The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 1635 Crisis is coming!

Hu Yanhao's eyes were cold, he slowly walked off the throne, and touched his arm, the long and narrow wound that looked like a centipede.

He clearly remembered that this wound was left to him by the previous palace lord of Tianfeng Xuansu Palace!

"The woman in Tianfeng Xuan Su Palace, I will let you know sooner or later, my means!"

Hu Yanhao clenched his fist suddenly and spoke coldly.

Behind him, on the dignified empress Ziluo's body, there were already four or five alien smiles pressed against her.

"Wang, Tianfeng Xuansu Palace is extremely mysterious. It's not comparable to the Purple Mansion. You must think twice."

An alien came to Hu Yanhao's side and reminded him.

"I naturally know that it is impossible for me to eat the Heavenly Phoenix Profound Palace alone. However, when the few people solve their own affairs, I will unite them and cooperate with the chess pieces I placed in the human race. When the time comes, the inside and outside will be combined, and the Heavenly Phoenix Profound Palace will surely be destroyed in my hands! That phoenix girl Xiao Xuan'er, I heard that it is now the focus of the ten thousand princes who want to chase. When they know this woman, I will be crushed What kind of expression will you look like behind you?"

Hu Yanhao's eyes were cold, with a look of expectation on his face.

"I have heard about this Xiao Xuan'er. I heard that the Phoenix blood on her body, even in the Heavenly Phoenix Profound Palace, is only owned by the first generation palace owner. Everyone believes that Xiao Xuan'er will become a human race in the future. Tianzun, and also the most powerful Tianzun! If the king can destroy it, it will be a great thing for us. And I heard that Xiao Xuan'er also has a boyfriend named Chen Yu, he doesn't even have a Spiritual Concentration Realm, and now the Tianjiao of all the big clans are looking for this guy, wanting to kill him, making Xiao Xuan'er completely give up.

The alien spoke and explained to Hu Yanhao.

"Not at the Concentration Realm? Huh, a mere human race is trash, and they are not qualified to be in my eyes."

Shaking his hand, Hu Yanhao had just finished speaking, his body shook suddenly, his face suddenly gloomy.

"Wang, you, what's wrong with you?"

Perceiving the changes in Hu Yanhao, the alien next to him was taken aback.

"The ray of consciousness I left to Gu Bao before was destroyed."

A murderous voice in the coldness slowly drifted out.

"You, what are you talking about! How is this possible? That's your spiritual sense! As far as I know, the place Gu Bao went to is called Obi Sinzhou, where the strongest guy has no realm of Hedao, why? Could it ruin a piece of your spiritual knowledge? Come, who is it!!!"

"Yes, Chen, Yu!!!"

After a word, Hu Yanhao spoke, with murderous intent in his eyes.At this moment, behind Hu Yanhao, Zi Luo's desperate call and several alien laughter kept ringing, making Hu Yanhao very annoyed.

"It's so annoying! Give it to me!"

As soon as Hu Yanhao commanded it, without turning his head back, he saw a black light flashing, and then all these alien races were completely annihilated, and Zi Luo's head fell directly to the ground with a pop. Completely destroyed.


The entire palace, under the finger of Hu Yanhao, was cut diagonally and completely collapsed!

When Chen Yu finally killed Gu Bao, Gu Bao's desperate voice was transmitted to Hu Yanhao across the distance of the starry sky through that ray of divine consciousness.

However, the past news is only this sentence.After all, Chen Yu killed Gu Bao in his own sea of ​​knowledge.Otherwise, Hu Yanhao would know Chen Yu's secret.

"Chen Yu! I didn't expect that a piece of human trash could kill a piece of my spiritual sense?!"

Hu Yanhao also dismissed Chen Yu just now. He didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, news came that his spiritual consciousness had been destroyed, and Hu Yanhao felt that his dignity had been provoked.

"King, please calm down your anger. A human ant is not worth your anger."

Hu Yanhao shook his head.

"He really does not have the qualifications to make me angry, but I can't spare him either. Send a slaughter order to the alien army next to Obi Sinzhou! Destroy the entire Obi Sinzhou and nearby Sinzhou! Destroy that Chen Grab Yu! I want that Chen Yu to watch his girlfriend with his own eyes and how he was playing with me! I want everyone to know that those who oppose me are better off than dead."


With a sigh of relief, everyone in Obi Sinzhou did not know that a great crisis had come!


The life and death stage of the Cangliu Empire.

All the big guys had their eyes widened at this moment, staring at Chen Yu, who was frozen in the sky, and Cang Qiansheng who was raising his head and laughing.

"Difficult, is it true that Chen Wudi failed at the last moment as Cang Qiansheng said?"

"It should be so! I really didn't expect that this battle would have experienced so many twists and turns. The last with a smile is still Cang Chimori!"

"Yes, it's a pity that Chen Wudi is the last. If it weren't the last resort, he would be the final winner in this battle. But he was still too arrogant and was defeated by Cang Qiansheng's calculations!"

"Hey, it seems that the future Obi Sinzhou will have the surname Cang but not Chen."

Voices sounded one after another, with regret and emotion.

In the sky at this moment, Cang Qiansheng looked at Chen Yu with extremely triumphant expressions.Although he was half-crippled by Chen Yu, it was worth it!

At this moment, Chen Yu slowly opened his eyes.

"Haha, Gubao, you succeeded?"

Cang Qiansheng asked a little bit about his gains and losses, and a smile appeared on Chen Yu's face.

Seeing this scene, Cang Chimori's eyes lit up suddenly and he laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay! Now I declare that Chen Wudi will be my servant of Cang Qiansheng since then!"

Looking around, Kuraki Mori spoke loudly and shocked everyone!

Chen Yu was controlled by Cura Chimori!

"I, my goodness, Qian Sheng won! Grandpa, Qian Sheng won!"

Nie Hong cried for joy and couldn't help but yelled. Nie Yuanming stroked his beard and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes! Haha, Cang Qiansheng is really powerful! Although the absolute combat power is not as good as Chen Wudi, but in terms of mind and means, Cang Qiansheng really crushes Chen Wudi! Now he has taken Chen Wudi as a servant, Ao Deservingly the first person in Bixingzhou!"

"Hehe, Shen Fei, what else do you want to say now?"

Nie Hong couldn't help it, and once again stood up to Shen Fei.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth twitched fiercely, with strange eyes.

"Is this Cang Qiansheng's brain broken? My brother Yu's smile is obviously mocking."


Nie Hong was taken aback for a moment and looked at Chen Yu again.

"Servant? Haha, let Gubao take over me, and then use the battle of the strong to kill the warehouse to smash, provoke the battle of the major tribes of Obi Star Continent, and turn the entire Obi Star Continent into a stronghold of foreign races?"

"Gu Bao! Why did you say it all! No! You, you are not Gu Bao! You are Chen Yu!"

Shouting out loud, the whole heart felt by Cura Chimori shrank, and the blood in his whole body was cold.

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