The Supreme Being

Chapter 975 The Night Emperor’s Weird Request (6,000 chapters updated)

"Meet the Emperor of the Night (Master Li Shang)." After seeing the man in white sitting on the flower bed, each of the excited sea visitors saluted immediately. Some held their hands in reserve, some bowed with great salutes, some acted stiffly, and some Trembling, Meng Qi mingled among them, sizing up this legendary "Night Emperor".

According to his previous guess, the gardener outside was the real "Ye Emperor", and the one inside was just a stand-in. But now it seems that he is biased. At least the young man in white has a deep and restrained aura, and his demeanor is solemn and solemn. He is as casual and carefree as the rumors say, loves to laugh and enjoy himself, and has a special refreshing temperament. If there were no gardener to compare him with, I might not have doubted whether he was the "Ye Emperor".

"Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang waved his hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled very cleanly: "I was just worried about drinking all day long and had no friends, so I met you. Regardless of our origins, we are all drinking buddies at this moment. , why be so restrained?”

The woman behind him with a delicate appearance and a proud figure had a gentle expression. She let him lean on her chest, her breath was as charming as the spring breeze, with a unique warmth. She was a rare beauty with both appearance and strength, at least a top expert. , she was peeling the scarlet longan with her bare hands, and feeding the pulp into Ye Di's mouth, her eyes were filled with affection, and her movements were slow and graceful.

Huo Lishang looked at this woman with undisguised affection, as if looking at a rare treasure in the world.

Next to them, there is a girl in green clothes making tea, a figure with picturesque features and a beautiful figure like a bell in heaven and earth. It seems that she should not be stained by the world of mortals. In addition, there is a charming woman holding a sword, and a girl pouring wine with bulging cheeks. The former seems to They are all charming, and their every move is particularly touching. The latter is playful, sweet, lively, and both are rare beauties. They are also very powerful. Between the gentle female brothers, Ye Di looks at them with the same eyes. Don't hide your love, be generous, casual and unrestrained.

The guests, including Meng Qi, sat down one by one, and the flower-like maid next to them served them eagerly. The fragrance was as fragrant as silk, as if they were fishing for that greedy insect.

Emperor Ye picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Dragon Blood Yanyang Wine, a recipe passed down from ancient times. I accidentally got a jar of dragon's blood, mixed with 365 kinds of exotic flowers and herbs, and it took nine years to brew it. , and after nine years of storage in the ice soul to remove the dryness, it can finally be put into the throat. It can drive away all the symptoms of wind and cold entering the bones. It can invigorate the blood, Qi and essence, help to open the orifices, and help to practice the corresponding Dharma. It is considered good, but It is a great tonic, so friends, don’t be greedy for it.”

He spoke eloquently without showing off in the slightest, he just introduced it truthfully.

This kind of spiritual wine is something you can only meet but cannot ask for! The travelers had only heard of this kind of fine wine in rumors, their eyes became hot, and they all picked up their glasses:

"This cup is dedicated to the Lord of Feasts."

The blood-like wine entered the throat, which was warm and moist, but soon there was a burning warmth pouring from the throat into the stomach, and from the stomach to every part of the body. Considering the state and strength of Meng Qi's dharma body, it has a little benefit, which shows that It is precious, has a sweet and mellow taste, and has a mouth-filling aroma. In every aspect, it is enough to be called a good wine!

The Night Emperor smiled, turned his head, took a casual sip of the tea handed over by the pretty girl, pointed at the stack of white meridian-like dishes on the table and said: "This crab has been growing for a hundred years, and it is a disaster. I sent people to capture it. The meat is tender and chewy, which is rare to see. ”

Like any hospitable host, he introduced each dish to the guests with a calm and contented tone, which made many overseas guests secretly admire him. It is better to meet him than to be famous. The Ye Emperor's grace is truly unparalleled in the world.

Meng Qi was unceremonious and tasted the delicious food, secretly regretting that the foodies were not here.

