The warship carrying the cadets slowed down, Hawkeye raised his head slightly, and without pretentiousness, jumped to the aft deck.

And the small boat he was riding on before was casually abandoned by him in the sea.

“He threw his own boat? Aren’t you ready to leave? ”

“Did you fancy the gold here? But a person, it doesn’t look like a pirate? ”

“What the hell was the idea of the captain letting him board the ship? Don’t let your guard down! ”

Hawkeye is usually low-key, and as a swordsman, he just likes to compete with like-minded people.

will not take the initiative to provoke anyone, nor is it warm-hearted, naturally can’t make big news, until the original work became one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, was named the identity of “the world’s number one sword hero”, finally known by the world.

And for now, although his opponent who usually practices swords is one of the four emperors, he is not as famous as a vicious pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million, and the trainees naturally do not know him.

As soon as he boarded the ship, Hawkeye noticed the haphazard pile of gold on the deck, which was difficult to count.

Except for the necessary aisles, the rest of the place is full of gold!

Such a warship with a naval flag is more like a group of pirates who have become rich.

“Strange people! Strange ship! ”

Hawkeye thought to himself, ignoring the trainees, as if entering no man’s land, showing indifference to everything.

And the trainees on his way forward all took the initiative to retreat.

Just by inadvertently sweeping the eagle’s eyes, the trainees felt a trace of panic, and a feeling of invincibility arose in their hearts.

Where is this person, it is clearly a sharp blade, and even the light can cut through people.

Passing through the aisles crowded with gold jewels, Hawkeye arrives at a large cabin, a dining room, where the amount of gold piled up is even more terrifying, and there is almost no place to stay except for a seat.

“Come on! Eat! ”

As soon as he entered the cabin door, Ling Song greeted.

At the table, there are nearly 50 people serving a variety of food, and more meat and fruit are constantly being brought to the table.

And Ling Song was sitting opposite a large table of food, nibbling on pieces of meat the size of a wardrobe, chewing ferociously and eating fiercely.

There was a spot in front of Hawkeye, and the gold that landed on the ground was cleared, and Black Knife Night leaned back in the chair and sat down at will.

“What would the guest like?” Ain greeted with a smile, like a welcoming hostess.

“Some wine, thanks!”


Simply asking for some wine, Hawkeye sat quietly across the table, without saying a word, seemed to be sleepy, pulled down the brim of his hat, and took a nap.

It wasn’t until all kinds of pieces of meat on the table were absorbed into Ling Song’s stomach that he raised his head again, and there was still no expression on his face.

“Keep you waiting!” Ling Song wiped his mouth.

The trainees removed the mountains of empty plates, and then did not enter again, the huge living room, only three people remained, Ai Yin stood behind Ling Song.

“I want to talk to you again!”

Hawkeye is extremely patient, but likes to be straight to the point, and like his kendo, he is bright and clear, and does not like to go around corners.

“But I don’t want to yet.”

“I can wait!”

“You wait? When will the ship be heading for the G3 branch of the Navy, will you also go with it? ”

“It doesn’t matter where you go!”

In Hawkeye’s heart, the naval branch is really not a special place.

When he was young and went out to practice, he would even go to the navy to find powerful swordsmen to compete, and he was almost rewarded.

“Looks like you’ve made up your mind!”

With the ability to see and hear and read minds, Ling Song can hear the decision of Hawkeye’s heart!

Without cutting off his armed color suit, Hawkeye will not leave.

This kind of thinking is somewhat like the retreat in Xiuxian novel.


Hawkeye nodded slightly, and when he boarded the ship, he discarded the boat he had passed the time, obviously iron-hearted.

He had long passed the age of traveling, and he only wanted to accumulate a deeper layer on the sword path, and he didn’t mind following Ling Song’s path to arrange his itinerary.

Anyway, it’s also idle.

“But that’s just wishful thinking! If you want to live for nothing on my rich warship, you can’t do it! Ling Song knocked on the dining table and showed a difficult look, “So be it!” Join me! I can let you follow me! ”

Hearing the sound, Hawkeye did not respond, but just watched, obviously weighing the gains and losses.

He is very idle, but some things, like joining a certain organization, are not arbitrary.

Through seeing and hearing and reading minds, Ling Song clearly heard Hawkeye’s heart again.

Hawkeye has a unique personality, goes his own way, and does not like the environment of the Navy.

Ling Song then began: “I forgot to tell you!” Although this warship is a warship of the Navy, I am not just a navy, she is not, and my power does not belong to the navy! ”

Hawkeye still didn’t speak, but deflected his gaze and looked at Ain.

Once on board, he noticed that the woman had been commanding the navies, which were willingly obedient.

It’s really strange!

Hawkeye thought in his heart, and took the initiative to speak: “Just the two of you? ”

Ling Song smiled slightly, waved his hand, and Ai Yin agreed, and handed over the two bounty orders.

Hawkeye took the bounty order, glanced at it seemingly casually, and then put it down casually, but his gaze towards Ling Song was different.

“They are your subordinates!”


“You’re better than them?”

“Of course! Still want to try? ”

Ling Song spoke, but did not wait for Hawkeye to reply.

[Overlord Color Deterrence] swept out invisibly, and the domineering energy that was enough to cover the island was all locked on Hawkeye.

With the second development and some theoretical aids, he has been able to freely control the intensity and object of action of the overlord color.


Hawkeye, who has always acted calmly, widened his eyes!

“It’s actually overlord color domineering!”

As if to counter Ling Song’s sudden intimidation, his eyes became sharper!


The dining table breaks from the center.

It is not an overlord-colored collision, but it is just a mutual tumble in momentum, causing substantial physical damage.


Ling Song praised, Hawkeye’s aura was not inferior to those overlord-colored possessors.

Then, his expression was grim, and the overlord color was fully opened, and the invisible aura was completely suppressed, deterring the other party’s heart.

Hawkeye’s eyes gradually narrowed, under indescribable pressure, and finally, he had to look away!

The courageous confrontation has divided the victory and defeat.

“Unlike Shanks’ overlord color, your overlord color… It was like rushing straight into my heart! ”

Hawkeye commented, breathing slightly unevenly.

Ling Song’s true strength was beyond his imagination, and it vaguely had the demeanor of the Four Emperors.

“So what is your choice?”

“Yes! I’ll follow you for a while! ”

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