The distribution of naval branch fortresses is very characteristic, starting from the Red Earth Continent Upside Down Mountain, the naval branches in the first half of the Great Route are even, the closer to the naval headquarters, the smaller the even, such as the G8 branch of the Navy, near the empty island; The G2 branch of the Navy is located near the headquarters of the Navy and is even under the high command of Borusalino.

And over the holy red earth continent, into the new world, the naval branches are all odd, the deeper into the new world, the greater the odd number, such as the naval G1 branch, which is near the red earth continent; Naval G5 Branch, located in the middle of Punk Hassad and Dressrosa.

But unlike the first half of the Great Voyage, the New World is after all the territory of the Four Emperors, and the odd naval branch is an outpost placed to reflect the majesty of the government, and its main role is to keep an eye on the movements of the Four Emperors and does not play a deterrent role.

So even the G9 branch of the Navy has not even been able to penetrate a third of the New World.

And the destination of this training mission, the G3 branch of the Navy, just on the edge of the territory of the Four Emperors, belongs to the Four Regardless Zone, originally a hidden island, only lost pirates will pass by.

In the evening, from the warship, the cadets finally saw the long-lost naval building, and looked forward to it at the bow, some like wanderers returning home, crying tears.

Although the number of the G3 branch is smaller than that of the G5 branch, in fact, the distance between the two and the Holy Land Red Earth Continent is similar.

The voyage took several days, and they were worried that they were going in the wrong direction.

“Hawkeye-san! Welcome to the day trip to the Naval Branch, the cost is all included by me! Ling Song pushed the wheelchair and smiled at Hawkeye, who was wrapped in a mummy.

Hawkeye remained motionless and responded with silence.

His body was still recovering, and he knew very well that any resistance would be futile.

Ling Song’s personality is very similar to Shanks, obviously they are all overlord-colored domineering owners, but they don’t have a serious look, even bullying the wounded, Ling Song can actually do it.

The G3 branch is built on the mountain, occupying the entire island, with a high wall around the island and reef printed with huge blue seagulls, and seven or eight warships docked in the port, fully armed.

The cannons of various types on the city walls, with dark muzzles and full ammunition, seem to have been originally designed as a fortress of weapons.

“Elite naval training camp, T2 formation, auxiliary instructor Ain asked the G3 branch to allow the warship to dock!”

“After the identity is confirmed, the docking permit is passed, please dock at port 3!”

Ain applied to the G3 branch for docking according to the procedure, and the routine conversation between the two sides ended, and Zefa’s voice came from the other side of the phone worm.

“You’ve finally arrived! Me and the cadets are waiting for you at the port! ”

A month ago, Zefa and Ain successfully got in touch, and also knew that Ling Song would go to Thor Island to awaken the armed color, but after that, the call was disturbed by the climate of Thor Island.

Contact was restored a few days ago, and now that he has returned safely, his heart that has always been hanging can finally be settled.

“Sorry! Too long delay! ”

“Just be safe, let’s talk about other things!”


After ending the call, the countless cannons of the G3 branch did not aim at the warship, and the group correctly sailed into port No. 3 according to the command of the flag commander.

Zefa and the cadets of the same ship waited here early, and the G3 branch vice admiral Huo Yaoshan led the navy to the side.

“Zefa-sensei! This is the Ling Song you have been chanting for a month, right? Hahaha, it’s even more naughty than our sessions! ”

Huoyao Shan was holding a big cigar, squinting, growing a big beard, and his smile gave people a very warm feeling.

Regarding Ling Song’s deeds, he knew a lot when he chatted with Zefa.

“Hahaha! Sort of! Except for your few sessions, it’s this kid who gives me the most headache! Zefa was in a good mood and smiled as he followed.

Fire Mountain and the current general candidate Borusalino are cadets of the same period, and Zefa is very impressed by the group of freaks who ignore discipline.

This man is strong and gentle, and his personality makes Zefa quite appreciated, and he is one of the few vice admirals who has high hopes from Zefa.

The warship docked successfully, but there was no shadow of Ling Song’s people.

Just as the group of people who greeted them felt strange, a series of metal clashing sounds were heard, and the cadets who were on the same ship with Ling Song disembarked from the warship with their heads held high.

Each person held two large boxes full of gold, with various jewels hanging on his body, looking like an upstart.

“These idiots!” Zefa shook his head amusedly.

Ai Yin had briefly reported the situation in the Ice Continent, so he knew that Ling Song had collected a lot of treasures, and now it seemed that the amount was indeed amazing.

But the cadets on the same ship with Zefa and the navy of the G3 branch widened their eyes.

“Groove! Those guys look so good! Didn’t you suffer the loss of the new world? ”

“I also got so many treasures, wow, this amount, there are no pirates to rob them!”

“If these things are handed in, their graduation scores must be very high, it’s hateful, why am I in a group with Zefa-sensei!”

When they were in Mary Joa, they also looked down on the opposite crew because they were in a group with Zefa, but they didn’t expect to see each other for just one month, but the opposite side had achievements that could add points, which made them speechless who had been staying in the G3 branch boring training.

“Hmph! Convinced no! The scum of enemy ships! ”

The trainees of the Ling Song Ship had been imagining the reaction of the trainees of the Zefa Ship when they saw the treasure when they returned home, and at this time, the jealous eyes of the other party were even more obvious than expected.

“Not convinced! Good luck! ”

“Exactly! Defy! ”

“If it weren’t for waiting for you, we would have gotten something better!”

In the face of ridicule, the trainees of the Zefa ship were embarrassed and angry, and they all responded with a hard mouth, but their confidence was quite insufficient.

“Cut! Defy? Everyone! Smash them with money with me! ”

The cadets of the Ling Song ship can remember the ugly faces of the other party before they set sail, and they all want to avenge the pushing and shoving when they were grouped, and in an instant, the gold was used as a hard throwing weapon and thrown hard at the cadets of the “enemy ship”.

The cadets of the Zefa ship did not admit defeat, caught the gold and immediately began to fight back.

Expensive metals fly around in the air and are dizzying.

“Ehahaha! It seems to be fine! Everyone is very spirited, and it is really romantic to celebrate the gathering in a hilarious way! “Burning Mountain swallowed the clouds and mist while admiring the golden battle.

The navy of the G3 branch stared blankly at the fight in the words of the burning mountain, speechless.

Is this the training camp of the legendary Black Fist Zefa? Even the way to play is extravagant!

On the other side, Ling Song pushed Hawkeye and disembarked at the back of the team with Ain.

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