic, so you can imagine Xuantian Zong’s appearance.”

Speaking of this, Meng Qi watched the little Jiang Zhiwei drag the long sword that was taller than herself to the corner and put it away as if it belonged to her. Then she picked up the small wooden sword and, under the guidance of her senior brothers and sisters, modeled it. He practiced the basic swordsmanship in a decent manner, his eyes gradually brightened, and he felt a sense of joy all over his body. He no longer felt the grievances he felt before.

Nothing made her happier than learning to sword.

Jiang Zhiwei looked at her former self with soft eyes, her expression was quiet and peaceful, and she was enjoying the purity of learning the sword in the first place, a purity that she has never forgotten.

While watching with a smile, Meng Qi listened to the disciple talking endlessly about the current situation and the list of people in the world, secretly transmitting messages to speculate on the difference between the fragment of the universe's light and the real world: "It is said that there is only one in all worlds, even if there is a fragment of the universe's light, After separation, there will not be another legend. From this, we can infer many things. For example, Senior Su with legendary characteristics will no longer be born from this fragment of cosmic light, and peerless magic weapons and legendary things will only remain. According to legend, there are no physical objects left, just like the Tianchu Ax and the Underworld Sword. These two points have been confirmed and can initially confirm our ideas. "

"According to this idea, Mr. Lu Da will not exist, and Senior Chonghe's true spirit has been returned to the list of gods, so he will not exist either." Jiang Zhiwei followed.

Meng Qi nodded slightly, interrupted the disciple's narration, and said with a smile: "I wonder if you have ever heard of Chunyang Zongchong and Taoist Master, and Mr. Lu Da of Thrushcross Villa?"

The disciple was stunned: "Of course I have heard that during the catastrophe forty years ago, Taoist Chonghe, who was second on the heavenly list, fought to the death with Hatuktu, the living Buddha who was number one on the heavenly list, and was killed by the monster Kui Niu. The demon king made a sneak attack and sat down in the Liangjie Mountain. Hatuktu and the Kuiniu Demon King were seriously injured by him before his death. The former has not fully recovered from his injuries, and his ranking in the Heavenly Ranking has slipped to third place. The Kuiniu Demon King has not returned in forty years. Never appeared."

That catastrophe brought about continuous turmoil, and it was not that far ago. Many things have not been lost. Storytellers often tell them, so even ordinary disciples know the general outline.

"Senior Chong He died forty years ago..." Meng Qi was confused. Senior Chong He did not disappear directly, like Su Wuming, but died forty years ago.

Jiang Zhiwei chewed on the name "Hutuktu": "This is the living Buddha who traveled across the Western Regions and grasslands in the past. The master of the wheel-turning living Buddha of the secret Buddhism received a magic weapon from the Buddhist tantric sect and attained the 'body of the Third Ming King'." , almost developed Secret Buddhism into a top force, and did have a deadly battle with Senior Chonghe, but that time happened to be when Mr. Lu Da obtained the Gengjin Immortal Body, and together with Abbot Kongwen, they withstood the sneak attack of the demon clan. And Daman, for some reason, did not intervene, and both sides suffered a loss."

"Then Hatuktu, who was seriously injured and still not recovering, was killed by the newly emerged Dharmakaya Gurdo, which made him famous, and the Buddhist Tantric magic weapon disappeared."

"Guldo did not appear in this world due to the Heavenly Punishment Axe, so Hatuktu has not yet fallen." Meng Qi suddenly said.

The disciple of Xijiang Pavilion continued: "Mr. Lu Da of Huamei Villa has accumulated a lot of experience. He was unknown at first, but later he became more and more dazzling. He was highly praised by Taoist Chonghe and Abbot Kongwen, who believed that he could catch up from behind and attain enlightenment before the Cui brothers. "Dharmakaya, it's a pity that the catastrophe forty years ago forced him to break through in advance and disappeared under the thunder."

"Another forty years..." Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei transmitted messages to each other at the same time. There have been too many changes at this point in time, making this world different from the real world.