Nine kinds of fine wines were exchanged, but all had different effects. Many seaside guests became drunk. The atmosphere of the night banquet gradually reached its peak, and the expectations in their hearts became stronger and stronger. Will the Night Emperor provide adventures casually? Will one of your wishes come true?

After a wonderful dance, "Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang clapped his hands and motioned for the dancers to get down. Under everyone's expectant and anxious eyes, he smiled refreshingly and said lightly: "Thank you all, I have a wonderful life." That night, now that I am feeling slightly tipsy, I want to choose someone at random to fulfill his wish."

With a flick of the brush, the hall became extremely quiet, you could hear a needle drop, and your heartbeat kept pounding. Everyone except Meng Qi was looking forward to being selected by the Night Emperor and having an adventure!

"Just this one." Huo Lishang pointed at the sea visitor next to Meng Qi.

This Haike was white and fat, with no appearance of being eroded by the sea breeze. His face was filled with ecstasy, and he stumbled around the table, walked up to Emperor Ye, and bowed:

"Please also ask Mr. Li Shang to uphold justice for Xiao Xiao. Master Wu Fang Island's Black Bones wants to destroy Xiao Xiao's trading company."

The smile on Emperor Ye's lips did not diminish, and he turned his head to look at the sweet girl: "Yunyue, compile a letter and send it to Heigu."

"Just spread the word about such a trivial matter. How dare Hei Gu disobey the young master?" the sweet girl Yunyue said with a pout.

This is the majesty of the Dharma master, the power that people can only look up to!

Huo Lishang laughed and said, "You little girl just want to be lazy. Do as you like. In short, just help this friend settle this matter."

Haike was excited and kowtowed repeatedly, but after returning to the desk, he suddenly froze. Meng Qi heard the surging emotions and thoughts in his heart:

"I'm so stupid, so stupid. Why didn't I just ask Ye Emperor to accept my child as his disciple? How dare Heigu deal with Ye Emperor's disciples?"

"And with this relationship, there will be many benefits in the future."

"I'm so stupid, so stupid..."

At this time, Huo Lishang seemed to be a little tired, and looked at the beautiful girl he loved: "Youhu, see you off."

The beautiful girl Youhu put down the tea set, stood up, with pure and calm eyes, instructing the servants to see off the guests, and an inexplicable banquet came to an end. For many people, it was like a dream, but the good thing is It's real.

Meng Qi followed the tourists out of the hall and found himself in the sea of ​​flowers again. Suddenly there was someone beside him, the gardener whose eyes were always full of love and enjoyment of life.

"How do you feel?" The gardener's voice was very soft, as if coming through layers of mist.

Meng Qi laughed: "The fake Night Emperor is never as good as the real Night Emperor."

A child-like proud and pure smile appeared on the gardener's face: "How did you tell?"

He did not deny or cover up at all, and confessed that he was the real "Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang!

"The person inside tried his best to show momentum, style, and deliberately imitated love, but his love was closer to ordinary people's love. There was no real yearning for beautiful things and strong life, and no enthusiasm that transcended the outside world. A kind of persistence to seize the glory of the moment." Meng Qi did not look at the gardener, but admired the flowers in various shapes, each one is a strong and beautiful life, they embellish the building with great splendor.

The gardener, the real "Ye Emperor", looked at the pretty girl Youhu who was seeing off the guests. He said with a clean smile that could not be concealed: "Youhu is naturally beautiful, just like the nine-petal orchid over there. , blooming quietly, with rare beauty, every frown and every smile is breathtakingly beautiful, and just looking at it can make people satisfied. "

He then pointed at the gentle woman against whom the fake Night Emperor was leaning, and his smile showed a bit of doting: "Liu Shang, her appearance and temperament are as gentle as water. Getting along with her can always soothe the tiredness and impatience in the heart, but this is not her The most beautiful thing about her is that underneath her gentleness, she has a delicate heart that strives for favors and is jealous. Every time she racks her brains to harm Yunyue and other sisters, it is as if the scorching sun breaks through the haze, and her whole body is shrouded in a radiance that makes people unable to take their eyes away. This is when she is most beautiful.”

