The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 1505 You want it, then come!

The entire Huanhai Pavilion, the current atmosphere, has reached a climax!

Everyone is waiting for the same moment, that is the rite of succession of the Son!

It has been too long for too long, the Saint Child hasn't appeared in Huanhai Pavilion!And they have all heard of Chen Yu's deeds.

The grandson who overwhelmed the imperial Zaifu, smashed the force measurement stone with one palm, one by one, so that Chen Yu established a great prestige in the entire Huanhai Pavilion!

Chen Yu didn't care about this. He is now with Shen Fei and Wu Ya.

"Brother Yu, do you really want to go? Tomorrow is the saint son's inheritance ceremony. Now Guo Tao and the others are calling you over. And they don't let me follow, obviously there is a problem!"

Shen Fei looked worried.

"Yes, Chen Yu, you'd better run now! It is too dangerous to be here now!" Wu Ya also said.


Chen Yu shook his head.

"Huanhai Pavilion wants the life of my brothers, how could I let them go? I'll go first to see this so-called true saint child!"

With a faint smile, Chen Yu left directly and once again came to the hall where Guo Tao and the others were.

"Chen Cangyu, are you here? Haha, good! It's really good! Tomorrow you will become a saint son? Excited?"

Looking at Chen Yu, Guo Tao had a smile on his face, and there was uncontrollable joy in his heart!


Finally waited until today!

Master Shengzi is finally ready!Nowadays!Just today, your body will be occupied by Lord Saint Son!

You are finished, you are completely finished!

Thinking of what Chen Yu had done before, Guo Tao felt raging anger in his stomach!

Damn, I'm just your babysitter, wiping your ass everywhere!

The three elders were sitting in their seats, clenching their fists.Soon they could see Lord Son resurrected!

What an exciting time this is!

"Not bad. Didn't you say that there is a place where I was asked to go before the inheritance ceremony? Hurry up."

Chen Yu said lightly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry. If you finish the matter earlier, we might get together sooner."

After speaking, Guo Tao waved his hand suddenly, and suddenly a wall in the hall suddenly became illusory, and then a staircase went straight down, looking very secluded.

"Go in, the place below, except you, we can't go in."

Chen Yu nodded and walked straight without any hesitation.

Both parties are a little bit urgent, and the thoughts in their hearts are surprisingly consistent at this moment!

Finally, I want to see it!

Da da da......

The sound of empty footsteps spread throughout the tunnel.After a while, Chen Yu came to the ground!

In front of him, a heart beating slowly, making a thumping sound, rushing and excited.

"Hehe, you, finally here! Chen Cangyu, I, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Chen Yu looked at everything in front of him and smiled coldly.

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for a long time."


Upon hearing this, a voice of doubt rang.

"You know my existence?"

It stands to reason that Chen Yu should never have said such a thing, but now, when Chen Yu sees himself, there is not the slightest accident, not even a trace of panic, which is really strange.

Shouldn't, how could he be so calm when he saw me?

"What should I call you? Son, or another name?"

At this time, Chen Yu smiled coldly, with a look of disdain.

"Huh? You know?"

The owner of the heart, Huanfeng, was very surprised.

"Hehe, what don't you know? In order to make me a holy son, Yang Jian did not hesitate to kill Shen Fei, even for fear that I would be injured a little bit, isn't it just for fear of destroying your container?

Chen Yu flicked his fingers, his face was indifferent.

"You knew already..."

Thump thump......

The heart beats, and there is a depressive atmosphere.

"It looks like you are very confident."

Huan Feng said again.Although I don't know why Chen Yu knew all this, but now that he knew it, he still dared to come over, then this Chen Yu was really courageous!

In Chen Yu's eyes, he was not put in his eyes!

"Haha, hahaha, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect that I, Huanfeng, would also be despised by others? Boy, when I was horizontally and horizontally, you didn't know where it was! Now, dare to ignore me so much. Do you think that with your strength, you can escape from here?"


Chen Yu glanced at this heart in surprise and laughed.

"Where did you think of it? I never thought about running away. Because, I haven't killed you yet."

"Kill me? Haha, hahahaha. You want to kill me too? I know that you smashed the dynamometer stone with a palm, and your body is very strong, but if it's not the case, why would I value you? It’s just that no matter how strong you are, it’s just my container. Because in your body, I have planted seeds long ago!"


A strange wave suddenly burst from his heart, Chen Yu only felt a sudden shock in his heart!It seemed that something burst apart, and a feeling of paralysis spread directly across the body.

this is!

Chen Yu's pupils shrank severely.

Alien Soul Eater!

Unexpectedly, an alien soul eater would be planted in his body!

Chen Yu was surprised.This kind of bug is in a dormant state on weekdays, but once activated, it can swallow the host's consciousness!

I never expected that this kind of thing would be planted in my body!

Is it that time?

Chen Yu suddenly remembered, the last time he came.Huan Feng had probed his body.Presumably at that time, he planted this soul eater in his body.

Indeed, the level of the Soul Eater is not low. With his current strength, and the Emperor Dragon Yuanli in his body is still digesting the wind of the starry sky, it is indeed difficult to find.

"Haha, are you aware of it? But it's too late. Now that the soul eater has attacked, you will soon become an idiot, and I will blend into your body! Replace your everything!"

Bang bang bang...

I only saw the tentacles on the heart that were connected to the woman on the ground, one by one, all of them broke free and slowly merged into Chen Yu's chest!

And Huan Feng's heart gradually glowed with a strange red light, which also drifted towards Chen Yu's chest!

"Haha, such a perfect body, I laughed at it!"

The tone was full of immense pride!

Chen Yu had a strange expression on his face when he heard this.

Soul-eaters are indeed extremely powerful, capable of eating human spirits.But can a small soul eater eat the gods of Tianzun?Moreover, it is still twice the gods' consciousness?

Since you are coming, then come!

His eyes flashed suddenly, and Chen Yu took the initiative and pulled Huan Feng into his body!

"What? He took the initiative to pull me in?"

Huan Feng was stupid.

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