The Red Earth Continent is like a heavenly graben that separates the world, and on its cliff wall, Ling Song is like an arrow off the string, quickly rushing up.

The other trainees were left far behind, and they were not even qualified to eat dust.

“Normal burst of power once, can fly about 100 meters! But it’s not the limit, the body is properly coordinated, and it can be faster and higher! Ling Song put his right hand behind his back, embedded his left hand in the Red Earth Continent, and suddenly erupted again.

Overcoming gravity to take off, Ling Song takes advantage of this mastery of his body.

Leaving from the sea level, not long after, it was already submerged into the range of clouds and fog, and there was no one to see left and right, white and empty, lonely and ethereal.

“Shhh Shout! ”

In the cyclical movements, Ling Song felt his physical condition all the time, and the height of each takeoff became more and more exaggerated.

The potholes left by the one-handed explosive power change from shallow to deep, like a vertical upward signpost, guiding the direction for subsequent climbers, and at the same time, it has become a new borrowing point that they can use.

Soon after, the end of the Red Earth Continent appeared in Ling Song’s vision, and his figure broke away from the clouds, and in front of him was no longer a cliff, but a fairyland-like town.

“This is Mary Joa?!” Down-to-earth, Ling Song looked at the new environment.

Located at the top of the Red Earth Continent, where the headquarters of the world government is located, it is also the gathering place of the world’s aristocratic “Draco”, and is dubbed the “Holy Land”.

As far as the eye can see, spotless white clouds fill the heavens and earth, turning into the main backdrop of Mary Joa, and the white clouds merge with the town, like a legendary paradise of bliss, sacred and full of redemption.

In the middle of the town, a tall and majestic giant castle rises from the ground, the only building beyond the height of white clouds, bathed in the sun, it seems to support the sky, and people are incomparably small in front of the castle.

“When Fisher Tiger made a fuss about Mary Joa two years ago, it was said that many buildings were set on fire, but now there is no trace left! What a big project! Ling Song snorted softly.

With the strength of Fisher Tiger, he must make enough exaggerated movements to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

The fire of that year must have burned half of the sky!

And now Mary Joa, beautiful and dusty, behind it, I don’t know how many newly captured slaves rushed to work day and night, poured out with blood and sweat.

Ling Song thought about it, and a thin man in a ninja costume ran in front of him, with yellow spots and black shoulders, a dark pink mask covering his head, and a green sheathed scimitar behind his back.

“Huh? Someone climbed up so quickly! The visitor was surprised that there would be a person standing in that position, and judging from the clothes, the other party was indeed a trainee, and greeted, “Student, look here!” I’m Auxiliary Bintz! ”

After the last voyage, Binz did not return with the training fleet, but instead came to Mary Joa to apply for customs clearance from the World Government, paving the way for this voyage.

Long horse face, thick lips, a little funny, for this person, Ling Song was deeply impressed.

Those who are capable of flourishing fruits can manipulate the rapid growth of plants, but do not seem to know how to develop them.

Otherwise, he should become a strong person like the original Hokage, one move Mudun is enough to be famous all over the world, if it continues to develop, it can make Immortal Law Mudun True Thousands of Hands Topping Buddha, presumably the Warring States will also rob people with Zefa!

Binz looked at Ling Song, holding a stack of files in his hand, flipped through it, and said, “It’s Ling Song!” The speed of your coming up is too fast, and the living area has not yet been arranged, so you should go to [Outer City] first! ”

“No training plan?” Ling Song was a little surprised, thought about it, and then relieved.

Although Zefa has the status of the chief instructor of the Navy, it is still unrealistic to want to train in Mary Joa!

“Well, for the time being, it is free time, and when the time is later, you can ask the local escort about our residence!” Binz glanced at Ling Song a few more times.

In their analysis, the trainees wanted to climb up, it should be at sunset, and now, the sun is just right.

“Then I’ll go shopping!” Ling Song grinned.

The seat of the world government, there must be many treasures!

Originally, he was ready to explore and explore, and now he has free time, what a coincidence!

“Remember! Just wander around [outside the city]! Don’t go to the [inner city], it is the living area of the world’s nobles, and there are also prisons for slaves, although you are the navy, but those people will not give face, if they want to capture you as a slave, it will be difficult for Zefa-sensei’s side! Binz reminded seriously!

“Inner city? Is that the castle? Ling Song pointed to the giant building in the distance.

“No, no, no! That’s the Holy Fort, only the highest authority of the world government and the Draco can enter, and no one else can enter! The inner city I am talking about is a rich area built on it, you don’t accidentally break in, look at the street signs more! Binz explained.

“Oh! Where you can’t go in…” Ling Song said, staring at the so-called Holy Fort all the time.

In other words, the Holy Fort is equivalent to the headquarters of the World Government and the high-end club of the Draco.

“Remember to come back when it’s dark! Don’t go to the inner city! Binz reminded again.

Ling Song nodded, but did not listen to it in his heart.

You can’t enter the inner city! The Holy Fort can’t enter either!

Then it is even more necessary to find out!

After all, Draco feeds the devil fruit to slaves as entertainment props, and Mary Joyane, there should be quite a few!

“Do you really understand?” Binz looked at Ling Song who was out of his mind, frowning intently, very worried that he didn’t explain clearly!

“Don’t worry, I won’t go!” Ling Song prevaricated, and then strode towards the Holy Fort.

The outer city is one kilometer from the edge of the Red Earth Continent, and the name feels like a suburb, but in fact, the style of the entire outer city is like a first-class kingdom capital.

Visitors include a fleet of merchants, famous adventurers, world government officials, royal merchants, and more, and the streets are well-decorated, the houses are orderly located, and all kinds of curiosities are sold in the shops.

And what surprised Ling Song the most was that there were many phone worms monitoring outside the city, whether it was a small video phone bug or a self-propelled giant phone worm, it could be seen everywhere.

“It’s convenient to use local materials!”

Ling Song’s gaze locked on the Holy Fort and approached along the curved street, passing by the phone worm, and flicked out the black light cable like lightning, blackening it.

After the successful control, Ling Song did not interrupt its data transmission, and the world government did not find any abnormalities.

Gradually, the phone bugs encountered along the way are under control!

And he stood not far from the entrance of the boundary between the inner and outer cities.

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