Katerina’s words raised Balorick Ledfield’s status to an unrivaled level.

Not only is one person on a par with Roger, Whitebeard and Golden Lion, but he is also the only man who defeats Marshal Navy Marshal “Steel Bone” empty!

“Your Excellency the Red Earl! A once-in-a-lifetime jailbreak is just around the corner! This one person is in the way! You defeat him, and everyone here will remember your kindness! ”

In this world, there is never a shortage of people who see the wind and steer.

Balorick Ledfield was immediately followed by a group of criminals, and someone provoked Ling Song: “Monkey! Listen, this is the world-shaking Red Earl! Those who know each other, obediently give way, otherwise you will suffer! ”

Such a foxy fake tiger wei’s words, Ling Song couldn’t help but smile, did not pay attention to it, and instead looked at Balorick Ledfield curiously.

Although the other party’s hair is completely white, his eyes are extremely sharp, and he has not been erased by years of prison life, from which a trace of scarlet light can be seen flashing, and his expression is radiant.

“The current Red of Solitude has not eaten the Devil Fruit, but he is not old enough to be in poor physical condition, and his strength is very strong!” Ling Song looked at it again and again, and he knew the proper strength of the Four Emperors of this old man.

In the original work, Count Red escaped when Blackbeard went to advance the city to recruit his subordinates, and after going out, in order to maintain his youth forever, he ate the devil fruit, and was in the form of an animal, phantom beast, bat fruit, and vampire, with the ability to suck blood and control age.

The ability is in line with the title, but it limits the way Barorick Ledfield fights, always thinking about how to suck the blood of the other party, and has put the cart before the horse.

“He didn’t eat the Devil Fruit! He is the strongest! Ling Song assessed.

A powerhouse of the Four Emperor level aroused his interest.

What’s more, if such a legendary pirate does not have an overlord color, it will definitely not be able to pass!

And the overlord color must be the target that Ling Song wants to capture!

“Hahaha! Be afraid! ”

Some people also stood behind Balorick Ledfeld.

Even if it is LEVEL6, the gap between criminals is very large, obviously, in the hearts of these fox fake tiger powerers, the red count is a person worthy of their flattery.

“You guys… Do you want to be my subordinate? ”

Barorick Ledfield finally spoke, his tone was vicissitudes, and his voice was very magnetic.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“We are willing to honor you as the boss!”

“Take us out! Let’s go out and make a mess of the outside world! ”

The criminals laughed viciously while eagerly showing their hearts.

Barorick Ledfield waved his hand boredly, signaling the criminals not to speak, and said indifferently: “That’s just your wishful thinking, I didn’t agree!” ”

Hearing this, the criminal’s sneering expression suddenly froze on his face.

“You… You can’t see us either! ”

They bent their knees twice to become subordinates, and both times they were rejected!

At first, it was Ling Song, now it is the Red Count, are they such unbearable little characters in the eyes of these people?

“Hahahaha! Don’t care, the arrogant Ryder is like that, he likes to be alone! Big Barrel said drunkenly.

Hearing these words, the criminals’ faces were much better, but they retreated from the red count knowingly.

At this time, new LEVEL6 criminals rushed to the vicinity of the pit.

“Are you all gathered around here and won’t you leave?”

A tall man with a high beard and a cold air walked into the room, and behind him, he was also followed by a group of people, and when he saw Balorick Ledfield, he frowned slightly, carefully recalled in his mind, and tentatively said: “Red Earl? ”

This man came in a big battle, and compared to Barorick Ledfield, no one recognized this person.

“Bundy Waldo? Are you still alive? ”

Everyone did not expect that the red count actually responded to this man’s question.

Hearing the name Bundy Waldo, some elderly criminals were impressed and surprised: “It’s him!” Bondi Waldo, the ‘World Saboteur’ listed by the government as the highest threat before the beginning of the era of sea pirates! ”

“It’s an honor that so many people still remember me!” Waldo smiled, showing his sparse teeth, “I have been in a state of frozen suspended animation since I was locked up, and I have just been resurrected by the criminals behind me!” ”

“No wonder it’s so young!” There was some envy in Barorick Ledfield’s words.

“Hahaha! Luck! You guys are gathered here, you won’t be blocked by that monkey, right? Waldo scoffed, and when he was resurrected, he was roughly told the situation, “50 seconds, I’ll fix him!” ”

The criminals are excited again!

This is LEVEL6, there will always be strong people popping up!

Waldo picked up a piece of gravel in the ground and squeezed it hard!

“Momo [100x gun]!”

Waldo is a superhuman ability that eats Momo’s fruit, and the ability is “more, more”, which can increase the size and speed of objects up to a hundred times.

An inconspicuous piece of gravel, multiplied in size and speed to 100 times, was far more powerful than a cannonball under his throw, more like a galloping meteor, carrying a raging fire, towards Ling Song.


The raging wind pressure blew away a group of people, and more criminals who had no time to avoid were affected, and they were seriously injured by bolides on the spot!

“What kind of monster ability is this!”

In an instant, even people who didn’t know Waldo understood why the government called him a world disruptor.

It can throw a gravel with this power, if you throw a large-caliber shell and bomb an island.

“Hee-hee! Snap la! ”

Waldo grinned, satisfied with the stone after the multiplication of Momo’s fruit.

The next step is to take revenge on the world government!

“The ability is good, but the power of the base throwing is not good!”

Multiplying by 100 is a scary ability, but it also depends on what the base number is.

Ling Song slapped his backhand and slapped Momo [100 guns] upward, the bolide just blocked half of the pit, due to the friction of the surface of the air melting, it was the best glue, and the hole mouth suddenly shrank by half!

“Hey, hey, hey! You can’t do it! How did you still help him fill the hole! Katerina complained.

Waldo’s face was very ugly, and he said embarrassed: “Not just now!” I say 50 seconds, just 50 seconds! Momo [100x speed]! ”

As soon as the words fell, Waldo’s speed increased to a very terrifying level, and he burst out!

Even Barorick Ledfeld’s eyes were strange.

No one here could see Waldo’s speed, including Ling Song.

Only a few people who are extremely powerful can find a trace.

“Soon! But did you control it? ”

Ling Song turned sideways, only to feel a hurricane rush out from beside him.

After that, everyone never saw Waldo’s shadow again.

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