The group of ugly scolded them in their hearts for a while, these sluts really don't know what to do, and they have already gone to hug their thighs...

The reaction of Sijian was also expected by Wang Zhen. These people worshiped Tong Tiannie extremely, and it was impossible to accept Wang Zhen suddenly.

Wang Zhen knew from the very beginning that this matter must be very troublesome. If Tong Tiannie hadn't drawn a huge cake for Wang Zhen, he might not have agreed to be the palace master...

"Since I dare to say, it is naturally a token of Tong and Grandma Tong. You are the four sword servants of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, right? Grandma Tong also said that you should be maids for me. I will do what I say, and I will naturally prove it when I meet Yu Radical and the others!" The maid or something, it's just Wang Zhen's nonsense.

Meilan, Zhuju and Zhuju looked at each other and followed what Wang Zhen said, tying up the kneeling demons and ghosts, and at the same time sending out a signal similar to fireworks, calling for the other sisters to come down as well.

After all, Wang Zhen is now obviously a friend rather than an enemy. Besides, it is only good for the Vulture Palace to bind these monsters and monsters now.

As for whether it is the enemy's trick?When Wang Zhen fought against Qun Chou just now, a lot of people died and were seriously injured. If it was a trick, the price would be too high.

The most important thing is that the four of them were originally abandoned babies from some poor family under the Daxue Mountain. When the grandmother was collecting medicine, she found that the four infants looked the same. , to teach martial arts.

In the hearts of the four of them, Grandma Tong has been completely deified. Although they don't quite believe what Wang Zhen said, what if it is true?

The few others still wanted to fight stubbornly, but now that they knew the situation was over, they all surrendered and begged.

Only the fifty or so people who are fighting recklessly with Wang Zhen can't tell how hard they are...

How dangerous is internal power than fighting. At this time, if you want to retreat, but you are afraid that you will be backlashed by internal power, it can be described as a nine-death situation.

In less than a stick of incense, Wang Zhen heard the sound of small footsteps, and saw that the person who came was wearing a black, white, red, or orange coat and cloak. The disciples of the Ministry, the Yangtian Ministry, the Zhutian Ministry, and the Chengtian Ministry.

Among the women in white, there is also a woman Wang Zhen recognized. It was the Yangtian radical Fu Minyi whom he had met two months ago when he passed the news to the Spirit Vulture Palace.This person is also considered to be extremely talented in martial arts. He looks like he is only in his twenties, and he actually has an innate realm.

The disciples of the Spirit Vulture Palace were also horrified when they saw Wang Zhen fighting with others.

Granny Yu and Fu Minyi had the highest martial arts skills and understood the meaning of Wang Zhen's actions the most.

"I'm afraid this person's martial arts are still above the Lord!" The two of them couldn't help but have this idea in their hearts.

"Huh? It's Prince Wang?" Only then did Fu Minyi recognize Wang Zhen.

When we met two months ago, I had never seen Wang Zhen take action, but I vaguely felt that Wang Zhen's martial arts was very high, and since he was the person entrusted by the Lord to pass the news, his martial arts would not be too bad, but he never imagined it. , actually came to such a situation.

"Fu Radical, Yu Radical..."

Seeing the arrival of support staff, Meilan Zhuju hurriedly reported Wang Zhen's matter to the two leading radicals.

The people were not idle and did not need to command, and they all threw themselves into the ranks of "making rice dumplings". In a short while, except for the dozens of people who were competing with Wang Zhen for internal strength, the others were already tied up.

All the sisters really hated these people. Even those who fell to the ground with serious injuries would be tied up and tied up. Some of them had already swallowed their breath, lest they use turtle breathing techniques and other tricks to make up for it. sword……

"Wang... Young Master, it's not that I can't trust you, but the matter is very important. Can I talk about it in detail after returning to the palace? These people, I will let the old lady take care of them!"

Grandma Yu said, holding the long sword at her waist, her face was also a little dignified.

It is also a skill to separate the people who want to compete with internal strength. If you are a little careless, you may get yourself into it.

Unless it is the internal strength of the dismantler, which is far superior to the one who competes, can he be foolproof, but Granny Yu is not extraordinary, so she still has this self-knowledge, even if it is "far superior", it is Wang Zhen "far superior" to Yu she.

"No trouble!" Wang Zhen said hurriedly.

I am now maintaining the balance of several external internal forces. How can outsiders be able to disassemble it. At this time, it is just a disservice.

"You wait for it to be on the sidelines, but the deity master has to show some skills."

When the girls heard the words, they secretly said in their hearts: We have already seen your martial arts, but if you want to be the master of the Spirit Vulture Palace, it is not enough to have high martial arts...

At this time, Wang Zhen also felt a little tired. The most important thing was that the time limit for the "pseudo-innate state" was about to pass.

If the people from the Vulture Palace don't come, he will give up... Of course, "giving up" means not playing monkey tricks with these clowns, but directly bringing them down!

I saw a change in Wang Zhen's momentum. Originally, under Wang Zhen's husband, his internal strength seemed to be mighty and mighty, like a panicked day.

Daoist Injustice and other people know that it is not good, but they also know that they are exhausted now and cannot escape the palm of Ling Vulture Palace.

Gradually, those who competed with Wang Zhen began to feel that their whole body strength began to weaken, and those with weaker internal strength had begun to turn black!

It turned out that Wang Zhen was secretly doing things. While mobilizing their inner strength, he mixed his own "Lotus Heart Raising Demon" infuriating into it.

Don't forget, this exercise also has the ability to refine poisons and monsters to strengthen himself. Wang Zhen, who has never seen monsters or something, has already refined a lot of poisons...

Chapter 97. 097 Meet the Lord

In a meeting hall in Lingjiu Palace, the nine radicals gathered together, and Wang Zhen was also there.

The first seat at the top was still empty, and Wang Zhen stood in the hall temporarily, and had already handed over the token and letter that Tong Tiannie gave him to the nine radicals, and it was up to them to judge.

At this time, other radicals who had not seen Wang Zhen before had already learned about Wang Zhen from Fu Minyi and Granny Yu.

Although the female disciples in the Vulture Palace are more or less repelling men, Wang Zhen is obviously an exception, not only because of his "superior" martial arts, but also because he is likely to be the heir of the Lord.

No one ever saw Tong Lama lay down her will, and sure enough things were going to be a lot of trouble.

However, it can be seen that most of the radicals still believe in themselves, including Fu Minyi and Granny Yu.

So even if they were discussing this matter, they did not shy away from Wang Zhen himself.

The only thing that makes Wang Zhen uneasy is that Fu Minyi is winking at her, saying that this fellow seems to have a bad record of "molesting" Duan Yu...

I don't know what was written in Tongmao's letter. It can be seen that the nine radicals are only one step away from recognizing their own identity.

"Wang... Young Master, we..." Granny Yu was still a little hesitant about calling Wang Zhen, and she didn't change her mouth. She seemed to want to say something to Wang Zhen, but at this moment, a disciple of the Vulture Palace came to report.

"All the radicals, the rebellious junior sister found that the life and death talisman of the island owner of Sea Whale Island is showing signs of attack. I don't know whether to give him some antidote first, or..."

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