Navy headquarters, office of the Grand Admiral of the Sengoku.

The office of the people with real power in the navy was in a mess at this time, except for the desk where the confidential documents were kept, the rest of the coffee tables and sofas were destroyed by Zefa under the anger.

The soldiers guarding the door had already run to the corridor and raised the cordon, fearing that someone would be accidentally injured when they passed, and at the same time notified the repair department to make plans to renovate the office.

The neatly taken care of the explosive head of the Warring States is a little messy, there is no usual shelf at all, and together with Zefa, it sits directly on the ground.

“I haven’t fought for a long time, and your armed color is still so strong!”

Sengoku picked up a plate of snacks from the ground, patted the dust on it, and handed it to Zefa.


Zefa did not appreciate it at all, and directly threw his hand, and the plate was flown away along with the snacks, and the crisp cracking sound made the navy heartbeat outside the door suddenly miss half a beat.

The two people inside are the highest combat power of the Navy! If you really want to fight, the entire headquarters of the Navy will be destroyed!

The Warring States were also not angry, Zefa did not smash his desk, already gave him face, and said with relief: “I know you can’t figure it out, but at the moment there is a lot of pressure on the naval side, uniting with pirates, let them wear out, it is a strategy!” ”

“your strategy! Pirates recognized by the government? Thanks to you for coming up with it! Zefa smashed his punch into the ground, and it was immediately a hole.

“The most hateful thing is that you still hide from me? Exclude me? Saying that, Zefa wanted to punch the Warring States again, and even wanted to go to the sea to fight with all his strength.

Smashing some tables, chairs and benches, or even venting a fight, will not relieve him.

Sengoku swallowed his saliva!

If you want to tell you, isn’t the result in front of you?

But he would not touch Zefa’s mold, and still persuaded him with good words: “I didn’t tell you, I felt that the time was not ripe, and I was telling you after Qiwu Hai came up with some effects, such as destroying some pirate groups, you will also have some improvement and be more acceptable!” ”

“Cut! I’m afraid that at that time, raw rice was cooked and matured, and I thought that I would stop making noise at most, right? Zefa said with disdain.

Sengoku was slightly surprised, when did Dark Dao Zefa become so astute that he could guess this.

But on the surface, the Warring States pretended to be aggrieved and shouted unjustly: “We really just use pirates to fight pirates, and open up the government to recognize this condition, that is, empty gloves white wolves, when they are almost consumed internally, the navy will appear in a righteous posture, and the students taught by you will give them a fatal blow!” ”

Saying this, Zefa’s face was slightly better, and said, “Really just using?” ”

“Definitely just exploiting!” Seeing Zefa’s relenting, the Warring States hurriedly responded, “Therefore, you must cultivate more and better elite navies, and the ultimate battle in the future depends on you!” ”

The Warring States made up their minds, no matter what, let Zefa teach with peace of mind first!

Once he met a talented student, he would have no time to care about Qi Wuhai’s affairs.

“Don’t hold me! Sengoku, I know you spend a lot of intestines! I will always pay attention to the movements of Nanabukai! I will come back once this plan does not work! ”

After speaking, Zefa glared at the Warring States fiercely and got up from the ground!

Before leaving, he deliberately did not go out through the door, but pierced a wall to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

Sengoku let out a soft breath!

Anyway, he finally let Zefa go back, and even about betting on winning bets, he didn’t dare to talk to Zefa.

“Fortunately, Karp went out, otherwise he would definitely laugh crazy!”

Sengoku got up from the ground, glanced at his office, quite helpless, restored his majestic appearance, and shouted to the door: “Come and clean up here!” ”

Hearing the order of the Warring States, the soldiers of the repair department, who had been waiting trembling outside the door, immediately rushed in, cleaned up the debris, carried the broken coffee table and sofa out, and replaced them with new furniture.

Those with the right abilities rushed over and filled the holes in the wall!

An hour later, the office was restored and all the soldiers retreated.

Warring States sat behind the desk that survived, thinking that it must be Ling Song, this kid who missed his mouth, and then summoned a herald soldier and said, “You go to the elite naval training camp and bring Ling Song to me!” Let’s just say that I want to congratulate him on successfully entering Zefa’s training camp! ”


The herald was ordered to leave.

Sengoku took a deep breath and pulled open the drawer of his desk, ready to take time to finish some work, but just then, the voice of the phone bug rang.

“Poof! Poof! ”

Sengoku followed the prestige and found that it was not the contact phone bug set up by the office, but the special phone bug that contacted special people!

Immediately, Sengoku carefully turned the chair back and connected the phone.

“Pan-fried rice cake!” Sengoku said the joint code.

“Fried rice crackers, it’s me!” The voice of an adult man came. Sengoku took out a stack of files, and the special person corresponding to the joint code of fried rice crackers was “Lieutenant Commander Rosinandi of the Navy Headquarters”!

“Ahh It’s Rosinandi! “An introverted child comes to Sengoku’s mind.

At that time, Rosinandi was adopted by him as a righteous son, raised by him, and after joining the navy, he was guided by Zefa, and was a silent man who ate the fruit of silence.

And Rosinandi’s identity is very special, he is the brother of “Tenyasha” Doflamingo! After graduation, he was sent undercover to Doflamingo in order to report to him the movements of Don Quixote’s pirates.

Due to the dangerous tasks performed, it is generally not directly communicated with the phone worm!

“I’m going to pause for a moment.” Rosinandi’s voice was calm but firm.

“Did something go wrong?” Sengoku asked with concern.

Rosinandi’s identity in the Don Quixote Pirates is “Heart” Corazon, was it discovered?

Don Quixote’s Pirates are notorious and extremely cunning in the North Sea, and without Rosinandi’s intelligence, it is difficult to know the whereabouts of the gang.

“It’s just a personal matter.”

Rosinandi’s answer was not clear, and it was difficult to see this situation in the special line report.

He was professionally trained and knew his worth, but he had to suspend his undercover job for the sake of a child with lead disease who was running out for a short time.

After all, there is a “D” in that kid’s name!

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