"Oh? Are you back?"

Chen Yu raised his brows, smiled, stood up and walked outside the door.Xia Deyuan and others hurriedly followed behind, staring at the dark crowd in front of them in shock.

"This guy, how did he do this!" Xia Deyuan's brain rumbling.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is the lord of our Douwu Sacred Palace, Chen Yuntai! Now, our palace lord will give you a five-rank nine-pattern pill according to what we said earlier. Shen Fei raised his hand and roared loudly.

Everyone's eyes flashed and they looked expectant.

Gu Wuya suddenly leaned forward and stared at Chen Yu closely.All the palace owners shrank their pupils and looked at Chen Yu.

I want to see, how do you round this lie now!

"What! A fifth-grade nine-pattern pill per person?! This, is this a joke!!!"

His eyes widened, Xia Deyuan almost bit his tongue in fright.Then he raised his eyes and saw the many palace masters in the sky, and immediately stepped out to the sky.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Haha, don't worry about the lord of Summer Palace, all of this is just a play by this guy." Someone laughed.

"A scene?"

Xia Deyuan was taken aback, and someone on the side immediately explained to him.

"So that's the case? This guy uses this method to recruit students? This, this kind of wisdom is incredible!"

Looking at Chen Yu in amazement, Xia Deyuan suddenly gasped.

Release the gimmick to trick all the students, and then release the bait. This wave of operations is really scheming!

"Hmph, the scheming is just a means of creating a skill. I was beaten by the monk to fight against the heavens and the earth, not on scheming, but on my own strength! You must take a warning when you wait, don’t learn from him! This kind of obscene means ,What kind of?"

Gu Wuya suddenly waved his robe and spoke coldly.


Many palace owners bowed deeply and nodded lightly.

It's just that everyone looked at the environment of the entire Fighting Martial Palace, and their eyes were full of shock.

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that the scorched earth before could become like this!

This Chen Yuntai, with scheming and means, does not seem to be a simple character.

But at this moment, Chen Yu touched the ring and smiled faintly.

"Since you are here. Then what I promised you before will naturally count! This is a meeting gift for you!"

With a big wave of his hand, he saw that in front of Chen Yu, there was suddenly an extra area of ​​pill, which directly formed a hill!

The scent of medicine soaring to the sky suddenly rose, and the light of the pill pattern visible to the naked eye gathered together, very shining.

"What! How is this possible!!!"

Just about to see Chen Yu's loneliness, his body shook, he roared suddenly, his eyes were about to come out!

Not only him, but all the other palace masters all had their scalp numb, staring at the scene before them, shocked to the point where it could not be added!

Some people even shook their bodies severely and almost fell from the sky.

"My, my goodness, he, he, he, he actually took out thousands of pills! And, all of them are of the fifth rank and nine patterns?!"

so horrible!This is horrible!

Thousands of pills with five grades and nine patterns, what a grand sight is that?

Among other things, the scent of this pill alone is floating for dozens of miles, but everyone who smells it feels that the pores all over the body seem to be opened, which is extremely refreshing.

"He, he is not playing scheming, but really, there are so many pills? He, how rich he has a family background!!!"

His eyes widened, Xia Deyuan was stupid.All the palace owners are also stupid.

Just now, they thought that these so-called thousands of pills are just a gimmick, but now, they are not at all!

There is no scheming, no gimmicks, just simple, take the pill for life, and use resources to kill you!

This feeling made these palace owners feel aggrieved.

For the first time, they were slapped like this!

"Oh! Okay, awesome! Fighting martial arts palace is awesome! What kind of abandoned palace is this! This is paradise! The meeting ceremonies are so rich, so what kind of resources should I have if I visit him in the future? !"

Many students trembled in excitement when they saw this scene.

In the later stages of cultivation, the importance of pill is also increasing.With sufficient resources, the future progress will be very fast.

Obviously, Chen Yu can give them a lot!

"Everyone, take it! Our palace lord is not bad for money! Not bad for medicinal pills! Not bad for exercises! See if you have these exercises in my hand! If anyone becomes a student of our palace, then these exercises The law is his!"

Shen Fei took out several exercises and shook them before everyone's eyes.


Gu Wuya and the others had amazing eyesight, and they could see at a glance, the name of the exercise in Shen Fei's hand, that was all the exercises of the famous party!Any book can be used as the treasure of the 35th house!Only in the first house, the top tianjiao can learn!

But now, he has come up with so many books for people to choose?!

After what happened just now, they already knew that Chen Yu's net worth was absolutely exceptionally rich!I'm afraid these exercises are true in all likelihood!

Can you be a little more proud!How can these freshmen resist this temptation?

Sure enough, all the students were staring at the technique in Shen Fei's hands at this moment, breathing heavily.

Seeing the astonishment of the many students and the lonely sky and others, Shen Fei smiled and was extremely proud.

Shocked, excited!

Haha, this feeling of taking money to hit people is so fucking cool!Wait a minute, I will surprise your eyes again!

"Do you think this is over? Naive! You are so naive! Tell you that everyone who becomes our Fighting Martial Saint Palace will have a fourth-rank nine-pattern pill for you every ten days. Take it! No way, we fight the martial arts palace, we just have money!"

Pills and exercises are naturally extremely precious to others, but to Chen Yu, they are too ordinary, it can be said that they are nothing!


The Gu Wuya and others in the sky are already going crazy!

As for!Are you the fuck!

It's just recruiting a new student. You actually offered this condition?!

How do you let us people mix up in the future?Who else wants to worship us as a teacher?

Looking at the thousands of new students, I saw that every new student's face was flushed.

"I, I want to choose Douwu Holy Palace!"

"Me too! Me too!"

"Palace Master, please, accept me as a disciple!"


Sound waves, wave after wave, rushed straight into the sky.

Gu Wuya's face was extremely gloomy, staring at Chen Yu standing there with a smile on his face, his eyes were extremely cold.

This kid is incredible!!!

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