The river breeze blows, and most of the originally dense reef in the Burial Boat Bay has been destroyed at this moment.

Wu Fenglei is still standing on the surface of the river, but he is no longer as wild and wanton as he was at the beginning. Now he, even standing on the surface of the river, is very reluctant. If not for the last trace of dignity and strong unwillingness, he would have fallen long ago. Down.

He forced his last breath, Wu Fenglei spoke bitterly.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, there are people like you in this world. It's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves forward."

Wu Fenglei looked at Chen Yu with complicated eyes.

This little guy hasn't been born yet, but now?He was completely defeated by Chen Yu here.

He came out of retreat, realized the wind and thunder killer knife, and was even stronger on the dragon list. He thought that killing Chen Yu was just casual, but it became his own death battle.

Thinking of this, Wu Fenglei's eyes widened again, and he said coldly: "One day, there will surely be others who will defeat you just like you defeated me today! Kill you!"

Chen Yu looked at Wu Fenglei and shook his head with a calm expression.

"There will never be this day, no one can beat me now or in the future. Because..."

Chen Yu paused, smiled faintly, his back was straightened, his whole person was like an ancient sacred mountain, covering everything.

"I'm Chen Wudi!"

"If there is any dissatisfaction, I will break it by myself! Everything in the world must make way for me!"

Chen Yu's gaze suddenly stared, the rising dragon sword slashed out, the golden sword light suddenly soared, and slashed hard on the surface of the river.


Cut out with one sword, river water two points!

A channel that was more than ten meters deep and 100 meters long suddenly appeared in the river, and from it you could directly see the ground at the bottom of the river!It took more than ten seconds before the rivers on both sides poured in, flooding this passage.

All the big guys who saw this scene stayed in place, staring at them, their mouths slightly opened, and their Adam's apple jittered up and down unconsciously.

"This kind of power is simply the power of an immortal! He, how could he be so strong?"

Some people muttered to themselves, their eyes confused.

Zheng Yunchang clenched his fists fiercely, and Dan Feng's eyes were full of excitement.Although she had already taken refuge in Chen Yu before, she was still very worried about the revenge of the Sima family, but now after seeing Chen Yu's heroic posture, her heart seemed to settle down suddenly, and she was no longer as panicked as before.

Ye Wushuang, Zhao Yun, Sun Ruoling, and Huo Xiangting were all staring at Chen Yu unblinking at this moment, their eyes full of worship and love.

Such a character is a real man!He is the man who deserves to be entrusted with everything!

There is no one else in the eyes of the four proud women, only Chen Yu's stalwart posture.

Wu Fenglei was completely stunned, Chen Yu was so terrifying with the power of a sword!

"It turns out that he didn't use all his strength from the beginning, he was just playing with me?"

At this point, Wu Fenglei's heart was full of bitterness.

"Wrong, it turns out that I was so wrong, Chen Wudi, you really are innocent, I'm so stupid, and you are the enemy?"

"I'm not as good as you! But in the future, someone will definitely avenge me, Wu Family, Wu Family will definitely show up to avenge me!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of noises like broken porcelain suddenly sounded.

On Wu Fenglei's body, a series of cobweb-like cracks suddenly appeared, all over his body.

Plop, plop, thump.

In his chest, the beating of that heart became weaker and weaker, until finally, it completely stopped, Wu Fenglei's eyelids were also slowly closed at this moment!


Wu Fenglei's burly body slammed onto the water, and there was no more breath!

A generation of innate masters, the pavilion master of Fenglei Pavilion who has been in Jiangxi for decades, died at the hands of Chen Wudi in the Funeral Bay of Panlong River!

Jiang Feng was lonely, and the audience was deadly silent.

Chen Yu's eyes were indifferent, and there was no sadness or joy in Wu Fenglei's eyes.

"Wu family? It's a pity, a pity, if they really come to the door, another family will disappear in my hands."

Shaking his head, Chen Yu said: "You are also a hero, who can let me use a little bit of strength. You are the first. I will give you an explanation."

With that said, Chen Yu grabbed the Wufeng Thunder, and then the rising dragon sword slammed out. The sword energy went straight through the river and reached the bottom of the river, forming a waterless channel again.


After Jian Qi reached the bottom of the river, it directly exploded a big hole.Chen Yu suddenly threw the Wufeng Thunder down. After the Wufeng Thunder fell into the pit, Chen Yu swung out a few more swords, and the surrounding earth and rocks exploded, completely burying the Wufeng Thunder.Until this moment, Jiang Shui came together again.

A grandmaster, buried at the bottom of the Buried Boat Bay!

Jiang Feng was fierce, Chen Yu stood on the surface of the river, holding a sword in one hand, and his hair was blowing.

On the shore, many big guys looked at Chen Yu, shocked and speechless for a long time.

After a long time, the sounds of air-conditioning rang one after another.Everyone looked at Chen Yu with a complex look.

Stand alone on the water.

One sword, Jinmang Hengjiang.

Such a picture is deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, bringing them endless complex emotions.

"It's defeated, the Pavilion Master actually lost!"

Someone in Fenglei Pavilion knelt on the ground with a plop, clenched his fist, staring at the ground, his complexion pale.

But on Jiangdong's side, there was a lot of joy. They were all followers of Chen Yu. Now that Chen Yu was so majestic, even Wu Feng Lei was cut under the sword, and the worship of Chen Yu was raised to a new level.

But some people are full of fear.

As early as the very beginning, they thought that Chen Yu would be killed by Wufenglei, so they took refuge in Wufenglei in advance, and made a lot of tricks behind them.

Now that Chen Yu killed Wu Fenglei so powerfully and domineeringly, would Chen Yu know what they did?

Wang Mazi had already been so scared that he knelt on the ground, his crotch was warm, and he was scared to urinate.He used to tease Chen Yu's woman, where would Chen Yu let him go now?

Zheng He'an and his three sons on the other side of the river, as if their spine had been drawn, were completely on the ground, their eyes were filled with despair, and the hearts of several people were full of deep regret.

In the complex mood of everyone, Chen Yu glanced around and lightly began to roll his name.

"Wang Mazi, Zhao Lan..."

After clicking dozens of names, every person named by Chen Yu felt a scalp numb at this moment, and infinite fear arose in his heart.They are all secretly taking refuge in Wu Fenglei!

"Zheng He'an, Zheng Gaochi..."

Zheng Hean and his three sons were shocked when they heard their names. They trembled and couldn't even stand.

"Those things that you did with my back, really do I not know? Today, you and Wu Fenglei will kill Pan Longjiang."

Under Chen Yu, there is no need for unfaithful people.

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Yu didn't give them a chance to speak, and moved at extreme speed, constantly swinging the rising dragon sword.

"No, run!"

Someone shouted in horror and ran away.

But it was useless, the golden sword light swept across the void, hitting everyone accurately.

Every sword light will definitely take away a life. Everyone who saw this scene shrank their pupils!

But in a moment, dozens of people were completely dead, and Wang Mazi, who had spoken to molest Zheng Yunshang before, had now become a corpse on the ground.And Zheng Hean and others were completely dead at this time, and there were endless regret and panic in their open eyes.

Everyone looked at Chen Yu, with a word in their hearts.

Shenwei Huanghuang, Chen Yu is invincible!

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