"Could this be the point where the Zhouguang fragments split? The characters that existed before still exist, but those who have a deep relationship with the legend will soon die, and those who are related to the legend will not be born at all." Meng Qi boldly guessed road.

Jiang Zhiwei nodded and further speculated: "Perhaps those who became reincarnators at that time forty years ago will also die one after another."

Because the Six Paths exceed the legend!

"This can all be confirmed..." After Meng Qi transmitted the message, he asked again: "Did Taoist Xuhe enter the Xuantian Sect forty years ago?"

"Yes, how do you know?" The Xijiang Pavilion disciple was stunned and didn't say anything himself!

As expected, Meng Qi smiled and said, "Because it feels like a lot of things happened forty years ago. Well, what's going on with Thrushcross Grange now? Is 'Ice Fairy' Ye Yuqi still there?"

"After the death of Mr. Lu Da, the Ye sisters also died one after another. Now Thrushcross Villa is doing well. With the support of the Grandmaster, it is better than the best." The disciple of Xijiang Pavilion answered honestly, without any doubt that he knew everything just now. People actually know the not-so-famous Thrushcross Grange.

"Forty years ago was indeed the turning point." Meng Qi suddenly frowned when he heard from Jiang Zhiwei, "But you just felt the new 'other' appear. The little guy is obviously six or seven years old."

The corners of Jiang Zhiwei's eyes twitched, not knowing whether to cry or laugh: "Don't call me little guy."

It's a bit shameful.

She paused and said, "I don't know where this piece of cosmic light is hidden. If it weren't for a subtle induction, I'm afraid it would be impossible to find it. Maybe it is in a place where the long river of time flows faster, and a long time has passed when the induction is transmitted to the real world."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Meng Qi could not think of any other explanation for the moment.

At this time, Jiang Zhiwei suddenly remembered something: "Since it is said that things cannot be separated, what about our true inheritance of 'Zhu Dao See Me'? What about the true inheritance of 'Tai Shang Sword Sutra'?"

"Cut the way and see me" is one of the Seven Swords of Jietian, and it is the inheritance of true meaning. It undoubtedly surpasses the legend. Although the "Tai Shang Sword Sutra" is understood and separated a little bit from "Cut the way and sees me", it is washed. None of the masters of Jiange in the past have ever cultivated to the legendary realm through this method, but the evaluation among the Six Paths is peerless. Even if the good deeds are not high, it still shows that there is hope for legend. It shows that there is no problem with the technique that was originally understood, but the cultivator is limited by heaven and earth and cannot Reaching the limit, in other words, its true meaning inheritance is also legendary level. Unless it is remade by a powerful person who is proficient in this technique, it will not actively split.

"That should be the case. Maybe this Sword Xige has lost the 'Ze Dao Meet Me', and only the hand-copied secrets of the Taishang Sword Sutra are left." Meng Qi suspected that this was the case in all likelihood.

Jiang Zhiwei listened to the chatter of her "fellow disciple", looked up at the familiar scenery, and sighed: "No wonder the fragments of Zhouguang rarely surpass themselves, and will only gradually become mediocre."

"These uncles and uncles are all so fresh and friendly, and the sect is completely different from what I remember. If they really don't have the true intention to inherit, it would be really disappointing."

In particular, there are many elders who Jiang Zhiwei respects but have passed away. Now seeing them coming and going, it's like they have been resurrected and want to do something to make up for their feelings.

"How about perfecting their skills? Do something good without leaving a name." Meng Qi suggested with a smile, looked at his chest, touched his belly and cursed, please call me Red Scarf!

Jiang Zhiwei frowned and said: "I can't create the true meaning inheritance of Dharmakaya at present, but it involves the sect's precepts, so I'm afraid it can't be passed on privately, and it's best not to let the real world sect family know about the things here, facing the same 'him and me' ’, few people can stay calm, and 90% of them will become confused and develop inner demons.”

Meng Qi said confidently: "Then let's show it. On the basis of the same technique, there will always be some understanding. As for whether they have more or less enlightenment, it depends on themselves."

