The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 1692 Have you seen my full strength?

"This, this is!"

Ature's body trembled fiercely, and he staggered forward two steps, his eyes were extremely excited.

Just above the black chain, a crack was clearly visible.

This crack grew bigger and bigger, spreading from Chen Yu's palm along the chain, piercing the entire chain, and then suddenly shattered and turned into invisible!

"Broken! The curse is broken!"

The exclamation sounded, mixed with a thick unbelievable.

No one thought that someone could break the curse on Ature!


The golden villain flew back to Chen Yu's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant. Chen Yu opened his eyes, and then took a long breath, looking at Ature with a smile on his mouth.

"I, am I alright?"

Ature looked down at his hands, opened his eyes wide, and muttered to himself.

The curse on yourself, just, just disappeared like this?

"Son, son, how do you feel?"

Atuhe grabbed Atuley's arm abruptly, and looked up and down at his son, with excitement and fear in his eyes.

He was afraid that all of this was fake, it was just a dream he had made.

"Dad, I, I don't hurt anymore! I really feel better!"

Ature clenched his fists and made a clicking sound. Atul could clearly feel that his son's strength was much greater than before!

"Okay! Haha, really good! The genius doctor! Sir, you are simply the genius doctor!"

Atuhe looked at Chen Yu with excitement on his face, knelt on the ground with a thump, and bowed to Chen Yu.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Thank you for your kindness!"

The other fierce apes glanced at each other, and knelt in front of Chen Yu, following Atuhe.His eyes were full of respect.

If before, Chen Yu showed absolute power, then what Chen Yu showed now is the ability to control life and death!

You can kill with one hand, and save with the other.

Such a character completely subdued the violent spirit and evil ape!

"Get up, go get what I want now."

Chen Yu smiled, as if he had done a trivial thing.The reason for saving Ature was only because Chen Yu regarded Ature as a little brother without any selfishness. This was a regret for him.

"Haha, say, sir, whatever you want, take whatever you want! In addition to my treasure house, we still have a lot of good things!"

Atuga waved his big hand with great pride.

"I don't need other things, just the waning moon and the lotus."


As soon as he said this, Atuhe was taken aback, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"what happened?"

Chen Yu frowned when he saw Atuhe's appearance.

"Sir, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, but this thing, I'm afraid you will have to take it yourself. Please come with me. You guys, take care of A Lei."

Atuhe didn't pause, and took Chen Yu directly to the location of the Waning Moon Lotus.

But in half a day, they arrived at their destination.

After arriving, Chen Yu was stunned.

In front of him, there is a huge ice monument with a height of 100 meters, crystal clear, and in the ice monument, you can see a black lotus flower, crescent-shaped, enclosed in ice.

"This is Wanyue Minglian. Strictly speaking, he is not our violent and evil ape. He has appeared here a long time ago."

"Look, sir, this ice monument is called the Eternal Ice Monument, and it is extremely strong. We have tried, even with magic fire, it is impossible to leave a trace of scars on it. Later we learned that this Eternal Ice Monument has one Attribute, that is, it can only use absolute physical power. Other powers are of no use to the eternal ice monument."

"We are violent and fierce apes. In such a long history, many amazingly talented and powerful people want to blast through this ice monument and prove their strength, but..."

Atuga shook his head with a wry smile.

"Even the most powerful person in the history of our clan can still not leave a trace on the ice monument! We have nothing to do with this ice monument. This thing, I am afraid that your strength, Mr. Can't take it away."

When he fought Chen Yu just now, he already knew what level of Chen Yu's strength was. In his opinion, Chen Yu would probably return without success this time.

Behind Atuhe, there are also a few fierce apes accompanying, and they also shook their heads.

The eternal ice monument is a symbol of indestructibility in their hearts.No one can get rid of it!

"My strength? Have you seen my strength?"

Chen Yu looked at Atuhe, raised his brows and smiled lightly.

"Hehe, my husband is really joking. Before, when I fought against my husband, I can measure all the combat power of my husband. I have to say that my husband is really powerful! It's just that, hehe, my husband wants to acquire this waning moon and dark lotus I'm afraid it won't work."

Rubbing his hands, Atuka said with a smile.

"There is one thing, I forgot to tell you."

Chen Yu looked at Atuhe with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What's the matter?" Atuka was taken aback.

"When I fought with you before, I stayed alive..."

That's right!When he was fighting Atuka before, Chen Yu did not explode with all his strength because of fear of hurting Atuka.But Atuhe mistakenly believed that Chen Yu, like himself, punched with all his strength.

"First, what did you say, sir?"

Atuhe's eyes widened, he looked at Chen Yu incredulously, blinking his big eyes.

Chen Yu, didn't use all his strength?

The other fierce apes, looking at each other, could see each other's faces, that face was blank.

Without using all their strength, punch their king away?

Is this really possible?

For a time, the eyes of several fierce apes all converged on Chen Yu.

"Don't you want to see my real combat power? Now, you have to keep your eyes open."

Smiling, Chen Yu slowly walked to the eternal ice monument!

With both legs bent slightly, Chen Yu took a deep breath, and the clothes on his upper body suddenly burst, exposing the strong muscles that looked like a knife.

At the same time, from inside Chen Yu's body, there was a burst of loud noises, and his muscles began to tremble!At the same time, Chen Yu's long, jet-black hair had no wind, and his eyes burst out with extremely sharp eyes!


With Chen Yu as the center, a wave of air abruptly hit the surroundings.

Atu He was directly rushed back by the air wave four or five steps, and when he stood firm, he only felt a tingling scalp.

"The air vibration caused by the muscle vibration alone can force our king back? What the fuck is this body?! Do you think the strongest man in our clan history can do this?" A fierce ape swallowed and couldn't help speaking.

Atuhe looked at Chen Yu and uttered two words after a long time."No!"

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