"Xia Pei, charming and charming on the outside, shy and conservative on the inside, is the most beautiful when she opens her heart little by little and releases herself little by little..."

"Yunyue is sweet and playful. Being with her is full of joy, forgetting sorrow, and makes the little tempered like flowers bloom..."

He introduced sentence by sentence, his eyes full of enthusiasm and enjoyment, full of interest in life: "Life is like a dangerous egg, separated from the road and hometown. Only by knowing how to appreciate and enjoy the beauty and splendor of this moment can we forget about leaving. "

This was the first time Meng Qishang encountered such a person and such an attitude. He was very interested and found it strange, so he deliberately asked: "Master Li Shang, why do you want to make a fake Night Emperor?"

The fake Night Emperor inside is enjoying the service of the four girls. Their skin is close to each other, there is no awkwardness at all, and he does not regard himself as a substitute.

"Gardener" Huo Lishang was bathed in the moonlight and said with a half-smile: "Experiencing life and enjoying beauty is my attitude towards people and things. That's why I invite people I meet by chance to the banquet to satisfy their wishes." Give different people adventure and watch their lives blossom into beauty.”

"A few years ago, I suddenly had an idea, why not experience the lives of others? The beauty of others? So, I found the right person and asked him if he would like to switch identities with me and become the Night Emperor."

"This 'Ye Emperor' used to be a gardener on Chixia Island. He has parents, a wife and children. He lives a seemingly ordinary life. He is honest and honest. He will not be blinded by greed when encountering ill-gotten gains. He knows how to advance and retreat. , I was curious about the lives of ordinary people, so I invited him to exchange identities with me.”

"The life of a gardener is indeed ordinary, but it is also full of beauty, such as letting flowers bloom, a father who is simple, serious and unsmiling but hiding his care, a mother who dotes on her son but is in intrigues with her daughter-in-law, who is not beautiful or gentle but has a natural personality. A wife who is somewhat aggressive and interesting, a child who is babbling and crying endlessly, a child who is cute and tormented at the same time, such as a life that requires careful planning and calculation, and the ubiquitous errands of competing with colleagues overtly and covertly... This is all very interesting and has It’s so beautiful and enjoyable that I’m not tired of it even after being an ordinary person for half a year.”

Meng Qi frowned slightly, Ye Emperor's ideas and practices were somewhat evil, and he said deviantly: "You changed from a gardener on Chixia Island to a gardener on Ye Emperor. Do you plan to change your identity after this voyage? "

"Gardener" Huo Lishang nodded lightly: "Although I am not tired of the beauty, I am afraid that he will be completely addicted to the identity of the 'Ye Emperor' and will never be able to extricate himself, so I plan to change his identity after arriving at the Frost Sea Beichen Realm and send him People sent him to Chixia Island, but unfortunately I met you here and he had to end it early. "

Met me? What's the reason? While Meng Qi was wondering, "Gardener" Huo Lishang shook his robe, his facial features changed, he was clean and refreshing, he was no longer an ordinary person, he stepped leisurely into the hall.

Fake Night Emperor, who was enjoying the service of Liu Shang and Xia Pei, was suddenly startled. He looked at the gardener in front of him like a ferocious beast. He stretched out his right hand, pointed at the other person, and stammered: "You, you, you... …”

Huo Lishang said with a smile:

"Game over."

He stretched out his hand and grabbed a twisted, transparent mask from the fake Night Emperor's face, and the deep and restrained aura disappeared without a trace.

The fake Night Emperor's facial features, which had just been casual and chatting and laughing, helping people fulfill their wishes, suddenly returned to normal, dumbfounded, and his expression was full of loss, despair and resistance: "I, I am the Night Emperor, I am the Night Emperor! "

He turned to look at Liu Shang and Xia Pei, and said hastily: "Liu Shang, Xia Pei, I am the Emperor of the Night!"

Liu Shang and Xia Pei never looked at him again, as if he was just a ball of air. They came up to him with a smile, held the real Ye Emperor's arms, whispered, and laughed.

