The battle finally broke out, and the cadets felt like their hearts were about to jump out!

The size of the giant ice is terrifying enough, but it still has the speed of breaking through the qi barrier, and in the blink of an eye, half of the sky is covered by this giant ice!

“Am I just dying here? Hurtful captain…”

Some trainees had a broken mentality, and wanted to take one last hateful look at the person who angered Green Pepper before dying, but found that at some point, Ling Song had walked far away in front of the team and faced the giant ice alone.

“Want to solve us with this piece of Xiaoice?”

Ling Song raised his head to look up at this giant ice, the corner of his mouth gently lifted a touch of disdain, slowly raised his right hand above his head, and the moment he touched the ice, he shook like lightning.


The seemingly random shake actually contained terrifying power, and the giant ice that swept towards everyone instantly changed course and flew to the right at a faster speed.

The trainees only saw Ling Song raising his right hand, but they didn’t understand what was happening, and the giant ice that they thought would take their lives actually disappeared like a human evaporation.


Two seconds later, there was the sound of a giant crashing somewhere outside the field of vision!

The trainees then knew that they were saved!


Looking at the back of Ling Song, the female trainees were sluggish, and their eyes suddenly lit up with a strange look, and even Ain’s face couldn’t help but turn red.

“Like, it’s become a lot more handsome!” Someone muttered softly.

Under the sunlight, the broad shoulders seem to have become the most trustworthy thing in the world!

They knew that Ling Song was very strong, but they couldn’t imagine that he would be strong to this level!

At the front of the team, Ling Song lowered his hand, and his figure trembled slightly. Shake.

That’s not fear! It’s exciting!

The huge ice thrown by the green pepper’s hand had a very good impact, and his hand hit it, and it was shocked a little painfully!

Such a pleasant sense of blow made Ling Song feel that his blood was boiling!

“That little ghost… Unexpectedly blocked the attack of the leader of the green peppers! Everyone in the Eight Treasure Water Army was unbelievable, especially the excitement in Ling Song’s eyes, which made them extremely puzzling!

Counterpart! I don’t really want to fight with Green Peppers!

The trainees looked at the surprised appearance of the Eight Treasure Water Army, not only were they no longer afraid, but they had increased their confidence a lot!

“Captain mighty!”

“I love you Captain!”

“Sorry! I doubted you before! ”

The male and female trainees rushed to cheer for Ling Song, and when they heard the voice, Ling Song looked back at everyone.

“Look, see!” Some female trainees held their faces and actually committed idiocy.

However, Ling Song just quietly scanned the group of trainees, not rejoicing at their flattery, and said coldly: “Do you want to be an audience?” ”

Hearing the sound, the trainees’ expressions of joy for the rest of their lives froze, as if they felt the endless cold wind flowing into their hearts, which was even more cold and frightening than the external environment!

“Ship…” Some people are too frightened to speak.

What does it feel like?

Is it killing intent?

Ling Song continued: “Twenty minutes, solve the Eight Treasures Water Army over there!” If you didn’t complete the task! All of you, don’t eat for three days! ”


The trainees hurriedly replied, not daring to have the slightest resistance in their hearts!

They never expected that Ling Song would still be so scary!

That kind of coldness is ten thousand times more terrifying than Ain and Zefa!

Then all the trainees looked at the Eight Treasures Water Army on the other side of the ice field, their eyes devouring, all of them were like crazy beasts.

“Hee-hee-hee!” Ain pursed her lips and snickered.

In the past, she was intimidating the trainees, but today, someone has done it for her!

“Cut! I fight, you watch the battle, think beautiful! Ling Song muttered and turned around, then stepped on his feet, and his figure rushed straight out like a cannonball.

I saw several afterimages flash, and he crossed the entire ice field within a few seconds and disappeared from the sight of the trainees.

“The captain went to fight the green pepper!”

“Don’t be distracted! Let’s get rid of these people first! ”

“You guys, don’t hold back! I want to eat! I want to eat! ”

The counterattack horn sounded, and the cadets attacked the Eight Treasure Water Army viciously, and after Ai Yin saw Ling Song go away, he also joined the battle.

On the other side, Ling Song came to Green Pepper, and the two were only three meters apart.

“How daring! Gremlin! ”

Green pepper is tall, fat, white beard and long hair, and has “12” printed on the left side of his forehead, which is the mark of the pillars of the Eight Treasures Water Army of the past.

“Less nonsense! Your round body must be a very good sandbag! Ling Song rubbed his fists and scanned the green pepper from beginning to end, as if looking at a new toy.

Green Pepper’s eyes opened a slit, his gaze was sharp, his white hair was windless, and he said in a deep voice, “Sandbag? Are you, like Karp, a navy who practices physical skills? Hateful! What the hell are you doing here? Did Karp send you to me off? ”

Ling Song’s five fingers spread out, and he looked at the green pepper with a smile: “No!” I’m here to… Seize your overlord color! ”

As soon as the words fell, the momentum on Ling Song’s body climbed step by step, and a coercive pressure spread out, filled with a barbaric aura.


At the same time, being dragged by the breath, the momentum of the green pepper also climbed, staring angrily, looking terrifying, and the beard swinging violently,


The powerful wave of qi spread around the two of them, and where they were fighting, the air was violently distorted, faintly flashing with black arcs, which seemed to produce invisible cracks!

Overlord color conflict!

The same overlord-colored domineering person collides with the momentum of the battle!

Domineering and domineering duel, before the two sides made a move, they had already pushed the atmosphere to the height of the battle. Tide.

“Overlord color!” Green Pepper looked at Ling Song in disbelief, “Will the navy also have an overlord color?” Brat! Are you fantasizing about where to be king? ”

“I’m the Hunter King! And you are my prey! Ling Song grinned.

The prerequisite for overlord color seizure requires Ling Song to collide with the other party with his overlord color, and when this point is satisfied, as long as he wins, he can seize the opponent’s overlord color domineering!

“Hmph! A person with overlord color domineering, in the sea area of the new world, is this your arrogant capital? Let me bring you back to this harsh reality! ”

Young people always have unrealistic fantasies, and at this time, they need the guidance of the older generation!

Green Pepper looked down at Ling Song, his waist was strong, and he leaned forward and smashed his head.

“Eight Chong Fist Martial Head!”

Although Karp smashed his cone into the ugly appearance that is now dented, the iron head that is difficult to hurt by the sword is still his only weapon against the enemy!

Ling Song knew that the iron head of the green pepper was very strong, and he did not underestimate the enemy, and raised two fists at the same time!

“Normal Two punches!”

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