The Tower of Justice, a conference hall.

Zefa knocked on the table, quietly thinking.


The door was pushed open, and Ling Song walked in with a relaxed face.

“How did it take so long?” Zefa asked casually.

“No way, who told you to run around! This is my first time to Justice Island! Ling Song teased.

“Pay attention to the tone, now I am your teacher!” Zefa looked serious and took out the majesty of a teacher.

“Oh! I forgot! Yes yes yes, Zefa-sensei! Just faux pas! ”

Ling Song said the title of the teacher on his mouth, but the appearance of Hang’er Langdang made Zefa angry.

After calming his mind, Zefa casually flicked his hand and threw a well-made wooden box over: “Give!” Your prize! ”

Ling Song took the wooden box and was overjoyed in his heart.

Without opening it, you can see the inside of the wooden box in full view, and inside is a devil fruit, cantaloupe-shaped, superhuman!

But on the surface, Ling Song didn’t look at the wooden box more, simply put it into his arms, and said easily: “You didn’t bring this thing with you when you came!” I thought you would pay the bill, and it turned out to be so cheerful! It is not in vain to call Zefa-sensei! ”

“A devil fruit, as for the account?” Zefa said arrogantly, this is the fruit of his advance from the world government officials of the Justice Island.

“Huh! The chief instructor of the Navy is really bold, in this case, give me another devil fruit? Ling Song shook his eyebrows.

Zefa was choked, secretly said that this kid was really sharp-tongued, not giving himself a chance to pretend, and hurriedly changed the topic: “Originally, I didn’t expect to really give it to you, this test, even the Heavenly Wizard is difficult to pass!” ”

“I also find it strange that you say that! I have fought with some of your students, they are even graduates, but I am afraid that they will not even pass the first stage of the test! Ling Song thought of Xiuen.

“What rank is he?”

“I heard that it is the rank of major, but it has the combat power of colonel, and I am very dissatisfied with your graduation judgment!” Ling Song laughed.

Zefa ignored Ling Song’s ridicule and said calmly: “That naturally can’t be passed, because this test was originally a general-level graduation exam for those with animal ability!” ”

“Huh?” Ling Song’s eyes widened, “What kind of plane are you doing, you actually changed my entrance test to a general graduation exam!” ”

“But didn’t you pass? The ending is the same! Zefa said leisurely.

“It’s different! It is necessary for me to inform the Warring States! You simply didn’t take his orders seriously! Ling Song threatened.

The corners of Zefa’s mouth turned up, and he didn’t think so!

“You don’t have to threaten me, you don’t have to trick me, change the test thing, the Warring States know, and allow it, and even bet with me, bet that you pass, for this I personally came to test you!” You don’t really think that every relationship is personally ‘taken care of’ by me, do you? ”

“Huh? He pays so much attention to me? Ling Song said with some curiosity.

He had only seen the Warring States side, and at that time he was only 800 Dao power level and had some potential, but if he said that he was so attentive, Ling Song was not so narcissistic.

“Don’t underestimate the admiral’s eyesight, don’t underestimate the navy’s intelligence capabilities, maybe you exposed the strength of the general level in other places, and he has long known it!” Zefa spread out his hands, “Anyway, I fell into a trap without knowing you at all!” Your age, very deceptive! ”

“Somewhere else?” Ling Song was abrupt.

After he absorbed the Devil Fruit, he fought with Tea Dolphin and Peach Rabbit, maybe Sengoku knew it from the two.

“I pay attention to the surroundings before each experimental ability, and there should be no exposure to black energy!” Ling Song thought to himself.

In the prehistoric years, he had become accustomed to being cautious, and now it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

“By the way, one more thing,”

he said

Zefa handed over another card, printed with the pattern of Marin Fandor, with a seagull in the upper right corner, and a dashing and flowing “will” written in the center.

“Although it is nominally an entrance test, after all, you have passed my general-level graduation exam, and with this card, you can go to the Navy headquarters to register as a ‘commodore’ and receive your naval cloak and direct military establishment, including a warship of your own.”

“Wow! Directly promoted from private to brigadier general? ”

Ling Song pretended to be surprised, but did not take the card from Zefa’s hand.

“Huh? Don’t you want it? Zefa’s brows furrowed slightly.

Ling Song smiled, sitting casually, but his eyes were sharp, like a sharp sword, and said meaningfully: “Teacher Zefa, you are a devil fruit and a brigadier general, and you also dumped the pot that pit me to the Warring States, in the end…” What is the purpose? ”

Don’t look at Ling Song’s usual hanging, like to rip off, but in fact, he is very shrewd, and the benefits of Zefa one after another are really suspicious!

Hearing the sound, Zefa was first stunned, then shook his head with a smile, put away the card, and laughed boldly: “You boy, you are really clever, and you refuse to relax for a moment!” ”

“Nonsense! Take a short hand, eat a short mouth! After you have given enough benefits, you should put forward conditions! Zefa, Zefa! Look at your honest appearance, how can you be as sophisticated as the Warring States! Ling Song said with unceremonious disdain.

“That’s it! Don’t mention those! Zefa didn’t care about Ling Song’s name, “From beginning to end, you are not an attitude of admiration for me and the Warring States, there are few people in the navy who despise discipline like you, this courage is worthy of being the owner of the overlord color domineering!” ”

“Don’t button my hat, I… Wait a minute! What do you say I have? Ling Song’s eyes widened.

After communicating with Zefa for so long, it was the first time that something could touch his heartstrings like this.

Of course, he knows what it is, it is the legendary imperial posture!

“It seems that you don’t know when you awakened, or even that you have an overlord-colored domineering!”

Immediately, Zefa briefly recounted the impact of Ling Song’s transformation into King Kong, especially the coercion that Zefa himself felt and the fainting of the garrison onlookers, which was used as strong evidence of the overlord’s domineering.

“Wait! You should have misunderstood! Ling Song suddenly remembered something.

If he awakens the overlord color, then it stands to reason that because of the existence of black energy, the overlord color will be independently developed once, and he will know the ability of the developed overlord color.

And if he doesn’t know it now, it means that there is no awakening.

But suddenly, it seemed that Ling Song had just mentioned the concept of overlord color in his heart and black energy, and a series of explanations appeared in Ling Song’s mind out of thin air.

Ling Song’s expression suddenly became wonderful, as if he had hit himself in the face.

“It’s really awakening! It’s just that I was in a coma at the time, and the information after self-development was not successfully fed back to me, and I didn’t mention it after that, so I never found out! ”

He actually awakened the overlord color!

And according to the information fed back by the black energy, the awakening time was five years ago, which was the period when he was chased by the prehistoric behemoth!

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