Jiang Zhiwei felt decisive, and after a moment's hesitation, she nodded in agreement: "But first we have to confirm that there is really no complete inheritance."

Meng Qi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

"Do you have any idea?" Jiang Zhiwei said in a relaxed mood.

"Of course, I am the Yuanshi Demon." Meng Qi joked, turned and walked towards the mountain, walking forward with his hands behind his hands, waiting for the master who was qualified to know the secrets of the sect to appear.

The two walked for a while, and "Deadwood Glory" Yu Wanli came down in front. It seemed that without Su Wuming's comparison, he had not lost his confidence and was now a grandmaster!

Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei looked at each other, stepped forward, cupped their hands and said, "But Senior Yu from 'Deadwood Ronghua'."

"Exactly, I wonder who you are?" Yu Wanli responded with a smile, not knowing why.

Where did this guest come from?

Meng Qi smiled half-heartedly and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I know that the true meaning of 'Zhu Dao Meet Me' is gone!"

Yu Wanli's eyes suddenly shrank, and his brain went blank for a moment.

This secret, which is related to the life and death of the sect, has been known to outsiders!

How did he know?

After being shocked, the long sword in his sheath suddenly shot out.

In the Xijian Pavilion where the memorial tablets of the ancestors of past dynasties are enshrined, the leader Zhou Taichong is facing the "Behead My Sword", his face full of melancholy. Even after forty years, things still have not improved at all.

On that day, the two true inheritances of "Ze Dao See Me" and "Tai Shang Sword Sutra" were inexplicably disintegrated, leaving only the secret books written by the ancestors of the previous generations, each reflecting their own path. Without a lot of tolerance, the inheritance gradually became difficult.

Xijiang Pavilion had concealed this matter for forty years. For fear of being discovered by other sects, it had been secretly searching for other peerless techniques to replace it, but had never been able to do so.

Alas, he let out a long sigh.

At this moment, his heart moved, and he happened to see a pure and bright sword light rising into the sky. It seemed to come from his heart, illuminating the mountain peaks, forbidden laws, physical bodies and other objects, making them illusory and transparent, making the surrounding area look empty and misty. I directly saw the soul, as if I had discovered my true "self"!

"Zhan Dao see me?"

"Zhan Dao, meet me!"

Zhou Taichong's mind was buzzing, he couldn't help himself, and his whole body was trembling.

Since the Xijiange sect was founded, although there has been a true inheritance of "cut the way and see me", there has been no general outline of Jietian. Since no one has mastered it, this peerless sword can no longer be reproduced. We can only rely on the unexpected encounters of the founder of the sect to obtain the true inheritance. Imagine a sword that I have witnessed.

But now, the imagination has come into reality, and the "Zhu Dao See Me" that was directly performed actually appeared in front of him!

The sword's bright light enveloped the entire mountain, making everything seem like a dream.

Zhou Taichong was addicted to this, and it took him a long time to wake up because of the soft sound of the sword. With the help of the magic weapon and the formation, his spirit spread, and he looked outside to find out who was practicing "Ze Dao Meet Me" for Xijian Pavilion!

In the misty sky, he saw two figures, one wearing a green Taoist robe with a bit of gray at the temples, the other wearing goose yellow clothes, with a long sword that had just been sheathed. Behind them, Yu Wanli was stunned, his expression changing, as if he was in a dream.

The two figures did not stop, and disappeared into the afterimage of the sword light in a few steps. Only the man in green robe rubbed the head of his new disciple Jiang Zhiwei.

The figure disappeared, and the "Zhan Dao saw me" just now was like a dream.

Zhou Taichong wanted to catch up, but he had lost track of him and could only sigh:

"There is such an immortal in the world. He does things at will, and the dragon sees the beginning but not the end. Could it be the good relationship that our sect has forged?"

It’s nearly 4,000 words again, so it’s a bit late. Oh, by the way, I have something to do in the afternoon, so I’ll update the chapter in the early morning~

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