"Liu Shang! Xia Pei! One night and a hundred days of grace between husband and wife, you, how could you do this to me? Let me go! I am Ye Emperor!" The fake Ye Emperor was dragged down by his servants. He was hoarse and cried endlessly. I am willing to wake up from this beautiful dream and return to ordinary life.

"Gardener" Huo Lishang was helped back to the flower stand by gentle Liushang and charming Xiapei. He turned around and sat upright, his eyes bright, hiding his nostalgia for all the good things.

At this moment, he is no longer a gardener, but the "Night Emperor" who dominates the world!

He looked at the back of the fake Night Emperor and sighed: "He refused my request without hesitation at first, but when I made him understand what a 'Yedi' is and after experiencing the life of a Night Emperor for a few days , he chose to agree.”

"The exchange of identities is not a superficial exchange, but a real exchange. In the past six months, all my concubines, all my subordinates, all my disciples have regarded him as the real Night Emperor. Everything he does All decisions are equal to my decisions. Everything he enjoys is no different from mine. The only difference is that I can only use this 'Thousand Illusion Mask' to provide him with strength to deal with the enemy, so I can't provoke other dharma bodies too much. ”

It turns out that the aura just now came from this "Thousand Fantasy Mask"... Meng Qi suddenly thought.

"Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang smiled cleanly and warmly, and continued: "Since it is a true exchange, there is no doubt that he can joke and play with Liu Shang, Xia Pei and others, and designate one or all of them to share the room with him. They will be as enthusiastic and respectful to him as they are to me. He can undoubtedly squander my treasures, kill my subordinates, send orders to the seven seas, write letters everywhere, and resolve disputes with one word. , can calm the storm, and control the fate of others. I will bear all the consequences and will not regret it. "

Only in this way can one truly have the identity of "Ye Emperor".

Meng Qi looked up at the gentle Liu Shang and the charming Xia Pei, and found that their cheeks were flushed and they were so ashamed that they could not raise their heads.

This guy has really reached an extreme... Meng Qi couldn't help but sigh, and extreme people can often be described as "perverts". Even if he respects Mr. Lu Da, he still feels that his single-mindedness can definitely be called a "pervert" ".

"You enjoy other good things, but have you ever considered the feelings of Liu Shang and the others? Have you considered the feelings of your subordinates?" Facing Ye Emperor, Meng Qi didn't have the deep-rooted fear of others, so he spoke up a bit righteously.

Ye Di laughed and looked sideways at Liu Shang and Xia Pei, his eyes bright and enthusiastic, admiring the refreshing beauty: "They are also very happy, always facing me and the same people, it is inevitable that It will be monotonous and boring, and feel that everything has no variables, and is as stale as a dying person. It loses freshness, curiosity, and the fun of expectation. Therefore, I feel that a person who is not the Emperor of the Night slowly enters the state of the Emperor of the Night, little by little. There is a different beauty in falling under their skirts.”

"Young Master, where are we?" Liu Shang said with tears in his eyes.

Xia Pei's eyes were covered with mist, and she bit her lip gently: "We are not here to satisfy your wish, Master, to truly exchange identities and feel each other's beautiful wishes. How can we enjoy it!"

Huo Lishang smiled and reassured: "Yes, yes, it is all my fault, so you have to accept it."

"For the sake of the young master, I, I am willing to do it." Liu Shang whispered softly. She didn't know what she thought of, but suddenly her face turned red and she buried her head.

Xia Pei wrung his hands, his expression changed a few times, and finally said like a mosquito: "Young Master thinks we are happy, then we are happy."

Ye Di didn't say any more, his eyes were full of enthusiasm for life, and he looked at Meng Qi with a smile: "A rare beauty in the world, with both appearance and strength, each with her own personality and beauty, can be cultivated and replenished; she can be found all over the seven seas. His subordinates, some are tyrannical, some are smart, and they can be driven without any complaints; a treasure house comparable to the union of many islands, with all kinds of magical elixir materials to be squandered at will; the top status and power in the world make the island that usually looks up to it The main sect leaders trembled and bowed their heads in worship, so that the female immortals who could only be imagined in their hearts in the past were flattered, and they were also able to chat and laugh with the five elder immortals and others..."

