Vergau was completely unable to describe his mood in words.

The same undercover navy, the gap between him and Ling Song is like a heavenly graben.

“Obedient! Even one sea area can be calmed, it is me, I will not learn navigation! ”

The large whirlpool for government use is like a domesticated pet, which is no longer a threat, but pushes the boat forward smoothly.

This is Ling Song’s means?

The words of the ape king echoed in Wilgaard’s mind.

Ling Song’s strength is especially above him!

Without saying a word, the two sailed towards the Chambord Islands.

Two days later, the World Economic newspaper published a lengthy report on the “Supremacy” of the dark merchant organization, and Morguns called in the best editors in the entire newspaper to personally review the manuscript, which would advance the description of the events in the city.

This day is destined to be a sensation!

The Navy Supernova is actually undercover, smiling generously!

It is rumored that in the office of Marshal Marshal Marin Fanduo, the Warring States were angry for a day and a night when they saw the newspaper.

In addition, “The Deal of Twenty Devil Fruits”, “The Abuse of the Two Aces of the Advancement City”, “One Man Holds LEVEL6”, etc., each of which can be used as a front-page headline news alone, are all put in today’s report.

The huge amount of information in the newspaper was taken as intelligence by large and small pirate groups.

Everyone knows that there is a dark merchant organization with terrifying strength in the world, as long as you can pay enough Devil Fruit as a price, anything can be done.

Some pirate groups with new and old grudges began to pay attention to the news of the Devil Fruit and spent a lot of money to buy it, ready to come in handy at a critical moment.

The World Government CP Organization included “Supreme” in the mandatory list, and the five old stars, the four emperors, and some forces that have not yet appeared in public have begun to assess the [threat] of “Supreme”.

On the surface, it is just a newspaper circulating in people’s hands, but in fact, it is the beginning of a storm in the era of sea thieves.

Chambord Islands.

Located in front of the Red Earth Continent, it consists of one of the world’s largest mangroves, the “Yarchiman Mangrove”.

The roots of the mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration, and the resin expands up in the air to form bubbles, and then flies into the sky, creating a unique shampoo climate.

The whole island is made up of 79 branches of the Yarchiman mangrove, numbered, Lingsong and Vilgau land at GR 50 and then step into GR No. 1 deep in Chambord.

“The Chambord Islands are not far from the Advance City, and Joker wants to run an auction here, so the place where the commission is cashed is also arranged here.” Ling Song explained to Wilgaard.

Of course, one of the more important reasons is that this place does not belong to any one organization.

The Chambord Islands are the convergence of seven routes in the first half of the Great Voyage, and the Navy once wanted to control it, but the waves of pirates continued to impact, and they couldn’t take it down at all, and the naval base on the island was also in vain, just as an entrance and exit for government officials.

“Your Excellency Ling Song, you can send me here, I will tell Dover to entrust it!”

Vergau had been thinking on the way to the end, with Doflamingo’s temperament, he would never tolerate someone being unfavorable to the people of the Don Quixote family, not to mention that he was the central figure who played a key role in the Dressrosa plan.

He also read the World Economic Newspaper these two days, and Vergo was worried that Doflamingo would set himself on fire!

“That’s not okay, the twenty trade, Joker only paid for ten, I’m here to take the remaining ten!”

Ling Song smiled at Virgao in a friendly manner, but the latter couldn’t help but fight a cold war.

Vergao could feel that Ling Song seemed to really know about Doflamingo’s plan to retaliate!

“Ship? Captain? Suddenly, someone called it that.

Ling Song stopped.

This sound.

He felt familiar.

When I turned around, I saw a young man riding a bubble car, holding toys and souvenirs.

“What a captain!” Tears appeared in the man’s eyes, and the thing fell to the ground, desperately rushing towards Ling Song.

“Stop!” Ling Song gestured to a stop, “Do you want to arrest me?” ”

This man, he recognized, was a cadet on Lingsong’s ship when he sailed to the New World.

“Catch? Hahaha! Don’t catch, don’t catch! The cadet smirked and touched his head, “I’m not a navy anymore, captain, you don’t know yet!” Not only me, but also Teacher Zefa, Auxiliary Teacher Ain and some of the cadets have left the navy! ”

“So many people out of the Navy? Why? ”

Ling Song was slightly surprised, and quickly locked the sight, smell, and mind reading on this trainee.

Zefa, has this already been taken?

“Haha, you may not believe it when you say it, because the navy has arrested you, and we can’t accept it!” By the way, I haven’t congratulated the captain on his successful prison escape! ”

Hearing the sound, a warm current flowed through Ling Song’s heart.

Zefa and Ain are just that, how can these trainees also live blindly!

“Is it necessary to give up a great future for me, an undercover agent?”

“It is said that the Marshal of the Warring States … Bah, it is said that the Sengoku of the Navy also asked Zefa-sensei a similar question,” the trainee thoughtfully, “Zefa-sensei said, nothing is necessary, just a choice, and your significance to us and the Navy’s significance to us made us make such a choice!” ”

“Is it? Have you ever regretted it? Ling Song said with a relaxed smile.

The trainee rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said, “Teacher Zefa also said that the important thing is not identity, but heart, whether we are the navy or not, our behavior must be worthy of our hearts!” Originally, I thought that I would no longer receive a naval allowance, and I was a little reluctant, but later I learned that Teacher Zefa brought out the treasures captured by the Ice Continent with him! Hey! ”

Saying that, the trainee pointed to the souvenir to Ling Song, and took out a large handful of Bailey from his pocket.

Watching all this silently, Ling Song just smiled.

You know, his identity has been disclosed by the World Economic News, the trainees are all deceived people, in this case, still a captain called him, this feeling, not just [Overlord Color Deterrence] invisible subtle role!

Whether it was Zefa or the trainees, their actions were remembered by Ling Song.

“Captain, I didn’t expect to see you in the Chambord Islands! Our ship is coating on the 52nd GR, come with me to meet everyone! The trainee said sincerely.

At this time, everyone who went to the island should also return.

“There is still something on my side, which must be dealt with first.”

Upon hearing Ling Song’s refusal, the trainee was a little anxious.

But then, he saw Ling Song hand over a phone worm.

“You give this thing to Zefa, with it, you can find me!”

The trainee’s expression stretched out, and he happily took the blackened phone worm.

This clearly means post-mortem contact!

“Good!” The trainee gestured that he understood.

“Well, I’ll see you later!”

With a wave of his hand, Ling Song continued to lead Virgao towards No. 1 GR.

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