The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 1386 I Said He Is Number One

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone nearby also looked far away.

"Does this still need to be said? It must be the proud of the proud family, who won the first place without any suspense. Other people, who can compare with him?"

"Yes, Aozongxiao, but one level of existence above the others! Even in the Ao family, Aozongxiao is probably in the top five. Only a few people are better than him. The key is that those are better than him. He is a strong person, and he is the elder of his mother!"

"Not only that, Aozongxiao is only so old now, and it has inherited the inheritance of the Ao family ancestors. To be the first person in the Baiyu is just an easy task. I am afraid that within ten years, everyone in the Baiyu will be honored. Master proudly!"

The voice of discussion one after another.Everyone believes that the first place has no suspense.Others can only fight for second place!

"I am afraid that the biggest loser in this battle for the supremacy of the Baiyu Tianjiao will be Baiyu Academy! That Chen Yu foolishly provoke Ao Zongxiao and the four major forces. This time, it is hard to say whether he can come back alive. "

"Alive? You are too naive, what is Aozongxiao's identity, do you think he will allow Chen Yu to live? Not only that, I am afraid that none of the people from Baiyu Academy want to live!"

"Look, I'm back! Someone is back!"

At this moment, someone pointed to the distant sky and shouted, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Huh? Strange, how come their faces are all with this expression?"

In the sky, hundreds of people appeared one by one, all rushing to the direction of the palace quickly. Everyone had a complex look on their faces, shocked and terrified...

Whoosh whoosh...

Hundreds of people didn't even look at the people below in the bursts of sound.

"It's really weird. In the past, when the Baiyu Tianjiao battled for hegemony, the returning Tianjiao would walk into the palace on foot, accept Baiyu's praise, and at the same time express respect for the top strengths. But what happened to these people?"

In the palace, the top forces gathered in this battle for supremacy. They flew in to face the people inside, but it was extremely disrespectful. The lighter ones would be scolded, and the heavy ones would even be punished on the spot. But now these people don’t. The slightest scruples, as if there was something big and urgent, immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

And at this moment in the palace, the helms of the top forces are all gathered here, everyone’s face has a look of expectation, and on the most central seat, there is a golden robe, extremely luxurious Old man.

With a majestic look on his face, he glanced at the many big bosses present, as if he was a courtier, and he was the only king!

He naturally has this qualification, because he is Aohong!

Ao Hong, the grandfather of Ao Zongxiao, the principal of Ao family, is also the number one master of Ao family and the number one master of Baiyu.Even if it is Aozongxiao, now it is not Aohong's opponent, it is a real master of the ultimate concentration!

Naturally have the confidence to overlook the audience!

"Hehe, Patriarch Ao, this battle for hegemony is about to come to an end. Here we must first congratulate Ao Zongxiao, the well-deserved first place."

At this moment, a big guy arched his hands to Ao Hong with a smile on his face.

Old fox!Start flattering so early!

The other big guys looked at this person, and they all thought so in their hearts.Right now they also spoke up immediately, congratulating Ao Hong again and again.

"Congratulations to Ao Patriarch, in this battle for hegemony, compared to Ao Young Master's performance, I am really looking forward to it. Ao Young Master will come to us, let us take a good look at Ao Young Master's supreme style!" One person raised his sleeves. , Impassioned.

"Yes, I have long heard that Young Master Ao is an inexperienced wizard who has inherited all the inheritance of Ao Family's ancestors. In this battle for hegemony, I didn't see Ao Young Master's experience in person. I'm really sorry. One person beat his chest and shook his head again and again. It seemed that he had missed some great things, which was extremely regrettable.

"Hehe, I looked at the rewards of this competition, and now I can send out the first place. Anyway, it's already determined. What else can I hesitate? Things, on behalf of many families, I implore Patriarch Ao to accept the gifts I am waiting for! This is also my reward for the amazing performance of Ao Paozi. I guess you will not object."

One person stood up, bowed deeply to Aohong, pointed to the open space in front of everyone, and said emotionally.

The rewards of this battle for hegemony are all piled up in the open space in front of everyone at this moment, like a small hill, with gleaming light, which is taken out by the top powers to reward the strong in this battle for hegemony.

Only after everyone comes back and the final winner is determined, the distribution will be made on the spot.

Fuck!I was preempted by this guy again!

Many big guys who flattered, cursed in their hearts, but everyone's face was full of smiles.

"Yes, this is exactly what we think. Please accept it!"

"Right, right, right! If you don't accept Patriarch Ao, our hearts will be hard to settle!"


One big boss stood up, pointed at these rewards, and hoped that Aohong would accept it.

"it is good."

Ao Hong nodded, without any humility at all, he wanted to win the first prize. After all, in his eyes, this was completely taken for granted!

"Huh! A bunch of cartilaginous heads!"

Suddenly, a cold snort of disdain sounded, causing Ao Hong's hand to stop in the air.

"Oh? Gong Liushui, do you have an opinion?"

Withdrawing his hand, Ao Hong looked at Gong Liushui with a cold expression on his face.

And beside Ao Hong, the four principals of Tiannian Sword Palace, Beiliu Daochang, Sihai Pavilion, and Jiuhuangshan looked at Gong Liushui with cold eyes.The other bigwigs present also looked at Gong Liushui coldly.

"Gong Liushui, what do you mean? Don't you think we are right?"

"Hehe, Gong Liushui, what? You don't think that the first place will be Chen Yu of your Baiyu Academy? Maybe now, he is now at the scene of the battle for hegemony, I don't know which corner is rotten into a mass of bones. That's it."

"Hey, hey, you are wrong to say that. Chen Yu is such a domineering person, how could this be? If I want to say, he should have been hit, and then unwillingly blew himself into a cloud of blood. Dispersed throughout the battlefield for hegemony. Well, such a heroic method of death, I think it suits him. Haha."


When the name Chen Yu was mentioned, everyone laughed, and there was a deep sarcasm in the laughter.

"Gong Liushui, do you think Aozongxiao is not the first?"

Ao Hong looked at Gong Liushui and said coldly.

"Huh, no one knows the result until the end!"

Although he didn't hold any hope in his heart, Gong Liushui still insisted.

"Really? Then I can tell you, no matter what the outcome of this battle for supremacy, he is the first! Because he is my proud family!"

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