"This is the identity of Emperor Ye. Not only was the gardener intoxicated just now, but even a grandmaster who knew that he would eventually return to his original state was almost unable to extricate himself. No one who has exchanged identities with me in the past few years is willing to do so."

"Master Li Shang, what are you talking about?" Meng Qi's heart moved and he pretended to be confused.

"Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang smiled warmly and his eyes were full of love: "You can see that I am extraordinary, and my strength must be quite good. I shouldn't have never heard of such a strong person, and he can wander around the sea without being injured. A ship that keeps a low profile and does not fly across the sky must have some ulterior purpose. "

"The ship was from Changhua Island to Shijue Island. Some time ago, the island owner Qu Baimei's family was exterminated on Changhua Island. Yin Feilong, the patrol envoy of the Tiandao Alliance who lived on Shijue Island, paid a visit in front of his family. "Guoqu Baimei."

Having said this, he smiled like a fox: "More importantly, I happen to know a secret, and I know that Qu Baimei is related to a mysterious organization that has appeared in the past."

"So, you are a member sent by this mysterious organization to investigate Qu Baimei's death?"

However, when they met by chance on the road, Huo Lishang was actually able to see some subtle clues and deduce an almost true conclusion. Although this was related to his knowledge of the secret, it was not something to be underestimated. He was worthy of the name of "Emperor of the Night"... Meng Qi was a little shocked and remained calm. Said: "Master Li Shang thinks too much."

"I don't think so." Huo Lishang said confidently, "I am very interested in my identity as a member of the mysterious organization. I want to experience it, enjoy this life, and help you investigate the real cause of Qu Baimei's death and who he is. What's the purpose of doing it?"

He looked at Meng Qi with burning eyes, full of enthusiasm for the beauty of life: "And you will exchange identities with me and become the real Night Emperor!"

"A rare beauty in the world, subordinates all over the seven seas, a treasure house comparable to the union of many islands, the world's top status and power, these will all belong to you, allowing you to experience a completely different and beautiful life!"

"You mean swapping identities?" Meng Qi asked, controlling the corners of his mouth from twitching.

You actually asked me to be the "Ye Emperor"?

But thinking about it carefully, this can really conceal my identity and can use his huge power to facilitate my investigation of Qu Baimei and Jin'ao Island. Who would have thought that "Ye Emperor" Huo Lishang is the immortal "Yuanshi Tianzun" ?

Moreover, Huo Lishang will be responsible for whatever things he does and whatever troubles he causes. Of course, I don’t know if he can bear the responsibility. I have always been known as a troublemaker and a hero who takes the blame...

Another question is, is Huo Lishang really such a weirdo? He likes to exchange identities with others to experience life, or does he have other motives?

Huo Lishang smiled and nodded:

"Yes, swap identities, you put on this 'Mask of Thousand Illusions', and I will provide you with the power to become the real Night Emperor, enjoy everything the real Night Emperor has, and taste the status and power of a person of great stature!"

His tone was firm, as if he believed that Meng Qi could not resist. It should be said that except for Dharmakaya, few people could resist this request, especially men. There are those who don’t love beauty, there are those who don’t love wealth, and there are also those who don’t love power and status. But Those who don’t love all three are minuscule!

The most important thing is that you don't have to worry about completely returning to the original state afterwards. As long as you have a little bit of sobriety, you can prepare "gifts" for yourself in the future when you become the Night Emperor.

Meng Qi pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, let's exchange identities."

Huo Lishang laughed, feeling extremely happy, and handed the Qianhuan Mask in his hand to Meng Qi:

"From now on, you are the Night Emperor!"

"And I am?"

Meng Qi smiled slightly and said:

"'Taiyi Tianzun' Han Guang."

I knew at noon that this chapter would be difficult to finish and would require a lot of writing, so I wisely said I would update it in the early morning. However, after the break, I wrote it faster. I have finished it now. It is a big chapter of more than 5,800 words. Yesterday's update was due, plus the more than 4,000 words at noon, there are a total of 10,000 words updated today~

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