Actually, it’s not too hard a multiple-choice question.

The red gold armor of the King Orangutan Beast is a re-enhanced ape suit, and the super special move “Photon Destruction Ball” is an advanced version of the “Dark Necronomic Ball”!

In general, the king orangutan beast is equivalent to the polar body evolved after strengthening the various values of the orangutan beast in the original complete body stage, which has become much stronger, but there has been no qualitative change.

The steel orangutan beast is constantly broken and reborn in the black hole, with unyielding intention under the dark web to transform and evolve the polar body, the body surface coating of the ultra-digital alloy, known as the hardest metal in the digital world, the defense is amazing.

Its super special skill “Death Light Thunderbolt Sword” closely connects darkness and death, and the dark thunder of death light born from the sky descends from the sky, and pursues the dark web of complete orangutan beasts to the end.

Although the combat effectiveness of the two on the Digimon Book is almost the same, Ling Song is more inclined to the Iron Orangutan Beast, believing that that is the orthodox evolution direction of the Orangutan Beast.

Beyond that, there are deeper reasons.

“King Orangutan Beast’s special skill [Monkey Play] can tease the enemy like a joke in battle, reflecting its flexibility, this skill occupies a considerable part of the King Orangutan Beast’s combat power, but for me, it is not particularly needed!”

Ling Song is clear about his future development direction.

Since it is an ape fruit, whether it is in the form of King Kong or the orangutan form, it emphasizes the increase in strength, especially between physical strength and upper limb explosiveness.

Therefore, the direction of ape fruit development that Ling Song has always insisted on is [refining body]!

Endless sharpening of the body!


Supreme punch!

“From the perspective of the evolutionary process, the experience of the Iron Orangutan Beast is more exaggerated, and the physical strength value is much higher than that of the King Orangutan Beast, which helps me more!”

The combat effectiveness of the two polar bodies is similar, but each has its own strengths, the king orangutan beast is more inclined to the flexibility of the “monkey”, and the outstanding feature of the steel orangutan beast is the physical strength, that is, the power of the “ape”!

Without too much hesitation, Ling Song chose the ultimate choice – the Iron Orangutan Beast!

Black glow flashed!

From semi-development to full development, it belongs to different stages of the same form of ape fruit.

Unlike the black light film that wrapped Ling Song’s whole body when breaking through the form, this time, the black energy did not pop out of Ling Song’s body surface, but moisturized Ling Song’s limbs from the inside out.

After all, he was originally developed again on the basis of the digital virus species, and the same genus did not need to be greatly modified!

Ling Song’s devil fruit is gradually developing into [Ape Fruit, Digital Virus Species, Steel Orangutan Beast Form], and the original complete orangutan beast form is still retained.

“Although it is moist, the consumption rate of black energy is not slow at all!” Ling Song carefully observed the changes in development, and in the process of moisturizing, the comfort of the increased strength was clear!

As he immersed himself in the process of becoming stronger, Oimo and Casey, who had overcome all the way on the island before justice, had reached the first main gate.

“The Giants are terrible! Can’t stop it! ”

“Our strength is as weak as ants and will be trampled to death!”

“Quick! Get out of the way! They are rushing towards this place! It’s over if you are hit by a giant hammer! ”

The guards were crushed and watched as the two giants arrived at the port of Maedajima, where the warships and ships of Justice Island were stationed.

At this time, two people calmly walked towards the giant from behind the guards, whether it was clothing or expression, they were in sharp contrast with the panicked guards.

Both were men in suits and shoes, with the scent of government seriousness.

One of them was older, about twenty-three years old, with long braids and a figure-eight beard, but his suit was more like a Chinese martial arts suit, with an open mouth, a red belt tied around his waist, and a pair of eyes as cunning and violent as a wolf.

The other person is younger, slightly older than Ling Song, combed in a medium-sized type, and dressed in a black suit very regularly, but the anger between his eyebrows is compelling, I don’t know how many unjust souls died tragically at his hands, not like the temperament that a teenager should have.

If you look closely, you will find that the older one is half a step behind this teenager, and his status is clear at a glance!

“Who are they? It looks like a government person! Want to fight giants? ”

The guards of Justice Island did not know the two, but the two looked like fierce and evil people, even the government’s clothing could not hide the fierceness, and immediately gave way to a road.

The encirclement opened a path, with Oimo and Casey on one side, and two people who suddenly appeared on the other.

“It’s Luki and Gabra!”

Spandyne’s eyes lit up with hope again.

CP9 is an intelligence agency hidden in the dark, and the Justice Island Guard may not know the members, but as the chief of CP9, he knows everyone’s appearance!

Although these two subordinates have only joined CP9 for a few years, their strength is one of the best, especially Lu Qi, who broke through two thousand Dao power at the age of only sixteen and is expected to become the strongest in the CP9 of the previous generations of Justice Island!

But he did not dare to call for help, but glanced at Ling Song carefully!

This man in an orangutan costume is so terrifying, he really has a killing intent, even Lu Qi can’t successfully save him!

“Yo! Luckey! Our commander Spandyne was caught! Gabra grinned, his eyes fixed on Luki, curious to see how the up-and-coming star would react.

In CP9, Luckey has a higher status than him.

Lu Qi did not say anything, his calm eyes did not seem to contain any emotion, and after staying on Spandyne for a few seconds, he focused his attention on Ling Song.

This person is no less conspicuous than Oimo and Casey, and there is no need to think about it, he must be the mastermind of this incident!

“Gabra! Go catch that orangutan! Lu Qi stood still and gave the order directly.

Gabra’s brows tightened slightly, a little displeased with Luqi ordering him!

After all, Lu Qi is a child in his eyes, but Gabra also has to admit that whether it is strength, means or ruthlessness, Lu Qi is above him, and seems to be a person born specifically for CP9.

“Didn’t you see him catch Spandyne? If I rush over, the commander will be in danger! Gabra pushed away, not wanting to make a move.

Hearing this, Luqi turned his head and glanced at Gabra.

The moment the eyes of the two collided, Gabra’s heart beat faster!

Lu Qi’s eyes were so cold, like a god of death staring at him, a chill swept through his heart, as if he was on the edge of a cliff!

Two seconds later, Lu Qi turned around again, seemingly without special intentions, but Gabra did not dare to relax in the slightest!

At that moment, he felt the killing intent!

Lu Qi did not say anything to Gabra, but continued to look at Ling Song, his tone was not warm, and said: “It doesn’t matter if Spandyne is dead or not!” Weakness is ‘sin’! When he is caught, he has no right to live! What we will protect next is justice on the Island of Justice! ”

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