The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 1660 Chen Yu's Method


Hearing what Chen Yu said, Wei Yang was taken aback, with some expectation.

"Sir, you, are you going to teach me some combat techniques or the like? Don't worry, I will study hard and I will never lose your face!"

Wei Yang clenched his fists and fixed his eyes on Chen Yu.

But Chen Yu just shook his head.

"Your foundation is too poor, you don't have talent, and you don't have perseverance. Now teaching you combat skills and techniques, in just three days, even if you can achieve certain achievements, you will not have much breakthrough."


Hearing Chen Yu's words, Wei Yang's face flushed.Please, can you not be so direct?

Jiacui, who was on the side, saw Wei Yang's embarrassing appearance and giggled while clutching his stomach.

"Mr., don't know what I want to do?" Wei Yang asked.

"It's very simple, there is only one thing you have to do, which is to eat."



Wei Yang was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened and his face was stunned.

"First, sir, eat? This, this is the only thing I have to do? So simple?"


Chen Yu raised his brows, and a faint smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

"You'll know in a while, it's not easy. You learn from Jiacui first, how to eat."

Pointing to Jia Cui, Chen Yu said.

Wei Yang smiled, full of confidence, and turned to look at Jiacui.

"Sir, do you still have to learn to eat this kind of food? Actually, I am a foodie, Jiacui, she may not be able to eat better than me... Fuck! What the fuck is this!!!!"

After seeing Jiacui, Wei Yang's smile instantly solidified, and he yelled out loud.

He saw Jiacui holding a handful of pills in his hand, and Gululu stuffed it all into his mouth. After taking a few bites, he swallowed it directly.At a glance, that handful of pill, there are more than ten, and what is even more frightening is that they are all six-rank nine-pattern pill!

Really eat the Six-Rank Jiuwen Pill!

That's a sixth-grade nine-pattern pill!Wei Yang had never even seen it, not only Wei Yang, even Wei Yunsheng, had never seen such an elixir!

But now, Jiacui is a lot!

What is even more terrifying is that a six-rank nine-pattern pill, the medicinal power contained in it is massive.After taking it, you have to digest it with all your strength to be able to use all of these medicines for your own use. If you take too much, you will even be overwhelmed by this extremely powerful medicine!

But now, after eating so much, Jiacui hasn't even bulged his stomach!

"I see it now? There is only one thing you have to do in these three days, and that is to eat! Eat as much as you can, try your best to improve your own cultivation base, and use cultivation base to crush the opponent!"

Chen Yu smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.Then he looked at Wei Yang, somewhat meaningful.

"These days, you have to let go of your belly and eat."

Brush pull...

Wei Yang only felt a fierce jump in his heart, showing a smile that was uglier than crying.

He has a hunch that in these three days, he is afraid that he will experience three days like hell!

"Drink some of this today to get used to it, and wait until tomorrow morning to start taking the pill!"

With that, Chen Yu took out a jade gourd and handed it to Wei Yang.

After Wei Yang took it, he glanced at Chen Yu with some doubts, unscrewed the lid, and a strange fragrance suddenly rose up!

The smell of this strange fragrance was simply too tempting, it was a beautiful fragrance that Wei Yang had never smelled before.

"Drink it all."


Almost unable to wait, Wei Yang picked up the jade gourd and drank the liquor in it. The boundless deliciousness suddenly bloomed on the tip of Wei Yang's tongue.

What a smell this is!

Wei Yang only felt that he had never drunk such a wonderful thing.In the past, Wei Yang had drunk a lot of fine wines, but in his impression, there was never a thing that could be better than the jade gourd!

Do not!

The things I drank in the past are not qualified to be compared with this fine wine!

Even if it was Wei Wu Yuye, it turned out that the wine he was looking forward to drinking the most was nothing in front of the mysterious wine of the jade gourd!It's like pig swill!

And more than that, after the wine was consumed, it instantly turned into a hot stream, flowing to every corner of Wei Yang's body!This heat is so crazy, wave after wave hit Wei Yang's nerves, making him feel that the pores all over his body seem to have been fully opened, and the true power in the body is even more integrated into this flow of heat, running wild stand up!

"This, this kind of feeling! Oh my god, I feel that my true power seems to have become very lively! The meridians of the whole body seem to have become a lot stronger!"

Wei Yang took a breath, with a look of horror on his face.

"Cut, all the fuss, no knowledge."

Jiacui curled his lips.

Chen Yu smiled softly and glanced at Wei Yang.

"How is it now?"

Chen Yu smiled, looked at Wei Yang and asked.


Wei Yang knelt on the ground, his whole body trembling constantly because of extreme excitement.

"First, sir, thank you sir! Thank you sir! What Wei Wu Yuye, any dinner, is not as good as a drop of wine in this jade gourd!"

Wei Yang said.

"Running Zhenli now, digest all the calories in this liquor. Otherwise, you may not be able to sustain it tomorrow."


Wei Yang was taken aback, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

This, this thing, is just to lay the foundation for eating tomorrow?

Nima, what am I going to eat tomorrow?

Poor Wei Yang, a big man, but at this moment, his heart is up and down, and he is a little afraid of tomorrow.

Chen Yu didn't say much, and left here with Jia Cui, letting Wei Yang digest the liquor here.

Wei Yang's digestion took two full hours!

An hour later, Wei Yunsheng’s dinner for Qiao Yu had also ended.I saw Wei Yuan and Wei Ke walking towards Wei Yang's room with swift steps.

The faces of the two of them were obviously proud and satisfied.

"Hey, I really want to see, what will Wei Yang look like when he sees the two of us here?"

With a smile on his face, Wei Yuan hiccuped.

"Hehe, I guess Wei Yang's face is going to be dark. After all, to entertain Mr. Qiao Yu, Grandpa let us open up to drink Wei Wu Yuye. In the past, we only had one chance a year to drink that one. It’s just a small pot, but today, there is no limit at all! This kind of god-given opportunity is rare in a thousand years! Wei Yang and his cheap teacher are probably crying to death now! Haha."

"Go, go and take a look, I can't wait, I want to show off in front of this trash brother."

The two of them were smiling, they had reached Wei Yang's door and pushed open the door of Wei Yang's room.

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